InuYasha Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Sovereign Destiny ❯ The Silent Death of an Era ( Chapter 17 )

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Sovereign Destiny
Chapter 16: The Silent Death of an Era
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or Inuyasha.
Story Summary:
A new threat will reunite the Yu Yu Hakusho team once again but this time the stakes are different and much higher. Will the once spirit detective and friends rise to this new challenge or will they prefer to sit back and allow fate to decide for them their place in the worlds?
Chapter Tagline: She didn't know why but she felt as if there was something about this woman, a characteristic that both Yusuke and Kagome also shared. Like a strength that most humans had long forgotten how to possess
Chapter 16: The Silent Death of an Era
The group walked in virtual silence as they made their way towards the end of the tunnel. Koenma, who had taken the lead, kept them at a quick pace even as he glanced back from time to time at Shippo and Yusuke who were staring intently at him. When they reached the end, they were greeted with the night's cool air. Everyone who was conscious gave a sigh of relief to be out of the stagnant cave.
Sota walked ahead of the group as he raised his hands above his head and twirling around a couple of times like a child before saying, “My sister's temple is near here. We should head there for now to rest.”
With everyone in tired agreement, they followed Sota through the forest until they came to the front of the shrine. Sota then lead them inside and helped everyone get settled down for the night. After making sure everything was fine, Sota went to sleep as well.
Sota woke up before sunrise to find to his surprised he was not the first up. He looked around the room to find Yusuke snoring away as well as Kurama, George, Mitarai, Kido, Kaito, and Yanagishawa. Even Hiei was fast asleep perched up on the window seal. Sota silently got up and crept over to the entrance where the girls were sleeping to find Botan, Yukina, Kayko, Shizuru, and Genkai. His sister, Koenma, Kuwabara, and Shippo were missing.
He then proceeded to slip out of the room and search for his sister. Sota found all four of them in Kagome's large open kitchen. Kagome was talking while cooking as she had each of the guys cutting up various ingredients. When she noticed him in the doorway she waved him in and gestured to a seat.
“Good morning brother,” Kagome said as he sat down. “We were just discussing our next course of action.”
“Oh really and what have we decided,” Sota asked as he picked up a knife and started to help with the chopping.
“We are going to take the Urameshi approach,” Koenma told him.
Sota raise an eyebrow and looked at Koenma in disbelief before saying, “I think I'm afraid to ask.”
Kagome laughed at his response, “As you should be.”
“We are just going to kick down the front door and make them understand who is king with our fists…err swords, whips… whatever,” Kuwabara explained to him with a shrug of his shoulders.
“The counsel is on our side and my power is now complete. There is no need to be diplomatic about the situation. Taking the most forceful and direct approach will be the most beneficial not only for us but the future of both realms as well,” Koenma added.
“Sounds logical to me,” Sota said as he turned his full attention back to his cutting. Kagome looked fondly at her brother before going back to cooking.
It was awhile before the others began to come into the kitchen. As they ate, they discussed the plan and it was decided almost all non-fighters would remain in Kagome's temple while the others took over spirit world. It was close to 10 in the morning when Koenma, Kagome, Yusuke, Hiei, Kurama, Kuwabara, Genkai, Shippo, Botan, and George left for spirit world.
&&Scene Change&&
Kayko walked slowly through the forest that surrounded Kagome's temple lost in thought. It was a peaceful day with a cool mountain breez and a bright midday sun. There was nothing in the surroundings that signified the power take over that was happening in the Spirit world at that very moment. Actually, not even Kayko's thoughts betrayed that fact.
Wishful is the most appropriate word one could use to describe her thoughts. She could still remember the days when her greatest obstacle was to try to get Yusuke to not skip class and her dream was to marry Yusuke, settle down, and have a quiet life. She realized that those simple days were over and had known this for a few years now.
It had first really dawned on her when Yusuke told her he was leaving to go to the demon realm and wouldn't be returning anytime soon. Her instincts told her she should just let him go and that she should stay with what she knew as normal and ordinary. She had told him she would not wait for him but had ended up waiting for him all the same. Then he came back and all had seemed right and their lives almost had the perfect illusion of normalcy but now that illusion was gone and would not be returning.
