Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Tank Police Division 195 ❯ Wild Goose ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Tank Police Division 195
Chapter Twenty-One: Wild Goose

When asked about it later on, some police officers said it was like an avalanche; it started out as a dull roar before getting so loud that all that kept you from getting buried in it was instinct and adrenaline. Others likened it to a hurricane; a huge, raging storm that destroyed anything it touched. One thing they all agreed on, it was a major disaster.

Dammit! What the hell is going on out there?! Une screamed. When she came in to work that morning she was expecting phone calls about her officers destroying private property. Instead, there were hundreds of calls from frantic politicians insisting that the city was under terrorist attack. Ironically, the politicians that screamed the loudest were the same ones that sided with the mayor when he decided to decrease the tank police budget. This will be funny later provided I'm still alive to laugh about it

Out on the streets, the police were having an even rougher time of it. Since early that morning they were being run ragged by an unbelievable amount of robots. Every time one showed up, something exploded. With all the mayhem and confusion being caused, quite a few of the local gangs decided that this was the perfect time to loot the city. The public had been advised to stay indoors and barricade themselves inside. All the subways were shut down and businesses were closed.

Captain Scot and his squad were chasing down three of the renegade robots.

Is it just me, or do they look like demolition droids? Trowa asked.

Not just you. Duo replied.

Heads up, everyone. I think the 'bots are tired of running. Quatre said. All three robots simultaneously opened up panels in their sides, pivoted, and threw explosives at the tanks.

Aw hell! I just got the suspension fixed on this tank! They'd better not have scratched the paint!! I'll buy dinner for the first one to frag one of those things!

All right! I'm all for that! Duo cheered.

No way, Maxwell. That dinner is ours! Wufei retorted.

Only if you can beat me to it. Heero challenged.

The four tanks raced through the streets, Heero and Duo having a speed advantage with their spider tanks. However, Quatre, Wufei, and Trowa's tank had a much better chance of hitting their targets long distance. Captain Scot, Noin, and Milliardo hung back in their tank; occasionally Captain Scot would bark orders. Soon it became apparent that Wufei and the others had no chance of getting at the robots and it became a battle between the two spider tank officers.

Hey, Duo. Heero said.

What? Duo replied, warily.

Let's make this a bit more interesting.

What do you have in mind?

Loser washes and waxes the others tank for a month.

Throw in a paint job and you're on.

Deal. And remember, even strokes when your painting.

I'll be sure to remind you.

The two surged forward, dodging TNT and debris while trying to get a clear shot of the robots. The robots soon ran out of ammunition and the tank officers lined up their sights. Neither of them got a shot off as a shell came flying between them and blew up all three robots. Duo and Heero turned around to see the smoking turret of the captain's tank.

Hey! Captain! No fair! Duo whined.

Tough luck kids. I get the dinner and the wax job. The Captain Scot grinned, Heero and Duo groaned. Quit your whining, we've got more robots to blow up.

The next batch of robots proved to be a bit trickier

You know, my uncle used to have one of these. Noin said.

Really? What happened to it? Milliardo asked.

It ran off with the neighbor's cat.

Tell me you're joking. Quatre moaned.

I wish

The tank officers were now facing a pack of robot cats that had decided to raid the fish market. The officers were forced to leave their tanks and attempt to apprehend them; operative word being 'attampt'.

Anyone besides me think this is a mistake? Trowa muttered.

Suck it up. We're tank officers; we can handle a bunch of cats. Captain Scot said and reached for one of the cats. He was rewarded with a deep gash in his left hand. AGH! Sonoffa he whipped out his gun. Noin and Milliardo quickly restrained him.

Don't do it captain!! Noin pleaded. Who knows what they'll do if you provoke them any further.


Control yourself, captain! Milliardo implored.

Can you 'kill' a robot cat? Trowa asked, quietly.

Ouch! Sir! Please stop hitting me! Noin wailed.

I think they're laughing at us. Quatre commented, pointing to the cats.

Eventually Captain Scot got his way and the robot cats (along with the fish market) were blown to smithereens.

You know we're going to get yelled at about that tomorrow. Heero said to no one in particular.

Nobody saw us do it so for all anybody knows, it was the cats. Captain Scot murmured. The radio beeped. Scot here.

Captain, are you currently in pursuit of any robots? Une asked over the radio.

Not right now, ma'am.

Good, I want you to head over to the junkyard. There appears to be a high frequency signal coming from somewhere around there. We believe it may be what's causing the robots to go berserk.

We're on it, chief. Captain Scot, out. Captain Scot cut off the connection. All right, you heard the boss lady. Move out!

When they got to there all they found was a radio transmitter; no sign of the person who was using it. Angrily, Captain Scot threw the device against the wall.

Captain? Quatre said, tentatively.

We've been had. Captain Scot said, quietly.

Well done, Denis. Mr. Evans congratulated the young man standing before him. You may take your money and leave.

Thank you sir. Denis replied, taking the envelope proffered to him by Mesor and leaving hastily. When Mr. Evans was sure Denis was out of earshot he turned to Mesor.

Kill him before he leaves the building. The shaggy-haired man nodded, and went off in pursuit of the unsuspecting youth. I don't like do things like that but we can't afford any more mistakes. Once the bomb is launched I suggest we rid ourselves of Tseratopolis as well.

I have no qualms about that. Dr. Simms said. He's a rather uncooperative sort.

With the crisis over, at least for the time being, the exhausted officers took the time to relax a little before heading back to headquarters.

What do you suppose the point of all that was? Noin wondered.

Maybe there was no point. Heero suggested. Maybe it was just a way to keep us occupied.

A wild goose chase. Wufei hummed.

Speaking of goose, I'm hungry. Duo remarked. Anybody want to go down to Genevieve's and get something to eat?

If it's still there. Milliardo quipped, dryly.

If it isn't we'll just go over to Noin's.

Hey now Noin warned.