Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ OK, So You Have Skills... ❯ And Now for the Legs... ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I, sadly, don't own Gundam Wing no matter how much I want to. The bishounen aren't mine * sigh *. I love them anyway!
Warnings: OOCness, hurt Duo, blood, aftereffects of torture, language, implied shounen ai, mean people…it's not too bad, but leave if you don't like blood…yeah…
OK, So You Have Skills…
Chapter 3: And Now for the Legs…
Duo breathed deep, then jerked his arm away from the wall. Now the violet-eyed boy rubbed his right arm, getting the feeling back. When he was done, he gathered his hair together, finger-combing the tangles. He braided his hair quickly and then stopped.
“Shit! I don't have a hair band!” Duo cursed again. “Heero hold this a second, would ya?”
Heero grabbed the end of Duo's braid, silent as usual. Duo wanted to laugh at the thought. This wasn't a normal Heero silence - this was an “I'm impressed despite myself” silence. The braided boy ripped a strip of cloth from his ruined black shirt (they'd pay for that!) and tied off the end of his braid. He thanked Heero again, who barely nodded, and then stretched, luxuriating in the snap and pop of his back as he twisted from side to side.
“And now for my legs!” He said cheerfully, though feeling exactly the opposite about the prospect. The leg restraints were simpler, but he'd still need about ten minutes to get them both. The holes in his wrists were now bleeding freely, the wounds having re-opened when his wrists were ripped off of the spikes in the wall. He was finally starting to feel tired from the blood loss and lack of food and sleep. He bit his lip, debating whether or not he should take a rest, then decided to go on, figuring that Heero wouldn't appreciate the delay. He sighed at Heero's inhuman silence and concentration on the mission and got to work.
Heero was impressed despite himself. The normally talkative Duo was only talking when necessary. But more than that, he wasn't complaining and he was doing things that Heero could never hope to do. How the Hell had he known how to pick that lock? The baka couldn't even see the lock while in that position. But he'd known exactly what to do. He decided to stop worrying about it. He watched the boy stretch, twisting from side to side. Then Duo stopped, thought a second and bent down to unlock his leg restraints.
His body was bent completely in half at the waist and his braid dragged the floor to the side of his head. His face was red from the blood rushing to his head and Heero heard Duo mumble something. It sounded like he said something about inhuman bastards and maybe that was a “mission accepted” said in a mocking tone (the remarks go over Heero's head).
Heero watched with concern as blood oozed down Duo's hands and onto the floor. His hands were shaking and he was starting to breathe hard. Heero was about to tell Duo to take a break when Duo snapped up and took a ragged breathe, then gingerly pulled his legs away from the wall. He made a typical comment, then slid down. Duo's hollow cheeks and dull eyes as he looked up worried Heero.
Author's Note: Sorry for taking so long and making it so short - I've got a lot to work on as usual and I also have other fics to update….so much to do. Sorry again and please review!