InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Laundry ❯ My Pet ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Holy crap! I'm back!! Ohhhhh, it feels great to get back to this series :D Crap…I think my right arrow key just died…Oh well, more important things to worry about. One thing I want to do is give a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has reviewed so far!! You guys are great and awesome. Also, I WILL get to each and every request I get. I feel bad when I get a request and check my list and see that it's not for another few chapters (like poor Renji! He doesn't get his turn for several more…). But in the meantime there are some pairings that not even I would have ever thought of and I LOVE a good obscure pairing! You guys are really thinking outside the box and challenging me with this! I love it! Keep it up! Throw me some curveballs.
Kenpachi took so long because I couldn't decide which route to take with him. Then I was at work the other day and idea hit me so suddenly that I started laughing (and receiving odd looks). I hope everyone likes it as much as I think I will xD

Disclaimer: I don't own, please don't sue!


Chapter 9: My Pet
Pairing: Kagome/Kenpachi
Rating: M
For: XxHaku-Spirited-Away-RoseXxXx, Slypy, and Nasuki- formally Orihime Girl


Kenpachi Zaraki wal
ked into his division after returning from the latest Captain's meeting. He'd been questioned about the latest addition to his division…again. The questions would probably stop if this little addition was actually one of his division members. Or a shinigami for that matter.

He was on his way to his personal quarters when a light jingling reached his ears. There was only one other person in the area who jingled when they walked. The
predatory smirk that crossed his face couldn't be helped as the noise grew closer until the cause of the noise finally came into his line of sight.

Ikkaku was the first person to come skidding around the corner and almost crash into the wall. But he quickly righted himself and tore off in a dead run once more, laughing like a madman the entire time. His laughter could be heard even after he was out of his Captain's sight down another hallway.

The next person to round the first corner his bald officer had appeared from was Yumichika who was soaking wet.
The slightly soapy water that was dripping off of him as he ran made his progress a great deal slower than his dry friend's, but he seemed to be keeping out of the reach of who they were running from. As he passed with the rushed acknowledgement of “Captain” and a small nod, Kenpachi noticed that a deep blush was staining his cheeks while a happy grin graced his mouth. He too disappeared down the next hallway, but not before having his feet slip out from under him.

Finally, the person he'd been waiting to appear scrambled around the corner and slipped on the water from herself and Yumichika causing her to hit the wall she'd been trying to avoid. It was no wonder that the two men were so far ahead of her. When she found her footing again and took off, Kenpachi got a good look at her.

Deep onyx hair fluttered behind her flinging droplets of water from the tips while her bangs
clung to her face and neck. Slick, porcelain skin glistened in the light. And what a great portion of skin it was! A damp towel was all that she had to keep her modesty intact, and she was just barely able to keep that clenched shut with one small fist as she ran. Lean legs drew the towel higher as they extended in front of her, but the cursed fluffy cloth was just long enough to keep her covered. And along with her panting breath and the soft padding of her feet, the jingling of her bells echoed through the hall.

Kenpachi still remembered how she got those bells.

It was close to one year ago that Yachiru had announced that she'd brought home a `pet' that she'd found in the Rukongai. He had told her no and that she had to return it the entire way to his room where she'd left her new `pet.' But when the door was opened and he saw what was in his room, all of his protests stopped.

On the floor was a young woman in a pink yukata tugging furiously on a chain that was connected to a thick piece of leather loosely hanging around her neck. Her black hair was wavy and slightly messy from her struggles while her blue eyes glared at the chain with such fire that he was sure it would melt away at any moment. But along with the chain, there were bells on the collar. One bell every couple of inches the entire way around. So the entire time she would tug or struggle a light, musical noise followed.

The sight and accompanying sounds were so amusing that a deep chuckle escaped
the large Captain's throat. This of course caught the young woman's attention and she whipped around to meet his eyes looking very much like a deer in the headlights. But when she spotted Yachiru perched on his shoulder, the screaming began.

“What's wrong with you people?! You can't just take people off the street and chain them up!! Let me go! You can't seriously plan on keeping me here!” She yelled while her eyes darted between him and his Lieutenant.

There was something about her—something in her eyes—
that made him disregard everything he'd told Yachiru about the subject up to that point. “Fine,” he said to the pink-haired girl. “But she's your responsibility.”

As he turned to leave the room he caught the stunned look that the girl was giving him. It would only be the first of many.

Looking back on it, he would admit to himself that letting Yachiru keep a woman (however attractive she might have been) as a pet may have been unconventional or even morally unsound, but when had he ever claimed to be either? Kagome, as she later learned was her name, had yelled and screamed for a couple of more weeks before she started to accept things. She was kept safe, sheltered, clothed, and fed. Nobody denied that it was an odd arrangement, but everyone seemed happy with it. Kagome was good at keeping the men of his division in line and they enjoyed the eye candy that she provided. He also finally had someone around to teach Yachiru a little more about being a girl.

But at the moment, the division's `pet' was practically streaking through the halls because some of his men had peeked in on her bath…again.

