InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Stretched Out on Your Grave ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I own neither Inuyasha nor Yu Yu Hakusho. The characters and original stories belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Yoshihiro Togashi. This story is also loosely based on the song “I Am Stretched Out on Your Grave” by Kate Rusby which I also do not own.
I Am Stretched Out on Your Grave
Hiei kept to the shadows as he quietly escaped from Kurama's apartment. His friends kept telling him that they were there for him; that they wanted to help him, but as he raced past buildings and parks and other nondescript landmarks, Hiei knew that no one could help him now.
When he finally reached his destination, Hiei gently lowered himself to the slightly damp earth and laid his head down beside the stone that marked her grave. The first few times Hiei had come to this place, he had wept uncharacteristically until he had fallen asleep stretched out beside her. Now, he just lay there, too empty to cry or to beg or to plead for her to come back to him. He no longer imagined that it was all just a dream. He knew he was never going to wake up with her rapped in his arms. She was dead.
He had tried, for her sake, to deal with it. He really had. He had tried to handle her death and moved on with his life, but who was he kidding. He had known for a while now that he would not, could not live without her, and he was about to prove it.
Now, as Hiei took up his Katana in both hands, preparing to run himself through with it, he laid his lips gentely against the tombstone and remembered the first day he had laid eyes on her, the day everything had begun to change.