Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ unbreakableBOND ❯ A Different Kind of Bonding or How We Got Trapped in a Shed ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I don't own Harry Potter.
OI!!!: I had something really important to say here....
Chapter Four: A Different Type of Bonding or How We Got Trapped In a Shed
Bonding? Draco's mind questioned. What the bloody hell does she mean by a little bonding? Draco sincerely hoped that wouldn't mean he would have to be in a close vicinity with Potter for an undisclosed amount of time with no one else around. For Potters safety, of course, if they did then Draco just might have to body bind the git, while poking him with a stick. Draco always did love poking things.
Molly walked over to the two half sleeping boys and ripped the covers off them, exposing their half naked bodies for all to see. Lucky for them, no one else was in the room so their bumbling to cover up was lost on the hardened Mrs. Weasley.
"Alright, you two get dressed and meet me in the kitchen in ten minutes, tops. If not, I'll drag you down there by your ears, that clear?" Molly's shrill voice rang in their ears and the immediately nodded their affirmation. She nodded and left the room, leaving Harry and Draco lying in bed, a little shocked.
"We're going to have to bond today?" Harry asked horrified, he wasn't ready for such a commitment.
"No, you idiot, she probably just wants us to spend time together. It's way to early for us to bond." Draco answered climbing out of bed and padding over to a pile of clothes. He grabbed a pair of jeans and a shirt and threw them on, figuring that a day spent with Potter would end in getting dirty, anyway. Harry moved unsurprisingly slowly, and Draco sat down while the brunette was getting dressed. Harry, Draco noted, had very, very nice legs.
Once Harry was fully clothed the two made their way down to the kitchen to find everyone already eating.
"Morning," Harry greeted the room as he sat down next to Ginny, there was a chorused reply and some grunts. Draco gave a nod and sat as well, he got a few good mornings and some nods back. Mrs. Weasley set some food in front of them and Harry tucked in with vigor, while Draco ate his slowly, just like he was taught when he was younger. No one seemed to find Draco's slow eating out of place, except for Harry who wondered why the hell it was taking so long for the twat to finish.
"Harry, Draco, will you please follow me," Molly stated more than asked, after Draco had finished eating. The two boys stood and followed the red haired woman out a side door and into the large backyard of number 12 Grimmuald Place. Draco looked around the shabby old place, he remembered what it looked like when he was younger, the place was full and lush every type of flower one could imagine littered the yard. Now everything was dead or dying and the grass was more weeds in some dirt then a lawn.
"You two are going to be gardening," Molly informed them, turning around to face the two.
"Gardening?" Draco repeated, "I don't know the first thing about gardening! Besides, my hands will get all blistered."
Molly rolled her eyes and Harry whispered, "Priss," under his breath.
"Shut up, just because I care about mu appearance doesn't make me a priss," Draco stated indignantly, "It might do some people some good." He gave Harry a pointed once over, causing the brunette to pull at his shirt self consciously.
"Well, Draco, I'm sure Harry here knows how to garden, and you've taken Herbology so it shouldn't be too hard." She began moving over to a large cluster of potted flowers near a broken fountain. "Now, just take these flowers and plant them along the fence, make sure it's blue, pink, blue, when you put them in." She pointed to some tools on the ground, "If you need more there's some in the shed. All right, now you boys try and play nice, I'll bring you some lunch later." With that she turned and made her way back tot the house.
Draco and Harry watched her go, both wondering how long it would be until she came back. Finally Harry turned to Draco and said, "All right, Malfoy, let's get to work."
Draco looked at Harry incredulously, "What? Do you really think I'm going to do house elf work?"
"Oh, shut up! You and your damned Malfoy arrogance!" Harry yelled tuning away.
"Well you and you damned haughty attitude can just bite my arse!" Draco called after him.
"I'm not having this conversation now, Malfoy, I'm getting to work and you can just go file or nails or something!" Harry grabbed some flowers and stomped to the other side of the yard, leaving Draco standing agape behind him.
Draco huffed and sat down where he was standing. He pulled out a nail file and began perfecting his pinky nail. What right did Potter have to tell him what to do...Even though he was filing his nails... Draco sighed and threw the file to the side, it was old anyway. He was not enjoying this whole ordeal very much anymore, at first he wanted to break Harry, and he just might yet, but now it seemed like Harry may break him.
Not because he liked the bloody bastard, but he was starting to hate him even more. Draco was hoping maybe one of them would die soon so they wouldn't have to go through with this whole thing, not that Draco didn't like living. Grey eyes turned to the other side of the year, watching Potter work meticulously in the ground, Draco could only see the side of his body from here. Standing, he brushed off some dirt and picked up a few flowers.
