Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Raining Tragedy ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Raining Tragedy Author: DeityOfDeathArchive: Yes please......Pairings: 1x2x5 , 3x4Category: Drama, romanceRating: NC-17/RSpoilers: Maybe.Warnings: Yaoi, Lemon, RapeDisclaimers: I never have nor will I ever own Gundam Wing or it's chars. They are property of Bandai and a few other major companies.
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Raining Tragedy Chapter 3:
I had become pitiful. I hated myself. The guys had left and I was left alone with Sally. Sally talked quietly as she undid my braid and swept my hair aside so that it flowed over the edge of the bed. She check my head first. I felt the sore pounding and soft tickling blend into just another type of pain and annoyance. I heard a container open and I felt the slight sting as antiseptic was applied in the back of my head. That area of my head began to go numb.
"How many?" I knew that antiseptic that numbed meant that something had to be put back together back there. It was either stitches or staples. I'd rather have the stitches.
"About five, should do it."
I love Sally. She's gonna make some man very happy. She's intelligent and pretty and she tells it like it is. She must have begun stitching because her talking stopped and I felt slight tugs on the back of my head.
"What did this?"
"I don't know."
"If you tell me what happened it stays between us. You know, that whole doctor patient confidentiality thing."
I should tell her so she knows what to fix. Or at least what can be fixed. I really should tell someone and I'd rather tell her instead of the men who I had flirted with and loved upstairs. I wouldn't have to worry about her judgment. I would worry about theirs. I just didn't want to deal with that right now.
"I was walking downtown, on my way to the subway so that I could get home. I like the subway. It's fun."
She chuckled and I heard a snip. She must have finished stitching my head. I felt some more antiseptic applied and then she moved into my line of sight. She took out a penlight and shined it into my eyes. I blinked. Light really hurt my eyes.
"And then...."
She started taking a warm rag and running it over my face. Once she seemed satisfied with its cleanliness she took a small tube of antiseptic and smeared some on her gloved fingers. As she began to spread it along my forehead I swallowed and continued.
"I was passing the alley that always creeps me out. You know that big one we pass every time we head to the subway?"
"It's usually just creepy and it bothers me and I wonder what kind of shady things happen there."
She nodded as she applied more antiseptic to her gloved finger and applied it to my cheeks.
"Well, I don't remember much. I was walking and I was grabbed from behind. I yelled and next thing I know I'm in some brutes hands. There's this big guy standing in front of me an' he's grinning. I'm standing there restrained trying to assess the situation. They start asking questions that make me mad so I smart off. Next I try making a get away and like an idiot I stop at the sight of an Alliance military uniform."
She puts some more antiseptic on her finger and then rubs it along my nose and chin, "How many were there?"
"Three. Brute, Beady eyes and Pretty Boy. Brute had my arms pinned behind me and beady eyes was starring me in the face. I couldn't see pretty boy at first. I kicked brute in the groin and then knocked the wind out of beady eyes when I ran forward. I turned and kicked brute in the face and managed to duck and avoided getting blind sided by pretty boy. I turned and saw pretty boy. He had on an alliance uniform. I freaked. I froze completely for a grand total of twenty seconds."
"And that was all it took for something to go wrong," she stated as she slipped off the greasy, bloody gloves and went into a box on the side where she fished out another pair.
She snapped them into place, making it look easy. Rubber gloves were anything but easy. She leaned over me again and began to peel and unbutton what was left of my nice lavender button up work shirt. It was bloodied and dirtied and rather gross to look at. I sat up with her help and she peeled it off my body and tossed it onto a metal cart. It made a wet slapping sound when it landed. I jumped. That was the last sound I wanted to hear. Slapping sounds. The sound of flesh smacking into flesh. She sound of pounding movement. I felt nauseous.
She must have noticed because as she began to rinse off my cuts with that warm rag again she asked, "So what happened next?"I closed my eyes and sat up as straight as I could without wincing, "beady eyes struck me in the back of the head with something. I remember the white spots and then bits and pieces of grabbing and struggling. I remember beady eyes holding my hands and brute had my feet. I kicked him. Busted his nose. I remember being lifted off the ground and placed on my stomach......."
Sally stopped rinsing my front and went to my back. She rinsed in soft comforting way, as if encouraging me to continue.
"My pants were removed and they all took turns. One after the other. I tried blacking out after the second guy but the pain kept me conscious. I remember that I finally blacked out."
When had my voice become so thick? I don't remember my eyes welling up and those hot tears stinging the cuts and scrapes on my face. I don't remember Sally hugging me. When did she start hugging me? This wasn't like me. Why am I loosing time? Why am I not remembering things? Where is that whimpering coming from? Why do I want to scream? Should I? I can't hold it in.
"WHY!!!??? Why? Why me? Why anyone?"
I felt Sally squeeze me but the screaming continued. I saw Wufei on the steps beside Heero. I saw them starring at me with horror and pity.
I heard the soft shushing sounds and felt my body being rocked gently back and forth. I felt the tears coursing down my face and heard my own wretched sobs.
"Go ahead back up boys. He'll be okay."
I watched them look at me as if asking me if I would be okay. I couldn't answer. Would I? Would I ever be okay again? Could I look at them without thinking that they wanted the same things as those other men? Would they take advantage of me? Would I ever be able to walk the streets again without shying away from the alleys?
They looked away and left. I knew they would. Perhaps they knew more answers than I did. Perhaps the just thought Sally could handle my problems better. Maybe they didn't want to deal with my problems.
I felt myself grow quiet. Had I retreated from myself? Yes, Would I return? I don't know.
