Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ Dance Of The Dead ❯ Heart Beat ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT in any way profit from this story, nor do the characters belong to me. All creative rights belong to Kouta Hirano, but since I'm using manga elements, they belong to Kohta Hirona as spelled on the manga cover. The name Erzsébet Báthory, is in no way mine. She was a real person; I am just borrowing her image for the story, and the historical research from her life. Anything in my story that has happened in real life is purely a coincidence. Any club named Dark Days out there is also purely coincidental to my imagination.
A/N: Wow, some kind of brain freeze going on here.
Chapter 4: Heart Beat
“Wow, this part of Hoxton I've never seen before!” Seras looked around the city with excitement, the signs of clubs and hotels reflecting off her dark sun glasses. She walked along side her master, who didn't look the least bit interested in the city.
Even when Seras was on her mission, right before she'd become an immortal, she had never seen this part. Her squad would put her on the slightly worse side of town, only because that's where the murders had taken place. But this, it was amazing! It was beautiful, to say the least. Lots of hotels were there, all very expensive looking. She wondered if they'd be staying there or not. She'd ask her master later. The clubs that were there didn't seem to fit the fancy looking area, but she didn't really care.
Seras tried her hardest not to pay attention to all those heart beats around her. As if reading her mind, Alucard stopped and looked at her, almost making her run into his back.
“Don't they look delicious, police girl?” He paused to take a sniff at the air. “Their blood calls to us, can't you hear it?” His gaze shifted back to her, he'd slid his glasses down his nose to look at her. His eyes were even redder than before, his grin faded a bit too, but only for a moment.
“Master?” Seras whispered. Alucard snapped back to his regular self and smirked once again.
“Even so, we can't go feeding on them, despite how much fun that would be.” He started to walk again while talking. She just sat there for a moment… `That was kind of strange. Would I really find it fun to feed on humans? I can't even bring myself to drink the medical blood!' Seras thought solemnly.
“Seras, don't just sit there and stare, you'll look dense. Can't have an idiot following me, now can I? Come now, that human is waiting for us,” Alucard said without looking over his shoulder. `She will drink.'
Seras caught up to Alucard quickly. “You mean the commander?” Seras asked, completely forgetting about her previous predicament.
“If that's what you want to call him… The human is right over there.” Alucard looked towards the direction where Pip leaned against his black car, smoking a cigarette. Seras looked at the death stick with disgust; she'd always hated those things, but it seemed she could smell it from where she stood. He was across the street, just in front of a strange looking club. It looked like a gothic structure and no one was waiting at the doors, like the other raves she'd seen.
“Epidemic…Very strange name… Well, I suppose there have been weirder ones,” Seras said to herself. She hadn't really thought about the name before when Integra had mentioned it.
“Alucard, girl, over `ere!” Pip yelled over the noise of the crowd of people. Considering everyone yelled to their friends, no one paid much attention to the shouting man. Alucard glared at the mercenary. “Do not call out our names, human!” Alucard growled at the man before him.
“Sorry sir,” Pip said, never breaking eye contact with the vampire in front of him. Alucard smirked in response. “You can call me Damien Brenner, and this is Renee.” Alucard pointed towards Seras.
“I don't have a have last name?” she asked Alucard, slightly confused.
“No, you only get a first name and nothing else; you don't deserve a surname, police girl.” Alucard grinned at his servant; Seras just looked down in a sad state.
“Stop that. Never show your weakness in front of other people, police girl.” Alucard or Damien turned towards Pip. “You can be whoever you want.”
Pip looked at Seras. He didn't care to change his name, and no one would recognize him anyways. Pip then made his way over to Seras. He grabbed her cold hand and said, “It iz my pleasure to meet you, Miss Renee.” He gave her a perverted look, and she groaned.
Alucard gave a look of disapproval, but quickly changed it back to normal before walking towards the club ahead of them. `As if that grin of his was normal,' Seras thought with a little laugh, earning a frown from her master. `Do not forget your place so quickly,' he said within her skull.