Draco made his way over to where Harry was and looked down at the dark haired boy. Harry's hands and arms were covered in dirt, his face had a few streaks of mud on them, and his hair, his hair looked like a birds nest, twigs and all.
Draco didn't say a thing as he wandlessly used a shovel to dig a small hole, Harry jumped about a metre back when the blue begonia flew past his head, "What the hell?! Malfoy, you can do wandless magic?" Harry asked, astonishment lacing his tone.
"A little," Draco admitted, digging another hole next to his newly planted flower, "My father taught me to do simple things and I've become much better at it over the years. Would you like me to show you?" Draco's offer even surprised himself, he wasn't even aware that he had said until Harry's jaw dropped.
"You'd really teach me how to do wandless magic?" Harry breathed.
"Well I guess," Draco sneered, "Since I have nothing better to do." Draco told Harry stand up and the brunette complied, brushing off some dirt on his pants. "Now, it's really very simple, all you have to do is focus in on that one thing you want done and imagine it happening. Or you need to repeat the spell over and over in your mind, got it?"
"Yea, I think so," Harry nodded.
"Alright, give it a go." Harry stared determinedly at the shovel that he'd left on the ground, Draco watched as the tool gave a little wiggle and began moving before falling limply to the ground. He heard Harry sigh and said, "Again." Harry's face hardened before the shovel moved and then it was up and digging madly. A wide grin spread across his features and he turned to look at Draco.
Draco felt his heart skip a beat, having those incessantly happy eyes looking at him, and that grin that could melt chocolate. Silently he cursed himself for thinking that way, he was not here to fall for Harry Potter. "What do you think?" Harry asked happily.
"Pretty good, Potter," Draco replied, and if possible Harry's grin widened. Draco began digging another hole and the two worked in silence for quite some time before he heard Harry sigh, "What's the matter with you, Potter?"
"Nothing, it's just that I think I like doing it by hand better," Harry replied, then noticing Draco's expression added, "Not that I'm not grateful or you showing me this, because I am, I just think doing it by hand is more relaxing."
"Relaxing?" Draco questioned, perplexed, "How can getting all sweaty and dirty be relaxing?"
"Well, there's just something about it that clams you, why don't you try it, you might like it." Harry gave him a grin and dropped to his knees and picked up his fallen shovel. Draco looked around, trying to find the answer somewhere along the fence, they had gotten most of it down, he supposed doing the rest by hand wouldn't hurt.
And if it did he'd just hurt Potter. Sighing Draco fell to his knees sullenly, "Okay, show me how to do this."
Harry grinned and handed him a shovel, "It's quite simple, just dig a circular hole wide enough for the plant. Then you want to get it deep enough that the top of this soil is a little under the ground." Harry pointed to the hole he was digging, "About that size round should do."
Draco grumbled something about 'Stupid bloody relaxation techniques,' as he struggled to get the dirt to come out in one direction. Harry laughed when on a particular hard shove Draco managed to spurt dirt all over his face and in his hair. Glaring through the muck that covered his eyes, Draco flung some dirt in Harry's face.
Harry choked suddenly when dirt hit the back of his throat, he fell forward a bit laughing and choking at the same time, Draco of course began to laugh as well. They must have made a funny sight, at least Molly thought so, the woman left to plates of food on a nearby picnic table and smiled happily at the boys covered in dirt who were laughing hysterically. Silently she walked away.
Harry tried to catch his breath through his stray giggles, he'd never heard Malfoy laugh before and now he thought he knew why. Draco laughed like a cackling witch, some how when he tried to switch from giggling to laughing it got stuck in the middle and he came out sounding like a Halloween decoration. (1)
"M-Malfoy," Harry gasped, "S-Stop laughing, you sound....like a-a....old witch!"
"W-Well, you're n-no... better," Draco wheezed out, "You s-sound like a ....dying cow!" At this another round of cackling and dying cows ensued before they both clammed down enough to speak normally, "Look, Mum Weasley brought us some food." Draco pointed.
"Oh?" Harry stood and walked over to the picnic table and sat down, pulling a plate of food towards himself, "Say Malfoy, why do you call Mrs. Weasley 'Mum Weasley'? It's a little creepy."
"I guess Weasel never told you then?" Draco questioned biting into his sandwich.
"Moff," Harry said around a mouthful of food.
"Get some manners would you, Potter?"
Harry swallowed, "Sorry. Ron didn't tell me what?"
"That he and I used to be best friends," Draco answered casually. Harry choked once more, but this time on his sandwich and turned wide eyes on Draco.
"You were?"
"Yes, but I don't want to talk about it, it was a long time ago." Draco returned his attention back to his food and Harry watched him curiously.
