Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Pinball ❯ Trial ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Series: Pinball

Chapter 14: Trial

Author: Niere

Rating: PG-13

DISCLAIMER: The series Gundam Wing and the characters therein do not belong to me. I'm just putting them in different situations to see how they react.

Summary: It's a world where everyone has psionic abilities…well, most everyone. Another contest is coming up and the undefeated Duo notices a new player, a null, a person with no psionic abilities. Just what is it about this boy and why can't Duo get him off his mind?

Methods of communication:

"normal speech"

{manual alphabet}

//telepathic speech//

::morse code::

TK=telekinesis, the ability to move things with one's mind. TP=telepathy, the ability to send/receive thoughts. Empathy=the ability to send/receive emotions or feelings. Pyrokinesis=the ability to create/control fire. Pre-cog=the ability to "see" the future.

# # #

The date for Dr. J's trial arrived. It seemed that in the recording of Heero's memories, there were enough differences before and after the return of his senses, that the court was requiring him to be present during their presentation. While this was unusual, it wasn't completely unheard of. Most of the evidence against Dr. J was coming from the memories that Duo and Heero, especially Heero, had provided. Duo wasn't required to attend, but he insisted on being there as support to Heero. The rest of the boys insisted on being there, also, in support of their friend.

The group was kept waiting during the presentation of the charges and opening arguments. This seemed to take hours. Most of them simply sat and talked quietly. A certain braided boy, however, seemed unable to do this.

"Duo!" Wufei admonished, "would you please sit down!"

Duo paused in his traveling of the hallway. "I can't. This waiting is driving me nuts."

Quatre leaned over and whispered to Trowa, "Short trip." Trowa bit his lip to keep from smirking.

"Duo, you might as well try to make yourself comfortable," Zechs told him. "We don't even know if they will even let you into the courtroom."

"What!" Duo all but shrieked. "You're kidding. There's no way they can keep me out of there."

"I'm afraid they can," Treize said gently. "The evidence being presented is from a minor. It is probably a closed courtroom."

"You really don't want to hear what's going to happen in there," Heero said quietly, keeping his eyes on his hands where they were clasped in his lap. "My memories… they aren't very pleasant."

Duo sat beside the Japanese boy and gently unclenched his hands, holding one in his own. "I already know that, remember? I was with you when they were recorded." He pulled Heero into a hug. "Living through all that was bad enough, but to have to keep repeating it must be horrible. I just want to be there for you."

Heero relaxed slightly into the embrace. "I know, and I thank you… for everything you've already done for me."

Just then, the door opened and the prosecuting attorney stepped out. He approached the group. "The judge has called a fifteen minute recess, then we will begin presenting the evidence. I need you to take your place, please." He looked startled as everyone stood. "I'm sorry, but it is a closed courtroom. Not everyone is allowed inside."

Treize stepped forward. "We are the translators that recorded the memories," he said, indicating himself and Zechs.

"Then you must be there, of course," the attorney agreed. "Who are these young men?"

Heero stepped forward, hesitantly. "The memories are mine."

"My memories have been recorded also. The others are his friends," Duo stated, coming up beside Heero. "We're here to support him through this."

"I'm afraid you can't be present," the attorney insisted. "Only necessary persons are to be allowed in the room during the presentation."

Treize took the man aside. "Have you reviewed the tapes?"

"Not entirely, no. My staff has, however. I've been assured there is enough there to ensure a conviction."

"How much have you yourself witnessed?"

The attorney looked uncomfortable. "None, actually. You have to understand how my department works. The caseload each of us has is astronomical. There is no way anyone would be able to review everything. That's why we have a staff of people who do the investigating. The attorneys themselves are given a synopsis of the evidence and base our cases from that information."

"As one of the ones recording the 'evidence' as you call it, I have to tell you that to force this young man to relive his history without the support of his friends would be total cruelty." Treize nodded in the direction of the boys. "That young man holding Heero was present during the entire time. It was only with his support and encouragement that we were able to record anything at all. Without these boys presence, it's possible…no probable that Heero may break down completely. Is that what you are after? More cruelty on top of what has already been done to him?"

