InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Miko's Instincts ❯ A Miko's Instincts Chapter 14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A Miko's Instincts Chapter 14
By Majicman
Disclaimer: No, I certainly do not own any of the characters in InuYasha. I do enjoy playing with `em, though. Uh-oh, Kagura.
“That was different,” muttered InuYasha as his brother's party disappeared from view.
“Kind of creepy, if you ask me,” replied Kagome. “I've never seen your brother laugh like that.”
“He laughed more when we were pups.”
“I remember one time when I was very young. He gave me a sika deerskin coat and dared me to pull a wolf youkai's tail.”
“Then there was the time Sesshomaru and his friends were playing with a ball and asked me to retrieve it from a cave. Turned out there was a bear youkai in there and it chased me for hours. I'm sure he laughed then. His friends, too. Then there was…”
“Nevermind, InuYasha,” sighed Kagome.
“Lady Kagome!” called out Miroku. “Do you sense the shard yet?”
“Hai, Miroku. But it's very distant. We should get moving.”
With that, the group got their things together and resumed their travel to the west and into Sesshomaru's territory.
Their advance didn't go unheeded by the Lord of the Western Lands.
A short distance away, Kikyo was making final preparations with Kagura. “Now, you know what to do. Give me a few minutes to soften InuYasha up, then you swoop down and attack me. Think you can handle that?”
“Yes, mistress.” Kagura smiled. Maybe one of her attacks could get a bit too close and…
“And don't screw up,” said a frowning Kikyo. She held out Kagura's heart. “Just remember what I always keep with me.”
“Yes, my mistress.”
“But, Sango,” lamented Miroku. “Why can't I ride with you on Kirara?”
The taijiya gave the monk an angry glare. “Because look what letting you get close to me already accomplished!” she shouted while rubbing her belly.
“But, Sango…”
“Fine. Get on.”
Miroku got onto Kirara's back, but sit well back of Sango.
“What do you think you're doing?”
“I am most grateful for your kindness in letting me ride with you, Sango. I will do my best to honor your wish for me not to…”
Sango whispered into the fire neko's ear. “Kirara?”
Kirara bucked once and the monk slid up firmly against the taijiya's back.
“Now,” Sango growled, “you'd better put your arms around me and hold on because you might be in for a rough ride.”
“But, Sango,” said the monk. Miroku sighed and wrapped his arms around taijiya's waist. No fun for him, today. “The ride is as smooth as…EEEP!”
“Is there anything wrong, Miroku?” Kagome called back. She and InuYasha had managed to scout a little ahead of the rest of their group.
“N-No,” stammered Miroku as he stared at Sango's back and her arm which snaked down between them. When did she get that bold?
“Okay, you two. We'll just keep scouting ahead.” Kagome giggled.
“What is it, InuYasha?”
“We're never gonna find the shard if they keep that up.”
Kikyo looked down from above, borne aloft by her Shinidama Chuu, and thought, “Is he so mesmerized by that girl that he doesn't even sense me anymore?” Oh well. The planted shard had drawn the group to where she wanted them and it was time to put their trap into operation. “Take me to InuYasha, my Shinidama Chuu.”
Kagome's senses pulsed and she looked up. “I-Isn't that Kikyo, InuYasha?” A few red flecks appeared in her eyes. “I'll get my bow.”
“Calm down, Kagome,” said InuYasha as he gave Kagome a hug. “We should at least see what she wants.”
Kagome grumbled. “I still say you should let me shoot her.”
Kikyo alit beside InuYasha. “Oh, InuYasha,” she groaned. “I can't keep running much longer.”
InuYasha rolled his eyes. He supposed he still owed her his protection, but he didn't like it…and he knew Kagome didn't like it much either. “What is it?”
“It's Kagura.”
Kagome smiled. “Lovers' spat?”
Kikyo glared at Kagome and mouthed “Shut up, bitch” so that only Kagome could see it.
Kagome knocked an arrow which started to glow immediately.
