InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Miko's Instincts ❯ A Miko's Instincts Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A Miko's Instincts Chapter 11
By Majicman
Disclaimer: No, I certainly do not own any of the characters in InuYasha. I do enjoy playing with `em, though.
A few days had passed, and Kagome was packing for a trip home.
“I don't see why you have to go now, Kagome,” said InuYasha as he nuzzled his mark on Kagome's neck.
Kagome giggle. “Quit that! You know what that does to me…and it's not going to change my mind. I have to see Mama.” She gasped as InuYasha's ministrations sent shivers up and down her spine.
InuYasha pulled back and looked into Kagome's eyes. “According to this (he tapped his nose) you don't want to go back…yet.” The hanyou went back to nuzzling the mark on her neck.
“You're incorrigible!”
“Don't know what that means, but if it means `horny'…”
“InuYasha!” Kagome looked around quickly. They were alone. “Alright, but make it fast. I'm still going to see mama.”
The hanyou growled, but decided to take what he could get. Quickly enough, he had Kagome exposed to him. Very quickly after that, they were making love.
It was at that moment that the flap over Kaede's door opened just a little and closed again. InuYasha and Kagome were both breathing a sigh of relief that whoever it was had left when…
“What are you guys doin'?”
“Hi, Shippo,” said Kagome as she blushed and hurriedly pulled a cover over herself and InuYasha.
“What are you doing here, runt?” asked InuYasha, who blushed also.
“I heard Kagome was going home and I wanted to know if she was gonna bring me some pocky. And maybe some new crayons and paper, too. Would you? Would you, please?” asked the kitsune.
“Of course I will, Shippo.”
“Is that all?” asked InuYasha, who was, after all, getting impatient.
“Kagome? Is it true I'm gonna have three brothers and sisters?”
“Yes, that's…mmMMH…true, Shippo.” Kagome glared at her mate, who had just demonstrated his impatience under the cover.
“Trying for four, InuYasha?” asked Shippo.
“Why, you…” InuYasha reached out to thump the kitsune's head, but missed because he had to stay under the cover with Kagome.
“Hey! I'm just a little kid and you shouldn't be doing that in front of me!” bawled Shippo. “And you wonder why I've been making myself scarce!” The door flap moved once and the kitsune was gone.
“I'm sorry, Kagome,” said InuYasha. “I guess I embarrassed you.”
“That's alright, InuYasha. Now…where were we?” Kagome pulled InuYasha down into her embrace. “Mama can wait a little longer.”
Kaede, Sango and Miroku were returning to Kaede's hut when they saw Shippo dashing off. As they approached the hut, they noticed pink and blue flashes coming out as well as various moans and cries.
Kaede shook her head and smiled. “Well, at least we know when not to enter my home.”
Sango was blushing, but she was looking excited, too.
“Correct me if I'm wrong, Kaede-sama, but isn't that hut behind yours unoccupied?” asked Miroku.
“I believe so,” answered Kaede with a chuckle. “As for me, I am going to a friend's house.”
Another loud moan came from Kaede's hut and the lights were getting brighter.
“What do you think, Sango?”
Sango grabbed Miroku's arm and growled, “Come on, Monk!”
An hour later, Kagome stretched languorously. “Let's do that again.”
“Oi,” replied InuYasha, smiling. “I thought you said you wanted to go home to see Mama.”
“I do,” said Kagome, looking thoughtful. “But part of me wants to stay here and…” Kagome blushed. “I don't know what's come over me, InuYasha. It's like I can't get enough of you.”
“Myoga spoke of this long ago. He said there would be…changes…in both of us if we mated.”
Kagome looked at InuYasha and smiled. He had just revealed that he had thought of mating with her long before it had happened. “What changes, InuYasha?”
“The first is aging. You will age with me.”
Kagome stared at InuYasha wide-eyed.
“When we marked each other, we each drank a little of the other's blood, that's why. Also, you'll have more stamina, you will heal faster….and your senses may get sharper, like a hanyou's, only you will continue to look human to all but the trained eye.”
“I…won't be…human?” asked Kagome.
“Well, you have fangs now, although you'd have to look close to see `em,” continued InuYasha. “Run your fingers over your teeth.”
“Ow! I do have fangs,” exclaimed Kagome. “But what did you get from me?”
“I'm not sure of everything yet, Kagome,” continued InuYasha, “but one thing is certain: I feel calmer.”
