InuYasha Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Inu Youkai dano Tsuki no Usagi ❯ Shuuketsu dano hoyahoya ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Inu Youkai dano Tsuki no Usagi

The Dog Demon and The Rabbit of the Moon


Chapter 14

Shuuketsu dano hoyahoya tachiagari

(Endings and new beginnings)


Usagi woke up bright and early the next morning. She remembered back to the night before, Sesshomaru had another surprise for Sango, Miroku and Rin. He had a house for the, he also offered Sango and Miroku jobs in his company. Tin would be off to school the next week.

Her friends from the past were to move in a few hours. Granted they didn't have many possessions but they still hat to get to the house and then get modern clothes. Miroku had borrowed some of InuYasha's clothes the day before and Sango had borrowed Usagi's.

Usagi got dressed and ran downstairs, as early as she had gotten up InuYasha was still waiting for her in the kitchen. He had even started breakfast. Usagi started helping him thankful that Kagome's memories helped her to cook.

Ayame came into the kitchen with and envelope addressed to Usagi. "Usagi, Sesshomaru brought this over for you just after you and InuYasha went to the past." She handed the envelope over to Usagi.

The girl sat at the kitchen table and opened the envelope. As she read the contents a look of understanding came into her eyes. She then got a hard look in her eyes.

"Ikokou only kept me around because, as the first born child I'm head of the clan. My mother, contrary to what Ikokou said, was quite happily married. However, her husband died in a boating accident, she died giving birth to me. Grandmother made me her heir, because mother was three years older then Kenji. They will want to keep me under their thumbs because I can make Shingo my heir, then they could get rid of me and control Shingo.

"They can do that?" asked an incredulous inu hanyou.

"All they'd have to do is force me to sign the papers when I turned eighteen. Shingo says that they were planning to kick me out on my eighteenth birthday... or something like that."

"So they were trying to cheat you out of your inheritance?"

"Yes. I will have to do something about this. But not now. I want to see what they do. I will, however, get my inheritance finalized. I'll talk to my grandmother's lawyer.


Three days after Usagi talked to her grandmother's Lawyer, she and InuYasha were walking in Juuban Park, the hanyou had his arm over his princess's shoulder, she had her arm around his waist. As they were walking next to the lake a woman came up to them and grabbed Uasgi's arm. The princess turned around and sighed.

"What do you want?" Usagi removed her arm from the woman's grasp.

"You will come home and take you r punishment. You should never have run from home."

"You think that after what you said to me last time I saw you... you think I will listen to YOU?!?!"

"I raised you, you owe me." Ikokou countered. "For all intents and purposes I am your mother."

"If you were you would act it."

"I am... I'm grounding you." She reached for Usagi's arm again.

"No.... You will not. You lost that right three days ago when I made you and your husband ronin. I will not be controlled and you will not cheat me out of my inheritance. You can keep the house. However, I believe you will have to move. Shingo has a nice trust fund but you can't touch it. He will get a MAC card and only he will be able to touch it."

"I raised you.... You ungrateful...."

"Ungrateful? Yes I suppose that if we were having this talk a year ago you would be able to call me that. But since you cut me off on my seventeenth birthday...."

"But... that was for you own good."

"What? You think that forcing me to starve was for my good?"

"You didn't starve, you still had food from us."

"Ahhh and being yelled at for eating that food and thrown out in the morning with out breakfast and lunch was the food you are talking about?"

"We fed you dinner... you could have bought food for lunch and breakfast."

"You did not give me money... but that doesn't matter I got a job even what you forbade me to. I also got food from my friends when I couldn't get it from my job. Anyway I'm sure that some of the money you used for the house and food came from my inheritance... Kenji's job doesn't pay enough for anything else."

"That money would have been Shingo's...."

"If you had succeeded in getting me to sign certain papers on my 18th birthday. I realized you plan after I found out about my being head of the clan. I also found out that my mother was married. Don't try to lie. I have grandmothers letter.

Ikokou stepped back- Usagi followed her. "I won't come back- I won't sign the papers. Shingo is not ronin. However, you are cut off, as per grandmothers last wish I might add. Good bye." With that Usagi turned around and walked back to InuYasha. They left Ikokou standing in the park stating off into space.