InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Laundry ❯ Snowballs ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Just realized that I had been forgetting my disclaimers! Wow! I've already gotten a bunch of requests :D I'm doing them in the order that I got them and I'll have a list at the end of the chapter of what's coming up next in my lineup!

Disclaimer: I don't own, please don't sue!


Chapter 3: Snowballs
Pairing: Kagome/Hitsugaya
Rating: K+
For: Miyamori


It was important for a shinigami to communicate with their zanpakutou. They were partners and needed to be in perfect harmony for them to be able to fight effectively.

One shinigami who was especially dedicated to this communication was one Toushirou Hitsugaya.

Week One:

Toushirou was speaking with Hyourinmaru about some of the battle applications that their attacks could have when he heard something that almost had him rolling his eyes. It was the sound of giggles outside of his door. He often went to a separate area and shut the doors due to the rapid drop in temperature that his officers often complained about.

Matsumoto's giggling was usually enough to make him wary, but she'd recently found a new “buddy” in his newly appointed Fifth Seat officer, Kagome Higurashi. The two women made him undeniably nervous for reasons he wasn't quite sure of. But as quickly as he had noticed the laughter it stopped.

There was no telling what the two women were up to, but he wasn't going to think on it at the moment and instead turned back to the conversation he'd been having with the ice dragon.

Week Four:

Hyourinmaru was very old and wise and Toushirou enjoyed the talks that they would have. But the old dragon seemed…distracted today. But he also seemed content and maybe even happy?

But his thoughts were interrupted as something cold and wet hit the back of his head. Whipping around quickly, Toushirou saw a flurry of orange-blonde and black hair before the door to the room shut firmly. When he looked down he saw what appeared to be the remnants of a snowball made of the frost and snow that would accumulate in Hyourinmaru's presence.

“Matsumoto,” he ground out. He was sure that it had been she and that Kagome girl at the door.

Wait…was Hyourinmaru chuckling at him??

Week Eight:

The first snowball hadn't been the last. He had just been assaulted by yet another one of the cursed things before parts of it slid down the back of his neck making him cringe. He had to find somewhere else for his conversations with his zanpakutou.

Week Twelve:

It was perfect. It wasn't anywhere near his division. Surely he would find some peace out in the forests. He released Hyourinmaru again and smiled faintly when the cold winds bit at his skin. It was probably some of Hyourinmaru's influence, but he always looked forward to winter in Soul Society.

He felt much calmer when there was snow and ice around him. It was already late fall.

Winter was right around the corner.

Week Sixteen:

Curse those women! How did they always manage to find him?! They (or more precisely Matsumoto) knew that deep down he would never harm, punish, or even begrudge them for what they were doing. But if he had to endure one more snowball, he was sure that he was going to snap.

Week Twenty:

Winter was in full swing in Soul Society. Everyone else complained about the temperatures and the ice, but couldn't have been more content.

He was currently walking down a street of his division, on his way to his newest (and currently undiscovered) spot to talk to Hyourinmaru. That was when he saw one of his tormentors. Kagome Higurashi was currently carrying a large stack of papers to no doubt leave on his desk for inspection. It could be a trap set by the duo. Should he hide? Would they follow him?

A thought suddenly struck Toushirou.

When had he allowed his subordinates to make him so paranoid??

He was their Captain! There was no need for him to hide from them. With this thought firmly in mind, he continued on his way with his head held high.

He was nearing the dark-haired girl when he heard a light gasp. The streets were icy and he had seen in the past that Kagome held little natural grace. Rushing forward on the familiar terrain, Toushirou caught her just before her bottom connected with the cold ground, but the papers had been sufficiently scattered.

Still holding her just above the ground he asked in his normal calm tone, “Are you alright?” Her cheeks seemed more flushed than they should be. Maybe the chilly weather had given her a cold?

“I'm fine. Thank you, Captain!” She didn't sound sick and the brilliant smile that she gave him said that she certainly didn't feel ill.

He nodded slightly as his stomach twisted in an odd way. Then, just as he was about to straighten and help the girl balance herself, a snowball landed squarely on the back of his head. The shock alone was enough to knock him off balance and he was sent crashing down on the girl in his arms who gave a small “eep!”

When he opened his eyes with a small groan, he realized a few things right away. One, he was going to kill Matsumoto when he got his hands on her. Two, he was on top of something very soft and warm. Three, his lips were currently resting on the much softer lips of his Fifth Seat officer.

They were away from each other in an instant, both with faces tinted pink.

As she stammered out apologies, Toushirou noticed the odd twisting in his stomach again. It wasn't nausea; in fact, it almost tickled. He swallowed thickly around a sudden lump that had formed in his throat. Was he catching a cold?

“Captain!” Matsumoto shouted as she came running up from behind him. “Are you two okay?” She asked in a voice that sounded far too innocent.

“I'm fine. I apologize for a moment ago, Higurashi,” Toushirou said feeling a bit awkward about the entire situation.

“I'm okay, Captain Hitsugaya. Don't worry about it,” Kagome waved off with her cheeks still tinged a rosy color.

Matsumoto eyed the pair carefully before piping in, “You know, Captain, I think the gentlemanly thing to do would be to walk Kagome home and make sure that she's alright! She also makes wonderful tea and just the other day she was telling me how she'd recently been toying with a new daifuku recipe! I have to watch my figure, you know, but maybe you could give them a test for her.”

Kagome gave Matsumoto a pointed look that obviously meant something because Matsumoto merely laughed and winked at the girl. The meanings of these actions were lost on the young Captain, however.

Deciding to leave his silly Lieutenant, Toushirou walked over to a protesting Kagome and offered her his hand so that he could pull her up off of the ground. “I was concerned for your health before the fall, so I do think it's best if I walk you home.”

Blue locked with teal as Kagome stared at him for a moment before reaching out a small hand to take his. “Thank you, Captain. I'll make us something warm for lunch to repay you,” she said with a soft smile.

Lunch sounded good to Toushirou. Maybe Kagome would be able to explain the feeling in his stomach. He was sure that his Lieutenant would mock him for not already knowing…


AN: That one was…odd xD I had an idea in my head about how I wanted this one to go, and the beginning started out following it perfectly. Then about half-way through it took control all on its own and wrote itself! I had to bring the rating down on it, but I hope you liked it!