InuYasha Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Sovereign Destiny ❯ A Plan In Motion ( Chapter 8 )

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Sovereign Destiny
Chapter 7: A Plan In Motion
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or Inuyasha.
Story Summary:
A new threat will reunite the Yu Yu Hakusho team once again but this time the stakes are different and much higher. Will the once spirit detective and friends rise to this new challenge or will they prefer to sit back and allow fate to decide for them their place in the worlds?
Chapter Tagline:
If the Kami, especially Fate, favor my father then there is nothing that can be done, not even the strongest warriors can stand against their will.
Note: Minor Character
Okubo: was a part of Kuwabara's little gang of friends. He is the one that Kuwabara agreed not to fight so he can keep his job.
Kido, Kaito, and Yanagishawa: are the three with territory power that follow Genkai.
Kido had the power of shadow (could freeze a person by stepping on their shadow and move his own shadow)
Kaito goes to the same school as Kurama and had the power of taboo.
Yanagishawa has the power of copy.
Mitarai was apart of Sensui's group and had the power to control water, was a.k.a. Seaman. Turned from his path of destruction by Kuwabara.
Chapter 7: A Plan In Motion
Everyone was already together and waiting by the time Koenma decided to come out of his room the next morning. Yusuke had informed them that Koenma should have a plan but nothing else. He didn't feel right explaining what Koenma had revealed to him. Besides, since there seemed to be no way of finding her, it was irrelevant.
Koenma stood there a moment and studied everyone in the room before beginning. “The first thing that needs to be made clear is this is not a battle that can be won with brute force. If the Kami, especially Fate, favor my father then there is nothing that can be done, not even the strongest warriors can stand against their will. This is because, although, they might not have much power over a king's decision, they are the ones who control succession. Even if I was complete and ten times stronger than my father, if the Kami didn't wish it, I would never succeed in taking over.”
“I see where you're going with this,” Kurama said, “If the counsel of the Kami wanted you as king even though you are not complete your father wouldn't be able to stop it.”
Koenma responded, “That's close but not quite right. Although they could stop my succession the only thing that gaining the counsel approval would do is give us the ability to fight my father for the throne because he would no longer have divine protection. It'll work this way because technically my father has yet to do anything that would be grounds for his removal and my actions can appear as if I'm just greedy for power. I will have to prove myself worthy of being king by successfully gaining the throne without killing my father and this can only be done after gaining the counsel's approval.”
“How would you be able to do that if you're only half as strong as your father?” Yusuke asked.
“I have an idea that will solve that problem. As I've said this will not be a battle of brute strength with the main reason being we would lose. What we need to do is gain the counsel's support…”
“How are we supposed to do that?” Hiei interrupted sarcastically, “Walk into spirit world and ask King Yama to allow us to pass through?”
“He's right, Koenma. To get to the counsel you have to pass through King Yama's territory. That would be suicide!” Botan exclaimed
“Botan, calm down,” Koenma said firmly. He waited until she did what she was told before continuing, “That is not what I am proposing. Even if it was it would be just plain stupid since most of the counsel hates me with a passion.”
“That is why you don't think it was the Kami who saved you from your execution?” Genkai asked.
“Exactly,” Koenma answered with a nod of his head.
“Wonderful! I already knew you have a talent for annoying people but did you really have to be yourself around beings that would be of help…” Yusuke was saying before Koenma cut him off.
“Quiet!” Koenma shouted. Yusuke just had a gift for making him lose his temper. “As I was saying I am not planning on just going up and talking to them, there is another way.”
Koenma looked around at everyone to make sure he had their attention and that they knew better than to interrupt him again. “There is an ancient art that has a method of contacting the counsel from the living world. Throughout the living world there are things called the sacred objects of Gaia. These object are of nature and are focal points for the spirits of the land. It used to be by activating five of these focal points it would summon the counsel so that they may discuss things with people of the living world but that was before the barrier. Now, in order to do so, you have to activate three in the living realm and three in the demon.”
By this point Koenma had regained his calm, “By doing this it will give me a chance to talk to the counsel and hopefully show I am true in my intentions. Though they may hate me, if I can show I mean no harm to the living world they may favor me over my father. This will hopefully show them my love for both realms because it is a big task that will involve gaining the cooperation of humans and demons alike. Also by gaining their approval it would solve the problem of me not being complete. After gaining their approval I would be able to harvest energy from Gaia, which would put my father and I on a more even playing field and if I have you guys fighting on my side there would be no reason why I would fail.”
