Haibane Renmei Fan Fiction / Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Rei-Bane ❯ Chapter 8: Koan / Moving / Gestation & Birth ( Chapter 8 )

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Rei-Bane:  Chapter 8:  Koan / Moving / Gestation & Birth

Early Monday morning Kana crept stealthily into the guest room and over to the sleeping form of Ikari.

"Time to get up!" she hollered and started banging on a beat-up old bucket.

She had expected Ikari to virtually jump out of his skin like almost everyone else she had pulled this prank on over the years had done.  Instead, however, she was shocked as he cowered, shaking, under his bedcovers.

She abruptly stopped her noisemaking.  "Um…  Sorry…  I didn’t mean to scare you."

"Kana!" shouted Rakka as she came running down the stairs from her room.  "What are you doing?"

"I said I was sorry."

Rakka sat down on the bed next to Ikari, who was still hiding under the covers.  "It’s okay," she said as she gently stroked his shoulder.

Ikari poked his head out.  "Sorry," he muttered.

"You’re not the one who needs to apologize," Rakka said kindly as she glared at Kana.

Kana looked down guiltily.

"Are you alright now?" Rakka asked.

"Yeah," Ikari answered as he sat up.  "Where’s Rei?"

"She should be here soon.  She’s helping me cook breakfast this morning."

"So I better get up and get dressed then."

"Yeah, you sh…"

Blushing, Rakka hurriedly got up, grabbed Kana’s sleeve and hustled the two of them towards the door.

"Again?" Kana asked.  "This is like when I went to get him at the Factory," she added as the door closed right behind her.

A few minutes later Rakka and Kana returned and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Ikari called out.

They entered the room to find the bed already neatly made and Ikari working over in the kitchen area.

"What’re you doing?" Kana asked.

"I thought I should make everyone breakfast to thank you for helping me."

"You don’t have to do that," said Rakka.

"Um…  It’s okay.  I don’t mind."

"Just remember Rei won’t eat anything from animals," Kana told him.

"That was really good," Kana exclaimed after polishing off the last bit of her breakfast.

"Yes, Ikari.  Everything was great," added Hikari.

"Maybe we should let you move in here and be our full-time cook," Kana suggested jokingly.

Ikari blushed.  "I-I’m glad you liked it."

"So, are you ready to go to the Temple?" Rakka asked.

Ikari’s features became troubled.  "I guess I have to be, don’t I."

"There’s no reason to go right away if you don’t feel up to it.  You can always go some other day."

"No, let’s go and get it over with.  I suppose the sooner I talk to the Communicator the better."

"I hope your visit to the Temple goes well," Rei said as she got up to leave.  "Thank you for making breakfast."

"You’re not coming?" Ikari asked with obvious unease.

"I must attend to my duties with the Little Feathers."

"Oh," Ikari said disappointedly.

"Um…  Rei, I could fill in for you for the morning," Hikari offered.

"That will not be necessary," Rei answered.  "You have your own responsibilities," she added and then departed.

"Do you think she’s mad at me for something?" Ikari asked glumly.

"Oh, no," Hikari said.  "Rei just has a very set idea of what her priorities have to be."

"Yeah," added Kana.  "And the Little Feathers are always at or near the top of the list.  She takes her work really seriously."

Rakka stood.  "We can get going in a minute, Ikari.  I’ll be right back," she said and then quickly went out the door.

She hurried down the stairs and into the courtyard, where Rei was heading back to her room.

"Rei!  Wait!" she called out.

Rei stopped and turned to wait for her.

"What is it?" she asked as Rakka caught up to her.  "Is there something wrong?"

"I thought you wanted to come to the Temple with us."

"I do, but I cannot."

"Hikari can look after the Little Feathers while you go with us."

Rei shook her head.  "That would not be proper.  They are my responsibility."

"But what about Ikari?"

Rei was puzzled.  "He is not my responsibility."

"But he’s your friend."

"I do not understand."

"Who’s more important to you right now – Ikari or the Little Feathers?"

"They are both important to me."

"But can’t you see that Ikari needs you right now?  He’s scared and he’s looking to you as his friend for support."

"The children and the Housemother also need me."

"Hikari said she’d look after the Little Feathers for you."

"But then she would not be fulfilling her duties."

"So you’re not going to help Ikari because otherwise a few more cookies and loaves of bread won’t get baked?"

Rei frowned.  "That is not a fair comparison."

"But that’s what it comes down to."

"One’s duty is one’s duty."

Rakka sighed dejectedly.  "Guess you really were a soldier after all."

