Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Road Not Taken ❯ Part III ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing, I don't own it!


Leaning against the closed doorframe, Milliardo waited for someone to respond to his call. Wufei answered gruffly, "Preventers' Headquarters."

"Wufei, I need you to find Heero Yuy for me."

"I'm wrapped up with some Une-related business. Try next month." Wufei answered comically.

Zechs smirked, surprised that the Gundam pilot had a comedic side. "This can't wait. I want Yuy's location as soon as possible. This takes precedence over all your previous assignments. Don't tell me you have you lost your touch already?"

Silence. Wufei waited the extra minute, to push his superior over the edge. "Give me a couple of hours."

"Couple of hours? Rumour has it that you can find anyone in a matter of minutes. Wufei, I need that information now!"

"Yuy is not your average Joe on the street." Wufei responded and then disconnected before Milliardo could add another comment. Turning his seat next to the nearest computer screen, the search for the wing zero pilot began. Wufei's fingers bounced from one key to the next with flying agility. He could practically do this in his sleep. Scanning through apartment bills, credit transcripts, and transportation receipts, only one ID followed Yuy's regular pattern of consistent travel and anonymity. Wufei found it awkward that the soldier was not as inventive or secretive as before. It almost seemed as if he wanted to be seen. "Orreh Y. Lowe. Running out of aliases Yuy?" Wufei said to himself when he picked up the phone and dialled Zech's number.

"Zechs, you'll never guess what the cat dragged in."

"You found him then?" Milliardo asked.

"Not exactly. His location is still unknown but it seems to me that he has been involved in some illegal activity."

"Illegal? How so?"

"A few months before, Senator Johnson from Colony 01 was assassinated. No evidence was found." Wufei explained. "They are gearing towards the possibility that a Gundam Pilot was involved."

"Are you suggesting that Heero killed the senator?"

"There's more." Wufei replied without answering Zech's previous question. "Most of the politicians involved with the peace treaty five years ago have all died. Do you remember the 'Earth Sphere Unified Treaty of 1013?' For some reason, all this information has been held classified. However, someone took lots of time hiding this from the public eye."

"Yes I do remember that treaty and I'm amazed we didn't hear about this. How did they die?" Zechs proclaimed.

"Unknown. One more important piece of information that you might like to know; prior to their disappearances, they received anonymous messages either through computer networks or letters claiming..."

Milliardo interjected before Wufei could finish his thought, "I believe we already know what was written on those messages. So there's no evidence to support what occurred to those men? No suspects then?"

"None, except Yuy. Wait, I neglected to mention. There's only one individual left alive that was present at that treaty conference. You know who that is, don't you?"

Zechs knew very well who the remaining person was. It was none other than Relena Darlian. "Was Heero Yuy capable and responsible for all the killings?" he thought. It was true that no one had ever heard or seen him following the Mariemeia incident. Post-traumatic stress disorders were not unpopular when it came down to the lives of soldiers battling in war.

"What do you want us to do?" Wufei asked when Milliardo became deathly silent over the other line.


Two days after Relena's reluctant break-down, her brother cancelled all her major public meetings and announced that the Vice Foreign Minister had sudden personal matters that will have to postpone all her usual activities. Her personal doctor adamantly suggested that she took a few weeks off to rest and rejuvenate herself.

Under the order of Zechs, Une requested for more security and restricted access into the Peacecraft mansion aside from their own people. Nothing was to be left unnoticed for Relena's welfare. The former Queen found herself secluded in her home, trapped and helpless. She knew if someone discovered those threats, the situation would arise to this. Without a doubt, Relena shared their feeling of panic and fear, maybe even more so, but she couldn't put her job on hold. Once Colonel Une conducted a short briefing to the Gundam pilots regarding the sudden predicament, they knew what had to be accomplished. They needed to verify Wufei's findings regarding Yuy's involvement in the deaths of those political leaders. Without question, they doubted Heero's connection to those cases but then again, they weren't so sure.