“So how do we go about doing this?” Kayko asked. She saw no reason why any of them should hesitate.
“We will need to find three objects of Gaia each in the human and demon world. I have hardly any knowledge of their location because it never had anything to do with me; it was between the counsel and the living world. So that also means my father won't know either, which hopefully we can use to our advantage. It will be easier to find the sacred objects of Gaia in the human realm than the demon because before most humans lost their spiritual awareness most could sense things with holy power and built shrines around them. I do know the location of one in the human realm that I found a few years ago, only because I just so happened to come across it.”
“The Goshinboku thing you said last night?” Yusuke asked, while the other looked between Yusuke and Koenma curiously.
“Yes the Goshinboku.” Koenma answered with a smile before continuing. “Also, along with finding the sacred objects of Gaia we will also need to find a priest or priestess who knows the summoning technique to activate them. It's going to be hard to find one as it is but just finding one won't be enough. Although a priest may know the technique I highly doubt they would have the spirit energy or awareness to achieve what we need. So one of you will have to learn it from them. I would say Yusuke since he seems to be the most adaptable.” Everyone was in agreement with this.
“Even if you were somehow able to do all this wouldn't King Yama just try to retake the throne if he was still alive?” questioned Shizuru.
Koenma smiled at Shizuru's tone since he found Shizuru's brand of bluntness refreshing. “More than likely yes he probably would if he was able to, but if I was able get to that point my position would then be sealed. There would be nothing he or anyone else could do about it until it was time for the next succession.”
“I just thought of something,” Kuwabara said, “What would happen if King Yama got rid of you?”
“What would happen is that my father would remain an unchallenged king until one of two things happen: one, he is given another mate and has another child, or two, the counsel finds a suitable human or demon to make a new royal blood line out of. Until then my father would be able to do pretty much anything he wanted because the Kami cannot challenge him without a successor in line.”
“So we will need to make sure nothing happens to Koenma,” Yukina stated.
“Yes I would suggest Koenma and Botan stay here while the rest of us do the grunt work,” Genkai said.
“I would have to agree; the less Botan and I move around the less chance my father might be able to find us. It will also allow me to start storing my power again so that I will have a little bit more when the time comes,” Koenma said and then sighed, “I guess back to being a toddler for me.”
“I will go to Mukuro and see what she knows of these sacred objects of Gaia and start the search in the demon realm,” Hiei said.
“I will also go to the demon world to see what Yomi knows,” Kurama said next.
“Very well then, while you are there, one of you, or both, should talk to King Enki. Also, please be on the look out for George. I sent him into hiding and I'm worried about him being on his own,” Koenma said.
“Fine but if I am the one to find him and he irritates me beyond my limits I will not be accountable for my actions,” Hiei said before leaving for the demon world.
“Okay, I guess he doesn't care what the rest of us do,” Yusuke said, staring where Hiei was just moments before. “I would say I'm going to the demon world to check out what Raizen's former generals know but I'm guessing I'll be needed here if I've been nominated to learn this technique thing.”
“That's correct,” Koenma said.
“Kido, Kaito, and Yanagishawa have been calling and bothering me all week with wanting to know what's going on, so I think I'll put them to work on locating sacred objects of Gaia here in the human world and trying to locate someone who knows about this art. What is it called by the way?” Genkai said.
“This art's name has long ago been forgotten but it is referred to as `whispers and visions' or something along that line. The main way you would be able to tell if someone truly knows it is if they have an unusually pure soul. It's not something a person with any kind of spiritual awareness can miss. This is also true with the objects of Gaia.” Koenma explained.
“Well I need to give a better excuse to my parents for being away with Yusuke for so long,” Kayko said.
“I'll help with the search in the human world after I go pick up Eikichi. Okubo's been taking care of her for me but since this seems like it's going to take awhile I would feel better if I brought her here. If that's okay with you, Genkai,” Kuwabara said looking at Genkai.
Genkai smirked and said, “Sure that will be fine. She can keep the prince and Botan company.”
“Hey, that would mean I final get to meet Eikichi.” Yukina said with a happy laugh.
“Heh, yeah,” Kuwabara said grabbing Yukina's hand.
“Oh please,” Shizuru said at the sight.
“Oh yeah, I'll also see if Mitarai wants to help out as well,” Kuwabara said as Genkai nodded her approval.
“I guess I should also tell my mother I will be scarce before I head to the demon realm,” Kurama said.