Draco refused to tell Harry what had happened between him and the Weasel all those years ago, what had happened made the entire Weasley clan of children (Minus Charlie and Bill) turn against the Malfoy's. Well, actually they still like Narcissa but Lucius and Draco were totally uncool, yo. Maybe he'd tell Potter one day, and maybe Weasley would but today wasn't that day for him.
They finished their meal in silence, Harry finishing first while Draco couldn't shake the Malfoy Manners instilled in him. "Malfoy, let's say you go flying and finish this little bit later? I'll even do it wandlessly," Harry suggested.
Draco eyed Harry thoughtfully, here he was Draco Malfoy, Ice Prince of Slytherin and here was Harry Potter, Gryffindor Golden Boy asking him to go flying. Draco supposed that in the given situation it wasn't that odd, he just never expected Potter to get this friendly this quick. Well, it couldn't hurt (Yes, it could) and maybe Potter would fall off his broom or some other inane thing.
"Okay, Potter, but I need a broom," Draco agreed.
"No problem, come one we've got some in the shed." Harry led Draco over to a medium sized shed and opened the door. A gust of dust flew out and once it settled you could see the cobwebs hanging from the ceiling.
"Jeez, doesn't this place ever get cleaned?" Draco questioned, brushing aside some stray webs.
"Yea, actually once a week, but there's some kind of spell the gnomes put on it I think," Harry answered from deep within the shed. It was dark and Draco couldn't see much, stepping completely into the shed Draco sneezed. It was at that moment something terrible happened, from a few feet away there came a distinct war cry of 'Charge!'
Harry whipped around in the dark, "Malfoy, get the door!" Harry yelled and Draco lunged for it, only to have it thrown into his nose. Draco fell backwards from the force of the hit landing into the charging Harry and they both fell to the ground in a dirty mess.
"That's it, lads! We got them now! No one will ever disturb our garden again!" Came a Scottish drawl from outside the door.
Harry maneuvered from underneath Draco and went for the door, the minute he touched it he pulled his hand back in pain.
"Potter, what the bloody hell is going on?!" Draco demanded standing up. Even in the dark Draco could tell Harry looked a little panicked.
"It's those bloody gnomes!" Harry exclaimed, "They think we've taken over their garden! They've put some kind of spell on the door, when I touched it, it burned me. Stupid bloody creatures! Who the hell said we needed them anyway?!"
"Actually, they're very helpful at keeping rodents away," Draco interjected.
"Shut up, Malfoy! This is no time to be a smart aleck!" Harry rumbled.
"Well excuse me! Can't we just 'Alohomora' our way out?" Malfoy asked, a bit irritated.
"We don't have wands!" Harry yelled in outrage at the Malfoy heir's obvious stupidity.
"I can do wandless magic, you dolt," Draco reminded him. Harry turned wide eyed to the blonde.
"That's right, you can do wandless magic! All right, try it!" Harry stepped aside and let Draco pass. Harry couldn't see all of Draco's face in the dark, but there was a sliver of light coming through the two doors and Harry could tell the boy was really concentrating.
"It's not working," Draco stated, stunned. "Why is it not working?"
"Maybe they didn't lock it, try blasting it," Harry urged. Draco turned back to the door in determination, he went through every blasting hex he knew in three times over, none of them worked. Finally after four full minutes of painful silence Draco turned to Harry, anger evident in his eyes.
"Potter, I don't know how exactly this happened, but I'm pretty sure it's still your fault."
"My fault? How the hell is this my fault?! You're the one that let them close the doors!" Harry yelled back, outraged.
"I never knew there was a bunch of demented gnomes in your garden!" Draco retorted, "Let alone that they'd trap us in a bloody shed!"
"There's demented gnomes in everybody's gardens!" Harry screamed.
"Ones that trap people in sheds?!"
"And you let me come out here?!"
"Are you insane?!"
"I know!"
"I meant no!"
"Too late!" Draco huffed and looked around their new place of residence until someone came and found them...If they ever did. His eyes had adjusted to the light some what now and he could clearly make out some details of the shed. There was a few shelves on either side of the walls, housing tools he'd never seen in his life and strangely enough there was a small table and two chairs at the very back. Draco made his way over to a chair and dusted it off in disgust. Draco sat down rather daintily and looked over at Harry who was gaping at him. "What?"
"You're a bloody girl, you are," Harry stated.
"I bloody well am not!" Draco yelled outraged.
"Look at yourself, Malfoy, just look at yourself," Harry squeaked out, his voice had gotten smaller and smaller as the blonde stalked towards him, eyes ablaze. Draco towered over Harry his face was millimetres from the brunettes.
"I'm not a bloody girl," Draco growled, there was a warm feeling in the pit of his stomach as he looked down at the boy squirming in his gaze.
