InuYasha Fan Fiction / Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Enter the Witch and the Miko ❯ Chapter 5

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kurama'sFoxyMiko: Thanks for the review. It's always nice to get positive feedback. I've seen a few other Inuyasha/Witch Hunter Robin crossovers, so I know I'm not the first. I hope I don't disappoint you with my coming chapters.
Robin had been there for a month. The Higurashi family had been very nice to her and let her stay. It was almost like she was part of the family now. She had yet to see Mrs. Higurashi's daughter, Kagome, but that was all right. Robin got along well with the other members of the family just fine; she suspected she would like Kagome as well.
Still, all was not well in paradise. She frowned as she remembered the attack last night.
She had been shopping for food since they were running out of certain things that were considered “must-haves”. She was walking back late that night and the sound of a pistol being fired was heard. She instinctively fell and rolled. A smoking hole where her head would have been formed in the tree in front of where she had stood.
Still holding the groceries, she ran as quietly as she could away from the tree and a little away from her original destination. Apparently she wasn't quiet enough. Another shot was fired at her. She gave up on being quiet and ran like she did a month ago. Somehow, she must have lost him because there were no more shots fired at her. When she arrived at the Higurashi Shrine, she looked down in surprise to see that none of the groceries had been lost. She never said anything to the Higurashis, and they never asked. Robin didn't think they even noticed.
−End Flashback−
She had called Nagira, like he told her to, and he was being watched, like he said. Now he knew she was alive, but he couldn't help her. “I'm sorry, Robin,” he had said. “You're on your own for now. I'll try to help, but I don't think I'll be able to for a while.”
So she was stuck, but at least she had shelter and had a family that would take care of her. She worked at the Higurashi Shrine for them so that their workload was a bit smaller, and she felt like she was being useful. She was sweeping the one of the walkways when she heard a door creak open and a girl with a gigantic backpack come out of the well house.
“Excuse me, are you lost?” she called to the girl.
She jerked around and stared at Robin. “Who are you?” she asked, sounding surprised.
“I live here. I can probably help you find your way if you're lost. It's easy to lose your way in this place.”
The girl looked at her suspiciously. “Isn't this the Higurashi Shrine?”
“Yes, it is,” replied Robin, still wondering how this girl got into the well house, since Grandpa had forbidden her to go within five feet from its walls.
“You aren't a Higurashi, are you?” asked the suspicious girl.
“No, the Higurashis took me in, and now I live here and work for them. But who are you, who ask all these questions?”
“Oh, forgive me. Watashi wa Higurashi Kagome desu.”
“I am Robin Sena.”
The girl looked hard at her for a second, then asked, “Were you the injured girl we found about a month ago?”
“Yes, I am.”
“Oh, I'm glad you're okay. I found you, and my brother Sota called for my mom and my Grandpa to get us.”
“So you're Kagome. I've been looking forward to meeting you for a long time. You're family has been very kind to me.”
Kagome let her backpack drop to the ground. “Nice to meet you. Sorry I haven't been home in a while. I've been busy and haven't been able to get home.”
“Yes, your grandfather told me that you were on a trip to the United States for part of the summer. He wasn't sure when you'd be home. They'll be glad you're finally back.”
Kagome seemed to get nervous when she brought up her trip. Maybe I wasn't supposed to know. “I'll take your bag for you, and tell your family you've returned.”
A little too quickly she said, “No, that's all right, I'll get it. You go ahead and tell them.”
Puzzled about why Kagome didn't want to tell her family herself, Robin went to inform the other Higurashis that their daughter and oneesan had returned. I guess she's a little tired, and doesn't want a fuss that she's home. But I would think that she'd want to see her family. Going through the door of the Higurashi home, she announced, “Kagome is home.”
Mrs. Higurashi came running, followed closely by Sota and Grandpa. “Where? Where is she?” asked Grandpa. “She's got a lot of explaining to do! Why did she stay away for so long? It's unbelievable!”
This shocked Robin. “Didn't you say she was on a trip to the United States?” she asked curiously.
Mrs. Higurashi answered her. “He means why did she not write. When we have letters, it's like she's here. That's the staying away part.”
“Oh,” said Robin, still not sure that that was the real meaning of what Ojisan said. I'll just go with it for now, she thought.
Just then Kagome herself appeared behind Robin. “Hi, I'm back. It was great in the U. S. It's so different from here.”
Her mother put an arm around her shoulders and said firmly, “You can tell me about it in the kitchen while I make dinner.” The other members of the family nodded their heads in agreement. Turning to Robin, she said, “You can finish sweeping the path, and by then dinner should be ready.”
Clearly a dismissal, she bowed and left. She still wondered about their behavior while she furiously swept the path, trying to finish. They were acting strangely. I wonder why. Was I not supposed to know something? It's really none of my business, but if Solomon finds me, I have to have as much notice as possible. Finally finishing, she put the broom away and walked into the house. She washed her hands and meandered towards the kitchen to see if Mrs. H needed any help. She overheard them talking, but she wasn't sure about what. Walking more slowly towards the door, she heard the tail end of the conversation.
“Never stay away that long from now on, young lady,” Ojisan said. “We never know if you'll return from that place without something missing, like your sanity.”
What are they talking about? she wondered. She was on a school field trip. Schools don't do this sort of thing very often. Grandpa was still talking. “I know those poor people need you in those primitive hospitals, but you must always come home sooner than a month! They can wait that long, can't they?”
