InuYasha Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Sovereign Destiny ❯ Family ( Chapter 3 )

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Sovereign Destiny
Chapter 2: Family
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or Inuyasha.
Story Summary:
A new threat will reunite the Yu Yu Hakusho team once again but this time the stakes are different and much higher. Will the once spirit detective and friends rise to this new challenge or will they prefer to sit back and allow fate to decide for them their place in the worlds?
Chapter Tagline:
Sometimes a person's greatest nightmare can be the life your conscience refuses to leave behind.
Note: Minor Character Reminders
Kokoda is the name of Kurama's new stepbrother.
Kaito is the first person with territory power they fight in the Chapter Black Saga. The one who He also goes to the same school as Kurama.
Mariko is the woman who was the first spirit detective.
Chapter 2: Family
Until now Kurama never understood the importance of words such as home or love nor had he ever had a desire to. Before, as Youko Kurama, he would travel from one place to another, meeting new people on the way and losing others.
He could say the only thing that mattered back then was the thrill of stealing, but he never consciously thought about it that way. He lived life the only way he knew how and the few whom he had called “friends” were dead or he had personally betrayed. Allowing himself to think that he needed no one had been his downfall. His own arrogance was the reason he got caught in the hunter's trap and why he had to take refuge in a human woman's womb to stay alive.
Kurama looked around at his family and saw his mother sitting in a chair smiling up at her husband, who was standing beside her. On the other side of the room Kokoda was laying on the floor playing video games. This was his home, not the room but his family. He loved his family and not even Hiei would ever call him weak for the choices he made to be able to stay with them. In reality, those he considered family extends to more than those who were currently in the room with him, but these to him were the center.
Kurama stood up and walked over to his mother to kiss her on the check before saying “I think I'll be leaving now Mother, thank you for the wonderful dinner.”
“Take care of yourself Shuichi and please come visit us again soon,” His mother said while getting up to walk him to the door.
“Yeah Shuichi, then we can have another rematch. I'm sure I'll beat you next time.” Kokoda said, motioning excitedly towards his Playstation 2. With this said, Kurama walked out the door laughing.
&&Scene Change&&
After leaving his mother's apartment Kurama started walking towards his own which was across town. He moved into his own place after finishing high school, which was by the local university he was now attending along with Kaito. He started college about a month ago and between school, his job at a bookstore, and dodging Kaito's jealous rants, he could only visit his mother about once a week though it wasn't unusual to find Kaito and Kokoda playing games in Kurama's living room.
When he reached the park that was near his apartment he decided to walk around a bit before heading home. About five minutes into his walk he spotted Kayko leaning against a tree with her eyes shut. He was about to change direction to go talk to her when he sensed Hiei. Even before he was able to figure out which direction the fire demons aura was coming from Hiei was standing next to the confused fox.
“Hiei?” Kurama questioned, not bothering to cover his curiosity.
“The ogres of spirit world have been executed,” Hiei stated. Kurama had, had many ideas about what this strange visit might be about, but this was not one of them.
“What?” Kurama said in surprise. “You can't possibly mean all the ogres. The spirit world depends on their labor.”
“Not all, only Koenma's personnel.” Hiei said with what sounded like irritation, and possibly worry.
“But why?” Kurama asked as he turned around to face the fire demon. When their eyes met Kurama realized something he did not like. Neither of them had a clue what it meant but their instincts screamed it was trouble.
&&Point of View Change&&
Kazuma Kuwabara woke up that morning before sunrise. This was usually a day he could sleep in, but Kuwabara didn't even notice he was being cheated out of sleep, as he got dressed for the day. When he went into the kitchen he found Shizuru already up, sitting in a kitchen chair staring out the window.
“You feel it too, little brother?” Shizuru asked as she looked up at him.
“Yeah it woke me up. I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep but the feeling wouldn't go away.” Kuwabara said as he took a seat across from his sister.
“What do you make of it? All I can say is that I feel like something bad is going to happen.” Shizuru shifted in her chair in order to rest her head in her hand.
“I'm not sure, which is why I'm going to head over to Genkai's and see what she and Yukina have to say.” Kuwabara said walking towards the door.
“Going to use this as an excuse to see your girlfriend, huh? Well then I'm coming with you.” Shizuru said with a smile as she followed her brother out.
&&Scene Change&&
It was almost one o'clock and the sun was high in the air but Kuwabara and Shizuru could hardly tell because of all the shade covering the temple's steps. Kuwabara could be heard quietly mumbling to himself as he counted stairs, while Shizuru was quietly cursing the old woman for having them in the first place. It was not like she was out of shape or didn't like the exercise but the premonition she was having had her nerves shot and the added bonus of having forgotten her cigarettes at home did not help. And come on, Kuwabara's count was over 3,000 and they were barely half way up - that was a little extreme, wasn't it?
Another five minutes passed and the temple was finally visible in the distance. When they reached the top Yukina, who gave Kuwabara a smile when he called out her name, greeted them. They walked inside and were greeted by Genkai, who got them all settled down with tea. This is what Shizuru liked about Genkai: she was gruff but she still always did what was needed, which at this moment was something to relax her before she became violent.
