Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Fly Away Hearts ❯ First Date ( Chapter 30 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Fly Away Hearts
Genre: Sap, Romance, slight angst
Pairing: 5x13 (centered), 1x2, 3x4, 5+2+3+4+1 (friendship, nothing more)
Summary: Wufei is fed up with love. All of his relationships ended with him being hurt. Just when he bands love for good, a handsome man steals his heart against his will. Will Wufei give love another chance? Or will he let this one go?
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing, any lyrics that will appear in these chaps, or Spongebob

Chapter 30:
The date hadn't been that memorable for Wufei. He spent most of it squirming in his seat and blushing as he hid his face in Trieze's arm. It had felt nice-the feel of his rock hard bicep under his face and the spicy after shave he wore. To Wufei's relief, Trieze didn't seem to mind the contact.
After the movie, they left to go to a restaurant that Trieze often went to. This is where things got worst. The waiter they had was new and barely out of high school. The brunette spent more time ogling the two than watching what he was doing. This was how a entire plate of spaghetti ended up in Wufei's lap while Trieze's was filled with ice cold water.
If it wasn't so embarrassing the china man would've laughed at he high-pitched squeak that the taller man produced along with the face he made.
He settled for glaring at the stammering zit faced youth and clenching his teeth. Needless to say, they left soon after the incident and managed to get a year supply of free lunches as the eatery.
“I am terribly sorry, Wufei.” Trieze said. His eyes were focused on the road obviously mourning the ruining of their date.
Wufei looked at him then back at the road. His mind quickly ran over the events of the day. By the end he was chuckling to himself. “It was rather terrible.” He said in amusement.
Trieze spared him a look. A smile played on his lips as well. “Yes, the worst by far.”
“First dates are always bad, from what I hear.”
“Aa, shall I take you home before that dries and ruins your clothes?”
Wufei continued to smile as he looked down at the red mess. Some of it was already beginning to dry and flake. “I could always get some new pants.” He said lightly. “Besides, it's not that late.”
And indeed it wasn't late at all. The digital clock below the radio blinked nine o'clock in bright blue letters.
“Very well, I'll take you to my place and clean them for you. I for one don't want to walk around with a wet lap.”
Wufei laughed again despite the butterflies that had suddenly formed in his gut. His mind raced at the possible scenarios of what could happen.
Trieze's apartment was exquisite. White leather furniture adorned his living room along with several expensive looking paintings and a big screen television. The kitchen had a bar window with three white stools at it. Pastel peach carpeting went from each room down the hall to what looked to be a bedroom and bathroom.
“Feel free to look around. I'm going to change and pull out some sweatpants for you to wear.” Trieze called over his shoulder. Wufei nodded and walked slowly around the room. He found himself fascinated by a rack of photos with the other man in them.
There was one with a little redheaded girl sitting on Trieze's shoulders. Both were smiling happily. The little girl was holding a ice-cream cone in one hand and a beach pail in the other.
The next picture was of Trieze and a young woman. Her hair was pulled back into two tight French braids. Thin wire glasses sat on top of her nose. Somehow the carefree smile she had on her face looked out of place. A younger version of Trieze had his arms wrapped around her with his head resting in the crook of her neck.
There was a ping of jealousy when Wufei saw this one. Were they together? They looked happy. He shook it off. It wasn't any of his business so he moved to the next picture.
IT was a full body picture of Trieze and Heero. Their bodies were facing the slightly away from the camera and both were turning their heads to stare back at the photographer. The Japanese man was leaning back into the other man. Trieze had his arms wrapped around his waist. It looked like a prom picture.
Like the other picture, Trieze was at peace and smiling. So was Heero.
“Ah, that is a very old picture.” Trieze called from behind him. Wufei jumped and spun around. The other man laughed quietly at the guilty look he was given. “No need to feel guilty, Dragon. They are all happy memories.”
Trieze continued to smile as he walked over to the rack as well. “This is the one of Marie and me at the beach.” He explained pointing to the photo with the little girl. “She's my niece.”
Wufei nodded. He remembered that much.
“This one is my high school sweetheart.” He picked up the next picture. “She taught me a lot about myself. Her name is Une. She's now happily engaged to a Sally Po.”
Wufei gasped at the name. He knew that Sally was seeing someone. How ironic it would be Trieze's ex.
“This one was taken in college.” Trieze had moved on to the next picture. “This was when Heero and I were dating.” He saw that the slighter man looked wistful and possibly jealous and laughed inwardly. “Maybe one day, I'll have a picture of you up here.”
They stared at each other for some minutes. Now Wufei could notice that Trieze had changed into a pair of navy blue sweatpants and a baggy white t-shirt.
“Go change, I'll put on some food for us.” Trieze said almost inaudibly. He ducked his head and landed a chaste kiss on Wufei's lip before steering him towards the bedroom.
Wufei walked on autopilot until his knees met the frame of the biggest bed he had ever seen. He stared down at the rose red comforter and wondered how it would feel under his skin. Being that he hadn't been given permission, he settled for brushing his hands over the silky surface after he changed.
“Are you ready?” Trieze was standing in the doorway watching how enrapt Wufei was with the texture of the bed. With the grace of a feline, he snuck behind him and scooped him into a bridal position in his arms. The slighter man squeaked and cried out in surprise when he was raised in the air then dumped on the pillowy soft mattress.
Wufei bounced and sat up to look at a smug looking Trieze. He glared and looked around the room for any source of revenge he could find. His revenge came in the form of a fluffy pillow.
Trieze was taken by surprise by the sudden feathery softness making contact with his face. He slowly raised his hands to catch the pillow as it fell and glared half heartedly at the culprit.
The guilty party looked innocently at him with a pillow in his arms and under his chin.
“Oh, this is war.” The taller man purred. Wufei's eyes widened as the man approached. He cried out in excitement as a pillow was raised and aimed for his head. He ducked in time for the projectile to hit the headboard instead.
The pillow war went on until the two were panting heavily still wielding their weapons. Wufei made another half hearted attempt to win and was pinned under Trieze.
“Do you surrender, Dragon?” Trieze asked.
“What's the ultimatum?” Wufei wasn't done playing just yet. Nor was his body which was sporting a decent hard-on.
“Hmmm……you must answer some questions then watch a movie over dinner with me.” The dominant male racked his eyes over the china man's form. He was happy to find a tent matching his own in the man's pants.
“Fraternizing with the enemy?” Wufei raised his hips to grind his erection into Trieze's thigh.
“Maybe,” Trieze answered breathlessly.
“Ultimatum declined.”
“I have other ways of making you talk.”
“By all means, make me talk.”
A/N: Hya! It's been a while since I updated. Please don't be mad. Writer's block is a bitch to get over. I hope this up coming lime will be enough of an apology. Review and I'll update as fast as I can.