InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Feudal Fairytale: The Begining ❯ The Tables Have Turned ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

*Sesshoumaru's point of view*
'Smooth, really smooth,' Said the voice in Sesshoumaru's head. He growled, and Rin looked up, obviously scared. Either he smelled something or he was in a LOT of pain. "Lord Sesshoumaru?" Asked Rin nervously, "Are you alright?" He had lain down, and was looking at the roof. "Yes, I'm in a bit more pain than I would like, that's all." He lied quietly. 'You know you hate lying to her.' Said the voice, 'You think I DON'T know that?' He berated the voice. 'Yes.' 'Uggh' He growled in his mind, not wanting to scare Rin again. "I'm going to try to get some sleep, O.K.?" He asked Rin, who was looking at him piteously. "O.K., Lord Sesshoumaru." She said in a tired voice, "I think I will too." She said quietly, not looking at him. He nodded and closed his eyes. He was asleep in seconds.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sesshoumaru heard a voice, and then it stopped. He strained his ears, listening hard. Then he heard it again, far more emotion in it this time, saying something like "I prove,", and then, "for him." Then he felt a sort of gentle touch to his lips. Sesshoumaru felt lighter, and less tired. Now, intrigued, he opened his eyes slowly. What he saw would haunt him repetitively in the coming nights. "Rin?" Rin was next to him one second, next second she fell over, seemingly out cold. He sat up quickly, arms outstretched, ready to catch the unconscious child. Of course he did, but he felt no feeling of triumph. All he felt now was a mixture of fear, worry, anguish and confusion. "Rin. Rin, wake up." He said quietly, "Ri-," He started, but was cut off. "Sesshoumaru, it worked then? I had wished the magic would not be strong enough." Sesshoumaru looked up, feeling something he had felt only once before. Pure sadness.
The last time he had felt that was the last time he saw his mother, when he wondered when he would ever see her again. He hoped Rin wouldn't disappear like her. He wouldn't, no couldn't live without her.
"Kaede, what worked? What magic are you speaking of? You had better explain yourself, now." He said the last word with such force and emotion that he almost reverted to his true form. He forced his way back to control, growling slightly. Kaede however, didn't look shocked in the least. In fact, she looked as if she had been expecting it. "Of course, follow me." He moved, as if to set Rin down, but stopped when he heard Kaede say, "I think you had better bring the child, t'would not be wise to leave her alone." Sesshoumaru nodded, frowning.
'What did Rin do to deserve this? Now she will suffer. Though it is my burden to bear, Rin is now the one who carries it' While Sesshoumaru was looking down, he did not in fact see anything. His mind was so occupied that when Kaede stopped he collided with her, painfully. "Ah, 'tis what I feared, hasten Sesshoumaru, before the other villagers awaken." Sesshoumaru looked out the doorway, and true enough, Kagome, InuYasha, Miroku, Sango, and Shippo were walking around.
He noticed that the demon slayer-Sango, he believed- was injured. She had a slightly bloody bandage around her upper left leg. Her companion, the monk, Sesshoumaru realized, seemed to keep a hand on her shoulder at all times, despite the fact that he too bore an injury. He had a crude bandage around his right hand and forearm. They looked at Sesshoumaru and Kaede for a moment, eyes flitting from Rin to Sesshoumaru and back. It was InuYasha broke the silence. "What did you do to her Sesshoumaru? Last I saw, you were unconscious and she was watching you like a hawk, not the other way around!" He said, stepping foreword. Kagome joined him, "Sesshouamru! What happened to-? Hang on a second...Kaede, you didn't tell her-? No, you couldn't have-she's not powerful enough, unless.....Kaede! How could you do that?! I don't see why-." What she was going to say next, we can only guess, because, at that moment, Kaede cut her off. "Stop your gibberish girl, and come along. We need all the pure energy we can get." She turned to InuYasha," InuYasha, have you seen Kikyo recently?" She asked. InuYasha looked at Kagome and shivered. It was probably because she had shot him a look so rueful that if looks could kill, he'd be six feet under. But he shook his head, and Kagome calmed down a bit.
"No, I haven't seen Kikyo for a while now, come to think of it." Kaede nodded, frowning. "Very well. Monk," She said, turning to Miroku, "you come along too, you could prove helpful." Miroku and Sango exchanged glances, and Miroku followed Kaede, Sesshoumaru and Kagome to the place where Kaede had been staying.
(A/N: His true form is that big dog thing, if you've seen the first episode that he's in, you'll understand...if not, you can probably figure it out anyway...)