Rei reacted as if she had been slapped.

"Rei," Rakka then added.  "You also have responsibilities and duties to your friends… and to help other Haibane in need."

Rei’s eyes began to tear up.  "You shame me."

"I don’t mean to.  I’m just trying to help you see what you need to see…  Ikari needs you…  You’re strong.  He needs that strength right now, and he’s looking to you to get it from."

"You are right.  Helping him should be the most important thing right now."

Rakka smiled brightly.  "Let’s go get him then."

As they started back to the West Wing, Rei wiped her eyes and said, "I never used to cry, but lately I cannot seem to stop."

"It’s an emotional time for everybody right now.  We’ve all been doing more than our fair share of crying."

‘Or is it that I am somehow filled with sadness and am only now beginning to realize it?’ Rei wondered.

"Rakka, can you tell me how you and Reki stopped being sin-bound?" Ikari asked as the two of them and Rei made their way to the Temple.

"I don’t know if that would be helpful.  There wasn't much in common between our experiences.  What happened with me and what happened with Reki were very different."

"How so?"

"I wasn’t sin-bound very long, but Reki was sin-bound the entire time she was here – almost eight years.  And she literally only saved herself at the very last minute."

"But how?"

"I was drawn towards finding my way out.  Reki had to find her own way.  I had to seek forgiveness.  Reki had to allow herself to rely on someone else.  The only thing that we had in common was that our cocoon dream was somehow involved."

"Your cocoon dream?"

Rakka nodded.

"It seems our dreams are the keys to why we Haibane are all here," concluded Rei.

"You could say that," Rakka answered.  "So it’s not surprising that the key to freeing yourself from being sin-bound might also be in the dream."

"My dream," Ikari said, disheartened.  "I hate my dream."

"That might be part of it right there," Rakka observed.  "There’s something about the dream that’s haunting you, isn't there?"


"I know what you said about why you wouldn't go to the Temple for Rei's judgment, Ikari.  Kana told us all."


"You have to find out what it is that disturbs you so much.  That could be your sin, or maybe it will at least point to it.  Then you have to somehow come to terms with it."

"I can’t help but think that this all has something to do with how things have been for me at the Factory."

"Perhaps.  It was Kuu’s leaving Old Home that brought the darkness in my dream to the surface and led me to being sin-bound."

"Her leaving the Nest was a sort of catalyst?" Rei asked.

"Maybe," Rakka answered.  "But I don’t know if I was always going to end up sin-bound or not, so I can’t say whether Kuu’s leaving was somehow special, or if something else would have triggered my being sin-bound later if she’d stayed."

"So what's happened with me at the Factory might not help me figure things out," Ikari concluded.

"No, but it’s as good a place as any to start your soul searching."

"After the way Midori was to you all yesterday, I really can’t bear the thought of going back there right now.  I guess I’ll have to keep staying at the music store."

"I am not sure that would be wise," Rei said.  "After all, isolating yourself at the music store might be the true catalyst for your being sin-bound."

"That's true," Rakka agreed.

Ikari hung his head dejectedly.

"I know!" Rakka burst out.  "You can stay at Old Home!"

"But I’m not a girl," Ikari responded.

"I’m sure the others will be alright with it.  And it would be the perfect way for you to have a fresh start!"

"What do you think Rei?"

"I believe Rakka is correct in thinking that Old Home might temporarily provide you with a less difficult living environment, and that it might therefore be helpful to you in your quest to free yourself.  However, I cannot see the Communicator sanctioning it."

"All we can do is ask him," Rakka said.

"This is indeed grievous news," the Communicator said upon hearing of the events of the prior two days.

"I’m sorry," Ikari said.

"The one you must apologize to is yourself."

The Communicator turned his attention to Rakka and Rei, who were standing behind Ikari.  "The two of you are dismissed.  I wish to speak with Feather Ikari privately about his situation."

"Washi," said Rakka.  "Before we go, I would like to request that Ikari be allowed to stay for a while at Old Home.  I believe a change in his living situation might help him through this."

Instead of the simple, quick rejection they all expected, the Communicator stood silently considering the request.  "Very well," he then said.  "But only until he is no longer sin-bound or I decide it is not helping him.  And only if all the other Feathers at Old Home agree to allow it."

Rakka bowed.  "Thank you, Washi."  She then headed off to work, but not before putting a reassuring hand on Ikari’s shoulder and wishing him luck as she passed.

"Brother," Rei then said.  "I will wait for you outside the Temple."