"Of course not!" the attorney exclaimed.

Heero glanced over to the boys that were there to support him. He saw the determination and support present in their expressions. Closing his eyes for a moment, he steeled himself for what was to come, then turned his gaze to the prosecutor. "We should all take our places then, ne?" Heero motioned for Treize to lead the way. The others followed to take their places in the courtroom.

# # #

Heero froze as he came up to the door of the courtroom. There, at a table, sat the man who had dominated him for most of his life: he'd killed his parents, taken away his senses, had him used and abused, even tortured him. Heero knew what the man was capable of. What was to stop him from continuing his same treatment? Heero's senses had been returned to him now. He could no longer pretend that the man wasn't there like he could before. There was no ignoring his presence any more.

"Heero?" Duo whispered as the hand holding his tightened. "You ok?"

Quatre pulled the pair back a bit, out of sight of the room. "You're not alone in this, remember? We're all here for you."

Heero glanced around at his new friends. Wufei, the pyrokinetic, warmed the air surrounding him which eased his trembling. Trowa, the telekinetic, gave him a TK hug of support. Quatre, the empath, projected soothing emotions: support/caring/friendship. Finally, Duo, the love he saw in those amethyst eyes let him know in no uncertain terms that he wasn't alone anymore. He now had a friend, a partner, a lover… well once they finally got to that stage anyway. He wasn't alone anymore, and would never be again.

Heero closed his eyes and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "I'm ready. Lead me in." When his eyes opened, they were blank and unseeing.

"Heero?" Duo asked, worried.

Heero smirked slightly. //He doesn't know that the barrier is gone. I don't feel the need to inform him of this fact quite yet,// he sent to his friends. //I know that it will come out eventually, but maybe we can use this against him, ne?//

"Devious," Duo said with a grin. "I knew you were gorgeous, but devious too? Cool."

//Wufei, is everything all right?// Treize sent.

//Just a last minute support session. We're coming.//

//All of you? Darn, and we missed the show.// Wufei could feel the smirk Zechs sent along with the thought.

//ZECHS!!// Wufei's face turned an interesting shade of red.

"You ok, Fei?" Quatre asked, concerned.

"Remind me later why I don't just toast the both of them," Wufei sputtered.

"Come on, we have to get into our places," Trowa pointed out. He grabbed Heero's hand and placed it on his shoulder to lead him into the room. Duo kept a hold of the other one. Moments later, they were in their seats along with Treize and Zechs.

Dr. J noticed the commotion of the boys entering and paused in his conversation with his lawyer. He turned and spotted Heero where he sat between Duo and Trowa. He turned back, a small smile on his face. //Ah, my wayward protégé has returned. And been very naughty it seems.// His smile widened. //Did you really think that you could get away from me? You belong to me, my boy. No one will ever take you from me. Once this farce is over with, I will have to show you just how disappointed I am with you.//

When Heero first received the thoughts that Dr. J was sending him, he paled. A lifetime of abuse at the hands of this man almost sent him into a comatose state. Then he registered Duo's grip on his hand. Immediately, he linked with his friends, transmitting to them what he was receiving. He no longer was alone. They were a team now. Together they would face and defeat this madman, one way or another.

The jury entered and were seated, then the judge took his place and called the court to order. "Is everyone present?" he asked.

"Yes, your honor," the prosecutor answered.

"You may present the evidence."

The court watched as Heero's parents were destroyed. Then the barrier was placed, and Heero lost his senses of sight and hearing. The memories after that became harder to read: feelings, sensations, and the occasional telepathic comments from Dr. J himself.

After a time, the judge called for a pause in the presentation. "Is the boy present?"

"Yes, your honor," the prosecutor answered.

"Is there any way to communicate with him?"

"Yes. One of the boys is able to communicate via sign language."

The judge looked at the group in the courtroom. "Which one of you is the translator?"

Duo stood. "That would be me."

"Are you keeping him aware of the proceedings?"

"Yes, sir."

"Are you telling him everything, faithfully?"

"Yes, sir."