“No, if my little brother's going after his kitty, I will have to go with him to make sure he stays out of trouble so I might as well tell her for you,” Shizuru offered.
“Oh okay then, I will write a letter for you to give to her,” Kurama said with a smile.
“Okay then, all that's left is for me to make something to store my energy in since I no longer have my pacifier. Do you mind if I look around and use whatever you have around here Genkai?” Koenma asked.
“Knock yourself out,” Genkai responded before shifting her attention, “Yukina, you should stay here for now and then you can go out with Kuwabara after he brings his cat back.”
“Okay,” Yukina replied. With nothing more to say everyone went on their way, leaving Koenma, Botan, and Yukina to search the temple.
&&Scene Change&&
Hiei scanned the land of the demon realm with his eyes from an edge of a cliff. His meeting with Mukuro had not been as fruitful as he would have liked and he was at a loss on what he should do now. He had no desire to speak with the king of the demon realm and figured Kurama was better suited at doing that anyways. Looking for the sacred objects of Gaia was the thing he would prefer to be doing but with no clues as to the locations he could not. There was no way he was going to go back to Genkai's empty handed, so it was decided.
The only thing left for him to do was search for George. It was not as if he hated the blue ogre but his temper was shorter than usual and George had a habit of incessant chatter. The idea of bringing back one of Koenma's most loyal followers pleased Hiei but it worried him that the others might catch on. He would need to do it in the most offhanded way possible to protect his pride. With this last thought in mind he started to search with his jagan eye. He located George's spirit energy pretty quickly and was pleased to see that he was close to Mukuro's territory. There would be no reason for suspicion on how he found him. With a slight smile to himself Hiei raced towards George's location.
&&Scene Change&&
Kurama made his way towards King Enki at his top speed. With the way things were going he could be back at Genkai's by nightfall. Yomi's words played over in his head. They both confused and worried him.
“All I know is this: things like sacred objects are controlled by a more powerful force than us and they do not bow down to our politics.”
What did he mean by that? There were very few still alive that Kurama knew of who could fit that description and they were only marginally so. What could be stronger than an S class demon that wasn't a Kami? Finally, would they have to fight such a force to fulfill Koenma's plan and did they have a chance at winning?
&& Scene Change&&
George walked casually through a forest. He knew he had to keep moving or he would be found because it was just too dangerous to stay in one place for too long. The only part of the demon world he knew well was his homeland, which he could not risk going too. He hoped that his mother was all right. That King Yama knew that although the ogre village might count the death of Koenma's staff as acceptable losses they would not stand for a murder of one of their elders. King Yama would still need replacements for those he executed to run spirit world properly.
He was also worried about Koenma and Botan because he knew what it meant when Koenma sent him out here. Tension could be felt all over the demon realm and George was certain a war would break out soon. He just wished he knew who their opponent was but he could not risk asking. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't notice the root in his path until after he tripped and was rolling down the side of the hill.
When he stopped he looked up to find something that surprised him. He had dreamed of being rescued by Koenma or someone on the former spirit detective's team but he wasn't sure if this was a dream come true or a nightmare. Besides, was Hiei really there to rescue him? George was scared to find out.
&&Scene Change&&
Yusuke decided he would accompany Kayko to talk with her parents and then visit his mother in rehab instead of waiting around. After they were done they went back to Genkai's to find Kuwabara, Yukina, Shizuru, and Mitarai there along with Botan and a now toddler size Koenma.
Before Yusuke asked the more obviously valid question he had to ask another first. “Uh, Koenma? Why is it that even though you had a say in what to store your spirit energy in you still made your substitute another pacifier? You do realize it just makes you look that much more ridiculous, don't you?”
“Rrrrrr…” Koenma growled and would have said more but Botan stopped him with a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Yusuke! Do you really have to be so rude? It just so happens that storing power works better when done through the lips,” Botan yelled.
“Kind of like when someone had to kiss me in order for me to revive?” Yusuke said. Botan shook her head in confirmation, “Okay then sorry. I just had to know. Anyways, why are you guys here?” Yusuke asked Kuwabara.
“Genkai called in and left a message that everyone should stay here. Seems they found some information. They should be back soon,” Kuwabara answered.
“Good, I hope they had better luck than I,” Kurama said as he walked into the room.
“Not much luck at finding anything, huh?” Yusuke asked.
“Nothing that makes sense anyways,” Kurama said as he leaned against a wall.
“I had no luck at all in my search and you can see that by the misfortune I've found to bring back with me,” Hiei said as he walked in with a very excited ogre behind him.
