InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Bit of This and That ❯ Perspective ( Chapter 4 )

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3rd Place Winner for the LiveJournal Community IYFic_Challenge.
Title: Perspective
Rating: PG/K+
Genre: Introspective, maybe slightly dramatic
Pairings: If you squint really hard you might be able to see some faintly implied Inuyasha/Kagome (Heck, let's throw Miroku/Sango here too).
Word Count: 296
Summary: Shippou reflects on what a gift can be. Sometimes, it's not something physical - it's just something that is there.
Uploaded on: June 27, 2005
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Pa used to say that there were all sorts of gifts everywhere. When Shippou was really small, he didn't understand. He figured gifts were the things his parents gave him because they loved him. But, Pa always insisted that anything was a gift, if one just knew how to look at it.
When Pa was killed by Hiten and Manten, Shippou didn't see how that was a gift at all. He'd lost his family, his home, and the life he'd known - all in one morning. Surely that couldn't have been a gift.
But...maybe it just depended on how he looked at it.
Around the dying campfire, the faces of his friends were warmed by the embers' soft glow. Each one of them, even stubborn Inuyasha, leaned against the hut's wall, cared about him. Shippou knew that.
If Pa hadn't been killed, he would've never stumbled across Kagome and Inuyasha.
And if he'd never met them, he surely would've never met Miroku or Sango.
There would be no sweets from Kagome's world, playing with Kirara and Sango, getting into mischief with Miroku, or playing tricks on Inuyasha (that was his favorite thing after eating sweets).
If Pa hadn't been killed, he would've never worried about Naraku. At most, the only thing Shippou would have worried about would have been Kouga's tribe driving the small youkai like himself out of their homes.
Well, maybe he would've met Inuyasha, Kagome, and the others that way, but it still wouldn't be the same.
Shippou snuggled back against Kagome's arm.
They all cared for each other. Everyone just showed it in his or her own way. But that was okay, Shippou decided, as he started to fall back asleep.
Kagome, Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango.... They would all be there in the morning.