The club looked like any other club. The music, the people and even the lights had the same feel to them. Though, this one started on the second floor and you had to walk down some stairs to get to the dance floor and bar…Half of it was underground. It all seemed so familiar to Seras; it would always make shivers go up her spine. All she could think of was when she'd first met her master, how scared she'd been when that slender blade went through her soft flesh and how she'd almost died…Well, she did die, but she was something more now. Her eyes glazed over, thinking about that bizarre night. She'd forgotten her companions, if you could call them that.
“`Ey, snap out of it.” Pip snapped his fingers in front of her face; she looked at him for a moment with that frightened look on her features. Seras blinked slowly before realizing she'd been day dreaming.
“Oh, I'm sorry… I was just-” she paused “-I was just thinking…” She put a smile back on her pretty face.
“We should split up,” Alucard said, not looking at the two behind him.
“Alight zen, I'll be at ze bar,” Pip said while heading off deeper into the disturbing club.
Seras watched him leave before turning her gaze back to Alucard. He was just staring at the people, his grin was there and all, but he seemed to be in his own little world. Seras looked down at the people below. The scent of their sweat was rather gross, and she scrunched up her nose showing her disgust for that stench. `Whoa, never thought people could smell so bad,' Seras thought while looking around the different types of dancers.
Without Seras really paying much attention to Alucard, she didn't realize he'd started walking until a voice came into her mind. “Police girl, hurry it up. I don't wish to wait all night for you, while you just stand there and stare like a child,” Alucard said, annoyance in his voice. Gods, she was always bothersome to him one way or another. Why couldn't she just satisfy him?
“Coming Master!” she shouted over the pounding music.
By the time she'd caught up to him, he was already sitting elegantly at a large shiny white booth. He was smiling at her now. “You're too slow. I wonder how fast I can make you run.” His grin grew, his fangs barely showing. `Wait! Why was he allowing his fangs to show?' Seras thought quickly.
“You do realize that we're in one of those `vampire' clubs, don't you?” He raised one elegant eyebrow at her.
“A what?” she asked dumbly. Alucard sighed dramatically. “Sit down and I will tell you, you naïve girl.” He extended his arm out, gesturing for her to sit down, Seras obeyed.
“These clubs are where people pretend to be vampires. They even go as far as putting in fake teeth. Amusing, isn't it?” He chuckled lightly and continued.
“At this club, you are to act as my servant and I, your master. Though there wouldn't be much acting done, now would there? You will let me feed on you when the time comes, or people will think you're strange...” He looked lazily at her curious expression. “You do know what type of club I'm talking about, right police girl?” He looked away for a moment, pulling off his glasses and then returning his sinister gaze on her. That was something he never did in front of her, remove his glasses. His beautiful eyes held some sort of emotion in them…What emotion? She wasn't sure.
Seras blushed slightly. “I, uh, well, yes I do…” She looked away from Alucard and to the black plastic table in front of her. `Why would Sir Integra think of such a ridiculous place like this?' she thought while examining the various coffee (or other beverage) marks on the table.
“What other place would be the perfect atmosphere to hide your true self, police girl? If they can blend in, then, why not be here? Though, I do not think I'd stoop so low as to hide in a place like this, I don't even think I'd be hiding.” Alucard was almost talking to himself; he was no longer looking in her general direction but at the patterns on the walls.
Seras felt nervous being alone with her master. She usually said something slow and hated sounding so…well, blonde. However, her anxiety wouldn't last long as a Bloody Mary was set in front of her. She just looked at it and blinked, how ironic… Her sunglass covered eyes traveled up to the person who had set the drink there.
“I zought you might like this.” Pip stood there with a smirk on his face, but didn't realize that the elder vampire was glaring at him, but neither did Seras. After a few moments of silence, well between them since the music was all around, Seras spoke up.
“I'm not that thirsty, thank you.” Seras looked at Alucard, who was staring at her, with that toothy grin of his.
“Oh really? I beg to differ,” Alucard said smoothly, not paying much attention to the mortal standing only a few feet away, but was aware of Pip's curious eyes staring at him.
