Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Pinball ❯ Working Together ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Series: Pinball

Chapter 13: Working Together

Author: Niere

Rating: PG-13

DISCLAIMER: The series Gundam Wing and the characters therein do not belong to me. I'm just putting them in different situations to see how they react.

Summary: It's a world where everyone has psionic abilities…well, most everyone. Another contest is coming up and the undefeated Duo notices a new player, a null, a person with no psionic abilities. Just what is it about this boy and why can't Duo get him off his mind?

Methods of communication:

"normal speech"

{manual alphabet}

//telepathic speech//

::morse code::

TK=telekinesis, the ability to move things with one's mind. TP=telepathy, the ability to send/receive thoughts. Empathy=the ability to send/receive emotions or feelings. Pyrokinesis=the ability to create/control fire. Pre-cog=the ability to "see" the future.

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{you don't have to do this you know} Duo spelled.

Heero looked over at the long-haired boy. //We've already been over this. There were too many differences in the readings. If I'm not here to verify my own memories, they can't be used as evidence.//

"Then J would go free," Duo sighed. "I know." His heart-shaped face screwed into a pout. "That doesn't mean that I have to like it."

"Would you care to share with the rest of the class?" Trowa said with a smirk as the others came up behind them.

"It's going to be ok, Duo," Quatre reassured, picking up on the fear/nervousness the boy was projecting. "We're all going to be there with him. We'll watch his back."

Wufei slipped an arm around the boy's shoulders. "We make a good team, remember."

Duo closed his eyes and sighed again. "I know, I know." He gave his friends a wry grin. "It still doesn't mean that I have to like it!"

"True," Wufei agreed, then his expression became somewhat predatory. "But once we get back home…" His voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. "I think that someone just may need a bit of comforting. Would that be more to your liking?" Trowa and Quatre smirked as Heero and Duo blushed.

Wufei started as a long arm slipped around his waist. "Time to go in," Zechs informed them. "Are you ready, Heero?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Then let's go." Together, the group made their way into the courthouse.

# # #

The weeks between the assassination attempt and the court date were very busy for Heero. Treize and Zechs had completed the reading of his memories at the house, since Heero wasn't yet ready to face the population at large, at least until his shielding was stronger. As hard as it was, it took only two more days to complete. Zechs would often attempt to halt things, but Heero would refuse, determined to get it over with.

Heero would have never been able to complete the readings as quickly, if it weren't for the support of Duo. After each session, the braided boy would simply hold the shuddering form, rubbing his back talking quietly to him. Just the sound of Duo's voice, along with his simple presence, would sooth the Japanese boy, pushing back the memories of the horrible things that he'd lived through with Dr. J.

When Heero wasn't working with Treize and Zechs on recording his memories, he would be working on his shielding, as well as learning just what he could do with his gift. The shielding seemed to come easier than the use of his talent. "I spent years analyzing the block that J had on me, trying to find a way to destroy it," he explained once. "I'm just using the same sort of idea, but at my own control." The actual use of his telepathy, came a bit harder.

It was quickly determined that Heero was a very powerful telepath. Monitoring the area quickly became second nature to him. It was due to this new ability, and his close affinity with Duo, that a second attempt on his life was thwarted.

It was actually Quatre that detected the intruder. The others were helping Heero test his shielding. They were throwing thoughts of varying strength and subject matter at him to see if any of them could get through. The only difficulty Heero was having, was blocking out Duo. No matter how 'quiet' the thought, he always get through his love's shields. Of course, the fact that he was playing dirty helped him tremendously. The stronger thoughts Duo would send would be about mundane things, such as what they'd had for lunch that day, but the quieter ones, were a bit more…personal. In the three weeks that they'd been together, they hadn't progressed past kisses and cuddles, with a bout of mutual masturbation a couple of times. Today, Duo was, very quietly, thinking about more intimate things they could do together. The braided boy was also thoroughly enjoying the progressive reddening of Heero's face, proof that what he was thinking of was getting through.

Quatre had been watching the session, idly scanning the area, when he picked up on something malicious. "Heero," he called, breaking the boy's concentration. "I'm picking up something from the northeast corner." Heero concentrated his talent in that direction.

"What is it?" Wufei asked.

Eyes closed, Heero relayed what he was able to pick up. "Three of them, heavily shielded against telepathy."

"What did you pick up, Quatre?" Trowa asked his lover.

"Anger, hatred, determination, desire for revenge."

"Any idea who it's directed at?" Duo asked. "After all, Zechs and Treize are on the preventer force. They could be after them. It's not common knowledge that the rest of us are even here."

Heero shook his head. "It's us they're after." He turned to Duo to explain. "The man from the hotel room was their partner…their link to Dr. J. Now that he's dead, they've been cut off from their main source of income."

