InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Mother Miko's Instincts ❯ A Mother Miko's Instincts Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A Mother Miko's Instincts - Chapter 13
By Majicman55
Kagura looked over at the sleeping monk. Soon after they found a campsite sufficiently far away to give the hanyou and his mate some privacy, Miroku had bedded down for the night.
“Going to sleep so soon, monk?”
Miroku had smiled and explained that being awake when those two got started (and he had pointed towards the other camp) simply led to more frustration through being separated from Sango.
Kagura smirked. Judging from the way the monk was moving, he wasn't separated from his wife in his dreams. The wind witch's face took on a look of extreme concentration. Although she had long detected the scent of InuYasha and Kagome's arousal, something new was coming into the mix.
“Why, Kanna. I do believe you still like to watch.” Kagura stood up, pulled a feather out of her hair and, after the feather grew large enough, hopped on and flew into the night.
Kanna lay back, exhausted and trembling. Sweat poured off her as the last shudders of a massive orgasm coursed through her. Her fingers still rested where she had played with herself moments earlier.
“Oh my kami. Don't those two ever stop?”
“Long time, no see, Kanna.”
Kanna would have jumped out of her skin, but she recognized the voice as belonging to he sister, Kagura. Still, it was embarrassing. She made a feeble attempt to cover herself with her kimono. “Wh-What are you doing here, Kagura?” Suddenly Kanna's eyes widened. “And you're pregnant! Who's the father?”
Kagura smirked. “At least I know you haven't been watching me.” The wind sorceress walked over to her sister and pulled the kimono over her. “I'm with Sesshomaru now. We're mates.”
“The Great Lord of the Western Lands?” Kanna smiled. “You did seem to have a thing for him. Looks like you got what you wanted.”
“Sure did. One daughter and another pup on the way.”
“I'll have to look in on you two.”
“Umm, Kanna…”
“Just kidding. Besides…” Kanna looked back at her mirror. “Oh kami. They're starting again.” Kanna looked back at her sister. “Besides, these two are enough to keep me busy.”
“We have need of your mirror, Kanna.”
“Your mirror. Oh, don't worry. We'll return it.”
“It's important. Do you remember Rin?”
Kanna nodded yes.

“There's a…creature…that has stolen Rin's soul. Kagome thinks we can use your mirror's power to pull Rin's soul back out of this creature and return it to her.”
Kanna grabbed the mirror and clutched it to her chest. “It is mine! I will not give it up!”
“Take it easy, kid. I said we'd return it.”
Kanna relaxed a little, but didn't release her firm grip on the mirror. “You don't understand.”
“What don't I understand?”
“You. You're big. You came out of all this with a normal life…”
Kagura snorted.
“You know what I mean! You. You're normal size. You've got boobs and hips and you've had one baby and you have another on the way and I don't have boobs and I don't have hips and…”
Kanna broke down and cried. Kagura rolled her eyes, but then stepped forward and took her sister into a big hug. “There there. There there there.” Kagura rested her chin on the top of Kanna's head as she comforted her.
“On…top…of…her head?”
“Kanna?” Kagura held her at arms' length and studied her. “You're taller, aren't you?”
The girl sniffed. “I…I guess so.”
The wind sorceress looked at her sister's naked chest. “You've got breasts.”
“Well, they're small, but you didn't have those before, did you? When did this happen?”
“Shortly after I started watching those two. B-But…” Kanna's lips trembled. “…look at you. You got big…boulders. I got these little marbles.”
“But you say these started growing when you started watching them?” Kagura pointed to the mirror, where Kagome and InuYasha were busily…”Hmmm, have to try that one on Fluffy,” thought Kagura.
“Kid. I think I've got a proposition for ya. Can you wait here till morning?”
“Where else would I go? Besides…” Kanna gestured towards the mirror wherein things were getting hot and heavy.
Kagura looked in the mirror again. “Mind if I join you?”
Kanna nodded her okay.
“Got something to drink and some snacks?”
The two sisters sat together watching the scene play itself out in the mirror. Without thinking about it, they both allowed their hands to creep up under their kimonos. Kanna looked up at her bigger sister and smiled when she heard a low moan come from her lips.
“Do you feel that, InuYasha?” whispered Kagome.
“Oiiiiiiii, yeah,” answered the hanyou, who had just finished a long downthrust.
“That's not what I meant!” Kagome moaned. It was hard to think when InuYasha was…”In-u-ya-shaaaaaaaa!” It took Kagome a moment to get back into focus. “Men! They all think with their…”
InuYasha took that moment to begin a series of long, hard strokes that practically had Kagome's eyes rolling back into her head. “What was that about what men think with?”
“Shut up.”
The hanyou gave his mate a break. “Oi. I think you were tryin' to tell me something.
“Oh. Yeah.” Kagome wriggled against her mate for a moment before finally settling down. “I had the oddest feeling someone was watching us.”
“Feh. I felt it, too.”
“You did?”
“First I smelled Kanna and, what was weird, she smelled aroused. Then the smell faded. And then it came back…only now it smells like Kagura, too.”
“She must have found Kanna.”
“Yeah. But now Kagura smells aroused, too.”
Kagome started blushing. “Y-You don't suppose they're watching?”