Once she was gone the Communicator said, "You are surprised that I am allowing you to live at Old Home."

Ikari nodded.

"I know a great deal about how Feather Rakka’s mind works.  I do not think I need to guess any further about her reasoning.  And, given the gravity of your situation, I could not bring myself to deny her request."

"Thank you."

"Besides, when Rakka has set her mind to something she does not give up trying to attain it."

Ikari smiled.

"As for your living at Old Home, keep in mind that the Renmei will be watching you closely while you are there.  Do not do anything to disappoint us."

"I won’t.  I promise."

"That is a good attitude to have.  I have every confidence that you can free yourself just as Rakka and Blessed Feather Reki did."

"What must I do?"

"Your black wings mean you have sinned.  You understand this, correct?"

Ikari nodded.

"You are caught in the Circle of Sin and, yet, you do not know what your sin is."

"No, I don’t."

"If you could see your sin, then how could you be a sinner?"

"I don’t understand."

"One who recognizes their own sin has no sin.  So, then, are you a sinner?"

"I don't know...  But I must be...  What have I done wrong?"

"When you see the answer to this question you will be able to free yourself."

"I’ll try my best to find it."

"Yes, that you must.  Perhaps, having not been born sin-bound, your answer will call out to you, just as it did for your sister Rakka."

"So what do you think I should do now?"

"You have been leading a very disjointed life for a Haibane.  First and foremost you would be wise to settle into a normal life.  Then you can see what appears for you about your situation."

"Thank you."

"Good luck, Feather Ikari."

Rei felt relieved when Ikari came through the Temple doors.

"Did you learn what you were hoping to from the Communicator?" she asked.

"I’m not sure, but probably.  He said I need to settle down and get my life in order."

"That is sound advice at almost any time...  What else did he say?"

"Basically the same as Rakka - that I have to learn what my sin is."

As they began their walk back to the main road Rei could not help but see the pained expression on Ikari’s face.

I should comfort him…  But I do not know how…  Rakka often uses touch to bring comfort, as did Nemu.’

Rei began to reach out to touch Ikari as Rakka had just done, but then she pulled her hand back.

‘I cannot...   I…’

Inwardly, Rei chastised herself for her failure.  ‘Why am I unable to do such a simple, human thing?’ Then she recalled, ‘I am not human…  I have never been human.’

"How did the visit to the Temple go?" Kana asked late that afternoon as she came into the courtyard, where Rei was watching over some of the Little Feathers.

"I think it went as well as could be expected," Rei replied.

"Did Ikari cry and whine?"


"What a surprise," Kana said sarcastically. 

"Contrary to your belief, Brother Ikari is not a coward."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes.  When I was set upon in Glie, my attackers made it clear they did not want to hurt him.  They told him to just run away, but he stood by me and therefore also became their target.  That was not the act of a coward."

Kana was surprised.  "Then why didn’t he have the guts to come to the Temple to help you?"

"You once told me that his refusal involved his cocoon dream."

"Yeah, so?"

"Your dream was a pleasant one, correct?"


"Like me, his was not.  I do not thing someone like you can easily appreciate how a dream like his could have affected him as it did."

"But it’s just a dream."

"Your saying that demonstrates my point.  You do not understand.  You therefore should not be so quick to condemn someone for something wholly outside your experience."

Surprised at the strength of Rei’s rebuke, Kana was chastened.  "Um…  I’ll try harder not to, I guess."

Kana’s attitude was decidedly different a while later at dinner. 

"He wants to what?" she asked in total disbelief.

"As Rakka just told you, he would like to move into Old Home temporarily," Rei said.

"I did not agree to this!"

"Do you have a problem with it?" Hikari asked.  "Because I don’t."

"Yeah, I’ve got a problem with it!"

"What?" Hikari asked with a displeased look on her face.

"Well, he’s a guy."

Hikari rolled her eyes.  "We’ve been over this."

"But that was just for one night.  This is different."

"How so?"

Kana found she had no answer.

"I don’t want to cause any problems," Ikari then said.  "I won’t move in if you object."

Kana could feel the eyes of the other Old Home residents on her.  "No, it’s okay" she relented.  "You living here for a while won’t be a problem."

"Are you sure?"

Kana looked away from Hikari’s annoyed stare.  "Yeah, I’m sure," she said with unusual meekness.

"Now he can cook for us like you wanted him to!" Hikari declared triumphantly with a clap of her hands.

"I wish Nemu was here," Kana mumbled.

