InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 30 Shards of Jaken ❯ It's That Time Again ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Theme: Travel
Genres: Parody, Humor, Songfic
Words: 402
Published: 2/24/06
It's That Time Again
It was a typical day for Jaken. Travel, travel, travel—stop for Rin to pee—travel travel travel—stop for Rin to eat—travel, travel, travel. (Occasionally, grovel, grovel, grovel.) But mostly travel, travel, travel.
Right now was one of those rare breaks that Jaken cherished so much. His puny legs had started to ache. He stretched out among the grass with Rin, while Sesshomaru sat on a boulder not too far away in a silent, trancelike state, undoubtedly lost deep in thought.
Oh, Lord Sesshomaru, Jaken wondered. So strong, and yet so wise. What great thoughts are you thinking right now, sitting so still on that stone? What masterfully cunning plan is your superior mind concocting?
“Rin,” Jaken muttered, low enough so that Sesshomaru wouldn't hear.
Yes, Master Jaken?” Rin looked up, having been preoccupied with writing her name in the dirt.
“Look at the way Lord Sesshomaru sits so ponderously over there. Surely someone of his intelligence is cursed with the constant clatter of sage-like query.”
Rin squinted her eyes at Sesshomaru, and shrugged. “He looks bored to me.”
“W-wha!” Jaken sputtered. “Foolish girl! Of course a lowly human like you wouldn't understand. When Lord Sesshomaru is silent, his mind is not idle. It is constantly working, conceiving, unraveling, constructing! If you thought half as much as you talked…”
“Sorry, Master Jaken.”
Jaken's eyes brimmed with tears at the mere thought of Sesshomaru's brilliance. “Why, he is on a level all his own! No one can compare to the magnificent mind of Lord Sesshomaru!” Jaken sighed now, humbled with his own inferiority. “To see into a mind like that…. If only we could know what he was thinking right now…”
Sesshomaru stared out into nothingness, eyes unfocused, not acknowledging his surroundings. He'd neither heard nor noticed Jaken and Rin's conversation. He was completely and utterly lost in his thoughts; they had taken a hold of him the way an anchor steadies a ship:
Peanut butter jelly! Peanutbutterjelly-peanutbutterjelly! Peanut butter jelly! Peanutbutterjelly! Peanutbutterjelly! …
Rin seemed to perk up. “Master Jaken…did you just hear Lord Sesshomaru whistling a bit?”
Jaken fell back with the sheer audacity of her statement. “Stupid girl! Don't be ridiculous.”
Sesshomaru sighed inwardly. Damn, that song was infectious. He couldn't even remember where he'd heard it in the first place. Ceaseless traveling will do that to you. Oh well.
“Jaken. Rin. Let's go.”
And off they went.

Song used: Peanut Butter Jelly Time
Artist: Buckwheat Boys