Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ The Quest ❯ An Accusation Revealed ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Hey! Chapter 3 is up!(OBVIOUSLY) So, please R&R! Have fun! It's kind of short, but to make up for it Chapter 4 is really long, really good, and going to come really soon!
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An accusing Boss glared at the group of girls.
Pashmina:"I, erm, I mean it is like so obvious, you and Bijou are adorable together?"she tried her best to bluff.

Boss:"Whatever. Just know, Bijou is my Ham Girl. Anyone who believes other wise will have to speak to me."He said threateningly. He then turned and marched away angrily.

Penelope:" Ookwee!"

Pashmina:"I agree, Penelope. Poor Hamtaro," she uttered.

Sandy:" More like poor Bijou." Sandy pointed out.

Penelope:"Ookwee!" sounded in agreement.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hamtaro raced out of his cage the second Laura left for school. He had to get to the clubhouse early. He couldn't leave Boss and Bijou unwatched for a moment. His very fate could very well rest upon this day, and he was aware of it.
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Thank you, Randy Man, you made it possible for me to update, I believe this story has talent but since I haven't gotten reviews.... *Angry Face* Sorry it was really short, but trust me, Chapter 4 is really amazing!

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