Kikyo's eyes widened and she made it a point to keep InuYasha between her and Kagome.
“Kagura?” asked InuYasha.
“I caught up with her as she was pursuing a female Inu-youkai riding on a small cloud. A very pretty youkai, I must say.
“Wait a minute,” thought InuYasha.
Kikyo continued, “Although why she had that repulsive little toad youkai with her, I can't say.”
“Sesshomaru?” thought InuYasha, and smiled. “Now I've got you! Just wait till we meet again!”
“It was awful, InuYasha! I pleaded my case. I told Kagura all the reasons we should be together and she just laughed at me!” Kikyo sniffed. “She laughed.”
“I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to be with you,” piped in Kagome.
“Bitch,” mouthed Kikyo.
“InuYasha's bitch,” mouthed Kagome.
InuYasha looked at the two mikos, who were now engaged in a staring contest, and shrugged his shoulders. “So, I take it you made Kagura mad enough to pursue you.”
Kikyo sobbed and threw herself into InuYasha's arms. “She pursues me even now!”
Everyone looked around nervously.
“I said…she pursues me even now!”
Everyone looked up as Kagura floated down on one of her feathers.
“So I've finally caught you! You will pay for…interrupting me…with my…lover.”
“Why don't you just shoot her with one of your arrows?” yelled Kagome. “Surely, the great Kikyo…”
“Enough of your impudence!” yelled Kikyo. “I, umm, dropped them.”
“Dance of the Wind Blades!” called out Kagura as she waved her fan in Kikyo's direction. A half dozen of the wind blades twirled in Kikyo's direction.
InuYasha drew Tetsusaiga and blocked them easily.
“Dance of the Dragon Snakes!” shouted Kagura. Immediately a host of small tornadoes spun towards Kikyo…one of them catching her and tossing her to the ground.
Kikyo glared at Kagura, who was smirking back at her.
InuYasha looked at Kikyo, then at Kagura. He decided to try something. “Wind Scar!” he shouted…and released a puny version of the attack against the wind sorceress.
“Oh dear,” lamented Kagura. “How can I ever face the terror of Tetsusaiga? I must flee.”
Kagura jumped back onto her feather and flew away.
“You're safe for now, Kikyo,” said InuYasha as he helped Kikyo up.
“Oh, thank you,” Kikyo sobbed into the hanyou's shoulder.
“Let me shoot her now,” grumbled Kagome.
“Easy, Kagome,” counseled Sango. “Now is not the time.”
“Sango is right,” said Miroku. “Besides, we may learn something to our advantage.”
“Oh, InuYasha,” Kikyo whimpered. “Let me make up for some of the trouble I have caused you and your…dear…cough…mate.”
“There is a large shard of the Shikon Jewel just west of here. Meet me tomorrow at a village a half day's walk from here…and I'll take you to it.”
With that, Kikyo called for her Shinidama Chuu and was born away out of sight of the shard hunters. It was decided that they would walk halfway to the village and set up camp near a local hot spring.
After a meal of InuYasha's favorite ramen, the group got ready for sleep. Kagome had asked InuYasha to make her two poles out of small trees and sharpen one end on each. She then had the hanyou pound the poles into the ground between where the two couples would be sleeping.
“What are those for?” asked Sango.
“You'll see,” grinned Kagome. “Or, rather, you won't see.”
Kagome then tied a line to one of the poles, pulled the line over and tied it to the other pole. Sango looked on curiously.
“I thought this might come in handy,” remarked Kagome, as she unfolded a blanket and threw it over the line. “See? Privacy.”
Sango blushed. “You two aren't going to…”
“You never know.” Kagome turned to her mate. “Come to bed, dearest.” She turned back to Sango. “And you two should get to bed, too.”
It was dark. Very dark. The Lord of the Western Lands pondered his next move. He had stayed downwind of InuYasha so that his half brother wouldn't detect him, but he couldn't get close enough to see if the reports of flashing lights were true. There it was again: a sharp spike in the girl's scent. Sesshomaru growled in frustration.
