InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Braving Mystical Worlds ❯ Chapter 2: Vanished ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



Braving Mystical Worlds: Chapter Two: Vanished

-Jasmine Fields








Sesshou: Since this is a humor-fic, I don't suppose there will be much fighting, will there?


Jazz: I wouldn't say that.


Sesshou: You haven't denied it.


Jazz: True…but I didn't confirm it either.


Sesshou: Drats, woman. I need to let loose some of this frustration. *pulls out Tokijin and aims it toward Jazz*


Jazz: *gasps, nervously backing up in defense* you inu-types need some serious anger management classes.


Logan: *storms into Jazz's house interrupting Sesshou's interlude*


Jazz: Logan? You alright?


Logan: *slices through the television with his metal claws* I don't know if I can take it - working with that - what do you call it? Oh, yeh, half-demon creature!


Jazz: What's wrong with Inuyasha this time? Why not just get Kags to subdue him?


Logan: *grumbles murmuring threats and hastens to the kitchen*


Jazz: *looks heaven ward, sighing* guess it's not just the inus that need that dreadful class.


Sesshou: *flinches* Damn straight. Get that wolverine thing back in line; he almost scares me.


Jazz: *rolls eyes* yeh right. He's so-o-o ferocious. You should thank AngelMiko69 and barbara-marie for convincing me to allow you to still be the most powerful favorite dog demon in all of Braving Mystical Worlds.


Sesshou: *looking proud but dejected, sheathes Tokijin* Where's your editor? *sniffs searching for Pobbin's scent* Can we change the disclaimer to say that this Sesshoumaru owns Jasmine Fields?


Jazz: Should I feel flattered or has Sesshou become delusional?








-Japan-Modern Era-



Kagome nearly swore that she felt other souls - people, demons, it didn't matter who - in the Bone-Eater's well while she traveled back to the modern world, but when she looked around the time slip she didn't see anything except a blue fuzzy human looking creature with a forked tail.


She assumed that her eyes were playing tricks on her as she blinked back the blurs surrounding her and silently admitted her exhaustion and need for more rest than she originally thought as the images disappeared - with all her adventures in Feudal Japan and whatnot, she supposed her body and mind were ready to shut down any moment.


Dismissing the hallucinations she was certain of, she climbed up the ladder through the well house doors and scampered across the courtyard.


"Mama! I'm home!"


"Hey Kagome you're back."


Smiling, she let the heavy backpack slide from her shoulders to the floor.


"Ooh…it's so nice to take a break for once!"


Stretching her arms over her head she suppressed a yawn and scampered up the stairwell to her bedroom.


Following, Mama Higurashi called her name.


"Dear, the shrine has a large group of visitors these next few months. Be certain that you're more careful when you travel to and from the other era."


"What kind of guests, Mama?"


"Well, they are a group of college students from New York…kind of a strange tourist group if you ask me, but then again, it shouldn't really surprise me these days. Anyway, they are here to learn Japan's historical significance in the world…oh yeah, and to practice their Japanese, so if you meet up with anyone, as much as I know you want to practice your English studies, give them some courtesy and let them talk to you in the manner they wish."


"No problem, Mom."


Finally, she had an excuse to help around the shrine more frequently!


It was a means of escape, if she felt the need, to get away from Inuyasha's increasingly unbearable squabbles between him self and Kouga as well as give her an opportunity to catch up through the summer school sessions offered.


At least with college, she didn't have to worry so much about her attendance record, although, it still remained a concern of hers, since the classes were occasionally more difficult. Plus, most of her assignments could be turned in to the professors via the internet. All she had to do was upload, click, and voila…she earned her grades.


Grabbing a robe, towel and toiletries, she headed for the ready made bubble bath her mother had been in the habit of making every night since her travels with Inuyasha begun.


Sinking into the warm water, she hummed her favorite song as she relaxed. It was definitely good to be home.








-Japan-Sengoku Jidai-



Phasing through had winded her. Definitely it had been a first ever since she could recall the use of her powers.


Never before had her powers been so challenged…except for that one time she had to channel and utilize every means possible to be victorious with the other mutants united against Apocalypse.


She recollected being knocked down with severe injuries when Lance with the Brotherhood showed up in the nick of time. Just as all her strength weakened and endurance spent - at the brink of her will to give up and quit fighting - he had proven him self a reliable asset.


The relief of seeing him fight to rescue her friends was a bit unexpected, she mused. That and his arrogance diminished for the briefest of moments when their battle was finished and he scooped her into his arms.


"Hey, Kitty," Kurt finally broke the silence, "Are you okay?"


Focusing on Kurt's voice and relying on Lance's strength to help her balance, she eventually found the words she wanted to speak.


"Just stiff from the intensity of it…that and I'm a bit out of practice. I'm not too certain that I have the power to phase any where else for awhile."


Looking up as Lance caught her arm to steady her footing she noticed a genuine show of concern expressively flicker across his face. She never learned how to stay angry at him when they were so close - this time being no exception.


"No roof…how odd…and we're still here," Rogue spoke up matter-of-factly.


The awkward air that settled amongst them broke when Kurt volunteered to assist everyone get out, since he didn't see a ladder.


Using his powers, he transported each of his friends, individually, expediently and quickly to the top of the well.


They all looked around the clearing awed at their mysterious findings.


"Wow…this is beautiful." Rogue breathed deeply inhaling the summer blossoms and sighed absorbing nature's gifts with her senses.


"No joke."


Lance uttered his unadulterated appreciation for the environment they landed in. It seemed unspoiled and pollution free with out the city smog and noises cluttering it.


"Kitty, where did you take us?" Kurt asked stupefied as he sat on the lip of the well.


"Beats that I'm looking around, nothing seems recognizable except for that - " she replied pointing at the Bone-Eater's well.


