InuYasha Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Sovereign Destiny ❯ Bittersweet Memories ( Chapter 7 )

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Sovereign Destiny
Chapter 6: Bittersweet Memories
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or Inuyasha.
Story Summary:
A new threat will reunite the Yu Yu Hakusho team once again but this time the stakes are different and much higher. Will the once spirit detective and friends rise to this new challenge or will they prefer to sit back and allow fate to decide for them their place in the worlds?
Chapter Tagline:
From the moment I met her I knew she was trouble but I didn't care, all I wanted to do was protect her.
Chapter 6: Bittersweet Memories
Koenma stayed outside until he heard everyone else settle in for the night. He had avoided them the entire day and had made himself weary with thoughts and worries. Although he slipped in silently, there was not one in the group who didn't notice. Everyone but Botan, surprisingly enough, was worried not only by his isolation but by the fact that he hadn't come in for meals and no one dared to bring food out to him. Botan told them he would be fine and he would have a plan for them to work on soon but with his reaction earlier that day everyone felt doubtful.
Yusuke chose to sleep in the area closest to Koenma's bed so he could keep an eye on him, so when Koenma came in Yusuke stayed awake until he heard Koenma's breathing even out. That night Koenma dreamed, though it was more like reliving memories.
Koenma's Dream
It had been about three and a half years since Koenma had lost Sensui. The only good that came from it is that for a while there were no major incidents but Koenma would gladly trade manageable peace for a chance to fix his error. There was no need for an immediate replacement since there was nothing Koenma, even with his drained power, couldn't handle.
Work was, as always, prioritized from high to low threat but with nothing major happening Koenma was able to look at things he would normally miss. One of these things was an unusual power reading from the human realm. It was rated low threat because the readings indicated it was from a pure or holy source but Koenma couldn't stop wondering about it. Against his better judgment, Koenma left the spirit world for the human realm in order to investigate.
When I reached the human realm I changed into casual human clothes before tracking down the source of the power reading. I narrowed down the area to a shrine and decided to look around. Shortly after I had walked up the steps and an elderly gentleman, who was the priest and keeper of the shrine, greeted me. I accepted his offer of a tour and listened to his stories as I looked for what could be the cause of the readings.
Shortly into the tour we came to what the priest called the Goshinboku. I quickly realized it was the source of the reading and its power was in fact pure. I also recognized that this tree was one of the sacred objects of Gaia. After this I half-heartedly listened to what the priest was telling me and declined his invitation to dinner.
I decided to stay longer and was studying the tree when I felt a surge of power. When I went towards it I found a girl about 16 years old closing a door to what appeared to be a well house. She was wearing a green and white school uniform with a yellow backpack and was incredibly beautiful even though she was covered in dirt smudges. I realized as I looked at her that she was the one fated to be my mate and I was unable to ignore the power readings because it was now that I was to meet her.
She turned around and looked straight at me, brown eyes studying my form as she approached me. When she was just a little out of arms reach she stopped and continued to study me. After a few seconds she was the first to speak and her words took me by surprise.
“You aren't human are you?” The girl said with a serious expression.
“But then you aren't a demon either,” she then smiled. “You're neither but then you're both. Hmm, well I don't sense any threat from you so tell me, who are you?”
I felt no need to lie to her so I simply said, “Koenma, prince of the spirit world.”
“Spirit world? What is that?” the girl questioned.
“I would love to answer but you look… tired, maybe you should rest awhile,” I told her, taking in her appearance once again.
“Tired?” the girl started laughing as she studied one of her arms. She then lifted it for me to see. “Is that a prince's way of telling a girl that she's filthy and needs a bath?”
I had no idea how to respond to this, “I…I…of course not its just…I…” My stammering only made her laugh harder.
“No, no, I'm just playing. I know I need a bath but don't think I'm going to just go take one and let you slip away before you explain the spirit world that you're prince of.” I could tell then she realized she was being playful and I could see a look of confusion cross her face. It seemed she was not use to easily trusting people or that trust was a luxury she wasn't able to afford recently.
I quickly spoke before I allowed any doubts in her to take hold. “I plan to stay and explain to you. Your… grandfather?”
“If he is the priest of this shrine then he's my grandfather,” The girl said.
“Okay, well he invited me to dinner, which I declined but I've recently changed my mind,” I stated.
“Oh, okay then. I guess I will go clean up,” she said as she turned towards her house.
“Wait!” I said, falling into step next to her, “You know my name but you haven't told me yours.”
“Oh how rude of me. I am Kagome Higurashi. Nice to meet you Koenma,” Kagome said with a slight bow of respect. Then she went inside and I went to find her grandfather to tell him I had changed my mind.
