InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Laundry ❯ Maybe? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: I'm glad you guys like this so far! :D Here's the next chapter. Keep requests coming! This is fun!


Chapter 2: Maybe?
Pairing: Kagome/Noba
Rating: K+
For: hieikag
Prompt: Uncertainty


He watched her closely just like always. A young woman by the name of Kagome Higurashi had been helping around Urahara's shop lately with menial chores.

Noba wasn't sure on the circumstances that brought her to the shop or kept her there, but he wasn't going to complain. It was definitely a case of admiration from afar.

He had always been the quiet type. He knew that he was shy and not very outspoken, unlike his companions Ririn and Kurodo. She was likely to never notice his existence. Not that he could blame her.

She was petite and seemed delicate, but with as often as she tripped or roughhoused with the Jinta and Ururu, he knew that this wasn't true. Her black hair always looked silky, soft, and well maintained. What he loved most was her smile. It was real and full of life. When she smiled her blue eyes would light up and sparkle with her mirth. How was it that she wasn't being courted by anyone?

Kagome was kind, smart, funny, and caring. She was everything wonderful and perfect in his eyes. Surely she deserved much better than an engineered soul in the body of a plush turtle who was too shy to even greet her.

What would she say to him if he ever worked up the nerve to say hello?

She would never be able to accept his affections if he wasn't even able to voice them.

He had watched as she turned down dates from several of the men who passed through the shop regularly. She would never want to be with someone as timid as him. Right?


Noba stretched the stiff limbs of his faux body. Today was one of the occasions when they were allowed to use the gigai Urahara had made specifically for them and their powers. It was important that their more combat-suited bodies didn't become stiff or unresponsive to them.

He tried teleporting a few places around the shop; short areas mainly before deciding to move onto longer distances. Heading outside, Noba knew that Kagome would be arriving soon. She was supposed to go to the grocery store before arriving today. Maybe he could help her with the bags? That was a step, right?

The sun blinded him momentarily as he stepped out into the bright afternoon light, but his attention and vision was swiftly brought to focus when he heard a car horn sound.

Attempting to cross the street with her arms full was Kagome who looked very much like a deer in the headlights with a speeding car only a couple of meters away from her.

Completely disregarding what Urahara had told them about using their powers in front of normal humans, Noba quickly formed one of his portals and made it to Kagome just in time to pull her backwards towards him and disappear again.

When they landed out of his return portal, it was in a heap of limbs and groceries on the floor in the front portion of Urahara's shop. Blushing heavily, Noba pulled himself away from the girl he'd landed on top of and set about picking up the spilled goods while not making any eye contact.

Kagome was stunned. She wasn't entirely sure what had just happened. She had been trying to cross the street when a car seemingly came out of nowhere, and then not five seconds later she found herself inside sprawled out on Urahara's floor.

Hearing the light clang of food cans, Kagome turned her attention to what appeared to be a young man who was picking up her groceries. His aura felt so familiar. It was similar to that of Ririn and Kurodo. Could this be the much quieter soul that inhabited the turtle plushie that she saw around from time to time? The others had told her about him before.

“Noba?” She questioned gently. When he froze and fumbled slightly with the carrots he was picking up, she smiled. “I thought that was you. We've never actually talked, have we?”

He didn't say anything but merely set her gathered groceries in front of her, bowed slightly, zipped his mask, and started to walk away. Had she done something wrong?

Reaching out to grab his sleeve before he disappeared down the hallway, Kagome spoke, “Thank you for saving me.” She saw him nod. “Did I do something wrong? Are you angry with me? Inuyasha always used to tell me that I couldn't do anything right. He used to get so annoyed when he had to rescue me constantly…” She gave an awkward laugh as she continued to ramble nervously.

Noba turned to face her and unzipped the corner of his mask just enough so that he could watch her animated ramblings. When she started apologizing for making him come save her, he reached out to place a hand on her shoulder before he could think about the action. He shook his head gently when she looked up at him surprised. Not able to look at her any longer, he rezipped the small open portion of his mask.

Kagome smiled and giggled at what now seemed to be a nervous habit he had. She reached up tentatively and tugged the zipper on the mask all the way open. The intense aqua of his eyes surprised her and she studied what little bit of his face that she could see. She decided that the crimson of his hair offset his eyes perfectly and she wondered briefly if his cheeks always matched his hair color.

“Well then, if we're going to be friends, I think it's best that we look each other in the eye. Don't you think so?”

He gave her a hesitant nod before she smiled and picked up her groceries. “Will you help me put these away in the kitchen, Noba?”

Another timid nod and she pulled him toward the kitchen and walked by his side.

She sent him a nervous sideways-glance and blushed when she met his eyes as he glanced at her as well.

Kagome knew that he was what Urahara called a mod-soul and used a faux body. He was a fighter like Ichigo, Ishida, Chad…and Inuyasha. She bit her lip when she felt her heartstrings tug at the thought of her new, handsome friend. Could he be interested in a human woman?

He seemed to blush a lot around her. That could be a positive sign…right??


AN: Yay! That was fun :) I'm having so much fun with these! Okay, up next on my list of requests is Kagome/Toushirou for Miyamori. Also, Miyamori, thanks for the name suggestion! But I was trying to come up with something not mentioning shinigami specifically because between the arrancar/espada, vizards, quincy, and humans there are a good many characters that aren't shinigami :( And just so I was clear, does everyone get the title?? In my stupid kind of humor, I thought it was a funny play on Kagome being with Bleach characters xD But I do realize that it's kind of goofy xP
Anyway, thanks for reading and be sure to tell me what you think and send some requests! Until next time!