InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Marriage of Convenience for Whom? ❯ But How? ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Inuyasha is the property of Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Productions among others.
Thanks to my reviewers! I heart you guys!: Totally Kawaii (winner of this round's fastest reviewer ever), Jessie Angel, LiLaZnCrAzYgUrL216, Totally Kawaii (again, lol), kagome1312, StarSakura46, Rose of Sharon, anastassia, xXKimiko SakakiXx, Jabba1, Sassa, Inuluvher151, Autumn_the_Reviewer, Inuyasha Baby_bre, Silver Angeliss, Miss BinKy, srg1, and Magawa
Unistar: I know Kagome's characterization in this isn't the strongest, and I don't think it will change. But in my other fic, “Better Things than You” Kagome packs more of a punch or she will. I usually try to make the heroine strong, but this time I spent so much time trying to unravel the damn plot so it made sense, that that goal pretty much went out the window.
Sakura onto Hitomi: I've checked this story, and I did reference Angelina Jolie in Chapter 16 with the newspaper men, but other than that, I don't think I've been using that couple. Maybe I over looked something, but I'll find it when I do my final edit. Thanks for being more observant and me, lol. I'll keep that in mind for Kikyou's husband, since he has been such a lame duck character.
Vagabond: Closet, eh? Interesting idea….
Xaenthe: Did you used to write “My Little Pony”? I checked your profile and you had taken all your stories off, so I couldn't tell. As far as the italicized thing goes, I am a total computer fuckwit and write all my stuff in Word. I've checked the Word file I posted and it looks fine, so I'm really at a loss as to what I should do. As I have promised others, I am doing a massive edit when I'm done writing, so I'll try to fix it then. Hopefully. Thanks for bringing it to my attention though.
Tif: You're right, he should suffer. I really tried to make Kagome the “bad guy” in this fic—she does do a lot of lying, though it is for the good of her sister—but obviously I have failed horribly. I even feel sorry for Kagome, and I'll have to work on Inuyasha, since in my outline he was supposed to be the emotional victim, but he really isn't helping his case at all.
Sorry I couldn't comment on you all lovelies, but I've been working on this chapter, and I thought you would rather have it than me yakking about what you had already said. As always if I didn't respond to something important you've pointed out, yell at me (nicely—I'm sensitive!).
Chapter 19
Not for the first time in several months, Kikyou found herself seated across from the disgruntle board of directors of Dreamstone Pictures.
However, this time, instead of being upset at the media or the state of affairs for their company, they were more than a little angry with Kikyou herself. They had evidently been saving up the scandal concerning the love triangle between Brad, Angelina, and Jennifer Aniston for some time and were therefore more than a little pissed that the beans had been spilled from that particular pot.
The actress was ready for fury and was sitting next to her lawyer who in turn had neatly stacked before him a mini-mountain of copies of her Dreamstone contract.
“We were expecting an apology, Mrs. Higruashi. Not a legal meeting.” One of the faceless members of the board said tartly as he took in the lawyer and his contracts. “The leak you and your assistant caused concerning the affairs of the Pitts and Miss Jolie has caused us much trouble.”
Kikyou snorted, spirals of smoke steaming out her nose. “You want me to apologize for defending myself and mine, simply because in that defense I messed up one of the many many possible ways you might fuck with other people's lives?” Kikyou demanded in a bored voice. She toyed with her pack of cigarettes, going from each board member to stare everyone one of them in the eye with her skull-burrowing glare. “I know what I'm worth, gentlemen, and though I also know I'm not getting of this unscathed, if you do not let this pass over, neither will you.”
“Is that a threat because we feel—”
“If you couldn't tell that was a threat, then let me make one that will bite you in the ass.” She blew a smoke circle. “Then perhaps you'll be able to see what I mean.”
“Can we approach this in a more mature manner?” Another board member piped up. “Kikyou, all we are asking of you is that you help us in explaining that it was your sister and not yourself that married Mr. Takahashi. We have checked the opinion poles, and while your approval rating has remained the same, Inuyasha's has taken a dip. People like married celebrities. If we let the public know about Kagome—”
The man was cut off by the sound of Kikyou's laughter.
“Mrs. Higurashi?”
Kikyou abruptly stopped her giggle fit. “No.” Her eyes had taken on a stone look and her face held not a trace of her momentary humor. “Not on my life.”
It was the members of Dreamstone Pictures' board of directors' turn to look pleased. “We think you will.”
“Unfortunately gentlemen,” Kikyou's lawyer finally spoke up, “Or unfortunately for you I should say, Kagome Higurashi is protected under her sister's contract. You can not mention her name, `Kagome Higurashi,' without facing extreme legal censure.”
“Then well just go to the media.”