&& Scene Change &&
Dinner was one of the strangest experiences I has ever had. After meeting Kagome's mother and brother we all sat down to eat. As Kagome sat she went right into questioning me.
“So what is the spirit world?” She asked. I was stunned that she opened the door to such strange matters in front of her family.
“Spirit world?” her brother questioned.
“Yes, Koenma's not a human or a demon and he says he's the prince of the spirit world,” She answered as calmly as if she was discussing her day at school.
“Oh sounds interesting so tell us dear, what is the spirit world?” Mrs. Higurashi asked motherly. I took a moment before explaining about spirit world, how there was a separate realm for demons, and what my job entailed.
After I finished the only response was from Kagome. “Oh! I was wondering why I hardly see any demons in this time. I was worried they all died out.”
Before I could ask about what she meant about” time” her brother spoke up teasing. “Hey Sis, now you have a friend in this time that's just as weird as you!”
“Why I ought too…”Kagome never finished because she felt what I had felt, a surge of energy. I realized then that after seeing Kagome I had forgotten all about what I had felt earlier.
“Seems Inuyasha has come to bring me back already,” Kagome said with a disappointed sigh. Inuyasha… that name had meaning to me but why? I never got to ponder my thought because the door behind Kagome violently slid open and I had a very angry half-breed on top of me, claws clenched around my throat.
“Who are you and why are you here?” As I stared at him something in my mind clicked and I remembered why I recognized the name Inuyasha.
Flashback ~about 400 years ago
I went to where the Kamis gathered because I was curious about the one whose placement as Kami made my father so angry. I then met the one who was born a half-breed but died a human. He had long black hair and brown eyes.
“You are Inuyasha?” I questioned.
“Yes,” He stated coolly while sizing me up. It made me quite uncomfortable. He then continued, “I will be watching your every move to see if you are worthy.”
“I will do my best to be worth of being the next king,” I responded.
“I'm not talking about your future kingship. I'm talking about something much more valuable,” with one last glare he walked away.
Flashback end
During the investigation of the incident 500 years ago many rumors were found involving a time traveling priestess. It was said that she was the reincarnation of a priestess named Kikyo and that she and the jewel of four souls disappeared shortly after the defeat of a powerful being known as Naraku. I never paid much attention to these rumors and neither did my father, for one reincarnation was rare because the requirements were so precise. I could count all cases in my lifetime on one hand and knew each by heart. Second, Kikyo was one of the souls that made kamiship and if she was a Kami that would leave no soul to reincarnate.
I studied Kagome's face as she pulled Inuyasha off me and saw that, although they weren't copies of each other, there were enough similarities between Kagome and Kikyo to be mistaken as incarnates by a society that believed it common. I realized Kagome must be the time traveler, which meant that she had the jewel, and this was Inuyasha before he became a Kami.
My thoughts were interrupted with the amusing sight of Kagome pushing Inuyasha out the door and when she had him standing on dirt she promptly `sat' him. This was followed by an angry rant about how he should know that if I was in her house then it was okay, that she did not appreciate him attacking dinner guests, and how he should try to make allies instead of enemies out of powerful beings that he runs into. She also explained who I was. The rest of her family just continued to eat dinner as if it was a normal occurrence.
Inuyasha stood up with his ears folded flat on his head as he mumbled an apology. I could tell he was sorry about making her upset but not for attacking me. He obviously cared very much for Kagome.
When he looked at me I could see the question in his eyes so before he asked I gave the answer. “I know who you are and what you're doing but rest assured I have no interest in the jewel of four souls. It's better for all that you complete your task without my interference.”
The question in his eye then changed. If not for the jewel then why was I there? I answered by simply looking at Kagome who was silently watching. Though it was slight, Inuyasha got the picture and was not pleased by my response. He stared at me hard until suddenly he stopped and I could tell he decided not to challenge my claim. I was then very thankful at that moment for Fate.
Inuyasha then turned to Kagome and said, “We have a lead that needs to be looked into now. I'll try to make it quick so that you can have the rest of your time here.” With a heavy sigh Kagome went back inside to pack.
I sat outside in silence with Inuyasha. I had a major problem on my hands because I knew that if my father found out that there was a chance to change the time line he would surely take it. I had no other choice; I would have to make sure he never knew of this place or of Kagome's involvement. I left the shrine that day with every intention of, for the first time, deceiving my father.
End Koenma' Dream
Koenma woke up in tears and shakily whispered into the dark, “Kagome...I…I'm so sorry.”
&& Point of View Change &&
After watching the sunset, Kagome went inside and got ready for bed. Instead of lying down she sat on her bedding while she petted Karan who had decided to join her for the night. She didn't feel tired since all she had been able to do the past few days was train and wait. After a while she let her mind wander a bit and she fell into memories.
