InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Mother Miko's Instincts ❯ A Mother Miko's Instincts Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A Mother Miko's Instincts - Chapter 4
By Majicman55
Whether it was because they were in a good mood because they had been allowed to fly without being tethered, or because they were just in a good mood period, the three firstborns of InuYasha and Kagome remained agreeable all day…aside from giving their flying nursemaid youkai quite a workout. All Kagome had to do was call their first names and they came down right away. But, to make things a little easier on the youkai nursemaids, she made one adjustment to the subjugation spells: the nursemaids could now call out the first or first and second names and the spells would work for them. The third part of the spell…calling out all three names and causing the summoned child to slam to the earth…she reserved for herself.
Kagome had removed the subjugation spell from InuYasha, but was almost tempted to restore it after his remark about her being “power mad.” Like most women, she filed her feelings about the remark away for future use.
The rest of the day was relaxed and was spent mostly with the children. Later in the afternoon, Kagome was given a tour of the castle and its grounds so she'd be able to find her own way around. InuYasha did attend her for part of the tour, but stated that the immediate parts hadn't changed much since his childhood. He rejoined her towards the end of the day when she returned to the castle with her guide and Sesshomaru accompanied them through the part of the castle formerly used by the Inu Taisho.
“This is the room used by our father and your mother, InuYasha,” said Sesshomaru. The room was in perfect order, as though the dog general and InuYasha's mother had left it moments before. Although the room was long unused, there wasn't a speck of dust anywhere.
InuYasha just walked around the room silently, examining items at random. Even this many years later he could detect the faint scent of his mother and another scent that must have been his father. Of course there were traces of the staff who had kept the room clean, but InuYasha could separate them as they were fresher.
InuYasha was lost in thought as he examined items on what was clearly a woman's dressing table.
It was Kagome who spoke first. “Pardon me for saying this, Lord Sesshomaru, but I thought you hated InuYasha's mother. Why would you go to so much trouble to preserve all this?”
“It is not what you think, miko, although you might guess the first reasons.”
“Firstly, this Sesshomaru wished to remember his father.”
“I can appreciate that,” replied Kagome. “My father died when I was very young.”
“Indeed. Secondly and simply put, this Sesshomaru prefers order. Can you not tell this from my estates? Could you not tell from my contempt for InuYasha's disorderly life?”
“But you don't hold him in contempt now.”
Sesshomaru almost smiled. “I do not hold him in contempt because I have discovered there is a place for order…and a place for disorder. This does not mean I approve of all my younger brother does.”
“I see.” Kagome smiled. “Neither do I.”
“Thirdly, I did indeed hate InuYasha's mother. I believed that she and InuYasha were the causes of father's death.”
“Then why preserve this?”
“I used to come in here to remember…to remind myself why I hated InuYasha. I kept the place perfect so that I would keep a perfect memory of why I hated InuYasha.”
Sesshomaru's eyes were glowing slightly red and Kagome could swear his face was beginning to look…canine. “In-InuYasha?”
“Huh? What?” InuYasha looked at his brother. “Keh! You're scarin' her. Cut it out.”
Kagome looked back to Sesshomaru, whose face was now normal.
“May I say again that I am grateful for your restoration of my arm?”
“You-you're welcome.”
Supper that evening turned into grander affair as The Great Lord of the Western Lands wished to introduce his brother and his wife, Lord InuYasha and Lady Kagome, to the noble youkai who lived on and around his estate. Even some youkai visiting from other parts of Japan were in attendance.
As they were sitting with Lord Sesshomaru and Lady Kagura, no one dared to disparage Lord InuYasha and Lady Kagome directly…lowly hanyou and human, though they were. Kagome, with the improved hearing she had through her mating with InuYasha, did overhear some remarks made in the far reaches of the hall, when the makers thought the lowly human wouldn't hear them.
And while InuYasha had picked up some of Kagome's patience, Kagome had picked up some of InuYasha's backbone.
“Perhaps you would like to repeat that to my face.”
The dining room became perfectly quiet.
A youkai of obviously middle rank pointed to himself and mouthed the word “Me?”
“Yes, you.” If looks could kill, this youkai was dead. “My mate and I are not `trash' and The Great Lord of the Western Lands has not forgotten to have us taken out.” Kagome turned to Sesshomaru, who had begun to rise. “I don't need your help, thank you very much.”
If the room was silent before, now you could have heard a broken dew claw hit the floor from half a foot.
Kagome turned back to the middle rank youkai. “Yes, I can hear you perfectly…and you'd better not forget it.” She marched up to the offender so quickly that a stunned InuYasha missed grabbing her. She started poking the youkai in the chest. “You…will…not…say such things about my mate.”
The startled youkai suddenly remembered who he was facing and half raised his arm as a threat. “Lowly human. Know your place and return to the protection of Lord Sesshomaru.”
“Or what?” said the miko, grabbing the youkai's arm. “You will use your mighty arm to teach me my place?” A pink glow emanated from Kagome's hands and suffused the youkai.
“I…I cannot move!”
“That's right. And right now anybody could do anything to you. They could even kill you…or…”
Kagome reached over to a table and picked up a bowl of food.
“…they could make you look foolish by decorating you with various foods.” Kagome smiled as she did just that. “Fortunately for you, I don't believe in killing someone for a stupid remark. Don't you think you're fortunate?”
“Y-yes, Lady Kagome.”
“I think so, too.” Kagome finished decorating her prisoner. “Now, remember this: you look foolish because of what's on your outside, but what's important is what's on the inside. Do you understand?”
“I…I am sorry, Lady Kagome.”