With Koenma as king there would be no way Yusuke was going to be able or want to live out a quiet ordinary life in the human realm. There were changes to be made in all realms and Kayko knew Yusuke would be one of the ones making those changes happen. The question was how did she feel about this? Was she willing to stand by a man whose version of ordinary should have only been found in action movies and comic books? Could she even handle it? In truth she didn't really feel like any of it mattered anymore. She loved Yusuke and she was up to the challenge.
Kayko had a sense of determination that she would make it work. She was going to be his wife after all. With this thought in mind she let out a sigh and stopped walking to take a better look at her surroundings. She had been walking past what appeared to be an ancient burial site and recalled Kagome saying something about this place having been a village in the feudal era before the villagers were all killed.
She continued walking until she came to the side of a mountain and noticed the entrance to a cave. After entering, she walked until she found Midoriko standing in all her horrific glory. She stood there and stared for a minute before walking over to get a better look at the woman's face. She didn't know why but she felt as if there was something about this woman, a characteristic that both Yusuke and Kagome also shared. Like a strength that most humans had long forgotten how to possess. It was the reason this woman was where she was and it was the reason that made Yusuke what it was. Kayko decided to make it the reason why she knew he would always come home to her.
&&Scene Change&&
Yusuke, Koenma, Kurama, Shippo, Hiei, Kagome, Kuwabara, Genkai, Botan, and George walked in cautiously and quietly through the gates of spirit world. They had yet to run in to any kind of resistance or anyone as a matter of fact which made everyone more then a little uneasy. As they reached the main ogre work area sadness and some anger was added to the feeling of uneasiness. Gone were the loud noises of the chaos that should be currently taking place. It was now closer to a brightly lit tomb with every step echoing hauntingly through the halls.
Koenma walked to the center of the room before stopping. He dropped his chin to his chest and took in a few deep breaths before turning and facing the rest of the group. The emotion in his eyes was breath taking, though his voice portrayed very little of it when he spoke.
“Okay let's break into groups and search for my father. If you find him do not engage him, instead come find me,” at the end of saying this Koenma looked Kagome in the eyes before turning and walking off.
Kagome seemed to understand whatever the look meant and turned and walked down the opposite hallway Koenma went down. The rest of the group exchanged looks before going their own ways. Botan and George went after Koenma as Kuwabara went after Kagome. Yusuke and Genkai went off down another hallway leaving Hiei, Shippo, and Kurama to head down the last remaining hallway.
&&Scene Change&&
Yusuke and Genkai walked down their hallway only stopping long enough to open doors to see that they just lead to deserted offices. Eventually the hallway leaded to a large room full of desks. Soon after entering the room, Yusuke spotted the back of Shippo, Kurama, and Hiei's heads as they were exiting the room. Not taking the time to see if Genkai noticed them as well he gave a shout and took off running to catch them.
“Quiet fool. Do you want everyone and anything to hear you?” was the greeting he received from Hiei when he caught up with them. Genkai caught up a short time latter.
Ignoring Hiei, Yusuke questioned, “Have you guys run into anything yet?” After seeing them nod negatively, Yusuke continued, “Man how can this place just be deserted like this? Where are all of King Yama's royal defense force?”
“Yes, this is quite strange,” Kurama responded.
“Actually, I don't really think it is,” Shippo stated before continuing down the hallway.
“What do you know that you aren't sharing?” Genkai asked pointedly.
“Huh? Know? Oh I know nothing I assure you,” Shippo told her earning a smirk from Hiei, which he answered with an eye roll. “My instincts tell me that this is the natural way of things. Besides I hardly think King Yama's a fool, and fighting his son who has his power complete and the counsel on his side would indeed be a foolish thing to do.”
“True,” Yusuke said as they continued their way down in silent contemplation. Soon they passed through doors that lead to an open area. On the other side was what could only be described as a `magical' looking doorway. It had double doors that were so tall none of them could see the top of it. There was beautifully scripted writing carved in silver throughout the doors.
“This looks to be the entrance to where the kami reside but it's sealed,” Kurama said.
“Through there is where the kami reside but it's also where counsel meetings are held. Also, the entrances to limbo and other places of rest are there. That would be why we haven't seen any spirit guides. Their work area, when they are not guiding souls, is inside as well. They are trapped with the kami.” Genkai explained to them. At seeing their expression she continued, “Having truly died once and being close friends with Koenma does have its perks, you know.”
