Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ More than Rejects ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author: Supurrkitty
Disclaimer: I do not own any GW characters. That is all.

Damn me! Writing so many fan-fictions at once! Please read and review.

More than Rejects

Quatre went back into the front room where the others were gathered watching the news. He plopped down on an armchair and looked blankly ahead.

" I wish Heero were here." Quatre sighed.

" What?" Wufei looked over at Quatre.

" I wish Duo were, too." Quatre looked over at Wufei and smiled, " We all fell apart, you know? After the war."

" I understand," Wufei said, fist clenched.

" We didn't just drift away from each other, but..." Quatre paused, thoughtfully, " We aren't who we used to be ten years ago."

" Isn't that the truth," Sally Po crossed her arms and looked at the ceiling, " Wufei and I may have been with Preventers, but our abilities and reactions have certainly increased. Not to mention war instincts."

" As much as I'd hate to admit it, I agree," Wufei said, scratching his head.

" I wonder how Heero is, or how Duo's changed." Quatre thought out loud. " What would they do?"

They were interrupted by the urgent sounding voice of the newscaster.

" I've just received notice from the authorities," The woman said, urgent look on her face, " That vice foreign minister Relena Peacecraft has turned up missing from her New York area home. She never arrived after her meeting with the area senator. Two guards were found disabled, but will recover. It seems the minister was not seen at all after the meeting. There are no witnesses..." The reporter went on in a strange daze.

" We'll be soon to find out just what a former 'Perfect Soldier' would do if he were in yours or Trowa's shoes." Sally said to Quatre.

" I look forward to the addition," Wufei said.

" Yes," Quatre closed his hands together, " But now we have a bigger, more public duty on our hands. Ms. Relena's disappearance will send humanity into a panic in fear of war. We have to destroy this threat at any cost."

" You're right," Sally bowed her head.


Trowa stopped in the middle of a large, grassy park, filled with trees, ages old. It was not the same park he had found Rae in. No, that was hundreds of miles away from here. He had never been here before. That's what was great about Earth; it was nearly impossible for a single human to visit every place that ever held any significance to anyone. The park in which Rae was born, was probably a place where mothers took their children to play. They did not know of it's great significance to one, blood stained soldier. That was where he discovered his humanity.

Trowa let his crossed arms fall to his side. He raised his face to the heavens and examined the stars. They were not a great mystery to him, he knew what was out there. He wanted nothing to do with it anymore. Trowa shut his eyelids, blocking out the bright dots. He let the uncontrollable breeze blow past him. His senses gave up their defense and kicked in. He felt the vastness, no, the emptiness, of the world. It was all endless, even the breeze that would decide to brush past one minute, and stand still the next. There was no end to the emotion of it all.

Trowa opened his fingers and let the wind blow through. It slipped through his fingers, just like... Rae. But then, the wind stopped and he could see her. He could see her smiling up at him, not knowing any of the pains of the world. He saw her being truly innocent once more. He reached out for her to run into his arms like she always did. But then, the wind blew and he lost her again.

Trowa's eyes flickered open, remembering where he was, face towards the sky. But the stars, they were just a mesh of blurs now and moisture ran down his face. His sobs had finally started and there was no way of ending them. The wind held a steady blow then, drying out his tears and staining his cheeks. There was no way of stopping it...


Duo hurriedly stepped out of Catherine's holding quarters after having something thrown at him. The door closed behind him and he looked at it. He rubbed the spot on his head where it had hit, slightly annoyed.

" She has good aim, I'll give her that..." Duo grumbled, "But I wish she would understand...what am I talking about? There's no way I can have her understand..."

" Sir," One of the guards said beside him, " Would you like us to calm her?"

Duo knew what that meant. With as much Catherine had already gone through, it wouldn't be fair.

" Naw," Duo waved dismissively, " Let her wallow in her own destruction. But tell me if something happens to her."

" Sir!" Both guards saluted respectively.

Duo turned away from them with a look of disgust on his face. He started to feel sick and calmed himself before entering the next holding chamber.