“Good. There's hope for you, yet. You will remain like this through dinner, after which I will release you. I will speak with Lord Sesshomaru so you will receive no further punishment. I hope this is the end of the matter.”
“Yes, Lady Kagome.”
The whole hall remained quiet until Kagome returned to sit beside InuYasha, who acknowledged her with a smile.
She looked around. “Come on, people. Eat. Eat!” Everybody started eating again. She turned back to InuYasha and whispered, “No more sake.”
After supper, Kagome and InuYasha had one more stop to make before bed. Akamaru, Midoriko and Aoimaru were already asleep as they were tired from all their earlier exercise. The four babies were a different matter. The nursemaids had been doing their best, but it seemed as though every time they thought they had them settled, one baby would wake the others.
The nursemaids tsked as Kagome and InuYasha rocked the babies and cooed to them till they finally settled down to sleep.
If Kagome had been paying attention, she would have noticed that one of the babies was sleeping with a certain charm it had pulled from her hair. Perhaps it was the pleasant, lingering affects of the sake, but Kagome didn't notice. Unfortunately, it was the nature of the attenuating spell that one charm would not work without the other.
Kagome and InuYasha headed off to bed.
InuYasha closed the door behind him and started pulling off his clothes to get ready for bed.
“Wait,” said Kagome.
“I wanna do that.” She grinned and started removing InuYasha's clothing. When she was down to removing his fundoshi, she first sucked and nipped one oh his nipples, then slowly trailed kisses down his stomach and down to his hardening and now-exposed erection.
InuYasha looked down into Kagome's eyes as she knelt before him. He looked into her upturned eyes and almost melted, but one thing remained hard.
“I've been wondering.”
“Your hearing's better than mine. Surely you heard what that youkai was saying.”
“Because our senses are so good, we train ourselves not to overhear conversations. Why do you ask?”
“Be-aue I van-ned oo owe.”
InuYasha groaned and looked down again. “Huh?”
There was a small pop. “Sorry. Mama told me never to talk with my mouth full. I said…because I wanted to know.”
“Now, stop interrupting.”
A glow began suffusing the room. It seemed a little brighter than usual, but the two lovers didn't seem to notice. It began spilling out under their door and reaching across the hall to Sesshomaru and Kagura's room.
“We'll get that new arm of yours working yet, Fluffy,” said Kagura, starting with the fingers.
“You will not call this Sesshomaru “Fluffy.”
“Just be quiet and see if you can wiggle those fingers.”
Sesshomaru concentrated and finally the fingers started moving.
“A little faster.”
It took an effort, but he was able to move them faster.
Kagura, already naked, straddled Sesshomaru and slowly slid her heat down his arm…till his fingers…
“Oh…that's good. Keep doing that.”
If Sesshomaru and Kagura had looked under their door, they would have seen a glow coming into their room. Of course they didn't have to see it. They actually felt it.
“I think,” said Sesshomaru, “I know what my brother's up to.”
“I think,” said Kagura, “I know what they're up to, too.”
The influence that Kagome and InuYasha exerted when they made love…the influence that was normally tempered by the special charms they wore in their hair…was spreading throughout the castle.
Kagome giggled as she finished cleaning up “the evidence,” took her mate's hand and led him to their futon.
“I don't know what's gotten into me tonight, but I feel like I could make love all night.”
“Must have been using that power of yours at dinner.”
“I always felt horny after winning a big fight.”
“You did? You never said anything.”
“Keh! Not then, of course. I was too busy protecting you by keeping my distance.”
“You didn't think all those trips into the woods were to meet Kikyo, did you?” InuYasha raised one of his brows suggestively.
“Oh, you.”
“But we're making up for it now, aren't we?”
“It's hard to say.”
“It's hard now, I'd say.”
Kagome pulled her mate into the covers with her. “Then it's time to get busy, dog boy. Your mate needs your attention.”
Across the hall Kagura had just finished silently screaming her second orgasm. “I'd say you've learned to move your fingers very well, my Lord.”
“The miko did say it would take repetitive movement.”
“Let's work on some more repetitive movement,” she said, taking hold of her mate's hard member.
“This Sesshomaru didn't have that cut off.”
Kagura rolled over, pulling her mate with her.
Sesshomaru found himself between his mate's thighs which were open very wide around him. With some trepidation, he tried using both arms to lever himself up and into position. To his surprise, the new arm held. He moved up till the tip of his manhood was barely penetrating his mate. His new arm was supporting his weight!
Maybe having Kagome and InuYasha across the hall wouldn't be so nerve racking. He looked down and smiled at his mate who smiled back up at him.
“Yo. Are you going to stay like that, or are you going to let me in on the fun?” Kagura grabbed her mate's butt and pulled. Sesshomaru got the idea and started moving.
Kagura looked up and thought, “It's going to be a good night.”
Sesshomaru used his new arm to help himself get full leverage and started some long, hard strokes.
“Oh yeah. A very good night.”
The two couples blissfully made love while, unbeknownst to them, Kagome and InuYasha's “influence” made its way through The Great Lord of the Western Lands' castle.
Immature youkai were spared its influence, but adult youkai were not.
Throughout the castle, various moans and groans of passion could be heard…some coming out of rooms that hadn't known passion for years. Some of the youkai involved were delighted. Some were not.
One diminutive toad youkai wandered the grounds looking for relief, all the while bemoaning the loss of his clay doll. Why had Lord Sesshomaru been so cruel?
A/N: Hope you liked it. Don't worry. There will be plenty of “lemony goodness” in future chapters. But now someone's frustrated... and there could be more upset, too…and that can only lead to trouble.
As always, please read and review. Thanks!