Kenpachi reached out an arm and scooped Kagome up around her waist before tossing her over his shoulder and walking to his original destination: his room. The small woman yelled the entire time about perverts and privacy but finally lost some of her steam by the time he dropped her to rest on his

He smirked down at her as she fumed. She pouted as she glared at his stomach and still clutched her towel which had started to slip some revealing a bit more cleavage. “Why'd you stop me?” She grumbled. “They'd deserve anything I gave them once I caught up!”

“They have work that they need to do,” Kenpachi told her. “Dry off, get dressed, and then you can chase them around when you aren't making a mess through my barracks.”

“But—!” She began to protest.

Quickly reaching out to grab her chin in his fist, Kenpachi brought her face up to meet his. “What's my rule?” He asked lowering his voice to a husky rumble.

Kagome only glared at him for a moment before glancing to the right and ignoring him.
“Kagome,” he said with an edge creeping into his tone. The woman was beautiful and highly amusing, but she could be incredibly stubborn sometimes.

Kagome sighed as she slowly brought her gaze back to stare straight into the large man's only visible eye. “Yes?” She asked sweetly with a large, incredibly fake smile

“What's my rule?” Kenpachi repeated.

Rolling her eyes and sighing in defeat, Kagome muttered, “Obey.”

“And you're going to do what I tell you, right?”

“I guess,” she growled out.

“Good girl,” he said before pulling her face closer to his and capturing her mouth in a dominating kiss. He smirked when she let out a small squeak but respo
nded soon after.

They both
had dominant personalities and they fought publicly often, but when they were alone he made sure that his pet knew exactly who was in charge.

Kenpachi growled in pleasure when he reached one hand back to fist in
his lover's damp hair causing her to moan deeply. He took her bottom lip between his teeth and sucked the flesh until he knew that it would swell before releasing and pushing his tongue into her waiting mouth.

Two small hands tangled in his hair at the base of his neck as he heard the damp towel slide down her body. Knowing that she was now in the nude, Kenpachi pushed her to her back and pinned her small body with his much larger one. One hand continued to keep a tight hold on her hair while the other slid down her neck and across her shoulder to roughly palm a round breast. He was again treated to a throaty moan and he stopped kissing her momentarily so that he could hear the sound echo around him.

Kagome arched her back to press closer to the har
d body covering her. The man could be infuriating and was overly aggressive at times, but he made her body and soul feel alive in a way that none had before. She wasn't sure if what she felt was love, but it was definitely worth sticking around to find out.

She ground her hips against his and brought her hands from his hair to dance across the muscles of his chest and abdomen. His available hand left her breast and grasped her hip to keep her in place before sliding over her skin and resting above her core. She groaned in anticipation and did her best not to squirm too much. But when his thumb grazed over her damp folds before slowly massaging her jewel, Kagome threw her head back in a silent scream. They were both fairly certain that most of the division knew what went on when the door to his room was shut, but why confirm or deny anything? It was best to keep the others on their toes.

Kenpachi smirked wickedly before pulling his hand away and then withdrawing from Kagome completely.
He'd figured out how to push her buttons some time ago. If he got her riled up now and let her stew in her sexual frustrations for a while, she'd be ready to practically jump him by the time he finished his work for the day. And if he had to put up with a small case of blue balls until then, so be it. He thought the payoff was worth it.

Kagome looked up at Kenpachi questioningly. There was no way that he was going to stop there!
`Crap…' she thought as she saw his smirking face. He could be a sadistic bastard when he wanted to be.

But the entire time that Kagome was glaring at Kenpachi, he was simply enjoying the view. Kagome was laying on the bed before him with her hair a mess, body completely exposed for his pleasure, and a delectable flush covering most of her skin. Her chest rose and fell with each breath, and it was all he could do not to give in then and there.

“Finish drying off, get dressed, and then go
teach those two idiots a lesson. They should know better than to sneak into the showers when you're in there,” he told her as he turned to leave.

Kagome watched as the door slid shut with her mouth open in disbelief. This was the fourth time that he'd done this to her! She'd just have to think of a way to break him of this little habit. And she knew just the people to help her come up with a plan. Grinning evilly, she pushed herself off of the bed before snatching up her towel and heading to her closet. It looked like she would be paying a visit to one Rangiku Matsumoto and one Kyouraku Shunsui very soon.


AN: And there we go! I hope you liked it!
I've been looking forward to the next chapter for a while now because I've had it planned out in my head since before I wrote Scars, I think. The next chapter is going to feature Byakuya! While I do think that Bya/Kag has been done a LOT (almost overdone), I'm excited to do this one. Anyway, I hope you'll be back for the next installment and I'm very sorry that this took so long. I feel like I've had to neglect a lot lately. I'm STILL trying to move, I recently celebrated my 21st birthday, and work has me putting in overtime with graduation coming up tomorrow (I work at a college).
Also, I've noticed a lot of people doing this formspring thing. Would anyone be interested if I got one? All questions would be game, not just things pertaining to my stories or fanfiction.
Just looking for a little feedback on that ^_^ Well, as always, thanks for reading and I'll see you guys next chapter!!