InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Mother Miko's Instincts ❯ A Mother Miko's Instincts Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A Mother Miko's Instincts - Chapter 11
By Majicman55
InuYasha gulped as he looked back at his mate. “Now is not the time, Kagome!” The hanyou unsheathed Tetsusaiga and the blade transformed as he placed himself between Oshirimaru and his mate.
Oshirimaru floated up to InuYasha and regarded both him and the miko behind him. Yes, these were the ones who posed the gravest threat to her.
“No, I want to know now how you know that's Kikyo's ass!”
“Kikyo?” thought Oshirimaru. It did sound familiar.
InuYasha looked past the floating ass to see Sesshomaru, accompanied by Jaken and a few of his youkai guards, rushing up behind Oshirimaru.
Oshirimaru found herself surrounded. She decided it would be better to temporize. “Puff-Kikyo? Puff-Who-puff-is-puff-this-puff-Kikyo?”
“It-It talks,” gasped Kagome.
“Oi. That's not all it does!” said InuYasha, covering his nose.
Behind the creature, Sesshomaru noticed that Jaken was looking even more goggle-eyed than usual and was trying to back away without being noticed. The Great Lord of the Western Lands snatched up the imp and held him before his eyes. “You know something about this, Jaken.”
Kirara landed behind InuYasha and Kagome and a now-conscious Miroku jumped off. The monk seemed transfixed at the sight of the ass that floated before him, although one of his eyebrows did arch up and his hand began twitching.
The floating ass was talking again. “Puff-The-puff-name-puff-Kikyo-puff-seems-puff-familiar.”
Kagome stepped forward, scrunched her nose and spoke. “I am Kagome, Kikyo's reincarnation. Kikyo was a strong miko and at one time the guardian of the Shikon no Tama. At one time, she and my mate…”
Kagome placed her hands possessively on the hanyou's shoulders.
“…were quite…close.” An angry look came to Kagome's face and flecks or red began appearing in her eyes as forced InuYasha to face her. How do you know that's Kikyo's ass?”
Behind the apparition, Sesshomaru caught the scent of Oshirimaru. It wasn't pleasant…but…what was that? Sesshomaru sniffed again to be sure; then glared again at the imp youkai. “Jaken.”
“Y-Yes, m'lord?”
“This Sesshomaru detects the smell of you, and sex, on Oshirimaru. Would you know anything about this, Jaken?”
Jaken cringed.
“You will tell this Sesshomaru all, Jaken, or this Sesshomaru will not revive you next time.”
InuYasha gulped again. He had never seen Kagome's eyes go almost full red before. “K-Kagome?”
InuYasha's eyes went wide as he felt the familiar tug of the subjugation spell. “But this is impossible,” he thought. “She took those off me long…”
“Tell me, InuYasha.”
Miroku stepped up beside the arguing pair. “Now this brings back memories.”
“Oi. I remember now,” groaned InuYasha. “It was after Kikyo was fired like a clay pot. I think that's how you put it. She was still in the bubble made by that shield stone thing. I poked my head in and saw her ass!”
“Oh…yeah,” said Kagome, the red starting to retreat from her eyes.
“And you two never told me about this?”
Both InuYasha and Kagome glared at Miroku.
InuYasha was greatful for the distraction. Kagome didn't have to know everything. Like something he had done many time while watching her in secret…and something he had done one time as a barely mature pup when he had secretly watched Kikyo bathing.
Miroku looked back at Kagome and InuYasha. “What?”
Oshirimaru was growing restless. “Puff-I-puff-am-puffffff-Oshirimaru.”
After the last word, everyone held their noses.
Oshirimaru looked annoyed. Some unpleasant memories were coming back to her. “Puff-you-puff-will-puff-join-puff-with-puff-me-puff-or-puff-be-pufff fff-obliterated!”
Everyone pinched their noses as tightly as possible.
“Would you please cut it out with the long words?” said Kagome, waving her free hand back and forth before her face.
“My friends,” said the monk, “I am willing to approach this Oshirimaru and attempt to divine its nature.”
Sesshomaru appeared beside them. “No need. This Sesshomaru has just had a rather interesting discussion with Jaken.”
“Jaken?” said all three.
“What would that little toad know about it?” asked InuYasha.
Sesshomaru whispered into InuYasha's ear. After a moment, the hanyou's eyes got very big.
“You mean that really is…?”
Sesshomaru nodded.
“And Jaken dragged her off to a cave?”
Sesshomaru nodded again.
“…where he was…”
Sesshomaru nodded vigorously.
“Oi.” InuYasha started looking sick. No, sicker.
Kagome was looking bad, too. Her enhanced hearing had picked up most of what was said and she was picturing the statue of Kikyo in the cave with Jaken. No, it didn't bear thinking about.
Miroku was looking back and forth. “What?”
The Great Lord of the Western Lands looked dismayed. “I am afraid that this is all this Sesshomaru's fault. When this Sesshomaru destroyed the statue of that undead miko, this Sesshomaru should have completely destroyed it.”