“No, you won't. We have already paid visits to the five major media distributors, and they understand the legal ramifications if they pick up your story. They will not touch a story dealing with a blood relation—such as a sister—of one Kikyou Higurashi for fear of supreme fines. To report on Kagome Higurashi simply is not profitable when all the focus is elsewhere.” The little man shuffled through his papers to pull out another stack. “You can not do anything without dropping Mrs. Higurashi from your company, and if you'll look at these financial reports,” the lawyer quickly passed them out, “you'll see that wouldn't be in your best interests.”
Most of the board members knew that without looking at the paper they had taken up.
“So what do you want us to do?”
“Just let it go. Let all of this run its course in the media and don't mention Kagome.” Kikyou took a pensive drag off of the cigarette. “Can you even handle that?”
“What options have you left us with?”
For the first time in some time, Kikyou's lips curved upward in a truly pleased expression.
The room was smoky, swirls of the toxic mist lifting from the bed to the ceiling. Each puff was further pushed upward by another. The atmosphere was almost relaxing until…
The hanyou jerked his body up off the bed hacking and coughing as he gagged in his attempt to fill his lungs with clean air.
How in the fuck could she smoke those damn things?
Inuyasha felt shitty. He felt beyond shitty—more like some creature that was so desperate they were forced to eat shit. And like—nay savor—the taste of shit.
And that was what he deserved.
He missed Kagome, but she betrayed him.
And while he hated her for her betrayal, he also hated himself for allowing her to hurt him. He had followed her around like a little lost puppy, pursued her when he knew that she wasn't the most faithful person. Sure, she had been honest about it all—well, not all of the story—but she had told him more than she had to. For that little bit, he was grateful.
But it all still hurt, and he was smoking cigarettes in a poor attempt to remember her since going to her apartment was not an option. Breaking into her home had only led to a run in with the very girl he wanted to avoid, and that made the pain so much worse.
The things he had said to her, the cuts on her arms he knew he inflicted in his cloud of rage and ache. He had not meant those words or actions, but it didn't matter. In spite of what she had done to him, his actions toward her were unforgivable. Though he could not ask for her absolution, he questioned if he would want to see her in order to be forgiven himself.
Yet if he got anymore desperate, he might need such a reason to stand in the same room as her.
But what then? She was married—really married. Not a fake marriage to save his acting ass, but married to a man she loved and had chosen for herself.
Maybe that was what made it hurt so much. She had been married for several years to another man. All those movies they had made together, all those dinners and parties that went to, and all those moments they had had together more recently when he called her Kagome and he had thought were special—none of it was as he had seen it. She had already married herself to another man and promised to stay with him for always. There had never even been a chance for them in hell.
Inuyasha cursed as the cigarette burned to the end, scorching his fingers. He had been staring blankly at it, trying to piece a thought together that kept bugging him. Once he had flung the chard piece of paper away, he returned to the nagging notion.
Kagome didn't smell or taste like smoke, yet every time he had ever been around her in her Kikyou persona, she had reeked of cigarettes and ash. Even during faked kisses with his human senses, he had been able to tell she smoked. No amount of mouthwash and mints could cover it up, especially for a dog demon.
It didn't make any sense.
There was a sudden knock on the door and Inuyasha sensed Miroku on his doorstep. Putting his troubles aside, he made to let his friend in, not expecting the trouble that waited for him once he opened the door.
She was having the dream again, the one where he said her name.
Even in her dream there was something not right—
Waking with a start, like fluid pieces of a puzzle fitting together at last Kagome new what it was that bothered her so: the tone, the inflection, the pitch, and pronunciation of the way Inu said her name were the same as Inuyasha's.
The distant memories of both men speaking to her merged in her mind. Could it be? But how?
Again, she was doing it. Trying to make the two men into a single entity.
Why can't you just poxy let it go Kagome?
But what if…
No. Leave it alone. You are stressed and it's making you think crazy things. Let it go before Sango has to put you in a straightjacket. You know she would.
Resigning herself to the fact that she was not in the best mental condition to be making connections, Kagome rolled over and tried to go back to sleep.
It was very dark wherever he was.
Or maybe he was just blindfolded—he really couldn't tell his head hurt so badly.
One minute he was opening the door to who he knew was Miroku, and the next his friend was slapping one of those damned paper spells on his forehead. That was where the massive, soul-crushing headache must have come from. At that point, he hadn't been able to see or hear much and he began to panic. He wanted to fight, but when he tried to struggle Inuyasha found he could hardly move.
Then there had been other hands on him—more hands than just Miroku. They flipped him onto his stomach and wrenched his arms behind his back, fastening his wrists together with what he could only assume was youkai-strength rope. He had been hauled up roughly and, as his legs were not working at the present, carried to a waiting car. Another ofuda had been slapped on his forehead, and he had passed out…
…only to wake up in this cold, dark room.
