Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Raining Tragedy ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Raining Tragedy Author: DeityOfDeathArchive: Yes please......Pairings: 1x2x5 , 3x4Category: Drama, romanceRating: NC-17/RSpoilers: Maybe.Warnings: Yaoi, Lemon, RapeDisclaimers: I never have nor will I ever own Gundam Wing or it's chars. They are property of Bandai and a few other major companies.

Raining Tragedy Chapter 2:
I heard silence. I felt throbbing all over my body. I lifted my right arm carefully and then my left. It hurt to move. My body was scraped and bruised. My head was pounding. It was as if a head bangers ball was going on inside my head. I managed to sit up in the puddle that had gathered under my body. I looked around slowly and saw no sign of anyone. The sky was dark and stars were just starting to appear. I looked around that smelly alley in search of my pants that were no longer around my ankles. I saw them soaked through laying in a heap on top of garbage. I tried to getting into a kneeling position and it felt like things inside me, deep inside, were tearing and ripping. I managed to reach just far enough to grab the wet clump of jeans. I fumbled with them until I finally had them up to my thighs. It was completely dark now.
I managed to get into a kneeling position and pulled my jeans the rest of the way up and buttoned them before zipping them. I felt a lump against my right thigh. I slid my hand through the maze of fabric and into my pocket where I found my cellphone. I opened it up and it lit up. I felt the urge to cry. Tears choked me and the effort to keep from sobbing made my headache worse. I struggled to keep my hands from shaking as I dialed our home phone number. It rang twice and then a calm and soft voice came through, "Hello?"
Oh my God! It was Quatre. Someone was home. I struggled to clear my throat and I managed a gruff and scratchy, "Quatre........"
It was quiet and then I heard that familiar voice again, "May I ask who's calling?"
"It's me Q-bean," I forced out. Screaming had left my voice scratchy and almost gone.
"DUO!? Where are you!?"
I sobbed then. It was a sob mixed with a laugh. What should I say? I'm in an alley. Come get me. I was just gang banged by some allie's. I must have been quiet too long because Quatre's voice asked the same question again.
"I'm downtown."
"He's downtown!"
"Tell him to stay put!"
That voice. That rough voice. That voice that had become so much more to me than just a voice heard over gundam radios. Heero, was coming for me.
"Duo stay put. Their coming to get you. I'm going to hang up. Wufei is going to call you."
I nodded and realized he couldn't see it and answered with a relieved, "kay."
I hit the end button and sat in that cold wet alley waiting and it seemed like eternity had passed when a cheerful melody filled the alley. I hit the call button and put the phone to my ear.
"Duo? Are you there?" Oh, Wufei. How your voice fills me with such pleasant thoughts.
"Yeah, I'm here."
Evidentially my voice was doing better with use. I would need some cough drops and liquids when I got home. I was going to need a lot more than that. I was betting I had a concussion. I was also betting that I was going to need a therapist. Not that I hadn't needed one before this.
"Where are you at, Duo?"
"I'm by the subway."
I listened as Wufei repeated what I said to Heero. I heard a screech from the other end. Heero was speeding. He only sped when he was on mission or when he was worried. Was he worried about me? We were close. We were together in that friend/lover way. We had never made love. I didn't think it was fair. I loved Wufei and Heero and if I couldn't give my self to one then I certainly couldn't give myself to the other. It was strange how things had worked out. I wish that it had been one of them that had been my first. But who knew that this would happen. Maybe God knew. I'm just making another excuse to hate him. That would be pointing the finger else where. Besides, the only God I believed in was the God of death, Shinigami.
"We're almost there Duo. Where exactly are you?"
"I'm in an alley."
He was quiet longer than I expected. The fact that he wasn't yelling at me yet was either a good one or a really bad one. I wasn't quite sure yet. Had Quatre said more than I had heard. Were they thinking terrible things? Were they thinking car crashes, gun wounds or a cute or two that needed stitches?
I was about to say something else when I saw a black ford SUV pull up alongside the alley entrance way. The lights were blinding and left me blinking. I heard the doors open and saw to figures silhouetted by the headlights walk into the alley. I watched them look around and then I saw a messy haired figure look down. Did he see me? I watched them stop and I let my right hand fall and with it the phone, which fell out of my hand and onto the wet cement with a clatter. I saw its blue glow reflect in the oily puddle that I had seen earlier that night during the act that had defiled me. I had been lost in that thought and when I looked up they stood in front of me.