Shippo gave an amused chuckle at Yusuke as he gave his responce to Genkai, resulting in another round of verbal insults with his favorite teacher. After the two of them calmed down, the group turned around to head back the way they came.
&&Scene Change&&
Kagome and Kuwabara walked in comfortable silence down their chosen path. After turning a corner they spotted a magnificent opened door. After sharing a look with Kuwabara, Kagome walked up to the door and ran her fingers over the elegant carvings.
“I don't understand, I thought for sure this area would be sealed off,” Kagome said aloud to herself.
“Why is that?” Kuwabara questioned.
“Beyond this door is one of the passage ways that lead to where the kami reside and to limbo and such. Since we haven't run into anyone I thought that King Yama must have sealed himself inside with the kami. Though it looks like I am wrong.” When she noticed Kuwabara giving her a contemplative look she threw her hands into the air before continuing, “Well now this is confusing but might as well continue on!”
&&Scene Change&&
It wasn't long until Yusuke and the rest met back up with Koenma, Botan, and George, since they too had run into a dead end with no signs of the king. With only one other path left to them they went after Kagome and Kuwabara.
“What is he playing at?!” Koenma exclaimed after a few minutes of walking, “Is he holding up with the Kami? What would be the point of that?” No one bothered answering him but instead continued walking until they came to the open door.
Botan voiced what everyone else was thinking, “A trap?”
This made Koenma eyes go wide, “Kagome!” He shouted before taking off through the door with the rest close behind.
&&Scene Change&&
Soon the hall went into an open garden area. Kagome raised her hand to stop Kuwabara from going forward as she scanned the area. She then put a hand on each of his shoulders and pushed him back into the hallway. Kuwabara, who was very confused, tried to see around her but was blocked by Kagome.
“Please go back and find Koenma. Tell him there is no need to hurry,” Kagome told him softly.
“Why wouldn't you be coming with me?” Kuwabara asked, a little more than uneasy with the idea of leaving her alone.
“Don't worry about me. I'll be fine,” she told him with a small smile.
He stepped back to comply when he saw what or rather who was in the garden, “You have got to be kidding me. There's no way I'm leaving you here with King Yama.”
“But I want to speak with him, alone,” Kagome told him firmly.
“Kagome…” Kuwabara started before he was interrupted.
“No harm will come to her,” King Yama said in a loud commanding voice that made both Kagome and Kuwabara jump. Kuwabara immediately pulled Kagome behind him before taking a defensive position in front of her.
Kuwabara then evaluated the situation to find King Yama's back to them as he kneeled in the middle of the garden. He couldn't help but think that this powerful demi-god who had ruled spirit world for longer than he could ever even imagine looked just simply tired and old.
“Please, I'm defeated. What benefit would it be to me to continue resisting the inevitable? I have no ill will towards the kami's appointed Queen. I am… just so tired.” King Yama turned to look him straight in his eyes as he spoke this.
Kuwabara could tell that King Yama was speaking the truth but that did little to comfort his uneasiness about leaving Kagome there alone with him. It was only at Kagome's insistence that he turned to go but not before getting one last reassuring smile from Kagome.
“Make sure he doesn't rush,” Kuwabara heard Kagome call out after him as he disappeared down the hallway.
&&Scene Change&&
“What are you looking at?” Kagome asked gently as she walked towards King Yama then kneeled down beside him. To be honest she was quite worried about this unexpected turn of events and was now doubting her decision to send Kuwabara away. Her anxieties started to ease though as he motioned with his hand to the rose bushes before them.
“My wife planted those by her own hands. Actually this entire garden was her doing. It was one of the first things she did. She said she may now be Queen of the Spirit world but she would always be human at heart and humans needed flowers to make a home a home,” he told her.
“I have to say I agree with her,” Kagome replied, covering up her surprise at his openness.
“If I was to be truthful to myself, so did I but I never admitted that to her. It didn't really matter if I followed her logic one way or another though. The only thing I wanted was for her to be happy,” King Yama told her with grief evident in his voice.
“I'm sure she would be happy to know you have continued to care for her garden,” Kagome said suddenly being overtaken by compassion and a desire to comfort him.
