Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Unable To Complete Mission ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
It had long been dark by the time that Heero returned to the safe house. He'd left Relena's party shortly after he'd recieved the most recent e-mail from Dr. J...the e-mail that insisted he murder his comrade and friend, Duo. He'd wandered away from the well-lit hall, leaving only a message with Wufei that he'd not be back that night...he'd wandered into the sunset like some hero from an old story. But Heero wasn't feeling victorious; heroic or glorified. Instead, he stomach was twisted into a knot and his mind was racing through the situation so fast that he wasn't entirely sure if any of his thoughts were coherant enough to accomplish the mission, should he choose to.

Why would J order him to kill Duo? Had Duo become a leak, a liability? No...Heero would know if he had-Heero spent all too much time with the braided boy, and even if he didn't, J was the type to tell him such things. This once, J offered him no choice, no options whatsoever...that was a little bizaare in itself. If Duo hadn't switched sides, what type of thing would warrant his assasination? Perhaps it was a test-it wouldn't be the first time J had placed his "perfect soldier" in a difficult situation simply to see where his loyalties lay; to see how well the good doctor had done on his little experiment...if it was a test, Heero would show his mentor just how perfect a soldier he'd become. He'd kill him. Not Duo, Heero would kill J. He'd cut J's living heart out of his chest and serve it to Duo on a silver platter as apology and explanation of Heero's behavior towards him. There was also the possibility that J's reasoning was much more petty...a bet or arguement with Professor G, for instance. If THAT were the case, both the scientists would soon lie dead at Heero's feet. Wing's pilot WOULD find out the reasoning behind the orders and would take care of things accordingly.

There was only one question left in the dark haired pilot's mind: should he complete the given mission?

It was a thought that bugged Heero...he didn't believe that J would order another Gundam pilot's life because of something terribly petty or simply a test...the pilots were too valuble. They were NEEDED in the war, if the rebels had any hope of winning. Plus it was a mission...that fact in itself teared at Heero's mind, begging him to complete it and move on. Complete it and move wasn't a mission like all the others! And he'd even disobeyed some of those for various reasons...he hadn't killed Relena because he thought she was necessary for peace. Duo was necessary for the eventual coming of peace too, wasn't he?

It was after midnight when Heero finally shoved the thoughts aside and started back to the safe house, his decision made.


Duo was fast asleep when Heero crept silently into the room that they shared. The braided pilot was sprawled out on his twin sized bed, entirely covered by a dark blue blanket. Only one bare leg, which hung off the bed, and his thick traidmark braid were visable. Heero's blue eyes focused on the form a moment, before he turned towards his desk, temporarily ignoring his target's presence.

It took all the control Heero possessed to focus on the task of opening his laptop and getting into his e-mail. The internet lagged painfully, and Heero drummed his fingers quietly against the desk-impatience tinging his thoughts. When the dull page loaded, Heero found that there were no new messages-which was a little bit disapointing. He'd hoped to find that J had written back and revoked the last mission, for one reason or another...of course, new messages could also mean that J was wondering why the American pilot still breathed. Perhaps having no news was truly a blessing, as people said.

Opening a window, Heero drafted a simple, short letter. Heero had never been one for eloquince or unnecessary words, even with the bitterness, disgust and growing hatred he felt tinging his writing.

Date: Sunday, September 16
Time: 1:43
Subject: RE: Mission

Mission accepted and will be accomplished before 06:00.


Heero took a deep breath, closing his eyes with a display of emotion that he'd never show were anyone around. He clicked the send button.

It was done-Heero couldn't recall the message now. He shut the laptop with a snap, and stood to face his sleeping partner. He made his way to the bed and very gently pulled the covers aside to reveal Duo's face. Deep in a peaceful sleep, Duo seemed like a regular teenager...a boy who dreamt of girls; the future and aceing his algebra exam-had Heero not known who he was, he'd never have suspected that Duo had killed and destroyed...that Duo was more than that normal teenager, blissfully held in sleep's care. A small line of drool had escaped Duo's mouth and led slowly down his cheek...another sign that he was just human. Why would J want this dead?

Heero shook his head, banishing the thoughts, the internal argument from his mind. There was only one thing to do now-only one option he truly had. He would debate the reasons and ethics behind J's order later.

On the floor beside Duo's bed was a scattered pile of manga beside a dirty mug from several days ago. Lying on top of the manga was one of the black eye masks that some people liked to wear over their eyes to sleep. Duo used it when he was away on missions, in a place where true dark was impossible. He also had a pair of earplug stashed somewhere, but those weren't important to Heero's plan.

Without taking his eyes off the sleeping pilot, Heero beant and snatched the eye mask up. Unconsiously holding his breath, Heero slid the eye mask over Duo's relaxed face. Duo didn't stir. With an expression that nearly resembled a smile, Heero gently took the other boy's braid, wrapping it carefully around Duo's jaw line, and forcing it into the boy's mouth. Miraculously, Duo remainded deep in the grip of sleep, even through Heero's minstrations.

The next part was the hardest-and for this, Heero didn't even bother with all the care that he'd used before. In a quick, confusing motion, Heero flipped his friend onto his stomach, grabbing his hands and forcing them behind his back. Heero ripped a strip of cloth off his own green tank top and used it to bind the hands as Duo began to squirm, small squeeks imerging from his throat as he was rudely woken in that awkwards and helpless position. Heero remained completely silent as he skillfully tied his friend, dispite the increasingly violent thrashing of the body. As soon as the hands were tied, Heero wrapped the blanket tightly around Duo's body, restraining his kicks and squirms to some extent, while muffling the small noises that Duo got past the make-shift gag.

"Shut up," Heero hissed, wondering if his friend even heard him-and if he did, would he really be quiet? With a slight grunt, Heero picked his package up, slinging Duo's body over his shoulder with little effort. Duo kicked harder, his feet connecting with the lower part of Heero's back-but the kicks were fairly weak and he hit no weak spot, so Heero paid them no attention as he started quickly out of the room, stopping only long enough to grab his laptop from the desk.

Heero carried Duo down into the hanger where the Gundam's were kept. Duo quieted along the way as he realised the futility in fighting his unseen assailant...but even through the blanket wrapped tightly around him, Heero could feel how tense Duo's muscels were-ready to fight or run the second he had an opportunity.

Heero paused at Wing's massive feet, and glanced briefly upwards at his tremendous Gundam. He felt small, as he always did when standing beside his mechanical partner...small, but somehow important.

"I'm putting you down now," Heero announced to his burden as his attention turned away from the mecha looming over them. Muscels tensed further-so far that Heero was ceratin Duo was getting a cramp...stupid really. Tensing up so much that you get a cramp, making it near impossible to fight well enough to win-especially against someone like Heero.

Heero let Duo down gently but without ceremony. THe moment that the bundle touched the ground, Duo began writhing within the blankets, trying to free himself from the tangle of folds. Heero watched the other's slow progress for a moment with sorrowful eyes, then sighed. "I'm sorry," he whispered, tears coming unbidden to his deep eyes as he reached for his gun.