Miroku stared at Oshirimaru. “You mean that really is Kikyo's ass?”
The floating ass was glowing an angry red. “Puff-I-puffff-remember-puff-now! Puffffffffffffffff-Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!”
InuYasha almost fainted.
“Puff-I-puff-have-puff-good-puff-reason-puff-to-puff-hate-p uff-you, puff-miko!”
Miroku stepped forth. “Tell me, Oshirimaru. Are you really Kikyo?”
“Puff-Kikyo. Puff-Kikyo.” Oshirimaru considered. “Puff-nay, puff-I-puff-am-puff-not-puff-Kikyo. Puff-yet-puff-it-puff-cannot-puff-be-puff-denied-puff-that-puff-I-puff-hold -puff-within-puff-me-puff-part…”
“Stop! Oh, please stop!” came cries from all around the creature.
Miroku choked out, “We get the idea.”
It took everyone a few moments to recover. When they did, it seemed as though Sesshomaru had disappeared, only to reappear beside Oshirimaru, his sword ready to strike.
“You will return Rin's soul to her.”
“Puff-destroy-puff-me, puff-you-destroy-puff-Rin.”
Something that sounded like “Lord Sesshomaru!” but from a distance came from somewhere inside the ass.
Lord Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed. “So it is true.” The Great Lord of the Western Lands again seemed to disappear and reappeared beside Kagome and InuYasha. “What is it that you want?”
InuYasha did faint this time.
Kagome's eyes were watering. “I think you're powerful enough.” She began to shake her mate's shoulders. “InuYasha? InuYashaaa?”
“Puff-I-puff-tire-puff-of-puff-this. Puff-I-puff-will-puff-absorb-puff-you-puff-now.” Oshirimaru began advancing.
Sesshomaru interposed himself between Oshirimaru and the three Inu-tachi. “This Sesshomaru will not let such an abomination pass.”
Kagome looked up at the approaching Oshirimaru and concentrated. Immediately a barrier appeared and Oshirimaru recoiled.
No wonder she hated this girl! She turned and went after the youkai guard, passing over an unconscious and lumpy Jaken, leaving the imp completely alone.
The first guard charged Oshirimaru. As he approached, he seemed to be drawn out into a long streak of colors that disappeared right up Oshirimaru's…
Another guard charged, to suffer the same fate.
“Stop that, you fools!” shouted Sesshomaru. “You are not doing this Sesshomaru any good that way. Retreat. Retreat!”
The remaining guards acknowledged Sesshomaru and fled. At least they had the presence of mind to lead the creature away from their party and the other children.
InuYasha was fully conscious again. He turned to his brother. “Thank you for protecting everyone.”
“Don't look at me, little brother. Your mate put up a strong barrier and that's what stopped it.”
“But it still has Rin's soul.”
“This Sesshomaru was not able to recover it.”
InuYasha placed his hand on Sesshomaru's shoulder…something that surprised everyone, especially The Great Lord of the Western Lands…and reassured him, “Don't worry. We'll work together to get it back.”
“We have much to discuss,” said Miroku, stepping forward, “and we must be quick, before Oshirimaru gets too far away.”
“Yes,” said Kagome, “although, perhaps, we could leave some of the details out.”
A rather dejected Jaken sat in the middle of a circle comprised of Sesshomaru and the Inu-tachi.
The Great Lord of the Western Lands spoke first. “It seems that Jaken visited Onigumo's cave and discovered that Kikyo's ass escaped destruction. Somehow, without detection, he transported it to this Sesshomaru's castle and to his own quarters.”
“But why?” asked Kagome. “What would he do with just her…”
Jaken looked especially embarrassed.
“Ohhhhh.” Kagome looked a little green.
“Oi! What have you got to say for yourself, toad?”
Jaken cowered for another moment and then rose up, indignant. “It was you two!”
“Huh?” said Kagome and InuYasha in unison.
“You two had everyone doing it! But did Jaken have anyone? No!” The imp turned to his master. “Not since you smashed Jaken's doll!”
Sesshomaru looked on, impassive.
“But Jaken found a part of his doll. The most important part. And he brought it back with him…and he…”
“Enough!” declared Sesshomaru.
Kagome looked grossed out. InuYasha had all thoughts of “what would it have been like” stopped right then and there.
Even Miroku felt ill. He had less of a desire to touch the ass. “I think it's like Naraku and Onigumo. It contains part of Kikyo and appears to have some of her spiritual powers, but it is not Kikyo.” The monk turned to Kagome. “It especially doesn't like you.” The monk turned to Sesshomaru. “I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what to tell you about getting Rin's soul back.”
Sesshomaru looked at InuYasha. “We will find a way.”
“I think I may know a way.”
Everyone looked at Kagome.
“Kanna's mirror.”
A/N: Looks like InuYasha dodged a bullet, for now, but you never know what might happen later. How's Kanna's mirror going to help? And what about those poor youkai, anyway?
As always, please read and review. Thanks!