"Ikari, are you going to live here in the guest room for now or will you set up a room of your own?" Hikari asked as everyone cleared the dinner table.

"Rei suggested I move into Nemu’s room since it’s available."

"That’s a good idea.  That way you won’t have to pick and clean a new room."

Kana grumbled.

"We’ll need to sort through Nemu’s things first," Rakka said. 

"Why?" Rei asked.

"Well, isn’t there anything of Nemu’s you’d like as a keepsake?" Hikari asked.

"I had not thought about it."

"And we need to go through her clothes, too," Rakka added.

"To disturb her belongings seems… disrespectful," Rei said with concern.

"It’s not like Nemu needs them anymore," said Rakka.

"And we Haibane have to make do with what others cast off," said Hikari.

Rei still didn’t seem convinced.

"Think of what she left behind as her gifts to us," Ikari said.

Mollified, Rei nodded.

"When are you going to get your things from the Factory, Ikari?" Rakka then asked.

"I thought I might walk down there now and get some clothes and stuff," he answered.  "Actually, besides my clothes, I don’t really have much else."

"We’ve got a duffel around here someplace that you can use," Hikari said.  "Will that be big enough?"

"Oh, definitely.  I’m going to leave my winter things there for now."

"I hope you’re long gone before winter comes," Kana said.

Hikari smacked her shoulder.

"Actually, it would be great if Ikari’s stay is a short one!" Rakka exclaimed.  "The sooner he’s not sin-bound the better!"

"Yes," Rei agreed.

Later, as Ikari headed out of the south gate he found Kana waiting for him on her scooter.

"You want a ride to the Factory and back?" she asked.

"Um…  You don’t have to," he answered sheepishly

"I thought maybe it would give us a chance to talk, just the two of us."

"Sure…  I guess."

He climbed onto the back seat and looked for something to grab on to.

Kana glaced back at him as she started the motor.  "Just hold onto my hips."

She almost laughed out loud when Ikari averted his eyes and blushed.  ‘And I was worried about him?’

A moment later, however, Kana found herself blushing at how pleasant Ikari’s hands felt gripping her firmly. 

‘No guy has ever touched me before!’

"S-So…  Ikari," she managed as put the scooter into gear.  "I-I just want you to know that I’m always going to be watching you, so you better behave yourself."

"Um…  Alright."

They rode on in silence for a while until Ikari said, "Look, if you don’t want me to live at Old Home, just say so."

"No, I don’t really want you to," Kana said honestly.  "But I’m okay with letting you for now.  You understand?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"And it’s not that I don’t like you," Kana continued.  "I hardly know you, so I don’t like or dislike you.  But after what happened with Rei, I don’t trust you."

"I understand," Ikari answered glumly.

‘Great, Kana…  Kick him some more when he’s already down.’

"Look, Ikari…  Rei told me something today.  She said that when she was attacked the boys just wanted you to run away, but you refused to.  Is that true?"

"Of course.  I wasn’t going to leave Rei alone with them!"

"Then I guess I may have to rethink my opinion of you."

A short while later the scooter pulled up outside the Factory.

"I’ll wait out here," Kana said.  "After yesterday I don’t want to run into Midori unless I absolutely have to."

"That I understand completely."

Kana chuckled.  "Hurry up and maybe we can both avoid her."

Ikari dashed inside and, as quietly as he could, made his way to his room.

When he had finished hastily stuffing the last of his things into the duffel he turned to leave, only to find Midori standing in the doorway, hands on her hips.

"And where are you off to?" she asked.

"I-I went to see the Communicator today and he agreed that it might be best for me if I stay at Old Home for a while."

"Old Home?" Midori asked incredulously.  "But you’re a boy!"

"It’s just until I’m not sin-bound anymore.  Rakka thought that maybe she could help me more if I stayed there."

Midori nodded.  "Well, if the Communicator says it’s alright then who am I to argue?"  She walked over to him.  "How are you wings?"

"See for yourself," he answered and turned around.

Midori smiled faintly.  "Much better."

"Thanks again for helping me."

"Yeah, well, right now I’m not too proud of how I’ve treated you, so, like I said, it’s the least I can do."

Ikari fought back tears.  "Kana’s waiting for me outside, so I best get going."

"Tell me one thing before you go."


"Tell me about Rei."

"What about her?"

"What is she really?"

"What d-do you m-mean?"

"She’s not an ordinary Haibane, is she?"

"O-Of c-course she is."

"Tell me how she really hurt that kid in town."

"I told you already."

"No.  I want the truth this time."