“Lord Koenma!” George yelled as he ran to Koenma, dropping in front of him, and gave him a lung-crushing hug.
“Okay, okay! I'm happy to see you too but get off!” Koenma yelled as he pushed the ogre off him, “Were you able to complete your task?”
“Yes, all records of Yusuke, his family, any friends, and other close allies of yours have been destroyed,” George responded while taking a seat next to Botan. Koenma had said he was happy to see him; his harsh words didn't tarnish his joy at all because he knew that was just Koenma's way.
A little while later Genkai came in with Kido, Kaito, and Yanagishawa. She started speaking right away, “Before we start what did you two find in the demon world?”
“Mukuro knows nothing,” Hiei said.
“Yomi knew nothing either but he did say something about sacred objects being controlled by a more powerful force,” Kurama said with confusion evident on his face.
“I may know what he's referring to but we can cross that bridge when we need to,” Koenma said. “What about King Enki?”
“I went to him and he knows nothing as well but will be looking into it,” Kurama answered.
“Okay then it's our turn. Koda, explain what you found,” Genkai said as she turned towards Koda.
“I went to a shrine and talked to an old priestess that lived there. She told me of an acquaintance that had the power over pure energy and that the trees whispered to her,” Koda explained.
“That sounds like a good candidate. How old is this acquaintance and where can we find her?” Koenma asked.
“She said she was as old as she was wise and that she was very wise, so I figure old…and she also gave me a map of how to find her,” Koda said pulling out a piece of paper out of his pocket and handing it to Yusuke, “She also said that her friend would only allow one guest at her home at a time.”
Looking at the map, Yusuke exclaimed, “Man! Why is it whenever I have to go to someone they are out in the middle of nowhere! She better not have any stairs,” chuckles at this could be heard all around.
“Well it's too late for you to go hiking now so you can leave first thing in the morning,” Genkai told him without any mercy. “I suggest you wear good shoes. I hear that forest is harder to get through than any in the demon realm.”
&&Scene Change&&
Yusuke was covered in dirt, sweat, and was getting angrier by the second. When he passed a tree that he was certain he passed an hour ago he pulled out his map once again. He didn't know what it was about this forest but he could not keep his sense of direction. It was almost as if the trees were playing tricks on him. He kept on going and after a few hours more he realized he wasn't going around in circles but rather everything just looked the same. It had to be some kind of illusion magic.
Yusuke finally caught sight of his destination around four o'clock in the afternoon, after ten hours of walking. It was beyond ridiculous that it took him that much time to cross over so little ground. When he reached the entrance he spotted an old woman dressed much like Genkai except her clothes were blue. She also had a cape with a hood that covered most of her gray hair and part of her wrinkled face.
“Welcome, by making it here you have passed my first test,” the woman said and then gestured to a small house on her right. “That is my bathhouse. After you clean up we will talk. Do not enter my temple filthy.” she then walked inside before Yusuke could smart off. As much as Yusuke wanted to be his usual rebellious self he knew that he could not risk making this woman mad, so he went to get cleaned up. He could feel by her energy that she knew the art they were looking for. Koenma was right; there was no way to mistake it.
&&Scene Change&&
Yusuke was silent as he waited for the old woman to speak first as they sat on their knees facing each other.
“I know why you are here. You wish to learn what is needed to activate the sacred objects of Gaia but I will not teach you,” the woman told him.
Yusuke went from being impressed by her knowledge to being extremely angry in a matter of moments. With all the thoughts of trying to be respectful to this woman flying out of his head he yelled, “And why in the world not, you old hag!”
“Because I would be wasting my time teaching you. You do not have the spirit awareness needed to fully learn,” she responded calmly.
“How do you know that? Old people are all the same. Thinking they know me when they don't have a clue,” Yusuke said while glaring at the old woman in a way that would make Hiei proud.
“I know because of how long you took to get here. You passed because you made it here at all but if you had what it took to learn then you would have made it here in one hour, not ten,” the old woman responded. Yusuke could see she was losing her calm by the way her eyes were beginning to burn.
Yusuke decided to push her over the edge, “No one could do that you stupid hag. Your illusions make that impossible. ” His taunt had worked.
“It's because the fact that you can't even see through the simplest illusions that makes you unworthy!” the woman yelled as she stood up. “And for your information I'm not old!” Yusuke was stunned into silence as he watched her hood fall away and her appearance shift before his eyes.