There was a faint rusting and Inuyasha abruptly found his senses returned to him. He tried to reach up to remove his blindfold, only to find his hands were still bound behind his back.
Struggling, he found they were tied expertly and perhaps even laced with some spiritual energy that restrained his youkai. Every time he pushed against the binds he felt the tiniest shock of purification. Why did he ever become friends with a man who dabbled in Buddhism?
Now that the ofuda was removed, he could hear clearly: the breathing of at least one other person, the creak of floor boards above his head. Those sounds coupled with the musty smell of mold and things of disuse, Inuyasha surmised he was in a basement. The place did reek like every other basement he had ever been in.
“You've really put her through a lot, you know?” A man's voice broke though the thick silence.
Inuyasha was taken aback. Not really knowing who or what the speaker was talking about, he could only question: “Who?”
“Your wife,” the other man offered simply. If he could see, Inuyasha swore he would have seen a smile on his face to match the one in his voice.
“I don't have a wife,” Inuyasha spat, feeling the old anger well up inside of him. “Where am I anyway? Where is that weasel Miroku? I know that little bastard had something to do with this! When I get my claws in him—”
“Hold your horses. We'll let you go soon.” Inuyasha felt fingers on his head and the blindfold was removed.
Blinking quickly, his eyes adjusted to the basement surroundings. It was a basement. The walls were lined with dusty box, jars, and old coffee cans; the floor a stark cement. In one corner stood a deep freeze and in the other…a frightening looking blade jutted out from a cutting platform to make a circle saw.
Oh god. I'm going to die and be cut up in a million little pieces. Miroku sold me out for my organs.
A soft chuckling wiped away the bloody vision playing before his eyes. Whipping his head around, Inuyasha found himself staring into the eyes of his kidnapper.
The abductor was not what he was expecting. Before him stood a short, balding mad who, despite his distinct lack of hair, could be no older than his mid thirties. On seeing the hanyou's confused expression the man's face crinkled into a warm smile.
“She's pretty heartbroken over you—even if she won't admit it—Kagome, I mean.”
Inuyasha scowled. “So? She's the one who was lying to me.” In his anger, confusion, and general disorientation he failed to notice the man's use of the name `Kagome'.”
“And you didn't keep secrets of your own?” The man reached forward and tweaked one of Inuyasha's ears. Violently the hanyou jerked his head away.
“The ears are not for touching, bubba.”
His abductor raised his hands in mock defense, chuckling his warm laugh again. “Fair enough, but I think you should realize that maybe like you, she had her reasons for doing the things she did.”
Inuyasha tilted his head to one side in thought, looking almost as if he were considering what he was being told. “Who the fuck are you?” Or not.
“I'm Kikyou's husband.”
Inuyasha couldn't stop the growl that escaped him. “So you're the one.”
The man only smiled down at him in amusement. “You could say that.”
“Where is she?”
“Do you think you have any right to see her? After all the things you said to her—did to her?”
Inuyasha scowled for a moment. Behind his back he fidgeted with the rope binding his hands. Absentmindedly, he slid a sharp claw up against the tight twine and found that, as he expected, his efforts only resulted in a small shock to his finger nail. Shrugging his shoulders, he thought about his abductor's question. Did he have a right to see Kagome ever again?
Why are you even asking this? You should even want to see that bitch again.
That's why. She may be a bitch, but she is my bitch.
Finally Inuyasha managed to answer the question: “I think it should be up to her whether or not she wants to see me. I would like to make amends for my actions, and if Kagome has any honor, she should wish to atone for hers.”
Again with the deep, warm chuckle from the kidnapper. “How eloquent. Did you steal that from one of your movies?”
Inuyasha sweat dropped. “Fuck you, ass hole. Who are you anyway?”
The man shook his head. “Have you never been kidnapped before? Don't you think if I told you that I would have to kill you?”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. He had been in Hollywood long enough to smell out criminals, and the man before him only smelled of kindness. True, there could be others, but if worse came to worse, he could find a way to protect himself. “Just answer the question.”
“I'm Kikyou's husband.”
He had to have known the shock his words would bring to the half demon. Inuyasha felt his eyes bleed red and he had the most painful urge to leap out of the chair and slash his kidnapper to ribbons. Bath in his blood and make him suffer in beautiful agony until he begged for mercy and then—only then—would he give him pleasing death in retribution for robbing him of the woman that should have been his.
Thankfully for Mr. Kikyou the knots held and Inuyasha only felt as though he had been mildly electrocuted with a cattle prod though his wrists.
“Ah, ah, Inuyasha. You really shouldn't get so upset,” he said as the red the hanyou's eye dimmed. “You might be able to get Kagome yet. If you can forgive and gain her forgiveness.”
Inuyasha snarled at him, snapping his fangs. “What's that supposed to mean? Who the hell do you think you are talking like that—Gandalf?”