He looked around the room. It had been made comfortable for living, but one couldn't get past the disgusting sterility and revolting smell of the place. It was what it was, a prison, no matter what you did to it. He looked in the corner. Curled up, hiding her face, was Rae. She looked up momentarily to meet Duo's eyes, but hid her face once more.

" I hear your name is Rae." Duo smiled at the little girl. She stayed quite. " Would you like anything, maybe something to eat?" He took a few steps closer to her.

" Stay away," The little voice said, terrified, " Please,"

" Don't worry, I won't do anything." Duo tried to soothe her.

" But you did." Rae protested, bringing her head up to look at him. " Where's Daddy?"

Duo looked at her bright Brown/Green eyes in shock. She looked nothing like Trowa. Did he get the wrong kid? Surely not. He had observed Trowa and this same child for days before making his move.

" Why did you take me away from Daddy?" Rae asked.

" I had to." Duo looked down at her.

" I don't understand!" Rae cried shaking her head, " I just want Daddy!"

Duo looked away and clenched his fists. He let her cry for a while until she calmed a bit.

" Who are you?" Rae asked. Duo blinked at her, not expecting someone so young to have gathered so much courage to ask something like that.

" I'm a friend." Duo said " I'm your father's friend

" No!" Rae pounded her fists on her knees

" The name's Duo, Duo Maxwell. Maybe you've heard of me?" Duo offered.

" ..." Rae blinked up at him and then got to her feet, examining him, " No, you're not!"

" Of course I am." Duo chuckled, " Don't you think I'd know who I was?"

" I..." Rae glared up at him, " Then why are you doing bad things!?"

" You wouldn't understand." Duo sighed heavily, looking away from her accusing eyes.

" You aren't Daddy's friend or my friend! You're just a bad guy!" Rae yelled.

" No, I..." Duo stopped, figuring he didn't have to explain himself to a child.

" Then take me to my Daddy!" Rae sobbed.

" I can't!" Duo yelled back, trying to drown out the sound of her sobs.

" Please!" She pleaded pathetically.

" I..." Duo felt tears threaten to come.

" I want Daddy!" Rae collapsed, frantically wiping tears, " Why can't I see Daddy?"

" I'm sorry..." Duo apologized, looking down at her sympathetically.

" I miss him..." Rae gasped out, drowning in tears.

" I'm sorry." Duo sank to his knees next to her, tears streaming, " I'm so sorry."


Trowa walked back into a completely dark house. It seemed all the others had gone to sleep. He looked at a nearby clock and decided that it was late enough to assume so. He had no intentions of sleeping tonight, though. He couldn't just let hours go by where he wasn't looking for his daughter. The guilt of it would overcome him and drive him mad. Of course, so would insomnia.

He decided to wander the building and found that there were many rooms. Just, none that would come in handy to him at the moment.

' Well, what did I expect besides a nice living quarters?' He asked himself, ' A hangar?'

' I have to come up with a plan to get Rae and Cathy back,' Trowa said to himself, ' But I have no where to start from. I have no resources, no knowledge of the organization or its whereabouts, and definitely no weapons to use. My skill as a soldier has been depleted. Here I am, worthless me. I cannot save my own daughter. She is not even my biological daughter. God, I have nothing to show for my life...'

Trowa was still walking around as he thought to himself. He came to a large room with bookcases all around filled with the bland stench of old books. On a table near the right corner, Trowa spotted a soft, green glowing. He went towards it more and noticed it was a computer screen and that there were other computers around, but they were all turned off.

" Someone must have left it on..." Trowa said to himself, preparing to go turn it off.

But, before he could take another step forward he heard a loud thunk. He stopped wondering what it was when he felt a sharp pain on the back of his head. His vision became blurry and he fell forward. He tried to pick himself up, but found his head swimming in pain. Finally, he blacked out.

A/N- You know, I realized last chapter that I didn't quite leave you in suspense. So, I did this to make up for it >^.^<. Don't you just love me?

Oh yes, thank you so much to all of my reviewers. You helped me break my record of reviews! It used to be 11. I love you guys so much, you don't understand how much I appreciate it!