InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Lost Mother ❯ Hurt beyond belief by a phrase... ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Me: Hey again! Here's this cute thing I found that you guys might like, though Sesshoumaru-sama might not…
Sesshoumaru: …What might I not like?
Me: ehehe, ano…this website if
Sesshoumaru: hm…if it disgraces this Sesshoumaru, consider your days limited.
Me: ::sweat drop::, you guys go on ahead and take a peek, I'll write something up to distract him…like a fanfic of him and Kagome? ::looks hopeful::
Sesshoumaru:…hn, you have a few days onna ::leaves::
Me: phew, so yeah, this expresses all my thanks to those that read this fic and review, though Sesshoumaru is doing all the work…so yeah! Next Chapter, and present 2 of 3!
Disclaimer: I Don't Own InuYasha! I wish I did though.. :looks around: big improvement from my first fanfics huh?
`blah'- Kagome or anyone else's
Chapter 6
Kagome looked up from the floor to see a short man, just about five feet, dressed in all black with black spiky hair with a little white starburst and ruby eyes that widened when they came into contact with hers.
`Is it…could it be, her eyes?' Ruby eyes held sapphire in surprised wonder.
`His eyes…just like that little boy in my dream…'
His eyes snapped open and locked with hers, tinged with panic and surprise. He started fading away from her and started reaching for her. Tears fell down his cheeks.
Just before he disappeared complete, their eyes connected and a bright light flashed. She yelled out to him in vain.
::End Flashback::
`Those eyes…they called out to me. All they asked for was love, family, trust, comfort...'
Kagome's eyes started to tear up. Seeing that she was about to cry, Hiei broke his surprised state, and quickly stood up, quickly bringing her out of her thoughts as well. He started to walk away just as she was standing up. He didn't understand all the emotions running through him; hope, longing, anger, and…regret? And just the barest hint of love? That stopped him in his tracks. Love? Why love? He barely knew the woman, why should he care for her?
And somewhere deep down in the demons heart he knew. He figured he always knew, he just hid it away, just like all the important feelings in him. He continued walking, determined to get away. What he told the fox earlier, that he would wait, now was inconsequential as he had better things to do, like think things through.
Seeing him walking away from her pulled some mysterious, hidden heartstrings in Kagome. Why was she feeling this way? It was a random dream, something that meant nothing, right? Different youkai's, more than one, had red eyes, for example Kagura, Hiten, Naraku, so why was this any different? She turned her attention back to the one walking away from her, when she was suddenly captured in a sort of trance, overrun by the feelings this youkai brought out of her.
“Wait! Aren't you going to help me?”
Hiei stopped walking and turned around, his emotionless façade back in place. “Help you with what?”
“Help me pick all this stuff up! You made me drop them, though it was also partly my fault, so you should help me!” Kagome was getting irritated with this demon.
“Hn, wench, if you weren't so clumsy, you wouldn't have spilled all those things. You could learn a lesson from this, so I will not help you. Go and do it yourself,” Hiei said, and he turned back around and ignored the glares that were sent his way.
Kagome got up from where she was kneeling to pick up some of the items. “How rude! I am sure I didn't raise you to be like this Hiei! I taught you to help others, not shun them because you think you are almighty! If I didn't know any better, you were hanging around Sesshoumaru, or someone with an over bloated ego!!! How rud-” Kagome stopped her ranting as she suddenly saw Hiei's infuriated face closer than before.
Hiei was furious. How could she assume she raised him to be like this? The longest memory of her with him was barely even a day! It was more like barely 3 hours! He made his way to her, intent on telling her off and correcting her.
Bright ruby eyes glowed at his thoughts, `She can't be my mother! She wasn't even there to help me! She is not, and will never be my mother!'
His eyes darkened at the next thought that echoed in his head. `She can't be my mother…no one would want to. After all, I am the Forbidden Child, the one where people are supposed to hate and kill…'
Finally facing her, he lifted his chin defiantly, before starting to speak in a low, voice that barely held in his fury.
“I can't believe you just said that. You? My mother? Raising me? How ludicrous! Ridiculous! What could lead you to the conclusion or even thought of you being my mother? What are you, my mother? Ha, oh yes, you think you are!” Hiei scoffed. “Stupid onna. I wasn't raised by you, you're a filthy ningen, and I am a youkai! There is a big difference. You can not be my mother! You aren't!!!” And with that said, he just walked away before he did something that he wouldn't regret, but get him more probation time. But as he walked away from the woman, he never noticed the disappointed aura about her, and the tears fight desperately to stay at bay…
Kagome watched him walk away, and she felt disappointed…but she didn't know why. The feeling of her suddenly being possessed like that scared her, but also didn't. Kagome shook her head. Things got confusing and for some reason she was hurt to the point that she was about to cry.
Numbly, she picked up the fallen items and smiled a small smile at InuYasha, trying to tell him she was alright after that encounter, but the smile never reached her bright eyes.
Later as they walked home in silence, one phrase just echoed in her mind, leaving Kagome numb, sad and disappointed…You can not be my mother! You aren't!
…She was no one's mother but Shippou's. And somehow, that fact hurt her almost as much as what he said and how he looked…