InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Youkai Mystery ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Japan ~ Kisei's House
[ A girl with long light purple hair, types away on her computer. She rubs a hand along her face and sigh; her school report was finally finished. A cold hand makes its way along her arm and the girl jumps in surprise]
???: Kurama-sama, you scared me.
Kurama: Hmm, did I? (he bends down, looking into her light colored eyes) You look very nice today, Kisei. Very cute. Very... edible.
Kisei: (arches one eyebrow) Um, thanks <Looks down at her pair of cut jeans and pink shirt> Sooooo, I notice you're in your kitsune^1 form today. Is something going on?
Kurama: I'm planning on going to the Demon World tonight. I'm not sure when I'll be back.
Kisei: Is Hiei-baabas^2 going with you? <Kisei asks while shutting down her computer>
(As if on cure Hiei came bursting through the door)
Hiei: (yelling) Onna^3, I warned you about calling me that. Didn't I tell you, you would have to face my Katana^4 next time you said that?
(Kisei ignores Hiei and continues to stare at Kurama)
Kurama: No, he's going to stay here. I rather him not accompany me on this trip.
(Hiei and Kisei's mouth drop in surprise)
Kisei: (shocked) You guys always go together. Is there something wrong?
(Hiei comes closer to Kurama and puts his hands on his back)
Hiei: Is the baka^5 kitsune planning on meeting people without me? You're going to get Kiei and me jealous.
(Kurama brushes Hiei's hand away and begins to walk out the room)
Kisei: As much as I love them both, Kurama blowing Hiei off is a little freaky. There is most definitely something going on here.
Kurama: I'll see you soon, Kisei. Take care of our little man while I'm gone.
(Kurama leaves the room without taking a glance at Hiei)
Hiei: (eyes narrow in anger) that bastard! He didn't even say anything to me.
1) Kitsune: Fox 2) -baabas: Old Man/woman
3) Onna: Woman 4) Katana: sword 5) baka: stupid/idiot