InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A life I can't even live is what I have to deal with... ❯ Arrow games. ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well, I hope all like this chapter. I've been staying up really lte these past few days and am also grounded at the same time. Another thing, who the hell is sending me junk e-mail!?!?! It's frickin' annoyin', damn it! When I find out what these messages are from, I'll whoop their ass to hell and back again.

A life I can't even live is what I have to deal with... - Chapter 12: Arrow games.

Kagome woke with a start. She rubbed her head and looked to the window. She saw Sesshoumaru there, sitting like Inuyasha did in the tree right outside her room window. Kagome sighed and pushed back the covers. Buyo ran away to the window to look at Sesshoumaru once more. Kagome snorted heavely and got out of bed.

The miko walked slowly to her closet full of clothes. She whisked through them quickly, looking for the right outfit. Kagome hit her head on the closet door when she couldn't find the outfit. Then, a thought struck her. Oh, please Mommy did, Mommy did. Say she did!!! Kagome pushed back all her clothes while sticking out her tongue. All the clothes were starting to get extremly heavy. Finally, she saw at the back of the closet the outfit of destination.

It was an old-fashion training/fighting uniform. It was a dark blue, almost a navy black, and hung low at the ankles. The hoari was white and had no sleeves. An obi of sky blue was wrapped around the waist as well. Kagome reached out to it and lifted it off the hanger. She changed into the uniform and walked to the first story of her home. She went to the storage closet her granfather sometimes kept some of his shrine cra...err...artifacts.

She looked into the pile of junk and shook her head. Poor gramps never felt like organizing a thing in his whole life... Kagome sighed and dug through almost everything. It took a while, but she finally a bow and a couple of arrows. The bow had a silver handle and the arrows had metal tips for battle. Kagome grinned as she pulled them out of the small storage room. She walked to her couch and dug between two cushions. She felt something smooth and pulled it out. There, she found a picture of Inuyasha grinning, holding tetsusaiga. Kagome put it into her shirt and pulled her bow and arrows, as well as the picture, outside. There, she set up a target.

Kagome pinned the picture of Inuyasha to the target and grinned. Time for my favorite game: Stick Inuyasha with an arrow until I rip the picture apart. Kagome walked back about 25 feet back. She held the silver handle in her hand tightly, her knuckles already showing white. Kagome pulled out an arrow and pulled the string back as well. The string on the arrow hissed as it was pulled back tightly. Then, Kagome let the arrow fly with no purification energy drive through the arrow. When Kagome walked to the target, she saw that the arrow hit Inuyasha on the ear.

"Oh, look at me. My aim was off. Still, you were sensative on your ears. To bad I didn't get your nose, though..." Kagome fingered the end of the arrow and shrugged it off. Her aim would never be as good as Kikyo. Oh, how she hated to even think the name. Saying it was an even worse situation...

The raven-haired girl walked back to her place and once again drew back her string witht he arrow in hand. The arrow flew as it hit the her target. Again, no purification; that wasn't used until her last arrow. Kagome looked at her picture of Inuyasha and saw her arrow hit Inuyasha's chest--his heart. Kagome grinned and smiled. "You die Inuyasha!"

Kagome redied her blow once more when she head a twig snap. She looked to where the noice came from. There she saw Sesshoumaru. He was staring at her target where the picture of Inuyasha hang. Kagome lowered her bow and then looked to the picture. "Like my masterpiece?"

Sesshoumaru grunted and rolled his eyes. Kagome just smirked and used another arrow. She pulled the bow string, careful not to break the wood frame of the bow. She gripped the arrow and let it fly as she let the bow string go. When it hit the target, Kagome stared at her aim. This time, it hit his face. "Score! I got his face!"

"You're obssessed." Sesshoumaru said simpley. He leaned against a tree and stared at Kagome's performance. Kagome pulled her last arrow. This time, she took extra aiming and redying her stance. Just as she was to let go, pink purification energy was already radiating from her arrow. Kagome smirked and let the arow fly free with energy of a miko. Within seconds, Kagome's whole picture was no more.

Kagome advanced to the target. She pulled out the arrows, or what was left of them, and then untacked the picture of Inuyasha. Only little bits and peices of it remained now. Kagome shook her head threw it to the ground. "Lord Sesshoumaru, I need to go and visit some friends. Don't do anything I wouldn't do, 'kay?"

Sesshoumaru simpley nodded. Kagome smiled at him sweetly and began to walk towards the house with the arrows and bow in hand. When she walked back out, Sesshoumaru wasn't there any more. Ok... The miko walked down the street and towards Wacdonalds. That's where her friends most likely were. As she wove down the streets of Tokyo, her mind raced on Ayumi. That little bitch told the press!? Kagome was fuming mad that the press would come into the Higurashi family life and then go to HER friends.

Then, before she knew it, Kagome was already at Wacdonalds. And sure enough at their regular table there sat Ayumi, Eri, and Yuka. All fo them sat there eating burgers and fries. Kagome smirked as she walked into the restraunt. She approuched the table with people staring at her.When she finally got to their table, Kagome glared at Ayumi.

"You told the press what, Ayumi?" All of them could cleary see Kagome was in a bad mood.

"What's wrong with telling the media there was a fourth member in the Higurashi family?" Ayumi asked innocently.

"Maybe because you told them I was in the hospital; and I wasn't!!" Kagome then regretted her words. What the hell was she going to tell them now?

All them gasped. Kagome shook her head and slid into the booth. "Then where were you? And you missed so much school because of it, too." Yuka said.

"I went somewhere with some friends." Kagome with a sad face. Then her memory spiked. "Do y'all remember that violent boy I told y'all about? The one I liked?" All of them nodded anxiously. "Well, I found out he never liked me. It was all a stage-play. He never gave a damn about my feelings." Eri gasped and hugged Kagome.

"You poor thing!" Eri said with a sad face. Then Kagome smirked. All of her friends then had questioning looks on their faces.

"Now, I have a thing for his half-brother. And if he knows, too! And he's very sorry." Kagome rolled her eyes and stole a fry.

"I wouldn't take him back if he were last human being on earth!" Eri said taking a bite of her burger. How ironic! He's not human... Kagome thought sweat dropping.

"Well, his half-brother can be really old at times. No emotion in his eyes, but he was kind of nice. I'll admit that much. He even defended me when his half-brother came." Kagome then got a dreamly look in her eyes. "Did I mention the guy I'm hooked on is older than his violent half-brother?" All of her friends eyes widened. They must be shocked to know I like someone older than me...

"We have to meet him!" They all yelled at once. Kagome's eyes winden and she shook her head furiously.

"Sorry! Not a chance..." Kagome said standing up again. She got out of the booth and stood at the edge of the table. All of her friends then took note of her clothes. They were...different.

"What's with the oldy clothes, Kagome?" Ayumi asked.

"Ya, what?" Eri and Yuka asked at the same time.

"Archery. I had a picture of the violent guy and then shot him with some arrows. The picture is no more..." Kagome smirked as her friends gasped. "Well, I'm going home!" Kagome then starting walking to the door. Thne she turned around to look at them. "And don't come to my house. I'm not going to school for a while, either." Then Kagome left.

Kagome then put her hand in her pockets and looked at the ground. She wasn't paying any attention to where she was going and didn't care. All that mattered was what she told her friends. All she could think about was that all of it was so true. She did have a thing for Sesshoumaru---good or bad, she wasn't that sure. All she knew, and wanted to know, was that Sesshoumaru was cold, warm, unemotionless, and feelingful all at the same time. That's what she lo--liked about Sesshoumaru.

~*~End of Chapter~*~

R& R...