InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Fairytale Come True ❯ Breaking Up With Kikyo Again ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A Fairytale Come True
Ch.3 Breaking Up With Kikyo Again


“Fuck Off! Five more minutes won’t hurt!” Covering her head with her blanket she tried going to sleep.

“Fine I’ll go tell my mom and believe she won’t be happy about you sleeping late.” Finally awake Kagome glared at her.

“Oh and she said since its Saturday you have to work at the diner.”

“Yeah, yeah I think I know by now Kikyo”

“Well then wench I’ll be leaving I need to go to the beauty salon” Slowly she swayed her hips as she walked out of Kagome’s room.

“Yeah you really need a new makeover slut”, she murmured.

Yawn. <Well I’ll go get a shower and then head to Linda’s Diner.>

~Linda’s Diner~

“Hello Kagome how are ye today?”, asked Kaede.

“Great Kaede thanks. How bout you?”

Kaede was like the grandma she never had. Yeah of course she had a grandma, but she died as well as her grandpa.

“Ah very well. Now get to work so that way ye has more time to do whatever ye kids do these days.”

“I doubt that Kaede. Linda always makes sure I don’t have any fun on Saturdays.”

“Don’t worry just get to ye’s job.” Heading toward the kitchen Kaede started washing the plates.

“Oh hey Kagome. Nice to see you today.”, said Rin.

“Nice to see you too. Is Sango not working today?”

“No she said she had a dentist appointment”

“Ok, I’ll get to work now.”

<This fucking sucks having to clean the freaking floor. If it wasn’t for the fact that Linda had money or should I say my tuition money I would have runaway a long time ago to Sango’s or something.>

~At the same time she says this Inuyasha, Miroku, Kouga, Kikyo, Kagura, and Yura enter~

“Kagome! Could you take the orders for table 7? I’m kinda running late with orders.”, asked Nazuna another worker at the diner.

“Sure” Looking at table 7 she suddenly regretted her answer. <Oh well might as well get it over with>

Skating on the roller blades (part of the uniform) she went to take there orders.

~Table 7~

“Well, well look what the dog brought in” Looking at Kikyo with hatred she put on a fake smile and asked for there orders.

“Is there anything to order with no fat, sugar, and salmon in it?”

“Well I don’t know…….water?” Replied Kagome in a sarcastic voice. <Its not my fault her mom has fat, sugar, and salmon in everything.>

The guys laughed.

“That was NOT funning right girls?”, asked Kikyo to her sister and Yura. Both nodded their heads.

“Come on Kikyo you got to admit it was funny.” Chuckling Inuyasha looked at Kagome and ordered a Pepsi.

“Well diner girl I’ll have Voz”, said Kikyo. (I don’t remember if that’s what rich people call water In the movie)

“Excuse me?”

“Kagome you don’t know what Voz is?”, asked Kagura her other stepsister.

“Uh no?”

“Voz is a word for rich people meaning Water.”, said Yura.

“Well I’m sorry there is only water from the valley here and you should know after all it is your mom’s diner Kikyo, Kagura.”

“Well then I’ll get Ice Tea and how about you girls what do you want?”, asked Kikyo.

“I already ate”, said Yura brushing her hair with her hand.

“Pills aren’t food Yura.”, said Miroku.
“You do know that right?”, said Kouga.

“Hmph!” She glared at Kouga and Miroku.

“I’ll get Ice Tea as well.”, said Kagura checking her nails.

“WELL! Don’t just stand there you stupid girl!” Yelled Kikyo.

“Why you Bi-”

Interrupting Kagome Inuyasha said, “Excuse her Kagome go ahead and get three Pepsi’s and two ice tea’s.”

<My heart started to beat……so fast when he said my name……I wonder why?>

~Back to table 7~

“Kikyo I want to talk to you privately”, asked Inuyasha.

“Well whatever you have to say my girls can hear also so go ahead.”

“Well……..ah what the hell…..Kikyo I breaking up with you.”


“Inuyasha I’m so sorry I was drunk! I had gone with Yura to a bar and I drank a bit too much! Please please Inu I love you! I want to be with you.” Faking tears Kikyo looked at him.

“…….Ok one more chance Kikyo” He hated when women cried even if it was Kikyo.

<Hook, Line, Sinker> Thought Kikyo.

~End Flashback~

“WHAT! You can’t break up with me. You’ll come back to me like a lost puppy. You just need sometime,

“No I don’t Kikyo! You’re a freaken heartless walking zombie.”

“What! Why you son of a bi-” Putting a hand on Kikyo’s shoulder Miroku guided her towards the exit.

“Why you! Hmph! Come on Kagura, Yura we’re leaving!”

“Well that was smooth…..”

“Shut it Kouga”

“Here’s your order……”, said an oblivious Kagome to the fight that took moments ago. <Where Kikyo and Kagura go?>

“It’s ok forget the orders. Let’s go guys.” Leaving a tip they left.

“Well that was a waste.” Sigh <This jobs sucks>

~Inuyasha’s Mansion~

<Wonder if she’s on?>

Logging on…Connection Established.

AOL: Welcome!

*******AIM Message to PrincetonPrincess18*******

PrincetonPrince17: Hey

PrincetonPrincess18: Hey

PrincetonPrince17: I wanted to ask you something Homecoming is in a week I was wondering if I could meet you there?

PrincetonPrincesss18: I don’t know

PrincetonPrince17: Please! I’ll be waiting at the waiting in the middle of the dance floor at 11.

PrincetonPrincess18: I’ll try

PrincetonPrince17: Thank you. Well I got to go I have to help dad with some shit. Bye!

PrincetonPrincess18: Ok bye!

~Kag’s House~

“What the hell have I gotten my self in?”

A/N Both Inu and Kag are 18 bye the way! I kinda forgot to tell you about it. And this fic isn’t exactly like the movie A Cinderella Story. It would be plagiarism if I made it exactly the same and kinda boring if you already saw the movie.