King Yama looked up into her eyes at this comment before giving her a sad smile, “you are very kind but I assure you that my love is very disappointed with me. The way I have been treating the living world since her death has surely broken her heart and that's not even considering the way I have treated her son. I am sure to receive an ear full when I am once again rejoined with her.”
“I'm sure she'll forgive you and love you anyways,” Kagome told him.
To this King Yama laughed, “Yes, she will. She has always forgiven this old fool. No matter my blunders. My heart is glad to know I will join her again this day.”
This threw Kagome for a loop. “What do you mean today?”
“I am tired, little one. I'm just so tired. I'm tired of being consumed with bitterness and the blood lust of revenge. I'm tired of hurting my son because I refuse to give him what is rightfully his. I'm tired of spending an eternity of lonely nights avoiding an empty bed. As long as I remain on this side of things, Koenma will have the constant fight on his hands of fixing my mistakes. With me gone he will have a better chance of a clean start,” King Yama told her.
“Let me tell you a simple mistake I made that lead me down this consuming path of selfishness. I made Kaiya my reason for good and without her I only wanted to make everyone and thing feel the pain and emptiness I did. Please, never let my son make the same mistake. Help him to be stronger then I ever was. Make him strong enough to live without you while continuing in love and gentleness, and to be the ruler I should have been,” as he ended he stood.
“I promise,” she told him as she bowed her head with her hand over heart, consumed with an emotion she wasn't sure she understood.
“And tell him I'm sorry and please make this place your own,” he told her so softly she almost missed it as he went to walk away.
“You aren't going to tell him yourself?” Kagome asked suddenly angered at the idea of him taking the cowards' way out.
&&Scene Change&&
When Kuwabara spotted Koenma he was charging right at him with everyone else not too far behind. With only a split second to decided what to do he dove at Koenma and tripped him. He quickly decided this was not a very smart thing to do when he found himself at the bottom of a very heavy pile of bodies. When they noticed who was responsible, Yusuke started yelling questions at him.
“What?” Yusuke said at the muffled reply that came from Kuwabara.
“I said I would explain if you would get off!” Kuwabara shouted at him in a wheezy voice.
“Oh!” Yusuke said as he realized he was preventing Koenma, Shippo, Botan, and George from getting up off Kuwabara. Genkai, Hiei, and Kurama, who had been far enough, back not to get caught in the disaster, watched in amusement. Once everyone was back on their feet, Koenma asked where Kagome was.
“Well first of all she told me to make sure you took your time getting to her. So let's all just start walking calmly and slowly as possible. Kagome is just fine,” Kuwabara told them, obviously a little jumpy.
“Okay so why are we taking our time getting to her?” Yusuke asked.
“What?” Kurama asked when Kuwabara answered too fast to be understandable.
“Okay I said… well…hehe… ummm,” Kuwabara stammered.
“Out with it fool!” Hiei yelled in impatience.
“Okay fine. She's talking with King Yama and she wanted a few minutes alone with him,” Kuwabara finally told him.
They all started running again once his words registered, which he fully expected. He just hoped he had stalled long enough
&&Scene Change&&
“How can you be such a coward? You old fool. You could at least act like a man and tell him goodbye!” they heard a very angry Kagome shout as they approached the entrance of the garden.
“I am not a man. I'm a demi-god. You, woman, do not have authority over me. I will handle this my way. Koenma may now be king but I'm his father and I will handle this as I see fit,” King Yama yelled back at her obviously very angered by her words, “What good would it do for me to face him after all I have done?”
“It would give me a chance to say goodbye and that I forgive you. Plus I get to tell you to give my love to mother,” Koenma said announcing his presence as he breezed into the room. He walked over to Kagome and put an arm around her in an attempt to calm her.
To this King Yama laughed, “She's a feisty one. Sure you will be able to manage her?” The glare Kagome directed at him only made him laugh harder, “Her loyalty is surely delightful. I am sure you will have a joyous life my son. I shall wait for the day I will see you both on the other side.”
Then, without another word or even a backward glance, King Yama walked into the hall that would lead him to the door that would take him to the other side, leaving a very confused group of fighters behind. Soon they felt the seals that were locking down spirit world lift, signaling that the era of King Yama had ended and a new ear was about to begin.