Wufei knelt down in front of me and smiled. Then I saw the worried expression cross that beautifully sculpted Asian face. That look didn't suit him. I like him better when he looked indignant. His ebony eyes held a look that was a cross between pity and pain. I saw his hand tenderly reach out and touch my forehead. Had he seen a cut or was it a scrape? I had no idea. I didn't care. I wanted to go home. I wanted to be in my warm bed after bathing in hot water and washing away the sticky remnants of what those men had left behind.
I lifted my arms and held them open for Fei. He looked at me surprised and that made me smile.
"Help me up?" I said softly.
He nodded and leaned in letting me wrap my arms around his neck and shoulders. He then stood gently bring me into a standing position with him. I did two things at once. I hissed and my legs buckled causing Fei to catch me in his arms. I closed my eyes ignoring the tears of pain leaking down my face. He lifted me completely so that my legs dangled over his arms and he began carrying me to the car. I heard the door open and saw Heero's face as I went past him and into the back seat with Wufei. I laid in his lap, my arms wrapped around his neck in death grip.
I heard the door shut and I buried my head in Wufei's chest. I could smell him. He smelled of incense and oils. Oils that only he used. He smelled of sweat and oils. I loved his smell. I felt the car move and felt the warmth of Fei's body as it engulfed me in a Wufei blanket. I remember shivering and over the hum of the car heater I heard my chattering teeth.
"He has a fever."
"We'll be home soon. I'll call Quatre and have him prepare for the worse."
I heard Heero's monotone voice blend into murmuring and eventually it was quiet. I felt myself slip into the blackness once again, except this blackness was safe and warm.
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I heard voices softly speaking in whispers around me. I felt a warm wetness caress my head. I felt a faint stinging and when I tried opening my eyes I found it hard. I blinked them open slowly and looked up. I was laying flat on my back on what I assume was a medical bed. I looked up and saw a white ceiling with a light fixture in the middle of it. This was not a hospital. Was I home? Was I in the make shift medical room? I moved my head to the side. There stood Sally Po. She was a pleasant sight to weary eyes. Her honey colored pigtails on twists that hung over her shoulders and then she turned revealing bright blue eyes in that lovely Asian face.
She had such a serious face. It made me want to grin, but grinning hurt too much. It stretched some scratches or scrapes I had on my face. I really want to know what my face looks like. How hurt am I? I guess that's a stupid question, although I am feeling kinda good at the moment. Must be something that Sal gave me.
Sally's looking down at me and talking. When had she started talking? Was I too busy thinking? Am I just that out of it? I look up at the cherub face and blink. I smile and close my eyes.
"Can you repeat that?" I ask, and even to my own ears I sound broken, lost, empty.
She blinks and looks surprised, " I asked if you would like the others to leave while I give you an examination."I took that moment to look across the room where I see the whole gang sitting or standing around a kitchen table of sorts. Quatre looks ill, like he's seen some monster tell him Allah is dead. Trowa stands at his back, his hands playing softly across the blonde Arab's shoulders. Beside Trowa stands a completely still Heero. Heero who is now showing no emotion at all. The perfect solider. I wonder if he knows. Do they all know? I look behind Heero to see Wufei on his side facing away from me. Is he afraid to show me his worry, his fear or is he merely uncomfortable?
I look back up at Sally and I know I must look sadistic as I let the words fall from my mouth, "Sure. It's not like it matters. Everyone in the city had a chance to see the whole package. Why not them?"
Why had I said that? Did I purposely want them to feel bad? Yes, A part of me blamed them. Why? Maybe it was because half of me expected them to ride up on those white stallions and save me. Because they hadn't, should I blame them? No. Was I? Yes, Did it make sense? No. Did I care? No. I need someone to blame and since I already feel like shit why not pass it on. Human defense is a wonderful thing. I was now a rose with thorns.
Sally closed her eyes and turned to walk to them. She whispered low enough that I couldn't hear and I heard soft reply's and then the soft movement of clothing as they left the room.
"Don't runaway.....don't leave without a good-bye," that was me being pitiful despite the cold anger that had given me such strength a few moments ago.
To Be Continued.......