InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Braving Mystical Worlds ❯ Chapter 3: Confusion ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Braving Mystical Worlds: Chapter 3: Confusion

-Jasmine Fields








Rin: Ja-a-a-a-zz! Sesshou's lost his marbles!


Jazz: Again? *stomps over to where Sesshou is squatting on all fours* What did you do this time to lose them?


Sesshou: Why should I explain that to you, human?


Jazz: Cuz, I'm starting to feel generous enough to let you in the next chapter!


Rin: *walks up in the middle of the conversation* Oh goodie, that means I'll be there, too - right?


Jazz: Absolutely.


Sesshou: *pouting* Rin, stay!


Rin: *annoyed, sighs* Sesshou, there's no need for acting silly like that, you know. This is real life. I do have real parents that are around here somewhere.


Sesshou: *exasperated, grunts* How come I've never met them?


Rin: Well…*clears throat nervously* There is that poison claw of yours and Tokijin…not to mention -


Sesshou: Okay, I get the point! *flexes claws*


Jazz: Might I interject for a quick minute, guys?


Rin/Sesshou: *simultaneously* Certainly.


Jazz: Jean and Scot wanted to know what your favorite flavor of ice cream is - they're running to the store before next act starts.


Rin: Hmm. I think strawberry.


Sesshou: Why ice cream? It's the middle of December!


Jazz: True, true, but this is Texas, you know.


Rin: Sesshou? *looks at him fidgeting* Just order chocolate.


Jazz: No chocolate! We know what happened to Inuyasha last week when that happened. Sicker than a -


Rin: - Dog! Yeh, yeh…. *whispers* forget the ban.


Sesshou: *frustrated and torn between wants* How `bout we thank some of the readers for sticking with us while we figure out the ice cream issue later?


Jazz: Good thinking, Sesshou!


Rin: Standard disclaimer applies…except Jazz some how prefers spelling Ororo Monroe's name Aurora - something along the lines that it looks prettier. Who knows.


Sesshou: Emerald-Eyed-Faye, EdHacker3000, kagome24685, Aurora Nyte, and AngelMiko69 are my new best friends…and bacchusonfriday and Double906622 are Jazz's.


Rin: Bad dog! *swats his leg* Only half of them are your friends because we're on their favorites' lists! Really, that was a bit despicable - even for you!


Sesshou: Grrrr.


Jazz: Like Rin said, Sesshou lost his marbles and it's my turn, apparently, to help him go search for them. *sighs walking away*







~Japan-Sengoku Jidai~





"Kurt, cut the crap…" Lance said, "We're not sure what those claws and fangs can do - although, I can hack a pretty good stab at it."


"They're for killing monsters - ah think," Rogue contemplated her thoughts aloud, swinging a now dulled Tesseiga for show.


"Yeh, we don't even know where we phased to - plus, as good as my Japanese is, I can barely follow their accents," Kitty interjected briefly.


"Who's the little guy? He's the only one who hasn't said anything to us, yet." Kurt stated.


Looking over to Shippo, Kurt smiled and did the inevitable before a whisper could be heard or an eye batted in defiance.




"Kurt!" All three voices simultaneously reprimanded in exasperation.


"What?!? He's the least threatening of the entire bunch!"


Grumbling, they all waited for their troublesome friend to broach the subject carefully, regarding the fact that their lives might be a bit at stake…though with the wolf creature, Kouga, apparently enamored by Kitty and doting his affections on her, it was difficult to determine their true intentions.


"So, you're Kitty, eh? Nice to meet you. I'm Kouga, leader of the wolf demon clan tribe. Never seen you around these parts before."


Kouga shoved Lance away so he could get closer to her.


"I'm not from here."


Why that -


Lance nearly caved to his silent resolve to get back into Kitty's good graces with the manner in which Kouga totally ignored his existence.


Kitty blushed under the Kouga character's guise while Lance contained him self during his observations and decided that, for the time, he would be lenient and back off his aggression. He would tolerate such boldness until the group figured out where they were and what to do.


He had known this was a bad idea from the very beginning…and restrained his jealous streak from getting the best of him while he thought through possibilities of what to do next.


"Where you from then?"


"New York - but we're visiting Tokyo right now - you?"


"Never heard of New York or Tokyo before. I'm from the north mountain range…"


Briefly gloating with pride that he'd managed a decent conversation starter, the wolf prince continued his inquiry.


"So, who are all your friends?"


"Umm. Well, this is Lance."


She pointed to her right glaring at him to remain silent since they seemed to make progress with obtaining information.


"Hey, wolf-stink! Tokyo is in Kagome's world…Hey! Are you listening to me?!?"


"Yeh, yeh. Up yours too, dog-face!"


" - And, uh, this is Kurt and Rogue."


"Rogue, huh? So, you can wield Tesseiga? How so? That sword's not yours!"


"Hey mutt! Why don't you introduce your self before bombarding the people from Kagome's village with questions!"


Growling, the dog eared half-human relented.


"Keh! Fine. I'm Inuyasha. Don't expect me to be friendly or nothin' - it ain't like I care who you are though - and it definitely ain't like me to save some sorry asses like yours!"


Shippo snorted motioning to Kurt to come closer and lean in.


"Don't let him fool you. He'd rather cut his own throat than not do some thing to help humans like you."