"Let's see if we can find anything around here of interest - or anyone that can help us," Rogue replied deciding for the group on a course of action.








-Japan-Modern Era-



"Where could they have gone Jean?"


"Scot, we've called all the popular tourist places in Japan right down to favorite local hang-outs and they're out of telepathic range for me to pick up anything from them."


"What about the professor? Has he been able to pick up any link to them?"


"He's been in obscure meetings all day and hasn't had a chance to use Cerebro yet, but so far, nothing."


The Xavier group had been searching all afternoon and early evening through down town after the shrine tour and listening to the old priest share a few stories of ancient times before Tokyo became the hustling and bustling crowded economic center for the world.


There were streets, subways, and thick traffic everywhere…but most every thing was within walking distance once away from the outskirts of town. It was nearly stifling, but the culture was irresistible and the trip had been anxiously awaited by all.


Ready to call it a night, Logan figured that so long as the four nuisances stayed with each other no danger would befall them; however, he was fatigued, temperamental and ready to strangle his charges. He was, after all, responsible for the well fare of the entire team - whether or not it was known.


Late night was approaching and the quiet of the city started to settle in. Soon, he would send out Aurora, Pietro, and Scot to look for them - his way.


Those kids had grown up and were finding their wings, he reasoned. They were adults - capable of holding their own.


Normally, he wouldn't have been concerned, but then again, they were on foreign soil. Perhaps they just got lost. In any case, his instincts were screaming at him to take heed of the warning imposed.








-Japan-Sengoku Jidai-



"This way guys," Rogue interjected, "I think I hear some voices."


After traveling about a quarter of a mile, they were ready should trouble arise as they neared the yelling match that had presumably been going on for awhile.


Kitty leaned in closer to Lance whispering, "Who are these people?"


"Beats the hell out of me"


He shrugged wondering him self. He had never known that Japan had such exotic, eccentric looking people within their borders. It had always been taught that many Asian cultures were very conservative in appearance and mannerisms. These two sparring with each other seemed polar opposites of what he had always believed to be true - and nearly oblivious to their presence as it were.


Then, snickering as the charade unfolded before their eyes, he nudged Kurt asking him if perhaps they were ancestors of his.


"Scram Dog-breath!"


"Why you damn wolf…"


Amazingly, the one who resembled Kurt closest, the wolf supposedly - minus the dark blue fuzz - stopped to sniff the air for a moment.


Kurt chose at that moment to utilize his transportation powers and popped right in front of the human with the dog ears and fangs as his fist balled up ready to hit his opponent.


"Gyaaah! Who the hell are you?"


Both startled out of their display of banter breaking apart simultaneously while Shippo crawled on top of Inuyasha's head.


"I'm Kurt - otherwise known as Nightcrawler - and you are?" Kurt replied honestly and slowly as he introduced him self trying to pronounce clearly his Japanese extending his arm for a handshake and greeting.


"Nightcrawler, eh? So, what kind of demon are you? I couldn't sense your aura when you arrived."


"Hey Inu-koro…if you were paying attention, you'd notice he smells human!"


"Human, huh? We'll just see as I sharpen my claws on you!"


Inuyasha rushed forward to test his theory on what he thought was a dark blue demon and just as he was about to prove him self…




The brat moved behind Kouga sticking out his tongue.


"Leave him alone!" Rogue rushed forward with her ungloved hand reaching out to protect Kurt.


"Aaagh! What kind of human are you?" The dog eared human looking creature said.


"Whoa! This is one weird mind that I just got a dose of..." Rogue was stammering around looking for something.


Whimpering Inuyasha pointed at her, "I don't know what you just did to me, but you'll pay…"


"Ah that must be Tesseiga!" She cried pulling Inuyasha's sword from its sheath.


Wielding it with one hand, Tesseiga transformed to its full size as she brought it down in front of her self and her friends.


"I'm not afraid to use it! I'll protect my friends the way you protect that Kagome girl!"


"What are you?!" Inuyasha bellowed. "I didn't know humans could transform Tesseiga…unless…wha - how did you know?"


He started to reconsider his accusation. Perhaps she was a half-breed like him, but when she touched him, he felt like he lost a bit of his strength.


"Kagome? How do you know Kagome?" Kouga asked bewildered.


"I don't. I just got an unfortunate dose of his mind that's all."




Kurt transported him self next to Kitty. Always the negotiator for the group, he hadn't intended to upstart any commotion - just get their attention and find out some answers.

He waved his hands out in front of him, palms outward, to gesture their intent of friendliness.


"Now, now can't we just be friends? We didn't mean to cause any harm!"


Kouga blinked at the new stranger and looked to Kurt's right hand side. Racing over, he pulled Kitty's hands into his own.


"So you're the one that smells so heavenly sweet…What's your name?"


"Shadowcat - I mean, Kitty."


At first, he had mistaken Kitty's scent for Kagome's but on further inspection noticed the minor differences - Kitty's scent was laced with morning glories and azaleas. She was fresh and untouched - just like Kagome, which now left another problem…who to be loyal to….


"Hey…I thought you liked Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled as Kouga embraced Kitty's hands with an intimacy much as familiar as he was accustomed to seeing Kagome's hands.


"This is none of your business Dog-breath!"


The ground started to shake as Lance tried to reign in his temper and control him self from decking the wolf human looking creature.


Shippo resigned him self to his own ponderings as he witnessed Inuyasha's jealousy over Kouga dive bombing this unfamiliar woman that dressed much like Kagome with similar affections.


He didn't ever think Inuyasha was the type to stir a tirade over Kouga's exchange for attentions, but nevertheless sat back wondering if perhaps Kouga wasn't so unlike the lecherous monk they traveled with. Arch rivals in love certainly had strange ways of expressing them selves.