During her time off, Relena had nothing better to do but read her novels and keeping herself occupied by looking over settlements that have yet to be finalized in the political assembly. She knew that Preventers would be sending someone down to watch her twenty-four/seven despite her arguments against something she found unnecessary, but she didn't know who they would send if all four Gundam pilots were collecting information to solve the case.

Relena walked into her room shortly after finishing her breakfast when she noticed a male shadow figure standing near her bed. He stood motionless, peering out of her window that leads to the outdoor balcony. His build seemed extremely familiar, especially the deep brown mass of hair. She approached him with caution for she didn't know who it was. It could even be the person dropping the threatening messages to her. He could even be armed.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" She demanded as she reached for her cell phone in her pocket.

"Put the phone down Relena." The stranger replied monotonously, still not turning to face her. 'That voice,' Relena thought, 'It sounded so familiar.'

"I don't know how you made it through security, but..."

"How I made it through security?" He interrupted and chuckled in amusement. "I don't know Relena. You tell me." He said as he turned, revealing the twin set of cobalt eyes, the chiselled features of the perfect soldier that Relena remembered well from the past. Although his appearance proved that he was tiresome, he had grown a couple of inches and seemed to be more athletically built. No longer was he the boy that she knew, but a man. For some strange reason, his appearance frightened her. There was something not quite right in terms of the way his piercing eyes gazed at her. Was it hatred, anger, frustration, or sadness? Relena couldn't tell.

"Heero? What are you doing here? After all this time..." She questioned, cell phone still in hand. Before he could respond, she realized the reason for his sudden presence after ten long years. "Milliardo sent you didn't he?"

He continued staring at her, not affected from what she said. Without the slightest hesitation, he reached behind his shirt and pulled out his gun. Heero held onto it firmly with his right hand and then dropped his arms to the side, barrel facing the soft-matted carpeting. Despite where the weapon was pointing, Relena felt as if it was taunting her with its destructive power.

"Why do you have that gun out Heero? What's the matter?"

"....." Silence. He never left his gaze from her face. Then, very quietly, almost unnoticeable, Heero replied, "I have no choice Relena."

"No choice for what?" Relena asked. She was so confused by his actions. Then, there was a slight knock on the door. At that same instant, Relena was awaken from her distraught conversation with Heero and she answered hesitantly, "Who is it?"

"Relena are you alright? I heard commotion coming from your room." Milliardo answered.

She turned toward the door, "No, I...I'm... " Before she could complete her sentence, she heard a rustle of movement where Heero was standing. When she returned to face the soldier, he was already gone.

"Heero?!?" She exasperated, walking quickly to the windowsill and out to the balcony, assuming that it was where he made his departure. Within a heartbeat, Milliardo opened the door, looking quite upset, saying, "Yuy? Here in the house?" He, too, went to the balcony and stood beside Relena.

Relena continued searching the courtyard for any sign of Heero but she found none. "Why do you sound surprised to find Heero here, Milliardo? You did send him here to protect me didn't you?" Relena asked as she kept her gaze on the lush green yard before them.

Before he answered her, he went deathly pale and silent. Milliardo grabbed so tightly to the banister with both hands that his knuckles started turning unusually white. She noticed how distressed her brother seemed and she couldn't depict what was causing the uneasy feeling.

"What is it?" Relena asked gently as she placed a hand on his forearm.

"Was he armed when he was with you?" Milliardo questioned her, still looking flustered.

"Well, um..."

"Answer me Relena!! Was he armed?" Milliardo yelled as he took both her shoulders and shook her uncontrollably.

"YES, Yes he was armed. I don't see the significance of..."

"And he was with you in that room, with a weapon?" He asked more to himself than directing the question to Relena. "We were lucky this time, weren't we? Well, there won't be a next time."

"Brother, what in God's name is going on here?" Relena asked impatiently. She did not enjoy being left out in the dark.

He released a huge sigh, which he had kept in for what seemed like a long time, and responded without emotion, "Relena, we didn't send him."
