InuYasha Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Hanyou ❯ Meeting ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okay everybody, I promise I am not abandoning "Prisoner of War." I just really liked this idea and wanted to go with it. This is an Inuyasha/Rurouni Kenshin crossover. This one will be better than my last one, which by the way I am nominated for best crossover for by the Inuyasha fan guild. This time I am doing what no author has done before. I am sticking to canon. That's right. Although I am playing around with things… lots of things, I am not changing the back-story at all. The only things I'll change are the places that there are holes. For instance, we don't really know what happened in Kenshin's childhood, or why he's so fast and strong for his size. Well, prepare to find out. No time travel, no crazy magic, just straight up Inuyasha and Kenshin.

Spoiler Warning: This takes place after the Inuyasha series (I get to make up an ending) and after Jinchuu and the last volume of the manga (except before Kenji). Everything is fair game.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Kenshin.

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It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining. The clouds were white and Kenshin thought they resembled tufts of cotton. He smiled up at them as he flapped one of Kaoru's kimonos in the dojo's yard. He felt good. He felt really good. It had been months since Enishi's attack and weeks since Megumi and Sanosuke left. Yahiko was staying at Sano's old apartment, so it was only he and Kaoru at the dojo though most of the time Yahiko would show up too. He missed all his old friends, but he was truly happy for the first time in his life. He felt at peace with his sins. He felt that he had finally reached atonement, that he was finally just a regular human being with a home and a family and as much of a right to live as anyone else. He hung the clean pink cloth on the line to dry and took a deep breath. Strains of a melody from the bathhouse greeted his ears.

"Kaoru-dono," he whispered to the air. His heart felt light. His head felt lighter. There was just something about the young kenjitsu instructor that made him feel good all over. He sunk back down to the wash tub and scrubbed at one of his old gis. He ran his fingers gently over the many patches in it. She had been the one to mend it for him. As good as he was at most womanly tasks, and as bad as she seemed to be at them, Kaoru could sew better than Kenshin could ever hope to. One might never notice the delicate stitches in the magenta material that closed so many sword cuts, but he did. He knew exactly where each hole had been, what it had come from, and how she looked with the needle and thread in her hand fixing it. He sighed as he pulled the gi from the water and shook it. He almost hugged it to himself except it would have wet him even more than he already was.

"Kenshin?" Her voice floated to him like bells. He turned to see her peeking out from the bathhouse. Her long wet hair stuck to her face in some places.

"Yes, Kaoru-dono?"

"Did you wash my red kimono recently?"

"Yes, Kaoru-dono."

"The one with the blue and yellow flowers?"

"It's laying on the chest in your room, that it is." She blushed lightly.

"Thank you, Kenshin."

"Your welcome, Kaoru-dono." He watched her walk toward her room. The simple white yukata clung to her curves. Her door clicked shut, and Kenshin sighed again. He hung his gi up and shook the water from his hands. He was about to dump the water from the bucket when he heard a knock at the gate. He untied the strap that held his sleeves up and slid the sakabatou that lay next to him through its place in his hakama. He used to abandon the sword to do laundry, but when it was just he and Kaoru, he felt that he could never be too safe. Nearing the gate, he sensed someone very nervous on the other side. His eyes narrowed, and his fingers inched close to his hilt as he opened the gate.

"Can I help you?" The man before him widened his amber eyes. He seemed to recognize Kenshin, though Kenshin had no idea who he was. They stood in silence for a moment.

"Can I help you?"


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A/N: So, this is just the beginning. Next chapter, the real story starts. Please review!