InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Feudal Fairytale: The Begining ❯ That's All? ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"So that's all I have to do?" I asked, blinking back more hot tears. I knew I could rely on Lord Sesshoumaru, I mean, he has saved my life once already, and surely he would do it again if necessary. Wouldn't he? "Yes, child. May good fortune be with you." She stood and took my hand. "He will go to the ends of the earth to keep you safe, fret not." I stood and gave Kaede a hug. "I sure hope so..." I said to her. I looked up.
There was a tear running down her cheek. I turned away, unable to look any longer. With a sigh, I looked out into the night. We had been talking for hours. "Well.." I started, but I couldn't think of anything to say. I stepped out into the darkness and walked to the hut that Kaede-Sama had left so willingly to accommodate Lord Sesshoumaru.
Then I stopped-something moved. I stool stalk still, hardly daring to breathe. Surely a demon wouldn't dare to trespass in the village. But wait- a white-ish blur was at the entrance to the hut. What was it?
Then it hit me- "Lord Sesshoumaru!" I said, running to him. I got there just in time to hold him steady, considering he was swaying dangerously. He leaned against the doorframe. "Rin, where were you?" He asked in a low whisper.
I could easily hear the worry in his voice. "I'm sorry, my Lord. I went to Kaede-Sama to ask her a question; I did not mean to be gone so long. What are you doing up? I thought you were sleeping." I asked, leading him to the blankets he had obviously been sleeping in minutes ago. "I was, but when I woke up I didn't see you anywhere I was worried that you had been taken by a demon, other than I, of course." He explained.
*3rd person restored*
'Smooth, really smooth,' Said the voice in Sesshoumaru's head. He growled, and Rin looked up, obviously scared. Either he smelled something or he was in a LOT of pain. "Lord Sesshoumaru?" Asked Rin nervously, "Are you alright?"
He had lain down, and was looking at the roof. "Yes, I'm in a bit more pain than I would like, that's all." He lied quietly. 'You know you hate lying to her.' Said the voice, 'You think I DON'T know that?' He berated the voice. 'Yes.' 'Uggh' He growled in his mind, not wanting to scare Rin again. "I'm going to try to get some sleep, O.K.?" He asked Rin, who was looking at him piteously. O.K., Lord Sesshoumaru." She said in a tired voice, "I think I will too." She said quietly, not looking at him.
He nodded and closed his eyes. He was asleep in seconds. 'Well,' Rin said to herself, looking Sesshoumaru strait in the face, 'It's now or never.' She gulped. "I hope this works."
She bent down and when her face was a few inches away from Sesshoumaru's, she said, "I, Rin, open my body and mind to the pain my Lord, Sesshoumaru, endures." Her voice seemed to be shy, because it seemed harder than ever to speak. "And now I prove my love for him..." She said, bending farther towards him.
Rin closed her eyes and gently kissed Sesshoumaru on the lips. Suddenly her back and neck erupted with pain. Unable to bear it, she fell over onto Sesshoumaru's chest . The last thing she saw was Sesshoumaru open his eyes slowly. His lips formed a word, but she heard nothing. The world went black and she felt as if she was falling. That was all she knew, because, at that moment, she passed out.