"Geez! Quit that! That's annoying!" Inuyasha declared.


Continuing with his thoughts, he turned to Rogue and stared her down.


"Good thing for you that you aren't my brother, or I'd have sliced you to pieces."


"As if you could ever touch me!" Rogue retorted.


"Well, you ain't all that fast!"


"And you're obnoxious as hell! No wonder that chick with the bow and arrows pinned your sorry butt to a tree for 50 years!"


Now enraged, Rogue was thrusting the Tesseiga in his face threatening him with all the strength she possessed.


"Hey! What are you? How do you know about Kikyo? And how could you wield my sword!"


The shouting escalated and Shippo scampered from the perch Inuyasha created to Rogue's shoulder and took a sniff.


"Sorry, hope you don't mind. He's so-o-o stubborn sometimes that it's a wonder anything gets past that thick head of his and sinks in."


"Well actually, be careful. I - "








The clearing suddenly went silent and still as the pits in their stomachs fell to the ground.


Kitty tripped stumbling further into Kouga's arms as he gawked in fascination at the scene that occurred right in front of his very eyes while Lance sighed loudly and slapped his hand to his forehead in frustration.


"Where'd they all go?" Inuyasha finally broke the stunned moment flicking his ears like radars in the vicinity with the hope of locating the disappeared strangers that took off with his small kitsune friend.






~New York-Modern Era~



"No Scot, I can't reach them through Cerebro, although I'm not certain how they are even possibly out of range. Perhaps their powers have diminished for some unexplained reason or they have even greater control over them than we thought…no, just keep looking."


Professor Xavier hung up the phone and rolled his wheelchair into the grand lobby entrance.


He genuinely hoped that they were faring well and out of danger.


The mutant issue in Washington D.C. was up heaving the stability of legislation's actions and spreading fear into the hearts of the public as New York's senators were driven to the hot-seat as the debate over mutants' rights continued.


There were more angry mutants than confused and frightened ones on the loose - and even more who couldn't or didn't know how to control their powers.


The mobs were growing restless and the government hardly minded the increased disputes. Riots across the country were breaking out in spastic waves causing the nation to spiral out of control quickly.


Although the situation was much more muted in other countries, he didn't doubt that on some level, there was an under laying current of unspoken prejudicial views directed against the mutant population.


There were unexplained sudden deaths of weaker mutants, wherein floggings and brutal instances of death and abuse were reported to the community by the news media. He could only imagine what other kind of threats there were in foreign countries.


He would keep trying, in the mean time, to locate his lost X-men and network with his Japanese associates for assistance.






~Japan-Sengoku Jidai~





"Sorry! I didn't mean to!"


Furious, Rogue stomped off to a near by tree. It seemed the fates were against them today. She couldn't remember the last time Kurt had acted so stupid and used that lame excuse in an attempt to cover his behind.


Looking down at Tesseiga, she reluctantly sighed.


At least if it came down to it, she mused, they might have a bargaining chip - a fighting chance - to pry information out of that clawed person who looked, of sorts, like a mutant.


That is to say, if Inuyasha's sword held some sort of value - even if merely sentimental - to begin with, then perhaps it would be useful. Worst case scenario, she now had two weapons - if you included skin on skin contact with someone as lethal.


"I wish I could help, but you didn't leave a trail that I could back track us on. With this nose, I could take you back to the well, but it's really too difficult to say without me not knowing how you did that!"


"Uhh? Who are you?" Rogue asked trying to sound nonchalant.


"Oh, me? I'm Shippo, full-blooded kitsune demon and reluctant friend of Inuyasha's at your service!"


"So, Shippo, what did the two who were posturing mean when they said that they never heard of Tokyo? Everyone in the world knows where Tokyo is! How can they not know?" Rogue bit out.


"Hmm. Well, it might help you to know that you're the first ones, besides Kagome, to come to these parts from Tokyo. And since you're dressed similarly to Kagome, I'm assuming you're from her era too."


"Kagome's era?"


Confused, Kurt and Rogue exchanged quick glances at each other. Gulping down his oncoming fear, Kurt swallowed his pride.


"Where exactly are we?"


"You mean, when. Since you're probably from Kagome's time you might have some inkling as to what `500 years in the past' means, right?"


Gasping, Rogue fisted her hands into tight balls and clobbered Kurt on the shoulder.


"You nim-rod! This was all your idea too! Do you know what this means? It means we're so-o-o lost during the medieval times of Japan!"


"I wouldn't worry too much about it. Kagome does just fine traveling around here. Even though Inuyasha has to rescue her from time to time, she can fight pretty well of her own accord."


"Great! Just great! Shippo, you said? What should we do?"


Sitting down irritated, Rogue stabbed Tesseiga into the ground, pulled it out, and sank it in again to soothe her foul mood.


Whispering, Kurt risked a chance at her wrath and spoke up.


"Rogue, I didn't mean to use my transporter powers like that! It was an accident - honest!"


"As if ah believe that."


She had nearly shouted it.


Yep - thoroughly perturbed.


He didn't want to insult her further, so made a move to join her on the ground, several feet away from her to avoid her impending wrath.




"Will you quit that?"


Looking around, Rogue suddenly noticed that she was sitting alone in a strange forest with only Tesseiga as her companion.