Kagome answered this time. Well, she assumed it was Kagome, since it was the only voice she didn't recognize. “I didn't have much choice. And I don't work in a hospital, why can't you get it straight? I travel with warriors, and heal them. They happened to hurt themselves very badly, and needed my help longer than usual. Then, when we got back, there were other people that were hurt, and needed to be tended to. They were short on help, so I stayed.”
“All right, dear, we understand, just try not to do it again. This conversation needs to wrap up because Robin should be coming soon. Where is she?” asked Mrs. Higurashi.
Taking her cue from Mrs. Higurashi, she entered the room and said, “I'm sorry. Did I keep you waiting?”
“Not at all,” said Mrs. Higurashi. “You're right on time.”
They ate and Kagome told of her “stay in the U. S.” Robin now knew that she hadn't been on a school trip because of the conversation before she entered the room. Okay, maybe she had gone to the U. S., but it wasn't a school trip. And why was she in the well house? This is too confusing. I'll just have to find out the round about way and see if Solomon is involved.
She noticed that Mrs. Higurashi wasn't eating anything at all. When Kagome asked her about it, she said, “I've been feeling nauseous lately.” Excusing herself, Robin put her dishes in the sink and went to bathe.
Kagome was in her room after she had soaked herself in her bath. Oh, it feels good to be clean, she thought contentedly. Her mother had a different aura than normal, but she ignored it. She was still on a type of high about being engaged to the man, or hanyou, she loved. The only thing she worried about was Robin. She would have to be more careful, but she wouldn't worry about that now. She stared into space for a while, content to think about Inuyasha and how they had come closer over the years. She was still thinking about that when a loud noise downstairs startled her. She glowed purple and her glass of water exploded. Surprised, she looked at the now wet carpet. “How did that happen?” she wondered aloud. The door whipped open, startling her again. This time it was her alarm clock that burst. In the doorway was Robin Sena.
Robin was sitting on her bed, reading a book, when she felt witch power activating. Thinking that a witch had broken in, she dropped her book. It felt like it was coming from the room next to her own, so she threw it open in time to see Kagome glow purple and her clock explode.
“You're the witch?” Robin asked in surprise.
“I beg your pardon?” asked Kagome indignantly.
“I'm sorry, I was merely surprised that you broke your clock and,” she glanced at the soaked carpet, “the water glass.”
“Yes, I did. I don't know why, or how, and I don't see how it's any of your business.” Her whole body was tense.
She's afraid, Robin noted. She should be. “That can't happen again. I don't want to frighten you, but if you can't control that, then certain people will come and take you away.”
Kagome asked suspiciously, “How do you know this?”
Robin answered, “I knew the people that worked there. But they changed, so I don't see them anymore.” There isn't much point in telling the whole thing. “I was able to see what they do at work, and I know how they track down a witch. I also know how to gain control over you power so they won't find you as easily.”
“How do you know all this?” she repeated.
“They were hoping to recruit me when I was older, so they wanted me to know how things ran. I learned more than they thought I did.”
“What do I do?”
“I'll try to teach you. But I'll be limited in what I can do because I don't know what type of power you have.”
“Do colors have anything to do with what powers a person has?”
“They could. Yours is purple, right?”
“It was pink, but it recently changed. What does that mean?”
It means you were a Seed, and it was awakened. “It means you probably have something to do with the dead. Have you communicated with the dead?”
She hesitated, then said, “Yes. I thought I was hallucinating, so I ignored it. They kept coming, so I started talking to them. Then, something happened, and they stopped coming. I still hear them, but they don't come near me. Not much, anyway.”
“You're probably making a wall between you and them at times. That's a good thing to do, since some spirits try to harm other beings that are still alive.”
“Can you help me?”
“I think so. We know you have ghost-based powers. That's not a common power, so there's most likely a limit on what we can do out of the book, so to speak.”
While they were talking, Kagome tried to pick up the broken pieces of her glass. While searching on the carpet, her questioning fingers were met by the sharp edge of a shard of glass. With a wince, she brought her bloodied fingers up to lick the blood off. Then, right before their eyes, purple light surrounded the cuts and healed them.
“How often did that happen?” asked Robin.
“That never happened before,” answered the shaken Kagome.
That poor girl is going to have a nervous breakdown at this rate, Robin thought in concern. “That isn't part of the ghost-based power. So apparently you have ghost- and healer-based power. It's strange, though. Healing is normally green.”
“Can other people see color?”
“No, only certain witches and people. They're kind of in a class by themselves because they tend to be more powerful than other witches.”
“Wait! If only certain types of witches can see color, why can you, if you're not a witch?”
“Well,” said Robin, thinking fast, “I guess being around those kinds of witches rubbed off on me. I spent more time studying the witches than the other people, so it affected me and not them.”
“Do you think they picked up on my power yet?”
“No, you didn't use them in public. You're fine for now, but be on your guard. I'll try to help you hide it, but not tonight. We both need sleep, especially you since you just got home from the U. S.”
Kagome laughed nervously and said, “That's right. So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow.”
Robin smiled and responded, “Yes. Good night.”
“Good night.” Just as Robin was about to close the door, she asked hurriedly, “You're sure they won't come barging in tonight?”
Robin shook her head. “They won't. Anything else you wanted confirmed before I leave?”
“No, that's all for now.”