I looked over at Sally and watched as she took out more of the antiseptic cream and spread it on my chest and back and then going through a big red carry case and pulling out 4 packs of large gauze pads and some paper tape. I watched silently as she taped the gauze over an ugly looking scrape on my stomach and then stared that gauze while she taped another set of gauze bandages over the scrapes on my back.
She came to face me again and slipped off those gloves just like she had with the last pair and fetched another pair from the cardboard box. She slipped them on and then looked me in the eyes. I must have looked lost and haunted. The look in her eyes confirmed that. "I'm going to have to check and see how bad your torn down there. I'll be gentle. If it bothers you just say something and we'll take a break."
I nodded and she pushed me back gently. She unbuttoned my jeans and then unzipped them. I felt her gently sliding them off my hips and I began to shiver. She stopped for a moment and walked over to a table where she picked up a pale blue, fluffy blanket and unfolded it. She laid it gently over my body from my chin to my stomach. It was something. Not exactly the cold I was feeling. But she was trying. I snuggled into that fluffy blue thing and closed my eyes. I didn't want to think about what she was about to do.
She slid the jeans off and let them drop to the floor. I opened my eyes and saw the horror in her eyes. I could only imagine what it looked like. I closed my eyes and laid back. She walked over to her table with its medical contents on it and went into another cardboard box and took out one of those pale green medical sheets used in surgery and opened it up. She walked over and laid it over my lower body and then walked over to the cart and moved a bowl with dirty pinkish looking water and a dirty rag sloshing about inside it and set it on a table. She grabbed a new bowl and put it on the cart. She grabbed a fresh rag and set it into the water, letting it soak. She then turned back to me and I felt her hands on my ankles. She slowly pulled them apart, spreading my legs. I hissed and closed my eyes tight. I didn't want to see her eyes. I didn't want to know how she was feeling while she was looking at the damage done to me. But I heard no sound of disgust or surprise. I only felt the cold air through that paper cover. I felt her hands leave my ankles and I heard that water splashing into the bowl. I knew what was coming. But she warned me anyway.
"This is going to sting, Duo."
I took a deep breath and let it out and nodded. I felt the soft stinging as a soft, warm, wet material moved over my lower parts and into the area of deep throbbing pain. I felt it stop and then heard the rag being dipped into that bowl of water. It repeated ten times until Sally seemed satisfied and then the rag returned to the bowl for the last time. I opened my eyes and looked over at the cart. The bowl had been moved and I could see the dark red water with the bloodied rag in it. It was my blood. None of the men had hurt themselves when taking their pleasures from me.
Sally looked at me and gave a reassuring smile, "It looks like everything should heal naturally. Going to the bathroom is going to be a bitch for a while and I suggest that even if you do decide to ever have intercourse within the next few months, don't."
She took out the antiseptic cream and squeezed a large amount onto those gloved fingers and then I watched them disappear under the paper blanket. I felt the cream gently being spread over the now dull throbbing areas and then her hand reappeared. She slipped off the gloves and threw them into a near by trash can. She then walked over to her kit and took out three tubes of cream and two bottles of medicine. She placed them on the table and then began to pack her kit up.
"I'm going to call the guys to walk you up to your bedroom. I want you to listen to them and I want you to stay in bed and rest for a few days."
I stared at her. The antiseptic creams are to be applied at least once or twice a day pending baths and such. The small bottle contains pain killers. Two every six hours should suffice. The other bottle is a relaxant and will help you sleep. If you don't want to take it I suggest you have one of the boys stay with you."
I must have had a sour expression on my face because she put her hands on her hips.
"These are doctors orders. I will be giving the directions to Quatre and Trowa. I am also going to have someone pick up some stool softeners. Anything to lessen the pain will be a small blessing."
I nodded and opened my arms. She smiled and walked over giving me a big hug, "Thank you, Sal."
"If you need anything just call. If Wufei or Heero go weird on you call me and I'll knock some sense into em.'"
She walked up the steps leaving her bags on the cart and table. I sat there in a cold and numb stupor. I heard foot steps and saw Sally coming down the steps with trash bags in her hands. Heero trailed behind her as well as Quatre. I sat up wrapping the blanket around myself and winced only twice for my effort. I was proud of myself.
Heero approached me and removed the paper blanket, crumbling it up he tossed it to Sally who then threw it in one of the trash bags she held in her hand. He leaned over me and gently slipped his arms around the blanket so that the blanket covered my bottom as he lifted me up into his arms. He made it look effortless. That was our Yuy. I leaned into him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He turned and began carrying me up the stairs.
We were in the kitchen which he quickly strutted through. We passed through the living room and came to the second set of stairs. He made his way up them effortlessly and we came to my bedroom door. He pushed it open with his foot and he carried me over to my bed. He gently set me down upon my bed and then covered me up with my blankets. He placed a hand on my forehead and waited a second before grunting and leaving the room.
He returned three minutes later with Quatre in tow. Quatre carried the bottle of medicines in one hand and a glass of juice in the other. He set the bottles down on my night stand next to my death scythe miniature. He handed me the juice and I sat up taking it. He opened the first bottle and handed me two blue pills which I knew to be pain killers. I took them and tossed them into my mouth. I took a sip of juice and swallowed. He then held out a large white pill. I looked at and considered it for a moment before taking it and swallowing it down with the rest of my juice. I laid down and closed my eyes. I felt the room get dimmer and when I opened my eyes I saw the door left open a crack with a tiny bit of light peaking through. I heard the scraping of a chair and as my eye lids began to grow heavy and the effort became too much to keep them open I managed one last look.
That last look was of Heero propped up in a chair next to my bed. I smiled and slipped into a dreamless sleep.
To Be Continued......Kat./DeityOfDeath