“That's good. Are you going to stop being mean to Shippo?”
InuYasha smiled. “Nahhh.”
After a few minutes pulling themselves together, InuYasha opened the door so they could leave Kaede's hut. Kagome went first. InuYasha followed with the backpack.
As he left, he heard a “psssst” and look behind him. There, sitting beside the door to the hut behind Kaede's, was Miroku. The monk had a goofy smile on his face. He looked towards InuYasha, cupped his ear with his hand, then thrust his fist into the air three times.
The hanyou looked at the monk and growled.
Miroku just grinned wider and shrugged his shoulders. Suddenly a hand reached out the door of the hut and dragged Miroku back in.
“What's that all about, InuYasha?” asked Kagome, who had been watching the whole thing.
“You don't wanna know. Let's get to the well.”
“She's gonna get pregnant that way,” said Kagome as they walked.
“She's not yet,” said InuYasha.
“How do you know?”
InuYasha tapped his nose. “Different scent.”
“So...what are you gonna tell your mother?” The two mates walked in silence till they were almost to the well.
Kagome stepped in front of InuYasha and pulled his head down to her for a deep kiss. “I'm going to tell her you forced yourself on me, I'm carrying three of your babies, and if she doesn't make you marry me I'll never forgive her!”
“Damn it!”
“Face it, mister! You're marrying this miko!” Kagome jumped into the well and felt the familiar sensation of the time shift.
“Come back here!” yelled InuYasha as he jumped in after her.
When Kagome emerged on the other side of the well, she felt different. Not bad…just different. She sighed. She couldn't put her finger on it…but it still didn't change the fact that she had to tell her mother what had happened.
She frowned in concentration. It was like something was missing, yet not missing. Oh well. She decided to go inside the house, but wait for InuYasha before saying anything.
Meanwhile, in the well, InuYasha had started the trip, but stopped almost as soon as he started. Yes, he was in the time slip, but what were these three balls of light floating ahead of him?
One was red, one blue, and one green. They danced before him, around him, they glanced off him. They seemed almost delighted by his presence. Each time they touched him, he had the overwhelming impression of one word: “Daddy.”
Could it be? He moved to go on and follow Kagome and felt them implore him: “Don't go.” He concentrated on the spheres, thinking “back soon.” The spheres brightened. He smiled and continued on his way. He wanted to test a theory.
When InuYasha emerged from the well in Kagome's time, the first thing he did was take a deep sniff. There was Kagome's scent…and he was right. He walked into her house and found Kagome and her mother in the living room. Souta and Kagome's Ji-chan were nowhere to be seen.
“Come in, InuYasha, dear,” said mama Higurashi. “Kagome says you two have something important to tell me.”
Kagome patted the seat next to her, indicating that her mate should join her. InuYasha sat down.
“Mama? I know this is sudden, but…” Kagome lifted her hair and showed her mother InuYasha's mark.
Mama Higurashi looked closely at the mark. “Isn't that Kanji for “Savior?”
InuYasha looked over at Kagome. He noticed she had her hand over the smaller Kanji symbols…the ones that said “of my manhood.” Smart girl.
“This symbol,” continued Kagome, “also means that InuYasha has chosen me for his mate.”
Mama Higurashi gasped. “But you're so young!”
“I love her, mama Higurashi,” said InuYasha.
Kagome looked over at her mate and smiled. InuYasha's saying that had sent a small thrill through her…almost as if he had touched the mark on her neck.
Mama Higurashi turned quickly to InuYasha. “Does he have a mark on his neck, too?” She pushed his hair back and read the Kanji. “Kagome!” she exclaimed.
Kagome blushed. “Excuse us, InuYasha.”
Kagome took her mother to another room. For some reason, she had forgotten about the hanyou's extraordinary hearing.
“Kagome!” said Mama Higurashi. “MY Stud???”
“The Kanji shows the true feeling of the person who put it there, Mama. I had no control over it.”
InuYasha fidgeted nervously as he overheard a very frank retelling of what had happened between him and Kagome.
“You're kidding!”
“No, he really is.”
“And he…”
“He really did!”
“And it happened right in front of her?”
“Three times.”
“And that means?
“THREE babies? Kagome! You're not even out of high school!”
“I know, but what can I do? I love him and I won't give our children up for anything!”
At least InuYasha could smile about that.
The two women came back into the room. Kagome looked nervous, but okay. Her mother looked…really about the same.