“Oi. One way to find out.” InuYasha began to nuzzle Kagome's mating mark, causing her arousal to spike. At the same time, he began moving within her faster and faster. In no time at all, Kagome began to shudder as yet another giant orgasm washed over her. InuYasha waited a minute as his mate slowly came back to earth before taking some deep sniffs. “Yup, they were watching.”
Kagome looked up, wide eyed, at InuYasha. “You bastard!”
“You wanted to know.”
“Damn the youkai sense of smell,” thought Kagura. “That arrogant whelp's going to know.” The wind witch collected herself and turned to her sister. “I've gotta go now, but I'll be back in the morning.
“Look,” said Kanna. “They're starting again.”
Kagura found herself staring at the mirror for another minute before, with difficulty, she pulled away and returned to camp on one of her feathers. There she found the monk still asleep with a goofy sort of smile on his face.
“The bouzu isn't bad looking,” she thought. Kagura shook her head. “That's the lingering effect of watching Kagome and InuYasha in the mirror,” she thought as she settled down to the ground with her back against a tree.
After a while the wind witch looked back over to Miroku. She noticed that he was sleeping on his stomach and that his robes had ridden up quite far. In fact, if there happened to be a bit of a breeze…
Kagura giggled and got out her fan. With a small twist of her wrist, a small gust blew over top of the sleeping monk, causing his robe to ride up indecently. Kagura looked away, blushing, and noticed the monk's fundoshi was airing out on a tree branch. The monk had counted on his robes for cover and, thanks to the wind witch's mischief, that hadn't quite worked out.
“Oh my,” Kagura thought as the monk, feeling something different about his circumstances, shifted positions slightly, revealing a lot more than he would have wanted to. “I think I know what that taijiya sees in him.”
As Miroku slept on, Kagura's fingers played inside her kimono again. In his dream, however, he dreamt of his Sango, erotically playing with herself before him. He felt himself getting hard in his sleep and he could swear he could hear Sango's little groans and moans rising in intensity till she came for him.
Kagura couldn't believe she had done that. She looked over at the still-sleeping monk. Thank kami he hadn't woken up! But there was still this “problem.”
Miroku was sleeping on his stomach with his bare ass pointed into the air. And it was morning. And it would be really embarrassing if he woke up on his own that way…and more embarrassing if someone else walked in on them. Fortunately, Kagome and InuYasha would probably sleep till midday after last night's “activity.”
But Kanna would be waiting.
“Just have to bluff it through,” she thought as she got to her feet and walked over to the monk. Reaching down, she grasped Miroku's robe and drew it down over him. Unfortunately, through years of traveling the countryside, Miroku had developed the knack of waking at the slightest disturbance…and he began to stir.
Kagura panicked and grabbed the monk's butt with both hands. “Time to get up!” she declared cheerfully, and walked past the monk towards Kagome and InuYasha's camp.
“Did she just grab my ass?” thought Miroku. The monk looked befuddled for a moment before shaking his head to clear the cobwebs. “Nahhhhh.” Miroku got himself together quickly and started after Kagura only to run into her coming back the other way.
“Those two need a few minutes,” said the blushing wind witch.
“Of course,” said Miroku. “By the way…did you…uhh…grab my butt to wake me up?” One eyebrow was raised very high.
“Must have been your imagination.”
“Indeed.” The monk looked thoughtful. “So, did you find Kanna?”
“And does she have the mirror.”
Kagura thought back to the night before and blushed again. “Damn it,” she thought. “I never used to blush like this.” She looked back at the monk. “Yeah. She has it.”
InuYasha and Kagome joined Miroku and Kagura in their clearing. “Oi, did you find Kanna and the mirror?”
Kagura was looking introspective.
“She told me she found them, InuYasha,” said Miroku.
“Yes,” muttered Kagura. “She's waiting for us at the castle.”
After a quick breakfast and Kirara's return (the firecat had been out hunting overnight), the group under Kagura's direction made its way to Naraku's old castle. True to her word, Kanna was waiting for them at the front gate.
Although she was still a little creepy, there was something - different - about her.
“You've grown,” said Kagome.
Kanna smiled, which was even creepier at first. “Thank you. It's at least somewhat due to you.”
“You and InuYasha. It seems that when I watch…”
“That's enough for now, Kanna,” said Kagura. “We need to talk about your mirror.”
“But this has everything to do with my mirror.”
“This…is…not…the time.”
Kanna turned so that only Kagura could see her front and opened her kimono to her. Kagura's eyes got big. Kanna smiled. “This happened overnight. Kanna closed her kimono again.
Kanna turned to Kagome and InuYasha. “Kagura has explained why you need my mirror and I'm willing to let you use it…under two conditions.
“And those are?” said Miroku.
“First, I get to watch you two some more.”
Kagome was blushing furiously. “B-But why?”
Kagura spoke. “It seems that since she started watching you two, she's started…uhh…developing.”
“Y-You mean?”
“Yeah. She's turning into a young woman.”
“And s-second?” stammered Kagome.
“I always thought that Shippo was cute.”
“My Shippo?” Kagome exclaimed.
“Yes.” Kanna looked down shyly and kicked at nonexistent pebbles on the floor. “I'd like an introduction.”
A/N: Hmmm. Kanna's willing to help, but she wants an introduction to Shippo. How's Kagome going to react to this perv lusting after her little Shippo? Where is he, anyway? And is he still “just a little kid?”
As always, please read and review. Reviews = inspiration to write new chapters. <grin> Thanks!