InuYasha Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Forever In a Spell 2- A New Evil ❯ Chapter 13 - Meeting Nuruku Again ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 13- Meeting Nuruku Again
The girls made it back to camp with no trouble at all. Bankotsu looked up as he seen the girls coming in the direction of the camp.
He smiled and walked up to Amadala. “You enjoy your bath?”
Amadala smiled back and said,” Yes Oo-Aniki….its was enjoyable…”
Amadala and Bankotsu sat down next to the fire beside Renkotsu and Suikotsu. Sango sat next to Miroku and Kagome set next to Inuyasha.
Renkotsu looked at Amadala and turned red. Amadala noticed this and said,” Renkotsu, are you okay?”
Renkotsu snapped out of his daze and said,” Yeah Ama…I am …you know, I am actually enjoying my new life…”
“…What is he trying to say is…uh…” Suikotsu said.
“….is that if you were not for you Amadala, we would still be mercenaries and be killing people..” Jakotsu finished off.
Amadala smiled and said,” Thanks guys…hey…is anyone hungry…we could catch some fish and gather some berries from some bushes that I seen…”
Everyone looked at each other and nodded. “That sounds great..” Miroku said as he got up.
“Okay, the band of seven will get the fish and the rest pick berries… is that?” Bankotsu said.
“um….brother…who is going to tend the fire?” Mukotsu said.
“Renkotsu and I will be glad to do it….besides, Renkotsu cannot be moving much…..” Suikotsu said.
Bankotsu nodded and said,” Its decided then..”
The groups split up while Suikotsu helped Renkotsu sit down next to the fire.
“Brother…may I ask you a question….” Suikotsu said as he sat down.
Renkotsu nodded. “Ask away…”
“You love Amadala, don't you?” Suikotsu said.
Renkotsu stopped in his trackes. “….no…”
Suikotsu smiled. “Its okay Brother…you don't have to admit it…you have a little crush on her and I know it but just let me remind you that she does love you as a friend but nothing more than that…Bankotsu is her mate…they are both perfect for each other…”
Renkotsu nodded sadly. “He is right…..I have no right loving her…she loves Bankotsu and Bankotsu loves her….”
Renkotsu tossed some more wood in the fire as he watch Amadala and the rest of the group return with the fish.
“That sure did not take you guys long…” Suikotsu said as he tended the fire.
“Well…there is an advantage of having Kyoukotsu…” Amadala said as Kyoukotsu showed them the fish that he caught.
“GOOD GRACEOUS!!!” Suikotsu said as he fell off of the log.
Renkotsu tried to move his leg but he flinched in pain/
“No Renkotsu…you need to rest that leg…it has been through a lot..” Ginkotsu said as he placed Renkotsu in the spot that he was in.
Renkotsu nodded and said,” I guess that I am not much use tonight then…”
“You just rest Renkotsu….we will take care of dinner…don't forget that Bankotsu, Suikotsu, and I can cook as well..” Amadala said as she gathered some sticks to put the fish on.
Renkotsu nodded as he watched Amadala and Bankotsu place the fish on the sticks and put them in the fire.
Just then, the Inuyasha gang came back.
Kagome looked at how many fish they caught and just jumped back. “OMG!!! I have never seen so many fish…”
“Thank Kyoukotsu..he caught them…” Bankotsu said.
“Wow….when is it going to be done?” Inuyasha said as he raced for the fire.
Amadala stopped him. “They are not going to be done for another 15 minutes so you can wait…”
Inuyasha pouted up and sat next to the fire.
“I like this girl…she can put Inuyasha in his place..other than Kagome of course…” Shippo chuckled.
Amadala chuckled as she turned over the fish for the other side to cook.
It took about 15 minutes or so for the fish to cook. Everyone grabbed their fill and they ate well that night.
Afterwords, they all decided to go to bed. Amadala curled up next to Bankotsu and they both fell asleep. Suikotsu slept near Renkotus in case he needed some ointment or bandages. Ginkotsu slept next to them. Jakotsu along with Mukotsu curled up on Kyoukotsu who was sound asleep already. Sango and Miroku slept together and Kagome and Inuyasha did as well. Shippo was with Kilaya.
Everything was good until the middle of the night when Bankotsu stirred after hearing a loud noice. He opened his eyes and looked around. Then he shook Amadala.
“Ama…I don't think that we are alone…..” Bankotsu whispered.
Amadala stirred and then opened her eyes. She looked around and then heard the loud sound. “Do you think its Nuruku?”
Just then before Bankotsu could answer, a large earthquake started the rest of the group. Out of nowhere appeared Nuruku.
“NURUKU!!!” Bankotsu shouted as he grabbed his weapon.
Amadala freaked and went behind Bankotsu.
The rest of the band of seven went to her aide as well.
Nuruku laughed. “Why do you protect her? She is the priestess of life and she will help me rule this world!!”
“Not in your life you ass-hole” Amadala said. Nuruku chuckled.
:”My…my….is that anyway for my future queen to talk to me like that?”
“I will never help you nor will I be your queen..” Amadala said as she shot lighting from Midnight.
Nuruku dodged the lightning bolts. “Let us not forget that I have someone whose life I can take away just as well…”
He snapped his fingers and two demons appeared holding Ayana.
The group gasped. Nuruku smirked and said,” Now Ama…..if you don't give yourself up, I will kill her….”
Amadala looked at her necklace and then back at Nuruku. Tears started rolling down her face. She walked up to Nuruku.
“NO AMADALA!!” Suikotsu shouted.
“It will be okay…we have to save Ayana after all…Nuruku, I am all yours..” Amadala said as she looked down at the ground.
Nuruku chuckled and said,” Smart girl…” He snapped his fingers and the demons released Ayana.
“She is no longer my concern now….as for you my dear…” Nuruku said as he caressed Amadala's cheek,” Time to destroy the world.”
In the blink of an eye, he was gone.
Bankotsu shouted and he fell to the ground. The group looked at each other sadly and then Jakotsu walked up to him. He bent down next to his best friend and whispered,” We are going to get her back Aniki… way or the other…”
Bankotsu sniffled and smiled. “So, you are finally getting along with women, eh?”
Jakotsu scoffed at that. “Not ALL women, just Amadala….”
Bankotsu smiled as Suikotsu looked at Ayana.
“Will she live?” Kagome asked.
Suikotsu nodded and said,” She will be just fine….right now, we have to find Amadala before Nuruku figures out how to use her jewel…”
“I can help you with that…..”
Everyone turned around and seen Kikyo come up to them. Inuyasha starred at her. “Kikyo…”
Kikyo nodded and said,” I was resurrected again as soon as Amadala found the jewel…you see, the jewel keeps everything right in the feudal era as well as the dead….if Nuruku uses it, he could resurrect Naruku and his demons and if he does that, we are all doomed…”
Everyone looked at Kikyo in horror.
Kikyo sighed. “But….he does not know how to use it and he cannot touch the jewel…only Amadala can touch it and use it…and he will figure out a way to use her in order to use it..”
“But where can we find them?” Mukotsu asked.
“You can find them where the resurrected is at….” Kikyo said.
Bankotsu looked at her confused. “This is no time to do a riddle on us…”
Renkotsu thought for a minute and then snapped his fingers. “That is no riddle…..she is telling us where he is right now…..the old cemetery up the hill…”
Bankotsu nodded and said,” Everyone, this is it….we are going to save the Feudal Era and Amadala..I don't know how many of us will make it back alive but I do know that we will save the world…..are you all ready?”
Everyone nodded. “Good…come on! Ama needs us!!”