Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Pinball ❯ Trouble? ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Series: Pinball

Chapter 3: Trouble?

Author: Niere

Rating: PG

DISCLAIMER: The series Gundam Wing and the characters therein do not belong to me. I'm just putting them in different situations to see how they react.

Summary: It's a world where everyone has psionic abilities…well, most everyone. Another contest is coming up and the undefeated Duo notices a new player, a null, a person with no psionic abilities. Just what is it about this boy and why can't Duo get him off his mind?

Author's Note: Have you ever heard the song Pinball Wizard by Elton John? I love the song. I was listening to it and was bitten by yet another plot bunny. This is based, loosely, on that song.

TK=telekinesis, the ability to move things with one's mind. TP=telepathy, the ability to send/receive thoughts. Empathy=the ability to send/receive emotions or feelings. Pyrokinesis=the ability to create/control fire. Pre-cog=the ability to "see" the future.

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"Way to go Trowa!"

"I knew you could do it!"

The delighted cheers of his friends met the emerald-eyed boy as he descended the stairs. The expression on his face was one that was determinedly fighting a goofy grin…and failing miserably. He couldn't help but be pleased at the score he had achieved.

As he took the last step off the stairs, he was almost bowled over by a small, enthusiastic blond who all but leapt into his arms. Luckily, his balance was saved by the hugs of his other two friends.

"That was great!" Quatre exclaimed, gripping his friend forcefully. "I knew you could do it after all that practice you put in."

Duo and Wufei laughingly pried the blond off of Trowa before he passed out from unintentional strangulation.

"Quatre!" Duo laughed, as he helped to ease the smaller boy onto his own feet. "Down boy, or he won't survive to actually compete."

Quatre stared at a slightly gasping Trowa and blushed furiously. "Oops, sorry about that, Tro. I was just excited is all."

"That's ok," Trowa grinned as they moved away from the stairs. He glanced over his shoulder at the score he'd obtained. "Not bad, if I do say so myself."

Duo slapped him on the back, laughing. "'Not bad' he says. Shit, Tro, you made the required score and then some!"

"We all made it past the preliminaries," Wufei stated. "Shall we go celebrate before we become each other's competition?"

"Good idea."

"Sounds great to me."

The boys turned to go. Suddenly, Quatre gasped and stopped.

"What is it?" Trowa inquired.

"I feel…" Trowa pulled the blond against him as his knees began to buckle. "It's so strong."

"What is? What do you sense?" Duo asked.

"Distrust, loathing, hatred."

The boys looked around trying to find the source. As if by magic, an aisle cleared from the stairway to the wall. Due to their nearness to the stairway, they could easily see Heero being led toward the competition platform. The expressions on the faces of the crowd showed clearly where the emotions Quatre was picking up came from. Heero walked calmly, apparently oblivious to the animosity surrounding him.

He was led up the steps and left in front of one of the machines. He reached out and felt the location of the buttons and spring knob, then nodded. The official stood with one hand on his shoulder, awaiting the starting signal.

As the signal to begin was given, the official removed his hand. Heero grasped the spring knob and sent the first ball into play. The boys watched in fascination as Heero pressed the buttons controlling the flippers to the game. The dark-haired boy never moved, just stood staring straight ahead as his fingers flew. How he knew when to push the buttons, they couldn't tell, but the lights and pings coming from the machine, as well as the score clearly displayed above him, showed an incredible skill…or was it luck? Who knew. The boy was good, that they could tell. The official's hand returned to Heero's shoulder as the timer sounded. Heero immediately dropped his hands, ending his play.

Duo stared in awe as his friends gasped.

"He scored higher than you," Wufei whispered. "How is that possible?"

"No idea," Duo answered, then shrugged, his laughing demeanor returning. "Good thing it's just prelims, huh?"

"There's no way he could have gotten a score like that!" A voice carried over the murmuring of the crowd. "It's fixed, I tell you! That's the machine that TK used! It has to be fixed!" A contestant that hadn't made it in the preliminaries appeared, dragging Dale behind him.

"Is there something wrong?" Duo asked warily.

Dale smiled apologetically at the boys. His administrative badge was clearly in evidence. "Not really, Duo. There has been a complaint, however."

"He used TK to get that high of a score," the enraged contestant persisted. "That's the only way he could have done it."

"But that would have set off the alarm and ended the play immediately," Dale stated. "Using TK is against the rules."

"He had to have, it's reflexive."

"I trained not to use it," Trowa offered.

"That machine is fixed!" the boy insisted, refusing to back down. "That null used the same one, and look at the score he got! There's no way a blind, deaf, and dumb kid could get a score like that if it wasn't fixed."

Dale sighed. He looked up and saw the official leading Heero away. "Daniel!" he called. "Could you bring him back for a moment please?"

Daniel looked up, then nodded. He gently maneuvered Heero back to the platform. Dale led the other boys up. They all stood around the "offending" machine.

"Is this the machine in question?" Dale asked the offended contestant.

"You bet it is."

"Daniel, you were watching Heero. Did he do anything untoward during his play?"

"Nope," Daniel stated. "He never so much as moved a muscle, except his fingers."

"I saw him with his hands inside of it yesterday. He did something to it then." The boy refused to be appeased.