"Prove it," Harry breathed, his breath ghosting over Draco's lips. That was all Draco could take before he crashed his lips angrily onto Harry's. Both kept their eyes open in a mad staring contest, as Draco roughly forced Harry's mouth open. The two stumbled backwards, causing Harry to grab onto the front of Draco's shirt for support.
Draco poked his tongue and to Harry's mouth and began prodding the wet muscle that lie there. He was rewarded instantly as Harry's tongue began to mingle with his own, Harry's eyes had narrowed to slits, he was glaring. Draco briefly wondered why Harry was glaring at him when he was so obviously enjoying this. After what seemed like forever, yet a millisecond Harry pushed Draco roughly away, panting.
"What the fucks wrong with you?!" Harry yelled once he caught his breath.
"Oh, shut it Potter, we were going to have to do it at some point anyway," Draco answered turning around so Harry couldn't see his slight blush.
"That doesn't give you any right to do it without asking!"
"I didn't hear you complaining a few seconds ago!"
"That's because your tongue was down my throat!" Harry's yell resonated through out the shed and Draco turned sharply to him.
"Listen, Potter, and listen well, you and I will be bonded, got it? And if I feel the need to randomly kiss you, or punch you, or anything else, I bloody well will," Draco hissed.
"I hope that works both ways," was all Harry said before he lunged at the blonde, pulling the boys lips down to meet his own. Draco responded with certain fervor, pulling Harry's legs around his waist, he didn't know what had gotten into Potter, but he sure as hell didn't care at the moment. Harry tightened his legs around Draco's waist as the blonde moved his hands to rove Harry's arse.
"Harry?! Draco?!" A voice called from outside and the two instantly pulled apart, gasping for breath, "Harry, Draco, where are you?!"
"In here, Mrs. Weasley!" Harry called standing in front of the door.
"The shed?"
"Yes, the gnomes locked us in," Draco answered moving behind Harry.
"Stupid bloody things!" Molly cursed as she removed the gnome magic on the shed, "I told Sirius to just get rid of them! Oh how I hate gnome magic!" The door popped open to revel an irate Molly, "What were you two doing in the shed anyway?"
"We need some tools," Draco lied smoothly.
"Oh, well come back inside then, it's time for dinner. I swear, those gnomes have been a problem since day one," Molly rambled on about the gnomes all through dinner, Draco didn't contribute to the conversation at all while Harry only answered questions. By the time the two were getting ready for bed they were making up every excuse in the book to not get into bed, finally Molly told them that if they didn't get into bed she'd hex them there.
Draco felt really awkward about the whole situation, first they'd almost screwed in a shed and now he had to get into bed with the same boy. He heard Harry sigh and climb into his side of the bed, Draco followed suit facing away from the brunette. It was quite for awhile before Draco spoke, "Potter. are you awake?"
"Yes," Harry answered.
"I don't think we should ignore what happened today," Draco said slowly. He wasn't sure how Harry would react to his suggestion.
"Yea, I don't think we should either, it might......I dunno help us, I guess."
"Yea," Draco agreed.
"Hey, Malfoy?"
"Good night," Harry said.
"'Night," Draco returned a small smile on his face.
"Malfoy," Someone hissed in his ear, "Malfoy, get up." Draco swatted around his ear, trying to get the annoying voice to go away.
"Harry, get Malfoy up," The voice said, "Harry, wake up."
"Whhaaaa?" Came Potter's sleep filled voice.
"Harry get Malfoy up!" Draco recognized Ron's voice.
"No need, I'm awake." Draco sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, "What do you need, Weasley?"
"Well," Ron said a little nervous, he looked at Harry for help but Harry just shook his head.
"Don't look at me Ron, I'm not even sure what's going on,"Harry told him.
"Well," Ron said once more before losing his nerve and leaning over to Harry and whispering something in his ear. Draco watched as Harry looked really puzzled.
"Is that bad?" Harry asked Ron. Draco was really getting fed up with these two, why didn't they just tell him?
"I think so, last time I checked it was, dunno anymore," Ron looked a Draco and back at Harry, "You tell him, mate, he can't kill you."
"What is it already?!"Draco yelled irritated.
"Uhm, well, your mums downstairs, Malfoy."
1-Yea, I have the same problem, I'm not sure why. I mean I giggle and it's like, 'Oh, a giggle!' and I laugh and it's like, 'Oh, ahahah laughing.' and then I giggle and try to swtich to laughing and it's like 'WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!' That's not the worst part, the worst part is after that, I can't stop cackling. T.T My boyfriend assures me that it's the cutest thing in the world. I think he's lying.
A/N: So, how was that? Better than the last one I hope...>.> Review!