Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Pinball ❯ The New Kid ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Series: Pinball

Chapter 2: The New Kid

Author: Niere

Rating: PG

DISCLAIMER: The series Gundam Wing and the characters therein do not belong to me. I'm just putting them in different situations to see how they react.

Summary: It's a world where everyone has psionic abilities…well, most everyone. Another contest is coming up and the undefeated Duo notices a new player, a null, a person with no psionic abilities. Just what is it about this boy and why can't Duo get him off his mind?

Author's Note: Have you ever heard the song Pinball Wizard by Elton John? I love the song. I was listening to it and was bitten by yet another plot bunny. This is based, loosely, on that song.

TK=telekinesis, the ability to move things with one's mind. TP=telepathy, the ability to send/receive thoughts. Empathy=the ability to send/receive emotions or feelings. Pyrokinesis=the ability to create/control fire. Pre-cog=the ability to "see" the future.

* * *

The number of people crowding into the arena amazed the boys as they entered.

"Wow," Duo exclaimed, "it's gonna be a big one this year."

"Do we even have a chance?" a huge-eyed Quatre asked softly, moving a bit closer to Trowa.

"You have just as much of a chance at winning as anyone else here. Just give it your best shot and have fun. That's the main thing." Duo waved to his friends. "Come on, our sign in table is over here."

The four made their way through the crowd. They picked up their entry forms, filled them out, then found the line for their age group and waited their turns.

"Not you again. How's about we just skip the competition completely and just hand over the medal now?"

Duo laughed. "Now Joe, don't be like that. You never know, I might actually get beaten this year."

"Right. I can just see the headlines now, 'Local Boy Suicides over Humiliating Defeat'."

"Not a chance, Joe. Especially since I've trained my own competition this year." Duo handed over the other entry forms.

"TK?" Joe's expression darkened. "You know you can't use that here."

Trowa nodded. "I know. It shouldn't be a problem."

"Joe," Duo's voice became menacing, "I said I'd trained him myself. You wouldn't be doubting my friend or my judgment, now would you?"

Joe's eyes widened. He well knew Duo's reputation, both as a player as well as a fighter. "Of course not, I wouldn't do that, Duo."

"I would hope not." His expression lightened. "So, let's get registered and check out the machines."

Joe's face changed into an 'I know something you don't know' expression. "Yes, you should. You just might be surprised this year."

The boys took their badges and moved to allow others to register. They headed into another room where the competition machines were kept. There were platforms set up with five machines on each. Each platform was for a different age category. The platforms were high enough for the spectators to be able to view the scores, but still low enough for the wandering players to view them.

In the first round, a player must achieve a certain number of points to qualify. From there, they would be competed four at a time, with a ten minute time limit. The highest two scores would then advance to the next round. This would continue until the highest two scorers would compete for the final prize. This method was different from previous years. Due to the number of entries increasing every year, the usual one-on-one, double-elimination had been abolished as a method of conserving time. The previous year's competition had taken two full weeks to finally get a winner.

"So, what do we do now?" Trowa asked.

"We check out the machines then get some rest," Duo answered.

Quatre looked confused. "But what about the competition?"

"Today is just registration," Duo explained. "There are so many players now days, that it takes all day. That's why we got here so early, to get good numbers and have the rest of the day off."

"What's going on over there?" Wufei pointed to one of the raised areas.

The boys wandered over to check it out. There were people on one of the platforms. The cover of a machine had been removed and set aside. A dark-haired boy had his hands inside of the playing field of the machine. An official stood beside him, watching. The boys followed Duo as he went up to another official.

"Hey, Teri," Duo called as he approached.

"Hi Duo." She smiled at the braided boy.

"What's going on up there? They aren't playing favorites this year are they?"

"What? Of course not, you know better than that."

"Then who's the kid with his hands in the machine?" He pointed at the boy.

Teri looked in the indicated direction and sneered. "Oh, that. I don't know why they even let his type enter."

Trowa noticed Quatre shudder slightly and sidled closer. "What is it?" he asked quietly.

"Such hatred. It's hard to block, it's so strong." Trowa remembered what Quatre had said about physical contact and put his arm around the smaller boy's waist. Quatre leaned into him. "Thanks, that helps."

Wufei looked confused. "What 'type' would that be?"

"He's a null," Teri told him, her voice dripping with disgust. "He shouldn't even be allowed to compete, much less get such special privileges."

"Teri, you know better. That boy isn't getting being allowed any more than any other player." The new-comer turned to the boys. "Hey, Duo. Back to try again I see." Teri snorted and stalked off.

"Hi Dale," Duo responded. "So, what's with the new kid?"

Dale led them over nearer the platform. "All players are allowed to see what they will be playing before the competition. He's just looking at the machines is all."

"With his hands?"

"He's blind."

The boys stared at the dark-haired one in shock. "How can he play?" Trowa inquired.

"I don't know," Dale answered, "but I hear he's good, and he has just as much right to try as anyone else."

They watched as the boy stood back and nodded. The official standing by steered him to the stairs. The boy carefully made his way down and stood waiting as the official replaced the top to the machine.

"The new kid have a name?" Duo asked.

"He's listed as Heero, if I remember correctly."

Duo went over to where Heero was standing. "Good luck tomorrow," he wished the waiting boy.

Heero made no response. He acted as if he didn't even hear him, just stood with his head down.

"Hey, he's talking to you," Wufei stated, annoyed. Still no response.

Wufei reached out as if to push the dark-haired boy, but Duo stopped him. "Wait a minute." Duo snapped his fingers next to Heero's ear. Again, no response.

"You boys leave him alone," the official ordered, coming down the stairs. Dr. J would be extremely annoyed if you distracted his protégé.

"The Dr. J?" Quatre inquired. "The strongest telepath in OZ?"

"Yes, that Dr. J. Now you boys go about your business and leave him alone." The official gently took Heero by the arm and led him away.

"Come on," Trowa said. "I want to get some more practice in before tomorrow."

The boys turned to leave, then noticed that Duo wasn't with them. He was standing in the same place, staring in the direction Heero had disappeared. Wufei returned and placed a hand on Duo's shoulder. "You ok?" he asked.

"He's deaf," Duo murmured.

"What? How can you tell?"

"There was a girl in the orphanage who was deaf. I know the signs."

"Duo? Earth to Duo." Wufei waved his hand in front of his friend's face.

"Huh?" Duo shook himself.

"You were spacing. Something we should know?" Wufei grinned.

Duo shook his head. "Nah. It's nothing, I'm sure."

"Then come on. Trowa wants to get some more practice in."

"Good idea. You go on ahead, I'll be there in a minute."

Wufei gave him a strange look, then turned to follow Trowa and Quatre.

Duo turned back to stare after Heero again. "There's something about him," he whispered to himself. "I don't know what it is, but I intend to find out." He stood there for another second, then turned to follow his friends.

* * *