 Seras suddenly felt woozy, the heart beats coming back to her ten fold. The blood pumping through the human's veins invading her thoughts, drowning her own out. She suddenly felt very thirsty, her throat starting to go dry and tighten. Was master doing all of this? Was he making her feel the need to suck blood? No, it was her own instincts punishing her for not nourishing her body. Bloodlust was now taking over her better judgment; she needed to leave before she did something terrible.
Alucard sat there with a smirk on his face and delight in his eyes. He didn't need to voice to her that he was right. All he had to do was to stare at her like that and tell her that he was right through his eyes.
Her azure eyes began turning into a bright red. Her thirst was showing through her eyes and Alucard knew full well that she was hungry, but did nothing to stop her. Seras started to get up, her eyes turning from red to blue; however, remnants of scarlet remained within the cobalt orbs.
“I need to use the washroom, please e-excuse me,” she stuttered, pushing past Pip.
“Girl, are you alright?” Pip looked at her with concern. `Don't let that human pity you, police girl, I know you're better than that,' Alucard whispered into her mind. Seras couldn't even look at Pip or Alucard without hunger shooting through her body, so she ran off to the bathroom.
Pip watched her scamper away, and then took a seat across from Alucard. “Guess she really `ad to go.” He took a sip of the forgotten beverage Seras had rejected.
Seras stumbled into the bathroom. The walls and floors were blackish gray marble and the sinks were made with the same material, but there were white and with silver faucets. The stalls were made from dark oak. All in all, the bathroom looked like it belonged in a hotel, not a club such as this.
Now was not the time to think of such things, she needed water...She felt hot when she was around Alucard and Pip, but right now she still felt hot. Yes, water would help calm her nerves down. Seras walked over the sinks and turned the cold metal valve and started some water. Seras didn't even think about looking around for people within the stalls and didn't notice that there was indeed someone in there with her. Seras took off her sunglasses and splashed the freezing liquid onto her pale face. The make-up on her face never fading or running down her porcelain cheeks…Water proof make-up worked wonders.
A flush was heard and a female dancer emerged from the stall, and walked over to the sinks as well. She had short jet black hair and rather pale skin, and sunglasses covered her eyes; she looked short and was dressed like every other person outside dancing. Seras paid no real attention to the woman.
“Are you alright, you look a bit veak?” the brunette asked, she had a slight German accent.
“Oh, me? I'm fine. Just got a bit dizzy, is all.” Seras put on a fake smile, not daring to look at the other woman again, fearing she'd do something she would regret later.
Then there was silence and Seras started to feel sick again, everything started to blur. Still not paying attention to the woman next to her, Seras didn't realize, until it was too late, that woman had stabbed her with a needle. She felt the sting in the shoulder that was exposed and the slight pain of whatever it was that was going into her system. Before she could react, she blacked out and slid to the cold floor…From both bloodlust and the sedative, how that drug so fast was beyond her.
“That's a good girl.” The slightly taller woman smiled, and then pulled out another needle. Without even cleaning the skin, she again pushed the needle into the soft white flesh of Seras' shoulder. Humming to herself as she took some blood from the midian, she heard a knock on the door from the outside.
“S-Renee, are you okay in zere, need any assistance?” a male voice was heard, a small innuendo behind his words. `Pervert,' she thought with a sigh, and then changed her voice to match that of Seras.
“I'm fine, but thank you!” she called out to the person just outside, with that Pip left the door and went back to his seat, a slight frown on his face.
Something was weird about the way she'd said that. The girl would usually insult him, calling him a pervert or something along those lines. `Whatever. She isn't feeling `erself, anyways,' he thought while sitting down.
“Aren't you supposed to be somewhere else? I thought I told you we should split up.” Alucard glared at the younger man across from him, Pip just shrugged and went back to his drink. With a small sigh, Alucard decided to let the man stay…As long as the human didn't bother him, everything was okay by him.
“Vell, it looks like I'm done here. I'll be on my vay now, sleep tight.” She patted Seras' head and left the restroom quickly, putting away the vile of blood she held into the inside pocket of her leather jacket.
Seras was left in the bathroom, alone, on the cold tiles.
A/N: Reviews are lovely but I'm not asking for any. :) Do what you wish.