“Patience, patience my dear hanyou.” He turned as if to go, but then turned back, a slightly confused look on his face. “What would you do, if you found your self in Kagome's presence again?”
Anger toward his abductor was Inuyasha's first reaction, but he took an uncharacteristic moment's pause to truly ponder the question. “Assuming you were not in my way? I would make things right—as least as right as I could.”
Mr. Kikyou seemed content with this answer and chuckled approvingly. “You'll have less trouble from me than you think. Rest a while, son,” he called over his shoulder as he made his way up the stairs.
“I think he's ready—or at least as ready as he'll be on your schedule.” He paused for a moment, thinking. “Why not give them both more time? The wounds are so fresh—”
She shrugged. “Think of it like ripping off a band-aid—the faster it's done the better.”
“Haven't you meddled in Kagome's life enough?”
“Clearly not. Get ready to bring him up. Kagome will be down shortly.”
Kagome had been pacing her room all afternoon, and she felt more annoyed with her inaction than usual. She needed to get out; she was sick and tired of beginning treated like a prisoner…or a mental patient.
For a moment, she thought of changing her clothes and simply leaving, but she remembered all the trouble that had caused her in the past.
Still in her pajamas, she headed downstairs toward the living to make demands of her sister. At the moment, even the thought of going to that damn health-food grocery store was tantalizing.
Inuyasha growled as he was man handled up from the basement where he had been stashed away. Without even getting a glance at the men how had been holding him, he was shoved through a door at the top of the stairs and much to his surprise, Inuyasha found himself not in a place of torture and murder but an ordinary kitchen leading into an ordinary living room.
Needless to say, the hanyou was quite confused. Stumbling as his eyes tried to adjust to the sudden glaring light, Inuyasha heading toward the den where he could distinctly make out the fumes of cigarette smoke.
There, half reclined on the couch lay Kikyou, propped up on one elbow and an over-stuffed pillow as she thumbed though a magazine and took drag after drag of her cigarette. Inuyasha wanted to run away from the woman, but some how his feet refused to obey, and he found himself moving closer and closer. When he was standing before her, she looked up at him with a lazy slowness, stifling a yawn that told of her boredom.
“Inuyasha, I'm so glad you finally finished talking with my husband so you could join me.” Kikyou's voice purred, and it held those tones of nonchalance that had always bothered him. She had never spoken to him like that when she had been Kagome. Not that that mattered at the moment. Effortlessly, she moved to sit on the couch, spreading both arms across the sofa's back and crossing her legs before her as she cocked her head back to look him in the eye.
Inuyasha found it hard to speak. All he found himself capable of doing was standing there staring down at the small women sprawled out on her sofa before him. He had so many questions—not least among them what the fuck he was doing in her house—but he could not get the knots out of his tongue. In turn, Kikyou only stared up at him with innocent eyes, pissing off the actor more and more.
At last, when he could take it no more, Inuyasha finally managed at weak, “Kikyou,” only to have the name echoed by a voice that was making its way down the stairs that lead from the living room to the upper floors of the house.
“Kikyou,” the voice repeated as it came closer and closer. With each breath the woman coming down the stairs uttered, Inuyasha was coming to a frightening realization with the familiarity of her voice. He did not even want to breathe through his nose for fear of what he would smell.
The steps descending the staircase came closer and closer to him, and Inuyasha found himself being turned against his will in the direction of the stairs. Who ever was coming toward him and Kikyou was blocked by a wall partition that kept the steps separated from the living room.
“Kikyou?” The speaker was practically within reach now. “I was wondering if—”
The girl's words came to a screeching halt as she entered the living room. Her eyes had initially been down, but when she stepped into the same room as Inuyasha, she had raised her gaze to find herself eye to eye with the hanyou.
“In—Inuyasha?” Kagome choked out as she stared up at him wide-eyed.
Inuyasha himself did not know what to say. He was shocked at the sight before him. The girl was Kikyou, but then there was no way he could have ever confused her with the famous actress. Somehow, with out being told, he knew she was Kagome.
But how?
She was dressed in faded clothes, sweat pants and a t-shirt that had seen better days but looked to be the epitome of comfort. A well-worn house robe hung loosely over her thin frame and the girl's hair was pulled back in a sloppy ponytail. Her eyes—with dark circles underneath them and a gleam of exhaustion—mirrored his own expression in a way that made Inuyasha shift uncomfortably on his feet.
This is Kagome. But how…?
He spun on his heels to look at the other woman, neat and tidy and a bit glamorous where she sat on the couch. Kikyou. Her clothes were fashionable and immaculate and not a hair on her head was out of place.
What the fuck is going on?
A/N: I know, super bad place to stop, but I'm using my personal need to know what happens next to write more. I can't wait!