After the final battle I was forced back into my own time. For a week I tried to fit back into normal life but I couldn't. I felt lost and without a purpose. Half of my family was gone and I was sure I would never see that half again. My family tried to help but to no avail and even Koenma wasn't able to get a smile from me. At the end of the week I decided to go on a quest alone. I would search for places I knew well in feudal Japan and see what had become of them.
I got more depressed the more I searched. Most of the area of Kaeda's village was now a road and shops. Koga's caves had been mined out. The place where Miroku's father's life ended by the wind tunnel was covered over by a mall. I was almost too scared to find out what happen to the area where the village of the demon slayers once stood and I was surprised by what I found. The entire area was untouched. It seemed someone many generations ago had bought the land for the purpose of preserving it and had passed it down. I hiked up into the woods that had grown so thick and almost impassible from centuries of isolation. It took me quiet awhile but I found the village. There were only pieces of decaying wood sticking up in areas where buildings once stood and trees had grown up through the area but it was definitely the same place.
I searched on my hands and knees until I could find a sign of where the graves had been for the villagers and then redid each marker. Afterwards I searched for Midoriko's cave, which I found relatively easy and went inside. Once inside I found Midoriko standing as always in her beautiful but horrific glory and then I then notice off to the side there was something new. I approached it and started crying once I realized what it was. Behind a barrier rested Inuyasha's Tetsusaiga, Sesshomaru's Tenseiga, Sango's Hiraikotsu, Miroku's staff, and some of Shippo's toys among other things. On the wall was carved “To Meet Again”.
A letter that was included explained to me all that had happened in their lives but what was most important at the moment was that Kirara had found a mate by the name of Karan, an ice demon cat, and had twins that were named after their parents who should be in the cave or nearby. I searched around and found them sleeping behind Midoriko. When they woke up I could feel an instant bond form and knew they would be by my companions for the rest of my life.
I never told Koenma about what I found and had just plain refused to explain how I received my demon cats. He respected my wishes because he knew it wasn't that I liked keeping secrets from him but that it was just too close to my heart to share. In the end it turned out to be for the best because after the betrayal I was able to hide here. By that time I had found out that the demons I considered family were alive and they were the ones who owned the land. They helped me build my temple and start my life here.
Kagome could only hope that she would not come to regret what she was planning.
&& Point of View Change &&
“Kagome…I…I'm so sorry.”
Yusuke woke up quickly when he felt Koenma stir and heard what he had whispered. He couldn't take it anymore and decided he was going to personally get some answers out of Koenma even if he had to try and beat them out of him. Sliding the door to Koenma's room, Yusuke entered without asking. Stunned Yusuke stopped just inside the door when he saw Koenma.
Koenma was sitting up in the bed with his head in his hands and tears visible in the moonlight on his cheeks. Though, he must have known Yusuke was in the room he made no sign to acknowledge him. After a few moments, Yusuke slid the door shut again and walked over to sit down on a chair next to Koenma's bed. Yusuke didn't try to say anything to Koenma because he had no idea what to say, so instead he sat and waited for Koenma to speak and he was not disappointed.
“From the moment I met her I knew she was trouble but I didn't care, all I wanted to do was protect her. She was a time traveler and was involved in something in the past that my father would have loved to alter. I did everything I could to make sure my father never found out about her adventures and once they were over I thought things would be easier. Of course things can never be easy,” Koenma explained as he gathered his emotions
“She found some demons that she knew in the past that my father hates with a passion but that she considers family. There was no way she was going to listen to my fathers demand that she cease all contact with them. In response he tried her for treason. Luckily there were those on the counsel that she also knew from the past that were outraged by this and rose up against my father to stop the procedures. The counsel would not have been able to stop the trial indefinitely but it was long enough to allow her to escape and disappear.” Koenma paused and readjusted himself on his bed before continuing.
“I never did anything to try to stop it. I just sat back and waited. It wasn't that I didn't care. I love her, but I just had no idea what to do. Then she was gone and I haven't seen or heard anything about her since.”
“I can see why you wouldn't want to talk about it but self pity is not going to solve anything and it definitely won't change what's happening now,” Yusuke said gently.
“I know you're right and I will try to …the Goshinboku,” Koenma said.
“The what?” Yusuke said confused.
“Nothing, just something I remembered in my dream. Something that might help us,” Koenma answered distantly.
“Well what is it?” Yusuke demanded.
“I'm sorry Yusuke I need time to think on some things a bit before I can explain, but I promise you I will have a plan by morning,” Koenma explained
“Well it's about bloody time, toddler,” Yusuke said with a smirk as he got up and walked to the door. “Do that thinking quietly though so I can get some sleep.” With one last smug grin Yusuke was gone.