“I've told her, InuYasha. I told her I'm pregnant.”
“Actually,” said InuYasha, “you're not”
Both Kagome and her mother stared at InuYasha.
“I…I don't feel sick. I know I didn't lose our babies, InuYasha. What do you mean I'm not pregnant?”
“I'm not sure…but I think it would be more correct to say you're not pregnant right now. In fact, I met our children.”
Both women's jaws dropped. “What?”
“They're in the well.”
Back in the feudal era, Kaede finally returned to her hut. There had been no flashing lights for awhile now, so it should be safe. Before she went in, however, she noticed a lot of…activity…in the hut that was behind hers. Who had asked about that? Oh, yes. Miroku. Where was the monk, anyway? Come to think of it, the taijiya was missing, too. And wasn't that Shippo tiptoeing up the hut…that had Miroku's staff leaning against the wall next to the door.
“Oh, Shippo,” Kaede called out. “Why don't you come here and help an old miko with some chores around her home?”
“Awww, do I have to?”
“I think you do.”
Shippo ran up to Kaede and looked back at the hut. “You know, that was Miroku and Sango in there. I was gonna toss in some of my magic mushrooms.”
“I don't think they need your help, Shippo. Come with me.”
Kagome and InuYasha were ready to return to InuYasha's time. This time they would jump together.
“Bye, Mama.”
“Be safe, Kagome.” Mama Higurashi's face brightened. “Take good care of my three adorable, puppy-eared grandchildren.”
“I will, Mama.”
“Bye, Mama Higurashi,” said InuYasha.
“Take care of my girl.”
“Feh! Like I'd let something happen to her.”
Kagome and InuYasha jumped into the well. Both of them felt the familiar time slip as they traveled back.
“There, Kagome.” InuYasha pointed as three glowing spheres approached them.
Kagome was fascinated. “These…are our babies?”
“Yes, I think so.”
“It's amazing, InuYasha. We can actually see their spirits.”
“Yeah, well, I think it's `cause they can't go through the well with you. At least not till their born, maybe.” InuYasha shrugged. “I think they stay here while you're in the future.”
The red, green and blue spheres of lights danced around the couple.
“It's…It's almost holy, InuYasha. I feel like I'm seeing…”
Just then, the red sphere bumped into the blue sphere. There was a bright flash.
“What was that, InuYasha?”
The blue sphere jiggled a little, glowed intensely, then plowed into the red sphere once…and then again. The red sphere then glowed back at the blue sphere and seemed to be winding up for another run…but then the green sphere moved between the red and blue spheres as if it were trying to separate them.
Both the red and blue spheres glowed at the green sphere. The green sphere glowed right back at them, then moved back, after which the red and blue spheres seemed to bounce off each other.
“So much for `holy,'” said Kagome.
“Cut it out, guys,” shouted InuYasha. “We don't have time for this.”
The three spheres lined up before InuYasha.
“Time to go home,” said the hanyou.
The three spheres swirled around the Kagome and InuYasha. The red and blue ones drifted towards Kagome, then passed into her.
Kagome gasped and shuddered twice in quick succession.
“What was that, Kagome?”
“You don't want to know…but I could get used to this.”
The green sphere swirled around InuYasha, then started to settle into the hanyou's stomach.
“Hey. Hey! I ain't built that way! Get outta there!”
The green sphere re-emerged from InuYasha's belly, seemed to flicker at him a couple of times, then moved over to Kagome and settled in.
Once again, Kagome gasped and shuddered.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, but I may be making more trips to see Mama and back.”
InuYasha carried Kagome's pack out of the well, then came back and got Kagome.
“I bet I know a way to keep you here,” declared InuYasha. “Oh…and you're pregnant again, too.”
“I know, InuYasha. I know.”
The two lovers started along the path back to Kaede's village. Suddenly Kagome felt one pulse, then another.
“What is it, Kagome?”
“Two shards, InuYasha…headed this way, fast.”
A/N: I've been feeling a little guilty, having started this as a Romance/Comedy, `cause I've been trending more towards comedy with very little romance. I hope you'll excuse me for injecting a little more romance into this chapter, although I've kept the comedy.
On one other note, I've received a few reviews from other Mediaminer authors…all favorable, thank heavens (although I certainly welcome constructive criticism). I just wanted to say that I'm honored to be noticed by more accomplished and prolific writers than myself. Thank you so much for your comments.
And, as always, please read and review.