InuYasha Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ You Will Know What Its Like ❯ Chapter 10 -Going Home ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 10 - Going Home
Amadala looked at the baby who was on the screen. She smiled to herself as she held onto Bankotsu's hand.
Bankotsu kept his eyes glued on the little child that was growing inside of him. He could not believe that something that little was growing inside of him.
“That is my baby? I cannot believe it!! The baby looks so happy and healthy!!!”
Ania looked at Amadala and Bankotsu and said,” Would you like to know the sex of the baby?”
Bankotsu was unsure at first. He did not want to know the gender at first but now…he was kinda interested…
“I want to know…Ama…do you want to know?”
Amadala shook her head yes.
“Okay…well…congratulations!! You are having a little girl Bankotsu!!”
Amadala and Bankotsu gasped.
“I am having a girl? Oh my gosh!! This is great!!” Bankotsu said excitingly.
Amadala said,” It's a girl?!?!?! YAY!!!”
Ania nodded as she finished up with ultrasound and took a towel to place on Bankotsu's stomach. “Yep…and everything looks well and normal….looks like she is starting to kick you as well Bankotsu….she was certainly moving around a lot..”
Bankotsu thought for a minute and said,” Now that you mention it..I have felt like something was punching me in the ribs…”
Ania smiled and said,” That means the baby has just started to kick now…that is on schedule..usually after you feel the baby move then a couple days to weeks later you start feeling the kicking….”
“Thanks Ania…and I will see you in a couple of months..” Amadala said as she helped Bankotsu off of the table.
Ania nodded and said,” Take care of yourselves in the feudal era..”
Bankotsu was so excited that night that he was still awake in the bed. “A little girl…she is going to be like me I bet!!! What joy!!!”
Just then Bankotsu felt the baby starting to kick him. Bankotsu gasped a little bit and placed his hands on his stomach.
Amadala heard him gasp and turned over. “Something wrong Bankotsu?”
“Ama…the baby is kicking me right now…”
Amadala sat up in the bed shocked. “She..she is?”
Bankotsu nodded. “Do you want to feel her little kicks?”
Amadala got all nervous about that and slowly placed her hand on Bankotsu's stomach. She wait for a minute and then all of a sudden, she felt it.
“Bankotsu…the baby …she is kicking…”
Bankotsu smiled and nodded. “I cannot wait for the other guys to know that I am having a girl….”
“I am sure that they will all be excited about that..after all…they are going to be part of the baby's family too….”
Bankotsu nodded and said,” We should get some sleep….in a couple more hours…we will be getting up and going home…”
Amadala yawned and said,” Night Bankotsu.” She turned on her side once again and went to sleep.
“Night..Am….” Bankotsu did not even finish his sentence b/c he fell asleep that instant.
The next morning was bright and sunny as Amadala and Bankotsu got up and got their things together.
Amadala sighed as they took the elevator down to the bottom level. There was Cassidy and Butch waiting for them.
Cassidy walked up to Amadala and hugged her. “You take care of yourself alright….I do worry about you…”
Amadala giggled and said,” I will Cassidy…I promise…”
Butch then walked over to Amadala and hugged her tight. “Ama…please be careful….you are like a little sister to me and I do not want to lose you…”
Amadala smiled as she pulled from Butch's embrace. “I will be careful..I promise..”
“BYE GUYS!!” Amadala said as she waved from the hill.
“Bye Ama!!” Butch and Cassidy said as they waved to Bankotsu and Amadala.
Bankotsu sighed as they walked into the woods and toward the well.
Amadala smiled and hugged Bankotsu. “ I am so excited about going back..aren't you…?”
“I am Ama…I cannot wait to tell the others about the baby….”
Amadala smiled as they made it to the well. Amadala took the bags and placed her backpack on her back. She took Midnight and stuck it btwn her back and her backpack.
Bankotsu took his bags and some more bags. He looked at Ama. “Ready?”
Bankotsu and Amadala jumped into the well and landed on the other side with a loud THUD.