Suddenly there was a quiet laugh from right beside him and Kagura shimmered into his vision.
“You will tell this Sesshomaru how you did that.”
“It's nothing, really,” said Kagura. “I stole the shield stone that Naraku gave Kikyo. When I use it, no one beyond ten feet can see me, hear me, smell me, or detect my youkai.”
“Interesting. Can you shield both of us?”
“Of course.” Kagura put up the shield.
“Good.” Sesshomaru grabbed Kagura's wrist. “Now you will come with me.”
“InuYasha?” said Kagome.
“I hear ya. Whaddya want?”
“Interesting you should put it that way.” Kagome started gently rubbing InuYasha's ears.”
“Kagome! Don't you have any decency? What about Sango and Miroku? They'll hear.”
“That's why we put up the blanket. Besides, I think they can take care of themselves.”
Kagome giggled. “But how can I when it's so hot?”
InuYasha felt a rustling against his back. “What are you doing?”
“Oh, nothing. I just can't sleep with this on.”
InuYasha looked up to see one of Kagome's bra things fly over him.
“Or this.”
“And there went her…” The intoxicating scent left him dizzy. A moment later, and he still didn't know how he did it, he had completely stripped himself of his undergarments and he was now facing Kagome, who had thrown her leg over him.
“That's my hanyou. MY stud.” She giggled. “Come to momma.”
Sesshomaru and Kagura had wound their way closer to the camp site. Flashes of pink and blue lights started to appear. They backed away and the flashes vanished. Curious, they moved closer again and the flashes reappeared.
“They have acquired some sort of concealing spell,” said Kagura.
“Good,” said Sesshomaru. “That solves one problem.”
“Yes. I have had reports of these flashes. They seem to provoke a mating response in anyone who sees them,” replied Sesshomaru. “Indeed, I expect a small population explosion.”
“Is it just me,” asked Kagura, “or is it getting hot?”
The two youkai looked down at the campsite. Two of the shadowy figures, InuYasha and Kagome, clearly were making love. The pink flashes came from Kagome, the blue from InuYasha. Sharp scent spikes filled the air…as did loud moans and the calling out of each other's names.
“Maybe I've underestimated you, brother,” thought Sesshomaru. He then adjusted his clothing so a certain “tenting” effect would be less conspicuous. “It is getting hot, isn't it?”
Sesshomaru detected two more sharp spikes in female scent.
“Two?” he thought. He looked down to the camp site and chuckled. The taijiya was no slouch when it came to lovemaking. She had the monk's robe off and him pinned to the ground. She was slowly inching her way up his body and soon would be…
A touch interrupted his thoughts. He looked over to Kagura.
The wind sorceress seemed to be panting and sweat drops covered her skin. Her outfit, usually kept so fastidiously, had been loosened and was practically falling off her.
What was worse was that, until then, Sesshomaru hadn't noticed that Kagura had been working one of her hands underneath his garments.
“So this is why they call you the Great Lord Sesshomaru,” Kagura purred as she proceeded to strip Sesshomaru's nether region.
“This Sesshomaru will not let you do this.” Sesshomaru tried to raise his determination against what Kagura was up to, but there was something about those pink and blue lights that was affecting even him. And, after all, he had always found Kagura appealing in a certain way. Even sexy.
He shook his head. What was he thinking? He looked back at Kagura, who had just allowed her kimono to pool at her feet and was stepping out of it and towards him.
“Now, you just relax and let me help you with your…big…problem, there,” said Kagura.
Sesshomaru found himself staring at her as she lowered herself into his lap.
“Oh yeah. Uhnhnnnnn! She smiled wickedly and wriggled. “Very big problem.”
A/N: Again, thank you to all readers and reviewers. Now, what's up with Sesshomaru and Kagura? At this rate, Kikyo really will be the only one in Japan not getting laid. But maybe not. You never know what could happen, and Kikyo might just find someone who…
Well, we'll see.
As always, please read and review. Thank you!