‘Have to think up something fast!’  "You saw for yourself.  She knows how to fight."

"Then why have you always said that Rei somehow managed to push the boy down and that he hurt his hand when he landed on it?"

"That’s what the Communicator told me to say."  ‘At least that’s not a lie.’

"Why would he do that?"

"Well, look how you’re reacting!  He was worried what people would think about a Haibane beating someone up!"

"And that’s the truth?"

"Yes!  And don’t tell anyone else, please!"

"I won’t," she promised as she stepped aside.  "Take care of yourself, Ikari."

He couldn’t believe his luck.  "Um… Thanks.  I hope I won’t be gone too long.  Be seeing you."

He breathed a sigh of relief as he went out the door.  ‘That went better than I thought it would.’

Midori watched him head down the hall.  ‘You’re a terrible liar, Ikari.’

Kana and Ikari arrived back at Old Home to find the others organizing Nemu’s clothes on the bed and table of the guest room.

"We decided we might as well get started on sorting these out," Rakka said.

"But where will I sleep?" Ikari asked.

"I don’t see why you couldn’t move into Nemu’s room right away," Hikari said.  "Now you’ve got places to put your things."

"Come," Rei said.  "I will take you there."

Ikari followed her as she led him over to the East Wing.

"This is now yours," Rei said as she walked into Nemu’s room.

Ikari surveyed the simple, neat room.  "This is a lot nicer than my room at the Factory," he said as he put the duffel bag on the bed.

"Nemu had a long time to improve it."

"Yeah, I guess she did."

"I hope it serves you well," Rei said with a slight smile.

"It’s great."

"One more thing," Rei said as she stepped back out of the room.  "The shared bathroom is just down the hall."

"Shared?" Ikari asked sheepishly.

"Yes.  My room is just the other side of the entryway.  I also use this bathroom."

Ikari blushed.  "I’ll try not to inconvenience you."

Rei nodded.  "Would you like some help unpacking?"

"What?  Oh, sure."

They went back into the room and began to put away Ikari’s clothes in Nemu’s now-empty dresser and closet.

"I saw Midori at the Factory," Ikari said as he hung up a shirt.

"Has she calmed down?"

"Oh, yeah, she has.  But she asked me about you."

"What did she want to know?"

"She asked me if you were a normal Haibane or not."

Rei stiffened.  "And what did you tell her?"

"I said the only unusual thing about you that I knew of is that you know how to fight."

Rei was relieved.  ‘He tried to protect me again.’

She looked over at Ikari.  ‘That feels so very right…  He has always tried to protect me… even before.’

"Thank you, Brother."

"What for?"

"For looking out for me, even when it might hurt you."

Ikari didn’t quite understand what Rei was getting at.  "Um…  No problem."

Rei felt a warm feeling in her chest.  ‘That must be part of why I loved him.’

After perhaps his most restful night’s sleep since arriving in Glie, Ikari stepped out of his room the next morning to visit the bathroom…  only to be greeted by the sight of Rei wearing nothing but a towel over her shoulders as she walked back to her room after showering.

"Sorry!" he yelped, as he turned deep red and then scurried back into his room and slammed the door shut.

Rei paused by his doorway.  "Is there something wrong, Brother?"

"Rei…  I just saw you naked!"

"That disturbs you?"

"Doesn’t it disturb you?"

"No," she answered and went on her way.

Ikari sighed.  ‘This is going to take some getting used to.’

Three weeks later Rei and some of the Litter Feathers were working their way through the Second North Wing on the weekly cocoon hunt.

"Hana, take the little ones and start on the next floor," Rei said.  "I will catch up to you in a few minutes."

"Okay!" she answered and headed up the stairs with her charges.

Rei smiled.  Of late she had been giving Hana more responsibilities to try to assess how much longer the girl would need to remain with the other Little Feathers.

‘It won’t be too long before she’s ready to join the elders of Old Home,’ Rei thought as she opened the door to the last room at the east end of the second floor.

She always stopped in this room when she was in the building.  It was her cocoon room and, just as Rakka had said about her own birth room, it had a special feeling to it for Rei.  Though looking at the room she wondered why, as it was a complete shambles, even by the lowly standards of Old Home.

‘What a place to be born…  Perhaps it is somehow symbolic of my previous life.’

She gingerly sat down on the sole rickety chair and closed her eyes.  Soon she felt her spirits lifting as if simply being in this room suffused her with energy.

Her contemplation was interrupted as Hana came flying down the stairs.  "Rei!  Come quick!" she called out.