"How could they know what happened?" Wufei asked. "That information wasn't released to the public."

"One of them was waiting for him and saw us leave," Heero said after concentrating for a moment. "The other two were out of the country at the time. It's taken them this long to regroup and find out just who Treize and Zechs are and where they live. They aren't aware that we are even here."

"I thought you said they were heavily shielded," Quatre pointed out. "How can you tell all that?"

Heero smirked. "The shields aren't their own. Whoever placed them built them heavy, but sloppy. There are lots of holes to read through."

"So, they're here and they're nasty," Duo interjected, "just what are we going to do about it?"

Wufei closed his eyes and concentrated on the link he had with his guardian/lover. //Treize!//

//Yes little Dragon?//

//Intruders// Treize quickly picked up the situation from Wufei. //Well, I have been meaning to get you to burn off some of that underbrush anyway// he sent with a mental smile. //Just keep things non-lethal unless one of you is in personal danger…which will not happen, if I make myself clear?//

//We'll do our best to stay out of trouble//

There was a mental laugh. //Somehow I don't quite believe that, knowing the five of you. Zechs and I are on our way.// Wufei relayed the message and the boys set out to deter the intruders until the adults could arrive.

# # #

The intruders were a moderately talented Pyrokinetic and two weak Telekinetics. None of them had the strength that the boys did, but they already knew how to work together, and did so. Wufei had no trouble lighting the area around the men, but the Pyro would dampen the flames, if unable to completely extinguish them. Trowa would pull fuel into the fires, while the other TK's would keep trying to pull it back out. Heero kept a close monitor on their thoughts and would relay the plans to his friends as they were concocted. Quatre kept busy projecting deterrent feelings such as fear and resignation, trying to get them to give up and leave. Only Duo was left out of the battle.

Things were at a stalemate for a time. Neither side could make much headway, but the intruders were being kept confined for the moment, which was the idea until the adults could arrive.

Duo kept his post at Heero's side, ready in case one of the men managed to escape. His talent was 'hands-on' so there wasn't anything he could do, which annoyed the braided boy to no end. He started muttering to himself as he watched his friends begin to tire. After all, they weren't used to using their talents in such a concentrated effort like they were. "What the hell is taking them so long?" he wondered. "These guys are going to get out if something isn't done soon. I swear, if I could get in there, I'd have them all out cold in seconds!" All he'd have to do would touch each man, and he could send them into unconsciousness. "Yeah, right, Maxwell," he said to himself. "Just convince the guys to shut down the defenses long enough to let you in, and hope that you aren't incinerated or send flying before you can even get close." Knowing that was not going to happen, he began concentrating on just what it would take to knock them out without killing them…just in case one managed to get close enough.

The constant chatter finally distracted Heero. "Duo," he warned, reaching out to touch the boy. At the same time, he was sending his own deterrent thoughts at the apparent leader, the pyrokinetic. As skin to skin contact was made between the two, a link was formed. Duo's ability traveled along Heero's mental pathway. Everyone watched in shock as the pyro's eyes rolled back in his head and he dropped to the ground. Duo and Heero looked at each other, quickly figuring out just what had happened. Matching smirks showed on their faces as they clasped hands and turned toward the two left in the fiery circle. In a second, Heero had entered the minds of the men and Duo sent his talent along that link, dropping them both.

"Well, that was different," Zechs' voice came from behind the two boys.

"Just what did you do?" Treize asked, coming up beside the blonde.

"Linked up and blasted the bad guys," Duo said with a grin.

The other boys came running up, asking just what had happened. Duo explained how he'd been concentrating on how to knock out the men without killing them, all he had to do was get close enough to touch them. Heero, told of his entering the mind of the pyro leader, trying to discourage his attack, but was being distracted by Duo's chatter. He'd touched the braided boy to get him to quiet, when their talents had linked: Heero providing the 'touch' Duo needed to knock the men out.

Quatre smirked at them. "See? You're meant for each other." Duo and Heero both reddened slightly, grinning.

Treize instructed the backup that had arrived to take the men into custody. The charges were to be trespassing and attempted mayhem, with a possible attempted murder. The group left the men to their work, heading back to what was quickly becoming home to them all.

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Author's Note: My sincerest apologies for the lengthy delay in posting. The RW has reared its ugly head, and I'm having difficulties again, along the lines of "Notice" (for those of you that have read it), only this time there is no Heero for Duo to talk with. That makes things much more difficult. And my doc is out of the country until Monday. Typical for me, ne? Anyway, I have the next chapter started, and am trying to work on it, I really am. I'll post as soon as I can, k? Love to you all.