Duo looked around, frowning. "That isn't right. The machine he was feeling was over there." He pointed to another platform. "I remember because I thought he looked a little old for that age-grouping."

The boy stared at the other machine, then reddened. "But what about the TK?"

Dale pulled the spring knob, sending a ball into play. "If you would?" he indicated to Trowa. Trowa nodded and focused on the ball. Immediately, a buzzer sounded and the lights went off. The boy reddened further, seeming about to explode. "Any further objections, young man?" Dale asked, his eyes narrowing in anger.

"Um," the boy stammered.

"Then I suggest you apologize to these contestants for doubting them. Also, you are hereby banned from the stadium for the duration of the competition."

"But…but…" The boy slumped in defeat. "Sorry," he murmured, then turned on his heal and stalked off.

The rest turned to depart the platform when Duo noticed Quatre staring at Heero. "What's up, Q-man?"

"He isn't doing so well. This is scaring him. He can't understand what is going on."

"Hey Dale," Duo called, catching the man's attention. "Is someone going to explain what happened to him? This is scaring him, and that isn't right."

Dale shrugged apologetically. "I only wish we could. There's no way to communicate with him until Dr. J returns to pick him up at the end of the day."

"What?!" Duo exclaimed. "What's he supposed to do now that his part is finished?"

"Wait. There's a chair against the wall for him."

"That's cruel, Dale."

"We have no choice. There is no way to get a hold of Dr. J."

"Can I talk to him?"

"Right," Dale snorted. "And how are you supposed to do that?"

"I can explain to him what happened and let him know how he did." Dale's eyes widened as Duo's fingers flew along with his words. Duo just smirked as he continued. "I used to live with a girl in the orphanage that was deaf. I learned to communicate with her. I don't see why I couldn't 'talk' to him. Is it ok for me to try?"

"He's blind as well, you know."

Duo shrugged. "I know. I'll figure something out."

Dale nodded. "I guess it will be ok. It would be nice for him to have some interaction with someone. I feel sort of sorry for him, sitting alone like he does all day."

Dale led the boys to where Heero was waiting. "I have to get back to work. I'll see you boys later."

"Later, Dale," Duo acknowledged. "And thanks." Dale nodded and left the boys alone.

"Just how do you intend to communicate with him?" Wufei asked. "He can't see your fingers."

Quatre shivered. "He can tell we're here, and it's scaring him."

Duo knelt next to Heero's chair. 'Project reassurance and friendship, will you Q?"

Quatre nodded and closed his eyes to concentrate. Duo gently placed his hand on Heero's shoulder to get his attention. Heero started at the contact and shrank back.

"He's not receiving what I'm sending," Quatre stated. "It's like he's blocked or something."

"Try touching him," Trowa suggested. "That may help."

Quatre placed his hand on Heero's arm and tried again. Heero stiffened at the touch, then slowly relaxed…slightly.

"He's receiving now, but he's still nervous."

Duo gently picked up one of Heero's hands and wrapped the boys fingers around his own hand.

H-e-l-l-o, he 'spelled' slowly.

Heero jerked his hands back and pulled them to his chest, curling his head downward. His expression was one of confusion. The boys just watched, waiting to see what would happen. Slowly, Heero raised his head again, and reached out one hand, palm upwards.

Duo smiled and placed his hand back in Heero's. My name is Duo, he spelled.

Heero's expression was now one of concentration. He was totally focused on the sensations coming through his hand. When Duo stopped 'spelling', Heero frowned and shook his head, the confused expression returning.

"Maybe he doesn't know how?" Trowa offered.

Duo looked thoughtful. "It's possible." Struck with an idea, he reached for Heero's hand again. Opening the fingers until the palm was flat he traced letters on it. H-e-e-r-o, he traced, watching the boy's face closely. The small smile showed understanding. Duo grinned. H-e-e-r-o he 'spelled' again. Heero's eyes widened slightly. "I think he got that," Duo said with a grin. "I'll just have to teach him the letters, is all."

Heero's head turned in Duo's direction, an inquiring look on his face. Duo smiled. D-u-o, he 'spelled'. Heero shook his head, opening his hand again. D-u-o, Duo traced, then repeated the 'spelling'.

Heero smiled in understanding. He pointed at himself. H-e-e-r-o, he spelled, copying the motions Duo had made. D-u-o, his fingers said, then he pointed in the direction of the braided boy.

"He got it!" Quatre exclaimed happily.

"Fast learner." Wufei sounded impressed.

Duo grinned and placed Heero's hand on his face as he nodded. Heero jerked back again, then slowly extended his hand. Duo smiled and gently placed both of Heero's hands on his face, allowing the boy to "see" what he looked like. Heero slowly traced Duo's features, then slid his hands down to the other's shoulders. His eyes widened as he came across the braid draped over one shoulder. Duo laughed at the surprise on Heero's face.

Suddenly, Heero's head shot up, turning toward the entrance.

"What do you boys think you are doing?" an angry voice exclaimed. "You get away from him immediately!" The infamous Dr. J stalked up to them. "He's been through enough without you tormenting him."

Duo stood quickly, staggering slightly. "But we weren't…"

"I said get away!"

Heero cringed, then stood as Dr. J took his arm. Heero turned his head, as if looking over his shoulder as he was led away.

"Bye, Heero," Duo whispered. "See you tomorrow…I hope."

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