InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wierd ❯ fuzzy socks ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kagome sighed as she ran her hand through sweat dampend hair. 'ew.' She wiped her hand on her checkred pajama pants then sat up and wiggled her toes, enjoying the feel of her fuzzy socks. A noise to her left drew her attention to a still sleeping Ishizu. Aparently the older woman was a big wig from the Egyptian Antiquities Burue, here to over see the dig. Souta told her that it was unusual 'like everything else here' for such a high ranking member to visit a dig. Kagome yawned and stretched, nearly falling over in the process, that creepy diappearing guy was back and apearently he brought friends. Kagome collapsed back on to her sleeping bag, she really should'nt go out there after all, curiosity killed the cat. Kagome snorted and grabbed her flash light.' screw that, curiosity made the kittens.' with that thought kagome got on her hands and knees and into the frigid night air.

It didn't take long to find the strange man, in fact, he seemed to be waiting for her. She shivered as he turned towards her, his dark eyes empty, his long white tunic barely moved in the chill wind. She huffed and walked up th the silent man and prepared her intarrogation. Taking a deep breath she....Was interupted by professor Bakura who was accompanied by his pointy haired friend, Yuugi.
"Is everything ok Higurashi?"
She bowed to the young men."Forgive me for asking professor, I was wondering who the man behind me is."
Bakura looked passed her then raised a silvery brow. "There is nobody there Miss Higurashi,"
Kagome tured around, the man was still there, observing.
"But..." Kagome felt power fill the air, she looked at the source, Yuugi, and the inverted pyramid, now glowing with the same majick in Ishizu's necklace thing an and then Yuugi wasn't Yuugi anymore. 'Great.'
"Shaadi, reveail yourself." His deep voice was a pleasent surprise and appearently what was needed ti illesit a response from Shaadi who imeadeatly prostrated himself before the changed man, startling the professor who had come to stand next to Kagome.
"You don't know what's going on either, do you professor?"
The silver haired professor shook his head before he answered her.
"Not at the moment."
The look in his green eyes told her he was assesing the situation. 'He's lying.'
Kagome looked at the three of them suspciouly then yawned 'the could handle it.' and turned to walk away.
"Miss Higurashi..." It was the thing that took over Yuugi 'Creepy Yuugi.'.
"Yeah?" 'I hope the professor knows what he's doing.'
"Please retrieve Miss Ishtar."
Shelook at the possessed man then the professor 'InuYasha.' He nodded as he brushed some pale strands off his face and gave Kagome a reassuring smile. 'Stupid bishies with thir stupid white hair.' after giving creepy Yuugi the once over She turned and did as she was told.
Opon reaching the tent Kagome saw Ishizu aready dressed and ready.
"Miss Ishtar?"
The dark woman was stoic as she rose to her feet.
"Some guy that looks like Mr. Moto wants to talk to you, you want me to take you to him?"
She nodded once in response and they walked to where the guys were.
When the arived Ishizu bowed to creepy Yuugi earning an odd look from Kagome.
The creepy Yuugi turned to her and spoke in a monotone that reminded her of Sesshoumaru.
"Higurashi, I shall speak to you later, You may leave now."
Kagome's brow creased at being dismissed. 'Gee thanks.' "OK, you guy have a good night."
She waved back to them as she trotted off back to the tent. Once there she burrowed into her sleeping bag, curled up around her pillow and attempted to sleep.
Unfortunatly it wasn't that easy with the knowledge of a possesed Yuugi, wierd spirit guy and government official, so, she lay there awake until Ishizu came back, only then did she doze off.

She mumbled and held her pillow tighter."Kagome" She rubbed her face in her pillow.
Kagome grouned under the wieght of her attacker as he sat cross legged on top of her. "Hey sis!".
"Souta, off!" Souta hopped a little" you gunna get up?"
"Yes now get offa me."
The boy did as her was told and turned away from his sister, giving her the pivacy she needed to get dressed.
Once done Kagome and Souta ducked out of the tent into the early morning. It was a couple minutes befor Souta broke the silence. " Mr Moto and professor Bakura want me to take you to thier tent."
He shrugged "Dunno."
Kagome Scowled at the ground thinking.
'Maybe it's because of last night.' She looked up at the sky and put her hands in her jean pockets. 'Ishizu never came back.' her thoughts were interupted when Souta stopped "Ok sis. here we are, I'm getting something to eat." Kagome nidded then stepped up to the flap. She was about to speak when the smooth baritone of the creepy Yuugi bid her enter.
She did as she was told.