"Did someone hurt themselves?" Rei asked as she rushed back into the hallway.

"No!  No!  Come see!"

Rei hurried up the stairs after Hana and followed her down the hall of the third floor.

"In here!" Hana said, pointing to a doorway where the other Little Feathers were all standing.

Rei stepped into the room and saw what had caused the commotion.  Towards a far corner of the room sat a green fibrous ball that looked somewhat like a small cabbage, with what otherwise might be mistaken for a white dandelion puff atop it.

"Is this what I think it is?" Rei asked.

"Yes!  It’s a cocoon!" Hana exclaimed.

Rei immediately sent the Little Feathers to find the other elder Haibane.  She then knelt down and closely examined the curious object.  She had never seen a cocoon before.

‘It is hard to believe that this is how I came into this world.’

A few minutes later Kana and Rakka came charging breathlessly into the room.

"Oh, wow!" Kana said when she saw what Rei was standing over.

"So it is a cocoon?"  Rei asked.

"You bet!" Rakka replied.

A few moments later Hikari, Ikari and most of the Little Feathers came flooding into the room.

"You brats get out!" Kana yelled.  "You know this room is now off limits to you!"

After wrangling the youngsters out the door, everyone’s attention turned to the tiny cocoon.

"How long do you think it’s been here?" Rakka asked.

"Only a couple of days at the very most," Hikari estimated.

"About how long until it hatches?" Ikari asked.

"It’s hard to say," answered Kana.  "If it’s a Little Feather, then less than a week or so.  If it’s someone our size then it’ll grow for maybe closer to two weeks."

"How long did I take?" Rei asked.

"Well, when we found yours it was already probably almost a week old.  You must have arrived just after a hunt."

"When Kana found you, your cocoon was already about a meter across," said Hikari.

"And then you took another eight days to hatch out," said Kana.

"That’s right," added Rakka.  "You were born on a Monday."

"So what do we do now?" Ikari asked.

"We just need to check up on it two or three times a day," Hikari answered.  "It will turn a much paler green when it reaches its full size.  After that it should hatch within a day."

"Once the color changes we’ll have to keep a ‘round-the-clock watch on it," said Kana.  "It will start turning grey right before it hatches.

"Since my room’s the closest, I’ll check on it just before I go to bed," she then volunteered.  "Why don’t you check on it first thing in the morning, Hikari, and then Rei can look in on it in the afternoon."

"Sounds like a plan," Rakka said as Hikari nodded her assent.

"Yes," Rei also agreed.  "As I am always here in the afternoon, I will inspect it."

Ten days later Rei took Hana with her to check on the cocoon, as had now become routine.

"Look how big it is!" Hana exclaimed when she opened the door, which now bore a sign reading "Little Feathers Forbidden!" on it.

"Yes, it is amazing how it has grown," Rei said as she examined the cocoon that now almost reached to the ceiling.

"This one is almost as big as yours was!"

"And I do not think it will be growing much more," Rei concluded.  "Though the tendrils anchoring it to the floor and ceiling are still quite green, look at how the color has faded."

"Yeah," agreed Hana.  "That means it’ll hatch soon, right?"

Rei nodded.  "Go back down and tell the Housemother that I must stay here and keep watch over it.  And when the others return from work I want you to tell them to come up here."

"Okay!" Hana said cheerfully and then left.

Rei went and fetched the chair from her own birth room and then sat down beside the cocoon.

‘I wonder what you will be like,’ she mused as she surveyed the rough surface of the ball.  ‘What are you dreaming of in there?’

"I hope it is a good dream," she said to herself.

About an hour later Rakka arrived to see the cocoon.

"It has changed color," Rei said.

Rakka nodded.  "Good thing I decided to bring this down here today," she said as she reached into the bag she was carrying and extracted a halo mold.

"May I see it?" Rei asked.

Rakka handed it to her.  "They’re slightly different you know, the two molds."

"How so?"

"The metalwork on the handle is a little different, that’s all…  But Old Home and the Factory are always given the same one."


"Yes.  So that means this mold made your halo and mine… and Hikari’s, and Kana’s, and Kuu’s, and Kuramori’s, and Reki’s and Nemu’s."

‘Nemu’s halo,’ thought Rei.  She clutched the mold to her chest.  "That makes it very special…  It is part of the continuity of the lives of the Haibane of Old Home."

"Um-hmm," Rakka agreed with a smile.  "It’s so special the Renmei won’t let us keep it."

"Do they not trust us with it?"

"Let’s just say they can keep it a lot safer than we can."