"You are a good friend." After a moment, Heero smirked and his fingers flew, causing Duo to blush. "What does he say?" the Judge asked.

"You have no idea how good he really is," Duo answered, blushing deeper.

The judge smiled as the jury snickered. "You may be seated. Keep up the good work."

Duo sat back down, cuffing Heero gently on the back of the head. Heero just smirked.

The proceedings progressed. It was pointed out that only single instances of each trauma were being presented. This was not only to save time, but to also reduce the trauma of making the victim relive his entire lifetime of abuse, multiple times. "The entire tape is available if the court so desires to view it," the prosecutor offered.

The judge looked at the pale face of the young man in the seat. "That won't be necessary. I think the jury gets the basic idea." He looked at Duo. "Ask him if the evidence presented is true and correct to the best of his knowledge." Duo's fingers flew. Heero raised his head and nodded. "Thank you, that will be all that is required of you. You may go."

Suddenly, Dr. J stood and turned toward the boys. "No!" he shouted. "He's mine! I won't let you have him. If I go, he goes with me." His eyes closed in concentration.

Heero gasped. His entire body was a study in pain. Every nerve ending seemed as if it were on fire. He could no longer feel Duo's hand, or the seat underneath him. All he could feel was pain. His vision blurred as tears began to stream down his face. He could barely breathe. His shields were useless. There was no way he could block out what J was projecting. Dr. J had a line placed directly into his head, and was feeding through that.

Vaguely, he could hear a commotion going on around him. "Stop him!" "Some one help Heero!" Nothing was making sense. His hearing had been gone for too long, he wasn't used to using it, and the pain was blocking most everything.

Slowly, Heero became aware of something through the pain. Someone was tapping furiously on his thigh. ::…with Duo. Remember the battle. Link with Duo. You can do it. Remember the battle. Link with Duo.::

The battle. He remembered. He and Duo had linked their talents and Duo was able to knock out the trespassers. Would it work? Could he do it? The pain was making concentration almost impossible.

Blindly, he reached out a hand towards Duo. He felt it grabbed and held tightly. Something flowed through him and down the link that Dr. J had imposed on him. He received a flash of confusion and fear along that link. Then all went black.

# # #

"He's coming to."

Heero moaned, his head pounding. He became aware of a hard surface beneath him. Slowly, he opened his eyes. Duo was hovering over him, his face pinched and pale.

"Hey, Heero. You ok?"

"I think so. What happened?"

Duo grinned. "We got the bad guy again."

Heero's eyes closed. "Good."

"Would someone like to explain what just happened?" a familiar voice asked. Heero searched his scorched memory. The judge, that's who that was.

Judge? The rest of his memories flooded back. The courtroom, the trial, and the attack by Dr. J.

Heero heard Treize and Zechs quickly recount the battle against the trespassers and how he and Duo had linked to defeat them. Apparently they had done the same thing against Dr. J. Good. J was unconscious for the time being. No more painful attacks.

"If everyone will return to their places please," the judge ordered.

Trowa and Wufei helped Heero to his feet while Quatre helped Duo. They all returned to their seats, as did the jury. Heero looked over toward Dr. J. The man's body was slumped in his chair, not moving. As he looked a bit closer, Heero thought that he wasn't breathing either. Oh, no. What had they done?

The judge pounded his gavel calling the court back to order. "Is there anything else from the prosecution?"

"No, your honor."

"Is there anything from the defense?"

"Er, no your honor."

"Then the jury may be dismissed to deliberate their verdict."

A man on the end of the front row stood. "That won't be necessary, your honor. We have a come to a unanimous decision based on the evidence provided. We find the defendant, Dr. J, guilty of all charges."

The judge nodded. "Thank you for expediting your decision." He turned back to glance at Dr. J. "The jury has found the defendant, Dr. J, guilty of all charges. The sentence for such horrendous crimes shall be death." His gaze moved to Duo and Heero. "As his sentence has been effectively carried out, although slightly pre-mature…" The boys paled. "It was clearly in self-defense. Therefore, no charges shall be rendered. Thank you gentlemen for you assistance. You may go." He pounded his gavel once again. "Court is adjourned."

# # #