InuYasha Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Hanyou ❯ Discovery ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okay, this should make things very interesting. I hope you guys like it. I tried so hard to stay in character.

WARNING: There are MANY cuss words from here on out. That's why the story is PG-13. It's all Inuyasha's fault. Blame him.

Disclaimer: I still don't own Inuyasha or Kenshin

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Kenshin stared at the man standing before him. Had he really said what he thought he said?

"Excuse me?"

"Is that really you, Shinta?" Kenshin narrowed his eyes at the man. He was young. He couldn't have been older than twenty. He had long silvery-white hair that reached to his waist. His bangs were fluffed in the front, and Kenshin sensed something off about them. He studied the man in the red hakama and beige gi who stood with a red haori in his hands. The tattered hilt of a sword stuck out, it's graying bindings ripped and flapping. It looked ancient. His skin was smooth, and he looked strong. He stood about six inches taller than the red headed samurai before him. Kenshin decided there was no way he could know who he was. It was just a crazy coincidence.

"I'm sorry. I think you have the wrong house, that I do." He smiled brightly at the stranger and began to close the gate. Suddenly, the white haired man's hand shot out. He held the gate open.

"I didn't get the wrong house." Kenshin looked at the fingers digging into the wood of the gate. They each ended in a sharp claw. They glinted in the sunlight. He looked back into the stranger's amber eyes.

"There is no one by the name Shinta here. Now please leave, or I will have to use force."

"How could you forget me?"

"Get out." Kenshin's words were low. His eyes were narrowed. He was frightening to behold. Any logical man would have stepped away, gotten out of his sight as quickly as he could. The man at the gate of the Kamiya dojo was quite obviously lacking in the logic department.

"I'm not going anywhere you brat. I've been looking for you for fucking ever. Now let me in before I get pissed off."

"I will give you one last chance to leave peacefully, that I will." Kenshin loosened his hold on the gate and put his hand on his sword to prove he meant business. The clawed hand pushed the gate forward and began to walk in.

"I'll leave when you listen to me." Kenshin gawked as the man pushed by him and stood in the yard. He placed his pack and red haori down.

"Now, are you going to listen to me, brat?" Kenshin's sword flew out of its sheath in a graceful arc. The stranger landed a few yards away in a cloud of dust. His amber eyes opened wide as he saw Kenshin moving slowly toward him, the sword held tightly in his right hand swaying just above the ground as he walked.

"Holy shit! When did you get so damn strong, Shinta? Shinta?"

"I will not let you interrupt the peace I worked so hard to give Kaoru-dono." The stranger scooted back a bit.

"Shinta, I don't want to take away your peace. I just came to give you the truth. You deserve the truth."

"You know nothing." He continued moving slowly forward, step by step.

"I do, damn it! How can I prove that I know you, Shinta? You have obviously forgotten me." The stranger's eyes darted around.

"I know! I know! When you get really pissed, your eyes change to amber." Kenshin took another step forward.

"Are they amber now?"

"Shit! Okay, um, let's see. Oh, okay! You are amazingly fast. You are so fast that your movements can't be followed."

"Everyone knows that," Kenshin hissed, took another step forward, and raised his sword.

"You are so damn stubborn! Okay, you grew up outside Aizu on a rice farm. There was an old tree right in the middle that was dead and leaning over, but you still couldn't reach the bottom branches. You had to climb up slashes in the trunk to swing on them. You called it Grandpa's tree." The tip of Kenshin's sword dropped to the ground.

"How did you know that?" The stranger stood and wiped the dust off of his clothes.

"How did you know that?" Kenshin demanded.

"I put the slashes in the tree, so you could climb." The stranger shrugged and continued straightening his clothes.

"That's impossible. I do not believe you, that I most certainly do not."

"Why not?" he asked as he quirked an eyebrow.

"You look no older than twenty."

"You're one to talk," he said and pointed a clawed finger at Kenshin. "You look like a fifteen year old girl wearing men's clothes and a samurai sword."

"How old are you?"


"How long have you known of me?"

"Your whole life."

"I do not remember ever meeting you."

"It's not my fault you're a forgetful idiot."

"Why are you here?"

"To tell you the truth about who you are. I was supposed to do it when you turned ten, but you fucking disappeared. I've been looking for you for almost twenty god damn years." Kenshin staggered a bit. He looked into the stranger's eyes. He searched for a clue, a sign, an inkling, anything that could show he was lying. He found nothing.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Inuyasha." Kenshin looked carefully at the white haired man and sheathed his sword.

"Well, brat, aren't you gonna invite me to sit down?" Kenshin remained silent and followed Inuyasha as he walked up and sat on the front porch of the home. Kenshin stood ten feet in front of him, and he placed his pack and haori on the steps. Inuyasha looked at him, sniffed the air, and smirked.

"What truth is it you need to tell me and why?"

"Your father wanted you to know."

"Why didn't he tell me?"

"He couldn't you idiot." Kenshin narrowed his eyes.

"Why not? You were supposed to tell me before I turned ten. My mother and father did not die of cholera until I was seven. I remember. I was at their deathbeds. I watched them go. I heard my father's last words, that I did. Why did he not tell me then?" Inuyasha sighed.

"Why are you sighing?"

"That would certainly explain why you weren't there when I went for you."

"Why did he not tell me, Inuyasha?"

"The man you saw die was Nenji Himura, right Shinta?"

"My name is Kenshin now."

"That's a stupid name. I like Shinta. I helped pick the damn thing out and that's what I'm gonna fucking call you. You ain't changing it on me after twenty-nine years. Now, do you want to hear this or not?"

"I do."

"Shit. Okay, now, that man was six foot two and a hairy bastard. He was strong and large and had more black hair on his body than he had rice in his field. He had a gruff voice and trouble keeping weight off. He got sick easy, had scars all over him, and I bet everyone in the town talked about how strange it was that he would have such a small boy like you. I bet they thought your mother had an affair. I bet they called her a dirty whore and a slut."

"Don't you dare talk about my mother and father that way."

"Would you shut up and listen? And take your hand off your damn sword. I ain't gonna try and hurt you. I would never talk about your mom and dad like that. I cared about your mom. I loved your father like he was my own son. My point is Nenji Himura and his wife aren't your parents."

"What?" Kenshin's voice was soft, his violet eyes wide. Inuyasha reached into his bangs and pulled out two hairpins. Kenshin watched in silence as two white triangles of fur popped out from his head. They twitched a few times, then seemed to settle down.

"Ears," Inuyasha said before Kenshin could ask, "I pinned them down so you wouldn't freak out when you saw me. Fat lot of good that did." Inuyasha snorted.

"How can this be?" Kenshin's eyes were glued the furry white ears.

"I was born this way. My dad was a demon." Kenshin was floored.

"A demon?"

"Yeah, that's kinda what I came to tell you. Yours is too."

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A/N: Bet you saw that one coming. I mean the title of the story should have given it away. Well, in case you were wondering the explanations as to why Kenshin got so pissed so quickly, and how he reacts to this little tidbit stay tuned for the next chapter. Until then, push that little button!