Rei thought of the Little Feathers and of Hikari and her donut experiment.  "Yes, I must agree."  She looked the mold over carefully.  "I wonder how old it is."

"I asked the Communicator that before you were born.  Even he doesn’t know, so I bet it’s really old.  Think of all the halos it’s made."

Rei’s thoughts went back to Nemu and she felt a sudden wave of sadness.  "I wish Nemu was here."

"Yeah, me too…  Right now I’m kind of scared without her here."

"As am I.  You at least have helped care for a Newborn before."

"You’ll do fine.  If half of what Nemu said about how you look after the Little Feathers when they hurt themselves is true, I wouldn’t want anyone else there with me but you."

Rei smiled.  "I will try to live up to your trust… and Nemu’s."

Over the next hour the other three elder Haibane trickled in from work.

"I suppose it’s time to draw lots," Kana suggested.

"Lots?" Ikari asked.

"Yes.  To see who keeps watch when."

"Oh.  Yeah, I suppose the overnight shifts won’t be much fun."

"Kana, you’ll have to bring the lantern over from the clock tower after dinner," Hikari reminded her.

"No problem," Kana replied.  "Hmm…  With four of us it was two three-hour shifts each day…  But now we’re five.  It doesn’t work out evenly."

"I don’t think Ikari should keep watch with us," Rakka said.

Everyone looked at her.  "Why not?" Hikari asked.

"Yeah, I agree with Rakka," Kana said.

"Why?" Ikari asked.

"Well, that’s a girl in there…  Think of how you were dressed when you came out of your cocoon."

Ikari blushed.  "I see your point."

"Right.  It could be sort of embarrassing for you if she hatched while you were on watch."

"I suppose I probably shouldn't be around her much until she gets some proper clothes, either."

"Oh, don’t worry about that," said Hikari.  "She’ll be in bed most of the time after she hatches anyway."

"You can help look after the Little Feathers for me when I am on duty here and with the Newborn," Rei suggested.

Everyone laughed at Ikari’s expression.  "From the frying pan into the fire, eh, Ikari?" joked Kana.

Rei got up from her chair and stretched.

‘It will be time for dinner soon,’ she thought with some anticipation.  Having the 3 to 6 watches had been tiring the night before and had been very boring that afternoon.

‘Ikari will be cooking tonight.’  She smiled.  Everyone liked his cooking and that pleased Rei more than she was willing to admit, probably even to herself.

‘He has fit in here very well…  Even Kana does not seem to mind his presence any longer.’

She walked around the cocoon, surveying it closely.  As she came around the backside a patch near the top caught her eye.

‘It is turning grey there.’

She went over to the window, opened it and picked up a kitchen pot and stick that Kana had left there.  ‘It seems that dinner might have to wait,’ she concluded as she leaned out the window and banged on the pot to alert everyone to come to the room.

Moments later Kana appeared around the side of the First North Wing.  "Has she hatched?" she shouted.

Rei shook her head.  "The cocoon is turning grey, though."

A few minutes later Kana, Hikari and Rakka arrived to join Rei, all filled with anticipation.

"I can’t wait to see her!" Hikari bubbled.

"It won’t be long now," Kana said as she inspected the growing grey patch.

"Did you bring the blanket to wrap her in?" Rei asked.  "I do not see it."

"I hung it on a doorknob just down the hall so it doesn’t get soaked," Hikari answered.

"That was prudent." 

"Shhh!" Rakka hissed as she put her ear up to the cocoon.

"What?" Kana whispered.

"I thought I heard a blorp."

"A ‘blorp’?" asked Rei.

Hikari nodded.  "Sometimes the cocoon starts to make noises like that right before it hatches; I suppose from the Newborn moving around inside."

Kana rubbed her hands together.  "This is so exciting!"

When no further sounds came from the cocoon the four of them then settled down around it, each of them keeping an eye on a separate part and watching for the first cracks to appear.

After a little while they heard footsteps coming down the hall and then Ikari walked in carrying a large flask and a bag.

"Since you’re all up here I decided to make some sandwiches and tea for dinner," he said.

"That’s great!" Kana said.  "I'm starving!"

Ikari set the things down on the floor and turned to leave.

"Aren’t you going to stay and eat with us?" Rakka asked.

"I was just going to go back to the guest room and make myself something."

"Is there enough here for you too?"

"I think so."

"Then stop being silly and sit down and join us," Hikari said.

He smiled and sat next to Rei.  "It really is something," he said looking up at the cocoon. 

