InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Youkai Mystery ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

[ A girl with short brown hair is dancing around a science lab singing a song she just made up. She stops suddenly as her eyes land on the calendar on the wall.]
Watari: What is it Sarah? (A man with long blonde hair is typing some kind of fractions on his computer).
Sarah: Now would be a really good time for you to test out that new formula you've been working on.
Watari: You mean the sex changing one?
Sarah: No. More like the hormonal one.
Watari: Why do you say that?
Sarah: <laughs> Just look at your calendar. I'll be right back!
Demon World
[3 white haired youkai are standing together under a tree]
Sesshoumaru: Did you get it?
Kurama: It wasn't a problem. The hardiest part was getting away without the girl or the boy thinking anything.
Sesshoumaru: Inu-yasha's human wench was at Rin's house around the time I left. If Rin was alone, I would have gotten away without her thinking a thing.
Inu-yasha: KEH! If you think Kagome's bad, try her little brother and grandfather. They're always asking stuff like <Inu-yasha begins to imitate Kagome's brother, Sota, and grandfather's voice>
"Inu-chan, why do you always come and get sis?"
"Why are your ears like that?"
"Inu-chan, are you going to leave here?"
"I have a new good luck charm that will push monsters back"
<Inu-yasha growls when he notice Kurama and Sesshoumaru aren't paying attention>
Kagome's Bone Eaters Well
[Kagome is holding her everyday over sized back pack. Rin is holding a bag full of junk food, while Kisei is holding Kagome's new bike. They're about to enter the Demon World]
Rin: Okay, what are we going to do when we get there?
Kagome: I don't know. Maybe we can stalk them or something?
(Kagome's brother pops out of no where)
Sota: If those guys are really demons, they will be able to smell your scent. Don't you think?
(The girl's jump in surprise and Kagome hits Sota on the head)
Kagome: Why are you here?
Sota: (winks at Rin) Just wanted to make sure my sister and her lovely friends will be okay.
Rin: (laughs) Maybe we should get going, right?
(Sota takes Rin's hands)
Sota: Rin-chan, please don't go. I want you and Kisei-chan stay here with me. I don't want my sister getting into trouble.
Kagome: How would that stop me from getting into trouble?
Sota: Well you see, if they stay you would be able to get things done faster. Hence, not getting into… trouble. (He blushes)
Kisei: (to Kagome) Are you getting the feeling he likes us?
Kagome: Yeah. Ever since you, Rin, and Sarah helped him with his science project, he had a thing for all of you. He's always asking if you guys are coming over; it's really creepy sometimes.
(Rin pats Sota's hand softly and gives a warm smile)
Rin: Sota-chan, we have to go. If I don't, something could happen to Sesshoumaru-sama and everyone else. I have to make sure he isn't in any trouble.
Sota: (blush when Rin pats his hand again and mumbles) what does that guy have that I don't. Minus the fact he's a monster.
Kagome: (sighs) we don't have time for this. <Pulls Sota and Rin apart and pushes Kisei in the well.> we are leaving and they are coming with me. Bye! <Pushes Rin in the well and jumps in>
Sota: (waves slowly) I can't stand that Sesshoumaru or Kurama guy.