Amadala climbed out of the well and said,” Ow! That hurt a lot!! I am still getting used to that landing!”
Bankotsu climbed out of the well and smelled the air. “Finally…we are home..”
Bankotsu and Amadala climbed the hill that lead to the band of seven's home.
“AMA!!! BANKOTSU!! You guys are back!!” Jakotsu screamed as he ran out to meet the couple.
Jakotsu grabbed onto Amadala and hugged her. “I missed you too Jakotsu…” Amadala said as she hugged him.
“Well….well..well…you are back..” Suikotsu said as he helped Amadala and Bankotsu with the bags.
The group of four walked into the house and was met by Kyoukotsu.
“AMA!!!” Kyoukotsu shouted as he grabbed the young woman and hugged her to death.
Mukotsu chuckled. “Its seems that he missed you guys..”
“I ….can…tell..” Amadala said between the gasps of air that she was trying to get through her lungs.
“Hey where are Renkotsu and Ginkotsu at?” Bankotsu said as he looked around.
“Oh they went to try out some new blades that Renkotsu fitted on Ginkotsu…hopefully these will work better than his old ones…” Suikotsu said as Jakotsu and Suikotsu sat the bags down.
“Hey Ama!! What did you bring us?” Jakotsu asked.
Kyoukotsu sat Amadala down on the ground and she went to the bags. One by one, she pulled out things.
Mukotsu grabbed his herbs and took them to his room. Jakotsu and Kyokotsu grabbed the pocky and began munching on them. Amadala handed Suikotsu his books and other medical supplies.
“That is everyone…when Renkotsu and Ginkotsu get back I will give them there things….” Amadala said as she sprawled out on the living room floor next to the fire pit.
“What did you get them?” Mukotsu said as he walked back out to the hallway.
“Oh Renkotsu wanted me to get some things for him to work on Ginkotsu and I got him a new sketchbook and Ginkotsu needed some oil so I got him some…”
“That is good news….Ginkotsu has been rusting up a lot lately…but I guess its b/c of him being in the ground with those mechanical things for so long….” Suikotsu said as he put his books away.
“I am glad Renkotsu can fix him…otherwise he would never get fixed…” Bankotsu said while chuckling.
Amadala laughed at that remark as she heard the door open. Ginkotsu and Renkotsu stepped inside and seen Amadala and Bankotsu standing there.
“Finally…I am so glad that you are back you two….did you get the tools Ama?” Renkotsu said.
Amadala nodded and handed him the tools. She handed him the oil as well. “Here is some oil to help with the rusting of his equipment…”
Amadala also took out the sketchbook and said,” Here….your old one got destroyed so I got you a new one..”
Renkotsu smiled and hugged her. “Thanks Ama…”
“How did the new blades work out Ginkotsu?” Mukotsu asked as he came back from his room.
Ginkotsu said,” Well…they still need a little more work on them but other than that…they worked out fine…”
“My next thing is to remodel his right arm and make it better….its starting to rust up as well…” Renkotsu said as he took measurements of Ginkotsu's new blades.
“That is good to hear…its needs it…” Amadala said.
“So….how was the present time? Did you find out about the baby's sex or anything?” Jakotsu said with the child-like curiousity.
“Actually we did…I am having a litte girl…” Bankotsu said proudly.
“YAY!!!! I am going to have a little niece!!” Kyoukotsu said with happiness.
“I am sure that the baby will just love her uncles…” Amadala said with a smile.
“I am glad that the baby us doing great…oh Suikotsu…the baby is kicking now..” Bankotsu said.
Suikotsu's eyes grew wide and said,” She is?!?!?!? Wow!! That is great news!!”
“Do you want to feel her moving…?” Bankotsu asked.
Suikotsu nodded and then placed his hand on Bankotsu's stomach. It took a minute and then Suikotsu smiled. “She is certainly a strong one alright…she is going to be like her father…”
Bankotsu blushed at that and said,” I think so too..”