Rei nodded.  "I find it almost unbelievable."

"It’s just another part of living in Glie," Hikari said.  "So much here makes no logical sense.  I mean, how does this thing grow anyway?  It’s just sitting on the floor."

"And yet, it does," added Rakka.

Kana dug into the bag and, after extracting the teacups Ikari had packed, started to pull out and examine the sandwiches.

"These all look the same," she said with a hint of disappointment.

"Except for the two on the bottom they are," he explained.  "I used the last of the leftover ham to make them.  The special ones on the bottom are for Rei."

Rei smiled.

Kana passed things around and soon everyone was quietly enjoying their food.

"What will happen next?" Ikari eventually asked.

"That pretty much depends on how strong the young lady inside is," Hikari responded.  "Kuu was quite small so it took her a while to work her way out."

"Yeah," continued Kana.  "She managed to make some cracks and water sprayed out for a couple minutes before she broke through."

"With Rakka there were a few cracks and then she broke through almost immediately."

"And Rei just broke through all at once with no warning."

"She was the biggest Newborn we’ve had within memory, after all."

"This cocoon isn’t as big as Rei’s, though, but I think it’s a little bigger than Rakka’s," Kana surmised.

"No, I think it’s smaller," Hikari disagreed.

"So going by it’s size she should hatch pretty quickly?" Ikari asked.


"Then I should probably get going," Ikari said. 

As he rose to leave Rei suddenly felt that she very much did not want him to go.

"Please stay, Brother Ikari," she said.

"Um…"  He looked at the others and saw no objection.  "Okay," he said, sitting back down.  "But only for a bit.  I shouldn’t be here when she hatches."

Rei wondered why she felt as she did.  ‘His presence gives me comfort, but why?  Again, it must be something from my past life.  Knowing he is here clearly eases my fears about the arrival of the Newborn.’

She looked over at him.  ‘If I was a soldier, did he fight beside me?  That might explain something of what I feel.’  She quickly discounted this explanation.  ‘He does not seem like a soldier in the same ways as I do.  Indeed, in many ways he seems quite the opposite of one.’

She was left puzzled.

After a few minutes Kana got up on Rei’s chair and lit the lantern she had hung from one of the rafters the previous evening.

"Be getting dark soon," she said as she stepped back down.

Moments later there was a loud crack and then the side of the cocoon facing Rei suddenly exploded, engulfing her in a torrent.

She struggled to sit up only to find the Newborn thrashing about weakly on top of her.

"Ikari!" Rakka shouted.  "Get her head out of the water!"

He managed to grab hold of the Newborn’s shoulders and lifted her upper body clear of the salty fluid.

When her face surfaced she coughed violently twice, forcing the water in her lungs out in great gouts.

"It’s okay," he said, turning her over and cradling her as she gasped for air while Rei untangled herself next to him.  "I’ve got you."

Bright green eyes looked up at him through long strands of wet chestnut hair.  The girl smiled wanly.  Then her eyes drifted shut and her body went limp.

"Oh, no!" Ikari said, panicking.

"It’s alright," Rakka said as she came up beside him.  "She’s just gone to sleep like we all did."

Author’s Notes:

I had originally planned on this being a short chapter, not the longest one to date.  Like chapter 7 it just kept growing and growing.

Kana does the bucket wake-up call thing with Rakka in the anime.

Wonder what Rakka saw in the guest room bed that made her so embarrassed…  ;-)

I had real writer’s block about the scene at the Temple.  I don’t know why.

A koan (kong-an, kung-an) is a Zen teaching riddle.  Some, such as "What is the sound of one hand clapping?", are self-contradictory in nature.  The riddle Shinji is asked by the Communicator is very much like a koan. 

Seems that the one who ‘wears the pants’ in the Hikari/Kana friendship isn’t the one who wears pants.

I couldn’t pass up the chance to have Shinji stumble across a naked Rei coming out of the shower again.  At least this time he didn’t end up on top of her.

Of course Rei feels more at ease when Shinji’s with her when she’s afraid.  He’s the "Invincible" Shinji after all.

And, no, the Newborn is NOT Asuka, who has blue eyes and bright red hair.  She's a character of my own invention.  Besides, Asuka would clearly be a Factory girl.  As I've pointed out before, Midori sort of fills in for both Asuka and Misato in this story.  Hikari Horaki would have made a nice Old Home girl, but she wouldn't have fitted the plot needs.

This story is not, I repeat, not going to turn into a harem fic.

Version 1.1:  The usual clean up stuff.