“Why are you here?” Genkai said in order to get to the point.
“Well Shizuru and I are both getting weird vibes that we can't figure out, so we thought we would check with you.” Kuwabara said, putting his hands behind his head.
“A premonition, I see. I have noticed nothing unusual but if both of you are feeling them I suggest you stay here until we figure it out. If anything were to happen this would be the place everyone would gather, too. But don't think this is free time to flirt. The dimwit might be strong enough now to dodge my torture but you are fair game. Let's go,” Genkai said while walking in the direction of her training area with an amused smirk on her face.
“Hey! But Genkai I…” Kuwabara started to shout before being cut off.
“You heard the lady, Kuwabara, hurry up and get moving,” Shizuru said as she waved her hands at him in annoyance, while Yukina laughed softly.
“Hey Sis, I thought you didn't want me fighting anymore!” Kuwabara said.
“Well you aren't in school are you?” Shizuru said sweetly as she turned away from her brother, giving her full attention to Yukina.
“Get a move on!” Genkai shouted.
“Okay, Okay! I'm coming.” Kuwabara yelled as he headed in the direction Genkai had disappeared in.
&&Scene Change&&
After a few hours of training everyone settled down for dinner. Although Kuwabara would never admit it, he liked training with Genkai and since she had all kinds of equipment he never had to worry about having to spar with Genkai, which could interfere with his code. He felt more relaxed then he had in weeks. Although he understood and respected his sister's desire that he concentrate on school rather than get himself into trouble, it did not change the fact that fighting was his way of stress release.
He knew he would never be as good as Urameshi and he no longer had any desire to try to compete because a man of true honor knows when to concede victory to someone obviously stronger. This did not change the fact that fighting was still a part of him, if only for his own enjoyment. So being around Genkai and her `torture' was refreshing. Then of course there was always Yukina.
They ate their meal in relative silence with Yukina telling a story here and there. After they finished they went outside to meditate, something even Shizuru liked to participate in.
Kuwabara was the first to see the gold light in the sky. He stood up quickly making a gasping sound. Genkai, his sister, and then Yukina quickly followed. They stood there watching in stunned silence as bright colors flashed in the sky. It took a few moments for any of them to speak.
“Well it looks like we might be getting an answer to your premonitions soon.” Genkai said as she turned to walk back inside followed quietly by everyone else.
&&Point of View Change&&
Kayko looked up to study Yusuke's face when she felt his hands go to her shoulders stopping her movement. His face had gone pale and he had a far away look as if he was trying to place something. She stepped back and started scanning the park for a possible source of his discomfort when she spotted Kurama and Hiei talking a short distance away. They also looked forbidding, which didn't tell her much since Hiei had always appeared unhappy to her.
She was about to reveal their presence when she spotted flashes of color in the distances. “Yusuke? What in the world could that be?” Kayko said snapping Yusuke out of his thoughts.
Yusuke looked up and found the source of the weird energy he sensed. “I have no idea, Kayko.” Yusuke mumbled barely loud enough for Kayko to hear.
&&Point of View Change&&
Kurama and Hiei were still discussing the ogres' executions when Yusuke came into the park and approached Kayko. They slowly started to approach them while still in quiet conversation when they heard Kayko's voice. They looked in the direction of the girl's distress to find color flashes in the distance.
“Well that isn't normal now is it.” Kurama stated, getting Yusuke and Kayko's attention.
“What are you guys doing here?” Yusuke asked surprised.
“Well, Hiei was telling me some information from demon world when we spotted you.” Kurama answered a bit distractedly.
“What information?” Yusuke demanded impatiently. It had to be important for Hiei to show himself to not only Kurama but to him.
“The ogres on Koenma's staff have been executed,” was Hiei's rough reply.
“So we have weird light shows and ogre executions, now normally I would say who cares and move on but my gut tells me there's something I'm missing here, so I think I might head to Genkai's and see if she has anything to say.” Yusuke said this with authority but still looked at Kayko to see if she agreed. She smiled up at him, silently telling him she was fine with this but also that she was coming along.
“I'll come too,” Kurama said while Hiei just grunted before taking off in the direction of the temple.
“Guess that means he'll meet us there.” Yusuke quipped, “Come on if we hurry we might be able to get to Granny's before midnight.”
&&Point of View Change&&
Mariko stood outside her house staring out into the night. Her husband stood back and watched her. When he could no longer take the silence, he said: “Mariko, why are you so worried? He is a demi-god, it's not as if he needs you to fight his battles for him.”
“Sometimes a person's greatest nightmare can be the life your conscience refuses to leave behind.” Mariko stated bleakly.
“Mariko?” This just perplexed her husband even more.
“Never mind, it's nothing. You're right; whatever is happening in spirit world is none of my concern. Let's go to bed now.” She said this while grabbing her husband's hand, gently pulling him into the house.
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