InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A deal with a demon ❯ Chapter 27

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Reluctantly, he went through the door. He was immediately assaulted with the vast smells, both those of food and people, all of which seemed strange to him.

This wasn't the comforting scent of his home. The sweetness of his wife, the earthiness of him. The way they entertained, dancing together to make a harmonious blend. It told him that they lived there. They.

This was strange. How many people were here? The workers, servers…Kagome… He was sure he was in a foreign land.

He had never realized how comfortable his home had felt until this very moment. Had he ever felt attached to a place before? Maybe Kagome was right. It felt cozy and intimate. That was, until it had been invaded.

Now the space seemed small. Maybe he should just tell all these assholes to leave. Then he could open the windows, let out the odor, and he and Kagome could-

“Oh, so you actually came?”

Fuck. How had he forgotten about Kagome.

He had been so wrapped up by his other senses that he let his mind wander.

“Feh. I told you I would.” The hanyou said, crossing his arms.

“And I told you to stay away.”


Seems like the bitch sharpened her claws today.

“Why should I? This is as much my house as it is yours.”

“This has nothing to do with home ownership, dog boy.”

“Oh, and here I thought this was a house warming party.” Inuyasha said flatly.

“It is. For people who live here.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean!”

“Im considering kicking you out.” Kagome said as she turned her back on him.

“Wh-what the hell?! You cant kick me out!” He blasted.

“Oh, I can. Marital spats happen all the time right?” She gave a shrug of her shoulders.

“And were having one of those right now?”

Kagome narrowed her eyes.

“What do you think?”

Inuyasha turned his nose up.

“I don't know why you're so worked up about this. I made it here didn't I?”

“You-You made it- UGH!” Kagome rubbed her temples. “Sure Inuyasha. That's the important part. Not that I could have used your help earlier. Or that Ive been calling you nonstop for hours. Or that you walked out last night mid conversation- No, it matters that you showed up here now, 20 minutes before the guests arrive, smelling like alcohol, looking like a freaking wreck and- Oh look, is that a hickey?” Kagome moved her hands up to his neck. “Of course it is. Couldn't bother to look respectable right?”

Inuyasha was seething. SEETHING. Clenching his fists so tightly he drew blood, he struggled to get his words out.

He had come here ready to apologize.

But that damn bitch, she just couldn't let her runaway mouth stop for one minute.

Nooo, she had to talk about all the crap he did wrong. The drinking, the women, leaving… and… and she wanted to kick him out?

Of his house?

Fuck that.

No way in hell.

“Damn it, Kagome I-“

“Just forget it for now. Go take a shower and get dressed.” She said in a stern voice. She looked at him with hard, cold eyes.

“When youre done, come to my room.”

“Eh? For what.”

She took a step closer to him, closing the gap. The air was filled with tension so thick he could physically feel it.

And she… she reached out her delicate hand, placing it on the side of his face.

And turned it with a force that would have hurt a human man.

“So I can cover up this hickey. Honestly. How old are you?” She mumbled looking it over.


“Ive gotta get ready. Just go shower.” She sighed, leaving him behind.


Kagome ran the comb through her hair, staring at herself in the mirror in disbelief.

This felt familiar.

Before she had been preparing for an engagement announcement to a total stranger.

And now she was throwing a house warming party with a friend… sort of…

No, that's not right.

A friend wouldn't have pulled a stunt like that. A friend would have been there to support her.

Did he have any idea how nervous she was?!

To have all of his relatives… high ranking executives… total strangers…

And her Mama… Gramps… Souta…

The people she didn't want to disappoint most in the world.

They so wanted her to be happy, to give this sham of a marriage a shot.

And she had, hadnt she? She had gone out of her way to be kind, considerate, understanding…

But how much was she expected to take?

Pinning her hair up into a bun, she let a few choice strands fall free.

She should get dressed. Time was ticking away, and she was still in her dressing robes.

Kagome stood up and retrieved the dress from the closet. It was a stunning shade of dark blue, stopping short above the knee. It was classy and elegant, But still with style. It flared in the right places to showcase her curves.

When she had gone shopping with Inuyasha, she had felt confident in that dress. She chose it for that reason alone. She could use any booster she could get.

She let the robe fall from her shoulders as she prepared to dress. Time was slipping away from her.

Kagome heard the sound of the nob turning, the squeak of the door. She turned her head, on instinct.

Only to meet the golden gaze of her husband.


She was standing there, undressing for him.

Fuck, he knew it wasn't for him, but try telling that to his demon?

He got one look at her, shoulders bared, neck turned in a submissive way, and he lost.

His demon was in control.