InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Queen ❯ I'm a What? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

When Kagome returned home she tried a million times to get threw the well. So when she realized she couldn't go back she went back to her house and rested because she was still tired from the battle before. When her mom came home she called Kagome into the room and said she had to tell her something.
“Kagome you're not human. You're a demon. I'm not your real mother either. Your mother and father were killed a long time ago. They locked your memories up so you'd forget. Your memories will come back on the next full moon, which is in about two weeks. You're a full-blooded demon. The four most powerful to be exact.” Kagome's mother said
“Ok so I'm not human and you're not my mother. So who are my parents and what kind of demon am I?” Kagome asked. “Your mother's name was Maria and she was half kitsune and half elementist. Your father's name was Giovanni and he was a quarter fire and darkness dragon. He was also half darkness werewolf. The reason you are here is because you fell down the well and ended up in this time. Well, this what they told me in my dreams.” Kagome's mom said.
“So where am I originally from?” Kagome asked slightly confused. “You're from a1000 years ago and you are from where royal demons are from,” her mom said. “I'm royal and if so where do royal demons come from?” Kagome asked. Her mother was a bit surprised on how she was reacting to all this. “Yes, you are royal. You come from the middle of the all the lands. You come from where north, east, west, and south meet. You're the princess of all four worlds. Your mother and father were king and queen of that time which means that everything in all four worlds belongs to you,” she said.
“Okay how do I change into my demon form?” Kagome asked, “Think of them and you'll change into it.” Kagome's mom replied. “If I change into my form will I get my memories back faster?” Kagome asked curiously. No you'll still have to wait two weeks. Than you'll remember everything, which means you'll be the strongest person in all four worlds.” She said “Oh, ok I'm gonna take a walk all this information is giving me a headache.” Kagome aid and walked outside.